Expectations Management: Pathfinder Strategy Guide

Product Discussion

Silver Crusade

Been wondering about this for a while, and current events with errata have me needing to go ahead and ask:

Will the Strategy Guide offer advice on how to make certain class concepts work? Or how certain classes are expected to fit into the game, along with what minimum numbers they're supposed to be hitting in order to be playable throughout a whole Adventure Path?

Specifically an unarmed DEX-focused monk? That doesn't dump INT or CHA into the dirt?

Just been frustrated with this for years, and even trying to reverse engineer the Grove Guardian from the NPC Codex has had people warning me away from it and pointing out that it's focus was impossible by the rules. And with the Crane WIng thing on top of that...

Not trying to sound bitter here. Just hoping there's going to be some help in that book.

Make your own class. You've got the skills.

Silver Crusade

Cheapy wrote:
Make your own class. You've got the skills.

That isn't really helpful for the player side of things.

Well, it's helpful for you as the player...maybe not others. I guess I assumed you wanted the help for your own character, not for everyone else. Should've known you were more altruistic than that :)

Silver Crusade

I absolutely do want help for my own character, but my chances of actually getting to play the monk I've long wanted drop off sharply if it hinges on me bringing a homebrewed class to the GM.

I'm just wondering if there may be any help in this book. It becomes harder to turn to the boards for that when the topic of monks has been poisoned so much by snark and vitriol from both sides. :(

Speaking of which, if anyone wants to use this thread to take a cheap shot at Paizo, please take it elsewhere. Same for the opposite tribe.

Dex based classes suffer in general without a way to get a bonus to damage, like weapon spec, weapon training, favored enemy, sneak attack, judgment, dervish dance, smite evil, etc. The monk just isn't designed to be dex based, and since the Strategy Guide won't have new content, it won't change the situation.

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