James Sutter Contributor |

Hey folks-
Please just give us a few days for our warehouse to finish exploding from the holiday crunch (yeah, yeah, mixed metaphor), and then we'll be happy to get replacement copies out to all of you.
(If you haven't heard back from me by this time next week, please just post to this thread to ensure that it hasn't gotten buried :P).
Thanks, and happy holidays!

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I seem to be in the same boat as these guys.
It's January and I still haven't seen Dungeon issue #130.
I JUST received my January issue of Dragon so maybe it's coming soon...
I sent an e-mail to customer service last week but I guess it didn't get through.
(you know we get spoiled when the magazine shows up in the first week of the month before the issue's date. We get impatient having to wait more than a month for the next)
Guess all I can do is wait......