Francois424 |

Think back hard....which was your fav character??
You know the one you spent all week thinking about what feat your gonna take because you wanted one that would fit him/her just right.
All the one you spent all that time coming up the back ground just to bring it that little bit more to life!!!
It could have been that goodly good Knight that would have died to save his friends...or that evil Wizard that brought kings to there knees!!
So think back people, post there stats, post there backgronds, post what effect your character had on your group or just write about how much fun you had playing that character.
GO NUTS!!Just no Munchkin crap please....this is for real gamers:)
in 2nd AD&D back in early 1984, I made an half-elvan fighter/mage/cleric named "Mariah Clairdelune". I wrote a story, past present, what motivates her. Stats werent all that great, so I didnt like her because she was a powerhouse.
She had an arrogant attitude most of the time, and during the first few months of the expedition on the sword coast, didnt do much exept filling her part of the deal; keeping everyone alive and the likes. The as fate would want it, The group stumbled uon one of her old ennemies that had killed most of her family, forcing her to become an adventurer at a young age. RPed it and really accepted the rest of the party as close friend after that incident. Had everything planned for RP and DM kept a copy, putting elements of in the campaign as we went along. That was awesome 2nd AD&D, and I never had a campaign quite like it afterward.
Her dream was to become the Lady of a small keep, and Become a kind of "King" arthur; helping the needy and all that. Unfortunately, She finished in stones after a bad encounter with a few basilisk. The group almost didnt made it out, and they RP'ed the entire funeral in the next session. I had *no* idea about that until I withnesses it on the spot... Brought tears to my eyes, as each character expressed 100% rolepay how much they like her despise her arrogance and pig-headed attitude (heh). (was in late 1985, so almost 2 years playing a character. never ever equalled mark)
Yup unforgettable Campaign and that first and only time I played as tripple-classed in AD&D2. I miss that character... So far, i've been unable to reproduce the experience.
Ahh the memories.