Ikor |

I'm going to be running the shackled city AP online, with a gaming group that has been together for over a year now. I'm pulling out all the stops, to make it a great game, and am still in the preparation phase.
I own the SCAP big book, and most of the magazines, but do not have access to all the pdf's. I am not looking forward to pre-typing up all the room descriptions for use in our online sessions (thats a ton of typing for me and my 30 wpm).
Any ideas if there is a giant pdf to go along with the big book? (this has probably already been asked somewhere, so sorry for the redundancy here) I'd love to be able to cut and paste the descrips and various other details ((although I have found the rpgenius SCAP website to be a great boost, with lots of fantastic submissions - I plan on adding to it soon, hopefully!))

Sean Mahoney |

I am also running the SCAP online. I have all of the room descriptions from both Jzadirune and the Malachite Fortress pre-typed and in Word format (I just cut and paste into OpenRPG from that document to speed up play). I also have most of the graphics scanned and on an FTP server that I use to post maps in OpenRPG and throw up the pics of the people the players are meeting so they can put a name with a face.
If either of these resources would help you out, feel free to email me directly at smahoney(at)wavecable.com. (As long as you do own the magazines or HC and you are using this for your own game, I don't see any copyright issues here).
Sean Mahoney

Sean Mahoney |

That would be great. I have entered in all of the NPCs from Life's Bazaar as tree nodes twice now and just as I was finishing each time it would corrupt the tree... I would load LastGood, but even that got corrupted the last time and I finally gave up... I tend to just type in their dice rolling stuff from my Alias manager.
Anyway, like I said, email me private at my personal email account smahoney(at)wavecable.com (obviously replace the at with the @ symbol).
Sean Mahoney

Sean Mahoney |

I am currently at about 7 players... I had a 5 player max... so as you can see I am higher than I would have chose. Sorry man...
That said, if you don't care if it is SCAP that you play, go to [link]http://forum.vallusgames.com/[/link] and there are plenty of games starting and wanting players.
Sean Mahoney

The Jade |

I am currently at about 7 players... I had a 5 player max... so as you can see I am higher than I would have chose. Sorry man...
That said, if you don't care if it is SCAP that you play, go to [link]http://forum.vallusgames.com/[/link] and there are plenty of games starting and wanting players.
Sean Mahoney
Thanks for your consideration and the tip, Sean. I'll check out the site. :)

The Jade |

vallusgames.com seems a bit deserted.
Ghostorb is yet to launch.
If anyone knows where I can find a good online game of D&D in need of players, I am all ears.
Happy Thanksgiving one and all.
EDIT: Ghostorb.com curently seems to be little more than an ornamental web page. One can't preregister and there still isn't a product to buy or even get a price on. More's the pity.

Sean Mahoney |

vallusgames.com seems a bit deserted.
Post in the GM Corner and say you are looking for a game. There isn't always a lot of traffic but many people check the boards for changes and will respond. (The 2 site admins are players in my game and at least two of the other players are running games on that site).
You will get a response.
The other place I can think of off the top of my head is look and see if there are message boards associated with OpenRPG (or any of the software you would use to game online with).
Sean Mahoney

silvercourage |

Just to throw in my two cents, if you are hungry for some daily DnD fixes, take a look at:
or direct link into my current game at:
Look for the "Death in Freeport -- Main Game Thread". Just FYI as well, I am NOT affiliated with the dndonlinegames.com site in anyway other than as a user. Just a happy reviewer. :)
I would be interested in possibly doing a Shackled Adventure online as well if anyone is looking for a player. After Freeport I may try and take on Shackled or AoW online but I think you are looking at a looonnnggg haul if playing PbP.
If you got the right players though I think it would be great!

Ikor |

If anybody has the time and the inclination to run a SCAP game online, count me in as a player!
It looks like you've already seen a lot of the surprises, especially if you frequent the SCAP resource on rpggenius. I'm going to be launching my game sometime in January, and while I'd be hesitant to offer a seat to someone who was already familiar with the game, I'm curious if you'd be interested in playing as an adversary. That would mean taking control of various NPC's over the course of the game, both villains and allies. Cauldron is a game with a lot of really nice NPC's and I'd hate for them all to share the personality of the DM.
The other positive to this is my game is going to be offered first to members of my current gaming group, and only after that will i actually recruit any more players, (probably only 1 or 2 seats will be available).
Let me know if you're interested, and i'll send you the URL for the site.
Our group meets 3 sundays a month ((with one off)) at 13:00 GMT. That's fairly early if you're in the states, especially west coast, but we do have two players in Seattle, so it can be done.

Urthblade |

I'd be hesitant to offer a seat to someone who was already familiar with the game, I'm curious if you'd be interested in playing as an adversary.
Well, I am currently running a SCAP game irl, and I assure you I will do my level best to keep player knowledge seperate from character knowledge. But if you're still uncomfortable with having a DM as a player, and it works out with my schedule, I'd be happy to try to play some NPCs for you!
Let me know if you're interested, and i'll send you the URL for the site.
Our group meets 3 sundays a month ((with one off)) at 13:00 GMT. That's fairly early if you're in the states, especially west coast, but we do have two players in Seattle, so it can be done.
By all means, email me the url if you'd like at kalin_phoenix(at)hotmail.com. Forgive my ignorance, but what is 13:00 GMT for the west coast?

The Mind |

I believe that it would 5 am on the west coast. 1300 GMT is 1 pm, and I believe the west coast is 8 hours behind that (being CST is 6 hours behind GMT) that would be 5 A.M.
You would have to get up pretty early.
By the way, I am also running a SC game online, over at rpol.net. Sadly, the group is full. But if there is ever an opening I can let people know if they want in.

The Mind |

By the way, Urthblade or whoever, there is now a spot open in my game.
The party really needs a cleric.
The game is set in the Forgotten Realms.
Email me at themind15 (at) msn (dot) com
mention the SC game in the subject so I dont think it is junk.
I will then send the info to you about getting set up on rpol

Ikor |

Well, I am currently running a SCAP game irl, and I assure you I will do my level best to keep player knowledge seperate from character knowledge. But if you're still uncomfortable with having a DM as a player, and it works out with my schedule, I'd be happy to try to play some NPCs for you!
By all means, email me the url if you'd like at kalin_phoenix(at)hotmail.com. Forgive my ignorance, but what is 13:00 GMT for the west coast?
I'll post the url for my site here as soon as its back online. The site is currently moving to a new name host, so it should take a week to get back online.
Yes, 13:00 GMT is a real pain for anyone on the western seaboard, so I wont hold it against you if you start looking elsewhere!
That said, the slot for an adversary player is going to remain open, as i think this game lends itself well to that sort of thing, since there is such a depth of NPC's available.