Dracol |
Here's the set up. After stopping the chimera, the druid handed the rogue a healing potion to cure an unlucky commoner. Unbeknownest, the potion was infected with a slow worm.
The commoner was sent off after being healed, a ticking time bomb.
Fellow Dm's, what would you do if given this priceless oppurtunity to soy ruin and destruction within Free City?
VedicCold |
Wow... priceless indeed. The first thing that comes to my mind has a dual purpose: alerting the players to the dangers of the tainted potions, while also driving home the possibilities for rampant infection of Kyuss spawn. I imagine, as soon as reasonably possible for the "Slow Worms," having the commoner in question seek out the PCs (preferrably in a public place) in order to both thank them for their heroics, and ask for their help, as he seems to have taken ill. Unfortunately, only moments after coming face to face with them and offering his gratitude and concern, he dies from the infection, collapsing at their feet and transforming before their very eyes into a walking corpse infested with writhing green worms, intent only on spreading the foul gift of Kyuss to anyone and everyone nearby. Don't even focus on the PCs. Have it throw worms at innocent bystanders. In my mind, the first instinct of the Spawn is to "procreate," rather than simply kill the PCs, and it would play up the horror of the situation to suddenly have as many simple commoners as possible threatened with infection.
I’ve Got Reach |
Later (days) the PCs find out that some of the potions are infected with the slow worm.
The real gem is (hopefully) the look on their faces when they realize that they have fed a potentially tainted potion to a commoner! This could result in a desperate manhunt where PCs might be able to use Search and Gather Information checks to learn the current wherabouts of this poor soul.
Robert Trifts |
There are, broadly speaking, two approaches:
#1 - Permit the PCs to discover after the fact that the potions are tainted and that there is a time bomb ticking in the city. The PCs can do what they can to track the commoner down. This may or may not be possible. Don't force an impossible situation. If there is no reasonable way to track Patient Zero down in time - then there just isn't. All is not lost as it merely leads to scenario #2;
#2 - The commoner may be tracked down after the fact by the explosion of the Spawn of Kyuss in the heart of the City of Greyhawk. There will be a source of the initial infestation and it will spread outwards from that point. The nature and manner in which it spreads will create further sources and centres of effect. It is not necessarily a mere circle as the worms can take time and can, with luck, spread on their own or via cats and rats and other vermin. All of this can happen, in my opinion, with frightening speed.
The PCs along with the Powers that Be in Greyhawk must act to stomp out that infestation. Design the scenario to concentrate on tracking back the infestation to Patient Zero by neighbourhood and contain the outbreak of the Spawn in that fashion. The response is designed to press against the boundaries of the infestation, and push inwards. The battle is joined street-to-street and house-to-house (and perhaps in the sewers as well). There should be *many* others who will assist the PCs in this. This is NOT, repeat *NOT* a case where the public safety of Greyhawk is solely up to the PCs. It's too important for that.
At the same time, the many others should be doing what they are doing in other areas, so as not to downplay the PCs role in their specific area.
A neighbourhood containment, search and destroy approach should allow the Powers the Be to notionally participate in and confront the infestation on a district, house-to-house basis. The PCs should be part of this counterattack, given their own sub-district to investigate and remove the spawn from. This approach provides:
A - Consistency: The threat is not just left up to the PCs to solve on their own. This integrates the events into the world on a proper basis and places the entire situation in its proper context as part of the fabric of a living world;
B- Intervention of the Great NPCs of Greyhawk provides an opportunity to roleplay and forge and develop relationships with various august persons in the setting of your choice under "realistic" circumstances;
C - In terms of metagaming concerns, provides direction to the adventure without taking over the manner and method of how the PCs should approach the solution. They are in charge of their district or sub-district, but are not suddenly in charge of the peace and security of all Greyhawk. That's not realistic and it's not fair to the PCs to do that to them.
D- Provides a logical consequence to their actions and inactions. The threat presented by the Spawn of Kyuss in a large metropolitan city like Greyhawk is *extreme*. The infestation should literally be able to spread in a "28 days" style horror if good men do nothing while it can still be contained. The consequences of failure is the possible extinction of the City. That extreme result only flows if those who can prevent it do nothing, or do what they ought to do poorly.
Give the PCs their role in deciding what to do and whether they do it properly or not.
A color poster map of the City of Greyhawk is available in Living Greyhawk Journal #2 and it would be *ideal* for the district approach to fighting the spawn. It is an extremely collectible item but is available on eBay about every other week. I know - as I bought all of the journals just to get poster map #2 to cover the exact eventuality we have been discussing here :)
A slightly smaller version of the maps are online as well - including the map of the Free City and of the undercity sewers. The maps may be found here:
Rexx |
...spread on their own or via cats and rats and other vermin...
If memory serves, the worms can only infest creatures of size Small or bigger. Tiny-sized creatures turn into puddles of goo. Huge creatures just become regular zombies. Regardless, the Kyuss-pathogen has plenty of potential hosts to spread through in the Free City, especially its more populous Realms version.
Arcesilaus |
Don't forget the fun possibility that the PCs are able to track down the infected commoner before he painfully and hideously transforms into a soul-cursed undead but are unable to do anything to prevent it from happening. Do they kill the (innocent) commoner before he transforms to save him tha agony and guarantee an afterlife? If so, how do they explain this to the authorities? If not, what if he begs them to?
I'm a big fan of moral quandaries and right vs. right situations in my campaigns.
Goth Guru |
When the mutated Kobold tried to get the characters to take the wormy potions, they looked at them.
Above a 20 spot notices the slow worm, right?
In the encounter at Blackwall Keep there are also special
egg worms that will work on tiny creatures.
Then there is the annoying question,
"Is a rat swarm an M sized creature?"
I know a dire rat is big enough for normal infection.
My group's game probably doesn't need an infection of Greyhawk city. It would interfere with the next two modules.
Robert Trifts |
There is "infection" in the sense of being able to sustain enough worms in order for the collective consciousness of the worms to assert itelf and maintain an undead creature.
And then there is infection in the sense of a living host for a worm or three for a brief period of time - enough for it to spread to another being that CAN sustain a Spawn of Kyuss.
As well, it appears that the eggs in Blackwall Keep can sustain an infection and we know that there are other variant spawn with differing abilities that emerge in the Ecology article in Dragon and later in the Great Worms that are of a size depicted on the cover of #124.
In short: it is entirely justifiable if you want it to be.
Rexx |
In short: it is entirely justifiable if you want it to be.
And thus the beauty of the game we play.
I would give the PCs every opportunity to realize the issue and resolve it as quickly as possible. There are so many "cool" moments in the Adventure Path getting the Spawn to infest the Free City (cue Course of Empire "Infested") is premature to the potential undead bliss at the end of Champion's Belt.
Phil. L |
the entire Dawn of the Dead , 28 days scenario with the Free City quickly being overrun with undead sounds like an entertaining and horrific twist to the campaign, and a number of people (such as Steel Wind) have already covered a few bases on how to make the plot work. What I would like to address is the flip-side of all this, and what it means to the AoW AP as a whole.
While having the Free City plagued by Spawn of Kyuss sounds great, is it really what Kyuss himself wants? From the sounds of the adventures it seems that Kyuss is following a specific plan of action that does not involve a large scale awareness of the spawn of Kyuss problem. If we can assume that Kyuss has some sort of control over his spawn would he want the powers of the Free City (whether that is Circle of Eight or Khelbun and the Lords of Waterdeep) to know what is going on? Inevitably with their divination abilities they would find out and become involved, making Kyuss's rise all the more difficult.
Also, how does this impact on Lord Raknian's plans? In all seriousness, he and the other more sane cultists would know that such an infection would spoil their plans and take steps to try and stop it. Whether or not the PCs are successful in containing the spawn outbreak, the AoW adventures set in the Free City would be changed because of it. An area like the Free City arena with its large concentration of people in one area would definently become a traget for the spawn, and in a classic zombie scenario the arena with its high walls could become one of the only refuges in the city. Finally, after such a serious outbreak would the games in the arena even go ahead?
Just a few things to consider.
Dracol |
. There are so many "cool" moments in the Adventure Path getting the Spawn to infest the Free City (cue Course of Empire "Infested") is premature to the potential undead bliss at the end of Champion's Belt.
But what if both events happened almost days apart? That would be really rememberable, if Free City not only fell to wights, but was also being over run by the worms. The PC's would then know the begining of the Age of Worms was upon them and the fate of the world is in their hands.
Dracol |
While having the Free City plagued by Spawn of Kyuss sounds great, is it really what Kyuss himself wants? From the sounds of the adventures it seems that Kyuss is following a specific plan of action that does not involve a large scale awareness of the spawn of Kyuss problem. If we can assume that Kyuss has some sort of control over his spawn would he want the powers of the Free City (whether that is Circle of Eight or Khelbun and the Lords of Waterdeep) to know what is going on? Inevitably with their divination abilities they would find out and become involved, making Kyuss's rise all the more difficult.
Also, how does this impact on Lord Raknian's plans? In all seriousness, he and the other more sane cultists would know that such an infection would spoil their plans and take steps to try and stop it. Whether or not the PCs are successful in containing the spawn outbreak, the AoW adventures set in the Free City would be changed because of it. An area like the Free City arena with its large concentration of people in one area would definently become a traget for the spawn, and in a classic zombie scenario the arena with its high walls could become one of the only refuges in the city. Finally, after such a serious outbreak would the games in the arena even go ahead?
Just a few things to consider.
Interesting point. If the outbreak was contained by the garrison, but not wiped out, that would work in Raknian's favor. The games could go on, even better, he insures they must go on to keep the commoners distracted from the plight.
After the Apostle of Kyruss is revealed, ultimitly, Free City will be destroyed. Wether by wights or worms, I'd think Kyruss would be happy either way.
As for Raknian, I'm not sure if he's in on the whole Kyruss deal. Raknian just wants to recieve inmortallity. I don't think it would be wise for Zahol to let him know the full scope of the Age of Worms, just enough for him to follow the god and work with the apostle scrolls.
Like Ten Penny said "A little truth here, a little truth there"
Robert Trifts |
One last note: On the <i>28 days</i> style adventure suggested above, I believe that <i>Heroes of Battle</i> is a very useful sourcebook to assist you and inspire the sorts of running battles that this scenario entails.
The setting is obviously urban, but can vary greatly given the design elements you want to add to it, such as:
1 - Stop the Spawn: the Spawn are hell bent on escaping the area to press on and infect the next. Contain them at all costs.
2 - The Runner: The Spawn have skipped an area and shown up in a new district. How did they get there? Introduces the undercity as a battle zone.
3- The Big Bomb: A very large group of citizens (100+) has taken refuge in close quarters of a building (a temple or warehouse, say). If the Spawn should penetrate it and manage to get a foothold, the chain reaction might be catastrophic. Protect the people.
4 - The Rescue: A person important to the PCs has been trapped or is being pursued by the Spawn. Rescue him or her while there is still time.
I am sure that a clever and inspired DM can think of many more ways to play this out until the scenarios just gets plain boring. It will be time to bring it to a close then.
Laeknir |
And don't forget the "Rain Barrel Man" Free City prophet -
"... and so ignorance forges the first link in a chain of great evil. An innocent life is spared, but in restored health he knows not that he is doomed by those who saved him. As his health fails for the second time, the body is claimed by wyrms of Unlife. And this cancer spreads, just as wyrms are wont to grow and multply unchecked. They act as vermin, like the dark hunger of unholy fire, until the city of the free becomes the city of the dead."
Or something like that. Very cool idea, Dracol!
Dracol |
And don't forget the "Rain Barrel Man" Free City prophet -
"... and so ignorance forges the first link in a chain of great evil. An innocent life is spared, but in restored health he knows not that he is doomed by those who saved him. As his health fails for the second time, the body is claimed by wyrms of Unlife. And this cancer spreads, just as wyrms are wont to grow and multply unchecked. They act as vermin, like the dark hunger of unholy fire, until the city of the free becomes the city of the dead."
Great soothsaying. Sir Gab got a kick out of encountering him the first time, but this... This is priceless. It'll freak him out more then the nightmares he's been having. Thanks Laeknir
Eleazar |
Assuming the infection is contained before wiping out the city, once the dust settles, how does the party convince the city populace / authorities that they were not aware the potion was infected? Human nature is that people want someone to blame when things go to hell, bureaucrats all the more so.
"Hey, didn't that cleric give Cedric a potion to drink right before he got sick?! HE'S THE ONE WHO CAUSED ALL THIS!" Cue the lynch mob.
Goth Guru |
That guy wants immortality?
Champion of Kyuss worm. It remains dormant till the host dies.
Unlike normal worms it perserves the soul and mind.
Are you familiar with Lovecraft?
A sorcerer (or Cleric) made entirely of worms.
He can infect others to make standard Spawn of Kyuss.
If he causes an outbreak in a contained area and lures the
adventurers there for revenge, then
in the sewer it would be Resident (Mid)Evil.
Perfect for a group with too much cheese from selling
all thoes iron balls from the Whispering Cairn.
I am so considering that side adventure.
The Jade |
One last note: On the <i>28 days</i> style adventure suggested above, I believe that <i>Heroes of Battle</i> is a very useful sourcebook to assist you and inspire the sorts of running battles that this scenario entails.
Wild. I was just putting the polish on my new D&D adventure that satirizes/uses the dynamics of urban zombie outbreak movies. Have yet to play through. It could never be published due to certain wicked elements that are just... over the top disturbing.
I'm hoping to at least inspire nightsweats and a nervous rash if not abject terror. Wish me luck.