
Rambo's page

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I think i fell tears coming down my face.
And making fun off my typping com on man that jst meen!!!

Man guys your gonna make me fell bad=(
You think your better than everyone eles and dont say you dont think that because deep down inside you all do.

Im from a little place you probley havnt even heard of -
New Zealand.
A place when the going gets tough we band together - fix it - then move on.
For the first time in american history you lot banded together when those basterds flew the planes into the towers....but you still go on and on and on about it!!
Everywhere i read theres somthing eles about how your fighting the war etc etc, its really getting old.
The hole of your country blamed G.Bush for not acting fast enough when the floods hit, what if i drop a glass of water at work i should blame the boss!!??
Start taking responsiblity for your own actions.
Ok if you wanna reply to this you can but i'll leave it at this, i probley shouldnt have brought it up on a D&D thred but i never asked people to reply to my rant. You took it opon yourselfs to put ya 2 cents in.

Hay its the American way i guess.

Its funny some dude(cant find his name now!)said people are going to "flame" me and avoid my posts because why...i have a differnt point of view to some people??!!!
Things like this have proven my point about America.
Americans are fine - America as a hole is a pain in my ass!

I read that they are going to turn the ruins on the twin towers into a battleship call the USS New York.
I mean come on!!! Turn it into a place where people could go and pay thier respect or something........NOT A BLOODY KILLING MACHINE!!!
And on that note some americans wanted Peter Jackson to change the name of the 2nd LOTR's movie from Two Towers to something eles because it sounded like Twin Towers.
Oh boo frikken hoo!!

And yes Bad Boys 2 rocked!!

Ok Ok i could lie to your faces like the rest of the world and pretend to love america - but i dont love it.
And i think you'll be hard pressed to find any body outside your corrupted(sp) empire that does=)
Maybe its because i play xbox live or that i use to play World of Warcraft(which may i add you guys ruined)that i have such strong felling towards america.
Every single person that has shot me in the back, b#+*@ and moaned because i dont sound american and must be "Pom" etc has been american!! What is it?? You guys just like pissing people off!!??
Dont get me wrong, i love the movies you guys make!!
Bad Boys 2!! Blade 2, oh man i could go on!!!
But lets not get past the fact that 98% of americans are dicks. Plain an simple.

Now who started power gaming??
POWER GAMING #1 - "When an American wants to be the best in his/her group so he/she throws roleplaying out the window and just trys to do the most damage."

Just stand back for and look at America through everyones eles eyes.
Oh no a city got flooded, harden up band together and get past it!!!
Not turn on each other and rob everyone blind!!!!!!!!
And dont get me started on that grid iron!!! Take the pads off you bloody pussys and play a real mans sport!!!


I hate how you guys started power gaming and ruined D&D!!
I hate that a lady could lose her children and still try and make money outta it......only in the U.S.A could that happen!!!
I hate that s!&@ty networks can all the good tv shows for more crappy surviors!!!!!!!!!!!!8+ seasons is enough guys!!
I hate that you guys think that when someone comes to america that they should speck american - not english - but american!!!
I hate that when 1000's die somewhere eles in the world its in the news for a few days but if it happens in the U.S.A(eg. 9/11)we have to hear about for years......for gods sake, you guys still go on about it!!!!!!!! Time to move on people.

I friggen hate when one of dumb ass player keeps playing these crap characters!!!!!!!!
He always plays theses S**T human rangers or rouges that only do bloody 4 damage a round.
I hate how he will focus on shooting for exsample(take all the feats, high dex etc)and then ends up using a longsword in combat!!!!
He has never risked a characters life so save another even if they have been in the same game from 1st to 10th level, he'll spend 3 rounds trying to get into flank but dont wanna get hit!!! And i hate how he always says "MEH"!!
I hate it because he will sit there all bloody night and not say a word and then when we find some loot or somthing he will stab us in the back for it!!!!
He cant roleplay to save him self and he must not be there for the fights cos he's as usefull as a 3rd tit so STOP BLOODY PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other than him the rest of my group(mates)is great and my DM is one of the best!!

Agghhh thats better

Real simple........

you gotta love it!!!
If you dont have love for the game then its down hill real fast.

It may look like alot of magic but rember that a raise dead is what like at least 5000g.
And by 6th level we've had 3 deaths already, why shouldnt players get all the magic/gold etc, bringing back ya mates gets exspenive.
We're the one risking our lives and would you put the gold etc up if it was to low??

I always wondered how people NPC got place to place without gettin attacked every dam hour!!!
It just never made sence, and you dont have to attack first, in facted i cant rember the last time we did start a fight.

I supose if you take a Paliden around with you your asking for trouble:)

What a great idea dude, down poor of rain etc no one thinks of that stuff anymore!!!!

I hope your players relise(sp) how lucky they are:)
And the adventure we're doing is out of a mag, it one of the Eberron starting adventures "Whisper of the vaps blade" i think? Its the second one anyway.

Sounds great chris, cool character!!!

Corrupted at a early age by a evil higher plane demi god, Balewolf would easy be my fav character.
To cut a(very)long story short balewolf was the goodly good, blonde hair, hard as nails, lowesh wisdom, barberian fighter type that would die fighting for his child hood friends.
He and his party started adventuring around the world retriving items to release this woman who they just called the mistress, and after releasing her from her prison he became a follower of the mistess.
Slowley but surley she corrupted Balewolf into becoming a paliden and ultimatley a black guard of her......

It was so dam fun roleplaying this nieve hero and the fun our DM must of had sending us on this "mighty" adventures i use to call them which most of us thought where for the greater good!!
I will always remmber this character not only for his realy powerfull Warhammer she gave him(so tough)but the games when we spent 3hrs just roleplaying between the group.

It made it very interesting only having about half the party under her spell which ultimatley led to the characters death.
Best charater to go with my fav campain as well!!!!

And another thing is dont let them roll them!
32 points is plenty and at least you dont get that one guy with two 16's and a 18!!
If the fighter wants to spend all his points on a 18 then he'll pay for having crap stats in everything eles.

The simple fact is when people talk about D&D hack N slash jump straight to mind!!!!
Me im so friggen sick of mags putting dungen hacks in every dam adventure,there is so much more to dnd than people realise.

Dont get me wronge though, i love a good epic fight etc but those bloody random enconters are wearing me thin. A game im in at the moment we have to travel somwhere and its gonna take 20 days, there is a 10% chance every hour that we get into a fight!!!! Come on!!!!

Am i the only one that finds it hard roleplaying in a 150 room dungen for the 4th week in a row?!

Think back hard....which was your fav character??

You know the one you spent all week thinking about what feat your gonna take because you wanted one that would fit him/her just right.
All the one you spent all that time coming up the back ground just to bring it that little bit more to life!!!
It could have been that goodly good Knight that would have died to save his friends...or that evil Wizard that brought kings to there knees!!
So think back people, post there stats, post there backgronds, post what effect your character had on your group or just write about how much fun you had playing that character.

Just no Munchkin crap please....this is for real gamers:)

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We've all got some or at least now off another group with a hard ass DM.
Now this is the place to b$%@# about them, you know the time you tryed to disable that trap with a CR29 when you were 10 level only to have it blow up in your face and then theres only a friggen brick wall behind it!!!!!
Ive got a mate and his DM only gives them 20 points to make a character....come on!!
I know we need them and without DM's we wouldnt have DND in the first place but come on people there are DM's out there that we're built to stop lets here these horror storys.

Gotta have the M.dew man thats a must!!!!
But drinking and d&d dont mix at all, we've try and the next thing you know your LG Angel is droping bad guys from 100ft in the air!!!!!!
KFC all the way, but it probly dependes how offen you play each week to how heathy you should be eating.

As the goodly good wisdom 9 etc Barberian/Fighter Balewolf sits down to have dinner in a abandoned fortress with leader of an scout team sent from an great army in another realm that is planning come though a portal into his mighty home town of Chillbrooke, the leader asks Balewolf to have a seat.
Balewolf replys "No, i must keep my wits about me. There is great tricks'ery afoot!"

Little does Balewolf know that he has been under an evil higher plane charm spell for the past 2-3 weeks!!!!
And the rest of his mighty friends are being held in the cells not 10 feet from where dinner is taking place!