Shiny New Black Hats

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

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I am sure that many of us remember Belgos and Silussa (Vault of the Drow), Sir Bluto Sans Pite or Snarla and Burket (White Plume Mouintain), Strahd (Ravenloft), Acererak (Tomb of Horrors), Baron Ludwig von Hendriks of Blackeagle (Blue Box), Bargle the Imfamous (Red Box), Alphaks, Lord Soth, Vecna, Iuz, Tiamat, Warduke, Zargon (The Lost City), The Master of the Desert Nomads (X4, X5, X10), Lolth, and maybe even Oliver of Hom (Castle Caldwell and Beyond) or that orc with the crossbow just inside the entrance to the Undermountain. There are more of course and some that I listed that you probably never heard of (or breezed by), but at the time where the biggest baddest thing the characters had seen (even lowly Oliver, a 4th-level magic-user).

Many of us can reminisce about these NPCs today, some twenty years after we first engaged them in life-or-death, make-believe struggle. My question is what modern menaces have the staying power of these classic Bad Guys. Who will the 3.x generation of players be talking about twenty years from now?

Who are the Shiny New Black Hats?


I think that Ashardalon, the Great red wyrm from Bastion of Broken Souls will be, with a Balor replacing his heart and addicted to positive energy, what a great bad guy.
The special marilith, daugther of a Demon lord serving Demogorgon in the same module was awesome, don't remember her name but I took 118 hp in the first round an 128 in the second without her taking one, don't trust wizards if they tell you that the place is secure....

Chatrilon Unosh, the cultist assassin hiding in Hommlet with Maridosen, Grune, Toridan, Vacra, and Master Dunrat in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. A very dangerous foe for 4th-5th-level characters (who decide to not purchase keys to lock their inn doors at night).

Dark Archive

Eli from the end of Maure Castle. Nothing helps a villain stay remembered then sundering the paladin's Holy Avenger.

Sean Halloran wrote:
Eli from the end of Maure Castle. Nothing helps a villain stay remembered then sundering the paladin's Holy Avenger.

Yes, Mr. T is quite bad. Though arguably he's not a creature spawned in 3.x, he will be better rembered in 3.x than AD&D v2.908865487653.

How about Harbinger from The Obsidian Eye (Dungeon 120)? Cool outfit, cool demonic appendage, and mad monk skillz.


Great Green God wrote:

Who are the Shiny New Black Hats?

I have to say that my group absolutely /hated/ the Mummy monk with the <I>helm of teleportation</I> in Nightfang Spire. They still talk about him.

They also cannot stand Irae, the high priestess from City of the Spider Queen - by the time that the party reached her, it was personal. =)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I don't think my group likes Balabar Smenk very much.

Of course, they've never actually seen his face...


Erik Mona wrote:

I don't think my group likes Balabar Smenk very much.

Of course, they've never actually seen his face...


How could I have forgotten about Smenk? How many threads does he have on the messageboards named after him? Bravo on Smenk. I can only hope to create a villain with as much name recognition.

OH! And Kullen! He's not by any chance the thought child of that half-orc smith you mentioned in a recent editorial. Let me know if I've hit it on the -err- head....


christian mazel wrote:
The special marilith, daugther of a Demon lord serving Demogorgon in the same module was awesome, don't remember her name but I took 118 hp in the first round an 128 in the second without her taking one, don't trust wizards if they tell you that the place is secure....

That would be The Catheter, er, I mean Cathezar. Both equally unpleasant....

Although not a bad guy (in most campaigns), probably the most famous NPC to come out of 3e so far is Meepo the Kobold, Keeper of Dragons. He was an NPC in the first 3e module (outside of Dungeon), The Sunless Citadel.

Why is Meepo so popular? It's a question for the ages. Depending on how the DM ran him, you either get it or you don't, it seems. But going by various polls on the WotC site, he seems to be at least as well-known as The Tarrasque.

Obscure wrote:

Although not a bad guy (in most campaigns), probably the most famous NPC to come out of 3e so far is Meepo the Kobold, Keeper of Dragons. He was an NPC in the first 3e module (outside of Dungeon), The Sunless Citadel.

Why is Meepo so popular? It's a question for the ages. Depending on how the DM ran him, you either get it or you don't, it seems. But going by various polls on the WotC site, he seems to be at least as well-known as The Tarrasque.

There's a female version of Meepo in my current game...Meepa. She's tagged along with the party for a few adventures now (she wants the party psion to teach her sorcery ;). Everyone is convinced she's a balor/rakshasa/plasm in disguise or something.

I ain't tellin'

Obscure wrote:

Although not a bad guy (in most campaigns), probably the most famous NPC to come out of 3e so far is Meepo the Kobold, Keeper of Dragons. He was an NPC in the first 3e module (outside of Dungeon), The Sunless Citadel.

Why is Meepo so popular? It's a question for the ages. Depending on how the DM ran him, you either get it or you don't, it seems. But going by various polls on the WotC site, he seems to be at least as well-known as The Tarrasque.


My players adopted him. They still feel bad about keeping secret the fact that they killed his dragon.

- Ashavan

Obscure wrote:
christian mazel wrote:
The special marilith, daugther of a Demon lord serving Demogorgon in the same module was awesome, don't remember her name but I took 118 hp in the first round an 128 in the second without her taking one, don't trust wizards if they tell you that the place is secure....
That would be The Catheter, er, I mean Cathezar. Both equally unpleasant....

Yes!!!Thank you for remembering this sweet name....

Happyly this wasn't enough to kill me:)))

So popular and well-liked was the mighty Meepo, Keeper of Dragons and Slayer of Goblins (mostly due to his penchant for rushing up to unconscious goblins and pulling a coup-de-grace on them after the party had already dispatched them), my wife and I now own a small dog named after the valiant Kobold. In my campaigns Meepo took over as ruler of their clan after the party deposed the former leader, Yusdrayl the sorceress.

VedicCold wrote:
So popular and well-liked was the mighty Meepo, Keeper of Dragons and Slayer of Goblins (mostly due to his penchant for rushing up to unconscious goblins and pulling a coup-de-grace on them after the party had already dispatched them), my wife and I now own a small dog named after the valiant Kobold. In my campaigns Meepo took over as ruler of their clan after the party deposed the former leader, Yusdrayl the sorceress.

You know you have a memorable character if someone names his pet after it :-)

Great Green God wrote:

The Master of the Desert Nomads (X4, X5, X10)

Who are the Shiny New Black Hats?


I recently finished a converted and highly modified X4/X5/X10. It took us about two years of RT to complete the adventure. The Master is the best recuring Black Hat of all time IMHO. As for more current vilains, Meepo has a lasting good memory with our group too, but the storyline wasn't built around him. AIR, the GM got tired of Meepo and he decided to go and rebuild the tribe.


derek_cleric wrote:

The Master is the best recuring Black Hat of all time IMHO.


He gets my vote too. Hey did you hear there are stats for the nagpa in the latest Dragon?


Velikar had a nice little run as BBEG lasting beyond the Istivin Story Arch in our campaign last year.

This year in the AoW campaign its been a former PC turned NPC that has been the recurring villain after his relationship soured with the rest of the party. They are scheduled to square off with him in the next Champion's Belt challenge.

Frog God Games

I’ve Got Reach wrote:
Velikar had a nice little run as BBEG lasting beyond the Istivin Story Arch in our campaign last year.

That's cool. And I have to add that Velikar is my own nod to what was always one of my favorite, more-obscure Black Hats--the deformed Keeper from G1. I loved that hunch-backed mutant.

I'm pretty sure Vhalantru from Shackled City will rate highly on a few people's lists.

How about Irontusk from Mad God's Key?

You guys are missing a biggie and I hope I spell it right: Gulthias.

Orcwart wrote:
You guys are missing a biggie and I hope I spell it right: Gulthias.

From "Heart of Nightfang Spire", right? I never picked that one up perhaps I should give it a second look.


Amaril wrote:
How about Irontusk from Mad God's Key?

Who can forget an orc barbarian that run's away?


Great Green God wrote:
Orcwart wrote:
You guys are missing a biggie and I hope I spell it right: Gulthias.

From "Heart of Nightfang Spire", right? I never picked that one up perhaps I should give it a second look.


He's mentioned right from Sunless Citadel. Remember the Gulthias Tree?

Gotcha. I never picked up anything beyond "Speaker in Dreams" (level-wise in that line), so if he shows up again later in the line I don't really know about it.


Great Green God wrote:
He gets my vote too. Hey did you hear there are stats for the nagpa in the latest Dragon?

:) The only issue of Dragon that I buy is the Campaign Classics issue. :) If it has Mystara goodies in it, I'll buy it. :)

Abatu the Nagpa from the Buried Temple! :) I've run X4/X5/X10 three times now and Abatu is always a memorable encounter. If anyone else runs these modules, I would suggest give Abatu a couple of minions to help keep the party busy. It always seemed to me that the encounter was over sooner than it should have been.


derek_cleric wrote:
Great Green God wrote:
He gets my vote too. Hey did you hear there are stats for the nagpa in the latest Dragon?

:) The only issue of Dragon that I buy is the Campaign Classics issue. :) If it has Mystara goodies in it, I'll buy it. :)

Abatu the Nagpa from the Buried Temple! :) I've run X4/X5/X10 three times now and Abatu is always a memorable encounter. If anyone else runs these modules, I would suggest give Abatu a couple of minions to help keep the party busy. It always seemed to me that the encounter was over sooner than it should have been.


Yes, but after they beat Abatu they get to meet his "Master" in the magic mirror and that is a really cool encounter (possibly the one that makes the Master so memorable).

Ah, good times. I remember starting a game with the group being chased through the dunes by "Enemy Patrol #3". And then there was "blending in" in the enemy camp - absolute brilliance.

I promise hereby solemnly promise to try and write adventures that way.


Liberty's Edge

I have a few villains!

- This monster Aboleth from NIGHT BELOW (2E)
- My players sure will hate GARROW for ever (from the Eberron trilogy modules)
- BAZIM-GORAG (The Slaad-Lord from Dungeon #101). This guy rocked!!!

Those are the villains I loved to throw at my players and of which they have font memories!

Dryder wrote:

- My players sure will hate GARROW for ever (from the Eberron trilogy modules)

Yep. My player's never figured out that he was a changeling and not a vampire. So gullible...

Sovereign Court

From the Forgotten Realms, it would have to be Manshoon. That guy unlike the chosen of mystra does have a brain. Also from the FRCS Kaanyr Vhok, an Iuz wannabe who managed to my players lives miserable and conquered the Silver Marches. From the shackled city its Orbius Vhalantru before being reduced to a lackey to the cagewrights.
And from the age of worms the faceless one.

"Orby" is da bomb. I kinda wish there had been more beholder mayor and less Cagewrights. And Garrow sounds cool (I have yet to meet the chap - I think;)

I'm thinking some of the folks (Manshoon for one and anyone with a "2E" designator) listed in this thread aren't all "shiny and new" but rather "refurbished." Cool I'm sure, but not 3.x. Who's the new Manshoon and giant aboleth?

Does Ziki ("A Murder in Oakbridge") have a chance at being a Shiny New Black Hat?


Great Green God wrote:

Does Ziki ("A Murder in Oakbridge") have a chance at being a Shiny New Black Hat?

This was Ziki's reply (from her cell in the Sharn Women Correctional Facility): "That thing in Oakbridge - it was just practice. Once I get out of this damn place, Strahd Von Zarovich himself will crawl out of his 2E grave and give me the bloody black hat! First I have to get out of here though..."

Of course, without some help from the outside she will stay there till she rots...

I have a player who believes all evil events tie back to Triel Eldurast in one way or another (SCAP).

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

The greatest SNBH in my experience has to be Filge. That dinner party scene... classic. And he's so easy to use in so many ways! Dangerous schemer, pathetic in his loathsomeness or even temporary party member - I've heard of him in all these roles. Filge wins on versatility alone.

Oh, and kudos to Meepo for making me very familiar with him despite the fact that I've never run, played or read the Sunless Citadel.

Okay, limiting myself to new black hats that have appeared in published adventures, and not just as NPCs, here are a few:

Irae T'Sarran, although mentioned above, definately needs to be seconded. The 3rd edition drow slaughter machine, apparetly has sent tons of parties of FR adventurers to their deaths, and leaves an impression. I have only run peripheral parts of this adventure, but one of my players that was involved in this in a former campaign shutters whenever I mention Maerymydra.

Nalavara the Red and the Grodd Goblins. Okay, Nalavara is dead by the time the adventure in Into the Dragon's Lair takes place, but she was a major shock to Cormyr's system, and the hoard is definately the main plot point of this piece. The Grodd goblins, intelligent and civilized (comparatively) goblins with ties to the plane of Shadows make for interesting running "advanced" humanoids. My player's absolutely hate well armed goblins wearing bronze and black armor now . . .

Thrull, the Orog Warlord from Sons of Gruumsh is another interesting, breaking the mold kind of humanoid, and running into him after running through a fortress that is impressive and was built by a society of ancient, powerful, and well ordered orcs makes him a bit more memorable.

Artor Morlin from Eric Boyd's recent adventures in Dungeon deserves the award for 3.5/3rd edition published adventure villains in the Realms. Why? You are an ancient vampire, and you want to settle down in a city. How do you secure your interests and protect your identity . . . you set up a cover identity as a servant, dominate the noble you work for, and donate a ton of gold to adventurers to go out and hunt down and kill vampires . . . rivals . . . all the while keeping them far away from you. Risky, but memorable and it pays off big for him.

When I ran the Wrath of the Abyss, the revived Belgos turned out to be a wimp (sent running by party Cleric on the first turn attempt), but his mate Silussa earned infamy by slaying two party members with Phantasmal Killer before the party cleric brought the roof down on her with an Earthquake. (Combat was also memorable when the elf rogue-ranger Urgan the Giant-Slayer had the presence of mind to pretend that he was still under her spell after the cleric dispelled evil, downed a vial of holy water but didn't swallow, and spit it in her face when she tried to kiss him again. Urgan paid with his life, but it was a glorious moment!) Derrakshan will also be remembered--for disintegrating the party wizard, and for the memorable way in which he levitated up from out of the evil sanctuary for a final confrontation when he overheard the PCs discussing whether to bury him there with another Earthquake. And we musn't forget the Malgoth itself! (Yes, I know these may not be new villains, but . . .)

But Dungeon mag. adventures aside, what cool villains have people invented in their homebrew campaigns? And why are they cool?

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:
But Dungeon mag. adventures aside, what cool villains have people invented in their homebrew campaigns? And why are they cool?

I hate to rain on anyone's parade, but that sounds like it's own thread. I would prefer we stick to mass-market modules featuring 3.x villains (Belgos and Silussa being 1st edition reduxs). The idea is to try and guess who the villains and morally gray characters that the "new generation" of players (i.e. those gamers starting with 3.0) will look back on fondly, name their headjack avatar after, and update for D&D 7.58 VR-Modules. That said, homebrew "bads" that haven't hit the collective conscious (like the Lord of Blades from Eberron, whom I'm not sure quite qualifies - unless someone wants to give him a thumbs up) would be a no-no here. Also I'm not limiting this to just Dungeon. You got a Green Ronin, Necromancer, Sword and Sorcery, Goodman D&D published villain you think will go down in history? He/She/It goes here.


Frog God Games

Derakhshan and The Malgoth are new villains. The others mentioned, not so much...

But since G3 is opening this up to non-Dungeon stuff. I have to say that my players have been having fits hunting a half-orc cleric of Orcus by Necromancer Games called Tavik. They've trailed him through several adventures without success which has ultimately led them to his boss and their current nemesis (many party deaths are on his hand), the Orcus high priest Koraashag. Only a 10th-level orc cleric, but he has proven very adept at whipping the party's butts and then escaping as they're about to rally and finish him. They loath the Tomb of Abysthor by NG as a result (heehee).

Sovereign Court

How about the Lich Queen of the Githyanki in the Incursion saga (Dragon #309/Dungeon#100)? Forget about the shiny new black hats,this one had a wicked cool crown!

Cold Steel wrote:
How about the Lich Queen of the Githyanki in the Incursion saga (Dragon #309/Dungeon#100)? Forget about the shiny new black hats,this one had a wicked cool crown!

And a nifty septre and a dancing sword. Yeah, I think she makes the cut. I really can't recall any previous edition actually including her as an actual encounter.


Sean Mahoney wrote:
I have a player who believes all evil events tie back to Triel Eldurast in one way or another (SCAP).

I have someone who feels the same way about Thifirane Rhiavadi from end of "Life's Bazaar" and "Lords of Oblivion" (Shackled City Adventure Path).


Sovereign Court

We all caught up with these ultrapowerful foes,that we or rather i forget about this guy. He almost wiped out a town and my group. Imagine our embrassment to find out that the man who took all five of us(killing two in the process)was A FREAKIN' THIRD LEVEL COMMONER !!!!!
Plygar was his name and the adventure was Eye for a Eye(Dungeon#82)one of the first adventures for 3.0 and the first and last i was a player for the new edition.Later i became DM in my own FR Campaign,buts thats another story.
He desveres a black hat(or at least a new eye.)

There's a player in our Eberron group who still watches (with Sense Motive) every "suspicious" NPC we encounter, just in case they might turn out to be Garrow. Nevermind that the rest of us are reasonably certain Garrow died 6 sessions back, she's still not sure.

Great Green God wrote:
...Who will the 3.x generation of players be talking about twenty years from now?

Kyuss and Lashonna (I just got 131).

And a personal favorite will always be Mak'ar, Harbringer of Worms (EW's art goes a long way for me).

Jack :)


true resurrection

Prince Zeech!


Those creepy slaughterhouse brothers from Funeral Procession!!!

Oroshar's tooth from "Ill Made Graves!"


DRAGOTHA!!! shudder...

Anyone got anyone else they want to contribute? This thread is awesome by the way GGG, which is why I had to bring it back!

Demiurge 1138 wrote:

The greatest SNBH in my experience has to be Filge. That dinner party scene... classic. And he's so easy to use in so many ways! Dangerous schemer, pathetic in his loathsomeness or even temporary party member - I've heard of him in all these roles. Filge wins on versatility alone.

Demiurge has a WINNER!

Filge completely spanked the PCs in my campaign (and everyone elses from what I read on these message boards). I don't think that he will be forgotten anytime soon!

Liberty's Edge


Nicolas Logue wrote:

true resurrection

Prince Zeech!


Those creepy slaughterhouse brothers from Funeral Procession!!!

Oroshar's tooth from "Ill Made Graves!"


DRAGOTHA!!! shudder...

Anyone got anyone else they want to contribute? This thread is awesome by the way GGG, which is why I had to bring it back!

So it has nothing to do with Harbinger being on the list, huh?


I got to play Zeech recently and as fun as he is, it is the Ominous Fabler who for me is the real star of "Prince of Redhand." He is joy for a smart a$$ like me to play, and damn near insufferable. Since meeting him my players have declared war on all bards (the last two bards they ran into were Horatio Quigly from "Devil Box," and the leader of the Storm Blades, Taskerhill).

Down with bards! Up with skirts!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Hey, did anyone mention Erivatius from The Quicksilver Hourglass? They don't get much nastier than that.

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