Great map of Diamond Hills area in Doomgrinder

Age of Worms Adventure Path


I just cracked open Doomgrinder, an old adventure from the Lost Tombs series. Right at the end, there is an awesome color map of the entire Cairn Hills, including Diamond Lake, the Mistmarsh, Blackwall Keep, Tenser's Castle, etc. If you have it or can get it, this is a great map.


Yeah, I am glad to finally get some use out of the module.


Yes it is perfect. I'm in the process of editing the artwork, removing the Doomgrinder references. Voilà, when finished twill be my Age of Worms campaign map!

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Another great map is the one that comes with TSR's 1998 Player's Guide to Greyhawk. I recommend that map, too, if you cannot find a copy of The Doomgrinder. Noble Knight Games had copies of both this week, for interested parties. The originals are gems, as PDFs just don't do these old maps justice.

Don Kenneth Brown
Salt Lake City, Utah

Thanks for the reminder, I've using a rather ragged and much used copy of the map out of the 'From The Ashes' boxset. Not sure how much longer it would last!
Never did run Doomgrinder or Star Cairns - they worth another look maybe?

silverx wrote:
Never did run Doomgrinder or Star Cairns - they worth another look maybe?


Doomgrinder is not - only if you like a magitech driven juggernaut laying waste to the greater greyhawk city area. The base idea presented in FtA of the doomgrinder being some kind of (perhaps apocalyptic) countdown is great, but is pretty much ruined in the adventure IMHO.

Star Cairns is a classic dungeon crawl with a few twists, IIRC. Sure nice to read, but I´m not recalling too much details at the moment.


Liberty's Edge

I agree that the Doomgrinder adventure comes across a little too disruptive and Godzilla-esque. I still have the Doomgrinder in place and responsible for minor earthquakes (blamed for the collapsed alcoves in the Whispering Cairn in fact). I'll drop a few derro sightings as wandering encounters but I doubt I'll run the scenario at all.

The Star Cairns have already been sacked for my game, back in 591-2 CY. It was used a point of reference for Suloise cairns.

The Doomgrinder theme itself is really cheesy, but the writing in the supplement is very good. The book sets up a nice little chain of encounters dealing with the Cult of the Green Lady outside Diamond Lake, which I will be adapting for my campaign (minus the whole Doomgrinder threat).

Another good suggestion the adventure gives is that when the PCs are later in the Free City, the Oligarch who appointed Neff to Diamond Lake asks the PCs to "take out" Neff, and as a reward one of the PCs could be appointed in Neff's place as Governor-Mayor of Diamond Lake.

LeapingShark wrote:

Yes it is perfect. I'm in the process of editing the artwork, removing the Doomgrinder references. Voilà, when finished twill be my Age of Worms campaign map!

That would be nice to see... (hint, hint)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ah... sometimes those old impulsive purchases come back and reward you. I just pulled out the Doomgrinder adventure and had a glance at the map... perfect!

Thanks for the heads up.

The adventure by the way was a fun read but not likely to get any play in my opinion.

Liberty's Edge

The Doomgrinder scenario is my back-up plan if my suspicions that players are reading the adventures on their own are confirmed. I figure the Doomgrinder is apocolyptic enough to stress "fair play".

Rexx wrote:

I agree that the Doomgrinder adventure comes across a little too disruptive and Godzilla-esque. I still have the Doomgrinder in place and responsible for minor earthquakes (blamed for the collapsed alcoves in the Whispering Cairn in fact). I'll drop a few derro sightings as wandering encounters but I doubt I'll run the scenario at all.

The Star Cairns have already been sacked for my game, back in 591-2 CY. It was used a point of reference for Suloise cairns.

Heh. In my game, it is 581 CY, so these things have yet to pass ;-)

In fact, the whole Rary/Tenser thing may end up happening during this campaign.


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