Dungeons Anonymous...


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Hello fellow DMs and Players. I'm curious about the real people behind the characters and DM screens. Would it be too much to ask a few questions about who I'm talking to. I'm not looking for specifics (no names or adresses), just what age category you find yourself in, what area are you from, what type of work you do, are you a DM or a Player, and how did you come to know about and play role-playing games. And, of course anything else you would want to add.

Guess we'll start with me. I'm Ultradan. A 33 year old office technician from Montreal, Canada. I've been a role-player since around 1982. I started out as a player but have graduated to DM for the last 15 years or so. Played D&D (All Editions) for the most part, but tried several different games... Star Wars (old system), Battletech, Call of Cthulhu, Blood Bowl, and a few others. This game (D&D) really changed my life. I just couldn't imagine what I'd be doing if it didn't exist. What a pleasant passtime.

Female, age 26, Central Oregon
System Administrator (from everything to "Fix It" to "Build a Website" to "Change Phone Extensions")

In D20 - DM
Other RPGs (Rifts, GURPS) - Player

Started Playing - 1989; Brother introduced me to the "Red Books", haven't looked back since

Played many other systems, but D20, Rifts, and GURPS are my favorites.

Had a brief hiatus in D&D during the cheese that was Player's Options...but on a whim picked up the 3E books. Was stunned (in a good way) by what WotC had done with D&D. Managed to get boyfriend to play, who had sworn off D&D. Yay 3E! Really revitalized my interest in D&D, started up a campaign.

I've met all my friends (including my boyfriend) through gaming - it's an integral part of my life. Gaming is also the inspiration for a lot of my artwork.

Male 29, played since the red box, 89ish, then in Jr. high found myself in the library playin' T.M.N.T. Then picked up the game again at about 21 playin' rifts and Deadland. Then they came out with the 3.0 DnD and i never looked back.


24, male, writer and investment banker (can you guess which one is my passion?). I started as a player around 1991, Cyberpunk 2020. I stopped for about 10 years due to not having any friends who were interested in roleplaying, but I always had a desire to play.

Then around 2001, I noticed 3rd edition and said to myself, "Self, do you think you could DM?"

And then I said, "Well, thank you for asking, but that seems like a lot of work, me."

So I was like, "Self, I don't like your tone...just kidding, I love it! Shut up! We're DMing, end of story!"

So now I run two games but still hold a dirty secret desire to be a player (but everyone else is too chicken to DM, it's a frightening, frightening job you know).

Well, Hellacious, it seems you just had to look inside yourself to find all the friends you needed. Do you play with your multiple personnalities, or with imaginary people? (Just kidding, of course!)


Male, Age 32, Portland, Oregon
UNIX and Network System Admin for a Fortune 50 Technology Company.

Currently Playing: D20 (3.5E) D&D {3 Campaigns}

Started Playing - 1980; My parents bought my the third revision of the original Basic D&D Boxset.

Mostly played Shadowrun with a few side treks into Twilight 2000, Marvel Super Heroes, World of Darkness - Mage : The Ascension.

Stopped playing about 1990 through 2001 and got back into the game on a lark suggestion from my wife as something to do to pass the summer months. Four years and several thousand dollars of game paraphernalia later....

Major campaign sites can be found at:



I wish it was my multiple personalities, Ultra, then maybe my players would behave for once and not slap around all my precious NPCs. What bullies.

Here is an episode of "Shop Time for Gram" the 5th level fighter of the party:

"I'll give you 700gp for that +2 Longsword..." Gram says.

"Um, that's a +2 Longsword, finely crafted in the-"

*jumps up on counter and kicks shop keeper in the face* (says my player, Lucy)

I break the fourth wall for a moment: What are you doing Lucy?

Lucy: Negotiating.

Me: Mmm...alright, roll a diplomacy check with a -15 modifier for kicking Gruber the poor shop owner in the face.


Does anybody else think it's interesting (if hardly surprising) that so many of the roleplayers on here are in high-tech or highly intelligent/powerful occupations (ie investment banking)? I mean, maybe it's just that those are the people who know how to find their way around messageboards, but I'm thinkin' there's more to it.

Oh yeah, and - male, age 21, writer/editor/journalist (in that order), DM and player (primarily of D&D, but dabbling in other games) pretty much every summer since 5th grade... it's only since working here that I've actually managed to keep a game going during the school year. Such is the reality of playing primarily with college students. : P



Male, age 31, actor. I'm mostly a DM (2 active campaigns and 2 sporadic ones right now), but also a player in 1 active campaign and 1 VERY intermittent campaign. Started playing in 4th grade or so, took a long break in the mid/late 90's (lost interest in the system/didn't know enough gamers), got back into the game when 3rd edition came out.

38, Police Detective (White Collar Crime Investigation), started playing in 1980--D&D briefly, switched to AD&D within weeks of starting. 8 years as a combat medic in the U.S. Army (84-92)

Most of my close friends are gamers; they either were when I met them or became gamers through me or our greater circle of friends. Several other officers I work with also play D&D and other RPG's. While we try to avoid donuts during the game, it doesn't always work ;-)

My wife also plays, so does my sister-in-law. My gaming group includes two teachers, one astronomer, two cops, one title insurance escrow officer and yes--a computer software designer (so there!)

Male, almost 34, webmaster and wanna-be writer, I have been playing for 25 years (since I was 9). I took stints with TMNT, Storyteller, d6 Star Wars, and even Shadowrun. I left RPG for about 5 years after refusing to play it due to burn out running for nearly 15 years straight. A friend pointed out that 3E was coming out and I have not looked back. I currently run the Shackled City AP, but I play in a drow-based game, a war campaign with one of the nastiest paladins to grace paper, and Iron Kingdoms sees me playing a gun mage of dubious repute.

Besides my wife and children, this is my passion. I want nothing more than to pack my work bag with dice and RPG books for a trip to the office to write and playtest games.


I think that is interest too Mr. Sutter. I think you'll find that it unintelligent people tend not to like D&D (at least tend not to be DMs). I'm not saying only smart people play, I'm just saying it takes a certain level of creativity and good old-fashioned smarts to really use your imagination to the degree that D&D asks you to (that is one of the reasons why I don't use minatures, I only use generic colored game pieces so that it forces my players to really use there minds when it comes to the action of the game).

Laff, BTW i'm a drywaller and i DM. ;)

I think that part of the reason you don't see many people saying "Hi, I'm 35, working in Fastfood and I love to play D&D" is that people that are making lower pay than people in Hi-tech often have to work multiple jobs and thus do not have as much free time to play. Also, D&D requires a lot of reading and a little math. I've known people who had no interest in doing either in their off time.

As for lots of gamers being involved in computer related positions. There does seem to be some sort of link between Gamers and computer "Geeks"...It may be that unidentified "Nerd" gene that we all seem to have at least a degree of. I know that three of my players are in computer related fields.

ASEO out

Male, 38; Network/Firewall Admin for a state departmental office building.

Started playing D&D in 1978, along with other tactical wargames and fantasy games; played just about everything that SPI, Avalon Hill and TSR put out between 1976 through 1986. Favorites (besides D&D) were Squad Leader, Gamma World, The Longest Day and Third Reich.

Played amongst neighborhood friends, then college friends, then met new friends to play amongst moving from city to city...Converted from 2nd Ed. directly to 3.5 (and a good thing, too) after waiting for the shakedown period to end - been happy ever since!


Tony, don't kid yourself, drywalling is the thinking man's construction job. It's not like you lay concrete!

[If you lay concrete or have laid concrete at any time please accept my apology, the above statement is not meant as an insult to concrete or concrete layers in any way.]

[Apology brought to you by Snickers "Why wait, have a Snickers."
Apology not available in Tennessee, sorry Tennessee.]

37, neurointerventional radiologist.

Playing since early 80's. Gave it up for 15 years or so while school and training took its toll (I completely missed the 2nd edition). Now starting back up with my old high school friends.

If you lay concrete or have ever laid concrete I apologize, I was not implying in any way, shape, or form that people who lay concrete are less of people.

This apology has been brought to you by Snickers, "Why wait, have a Snickers."

Apology not available in Tennessee, sorry Tennessee.

Christopher Wissel, 30. . . English major. Up until August 19th, 2005, I had been a Team Leader for a day program serving developmentally disabled adults in the greater Indianapolis area. Now, I am waiting tables at a nice seafood restaurant in Galveston, TX until I find a job at UTMB, or conjure some other way to further my social services career in this small town.

I've been playing D&D exclusively since 1985, except for a 3-year stint in college where I didn't play at all. I don't do much outside of D&D, but I am curently working on a D20 Modern campaign set in 1934. The website for this will be up soon, and I may post it to the "Campaign Journals" section. .. out of sheer pride (it's veeerrry good, IMHO).

I also agree that many gamers are intelligent, and often come from IT backgrounds. The reasons for this? I think that the game requires a certain obsessive attention span, like the one a computer programmer needs to have. Plus, the concepts are a system, with it's own mathematical language that exists to describing hypothetical realities and statistical outcomes.

Plus, the Player's Handbook is 300 pages long, as opposed to Bridge or Chess, which take up a single-page pamphlet. Sure, those can be a complicated study too, but you can still confidently play the game after 15 minutes of learning. It takes alot to play this game.

Marc Chin wrote:

Favorites (besides D&D) were ... Gamma World, ....


I always liked Gamma world, especially the oldest stuff because it was easily convertible to 1st and 2ed D&D. I've incorporated GW1 Legion of Gold, The Sub aquatic Laboratory into several of my games. It has often been an additional way off the island in A4, In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords, for parties who missed the boat.

With Omega World released in a Dungedron a while back I gave it another run with a group of rangers in my game…Still worked like a charm, and the players had a blast (literally), Blew themselves up with an explosive spear gun…fortunately, the androids in the area dumped them back into the rejuvenation vats…

ASEO out

hellacious huni wrote:
Tony, don't kid yourself, drywalling is the thinking man's construction job. It's not like you lay concrete!]

LAFF no insult at all! plus anyone else here make 35$ an hour?


Just for the record: no offense intended to anyone who (like me!) is NOT in a high-powered or high-tech field... I just thought it was less than coincidental that everybody one here at that point had such interesting/intellectual jobs.

As for making bank... I'm pretty sure the average waiter or barista outperforms me financially by a significant margin. I'm still borrowing other people's monster manuals, and I WORK here.... : P


P.S: Does anybody else reading this thread feel kind of like it's the gamer version of Fight Club?

"We're your teachers, your IT department, your radiologists... we build your houses and protect you while you sleep...."

15, full time student and aspiring writer on the side. From Northcentral West Virginia. If you know where WVU is, head about 10 miles Northwest, you'll find me.

I found myself drawn to D&D after i found I love fantasy. Not many people here play, nor do I get the chance to often since I'm a simple countryboy surronded by people who don't like doing simple math, but anyway, yeah. I'm almost always behind the screen, since DM actually have to do some work.

Ahhhh...rejuvenation vats. They have a lovely rejuvenation vat room at club med where you can just sit back, relax, and regrow lost limbs. Also fine bloody marys.

tony wikeruk wrote:

LAFF no insult at all! plus anyone else here make 35$ an hour?

Not since highschool ;-) Those were rough days. Having to live on a budget and all.

hellacious huni wrote:
Ahhhh...rejuvenation vats. They have a lovely rejuvenation vat room at club med where you can just sit back, relax, and regrow lost limbs. Also fine bloody marys.

Yep, it is kind'a like that. Unknown to the characters, one has a metalic artificial heart (this will be fun if someone casts heat metal on him) from taking a 10d6 (I think) Black ray blast through the chest...The PC only had 2 hp prior to the hit...

Gamma World Mutations wera also another fun way to add some flavor to a normal D&D game.

ASEO out

Yeah, I love the metallic heart. The player could be all, "I'm comin' Elizabeth!"

By the way, you CAN lay concrete and still live a normal life.

Liberty's Edge

I think I've found the RPG equivalent of the Personals section.

DWM, 35, Vegetation Cartographer, DM 97% of the time since 1983. Prefers (A)D&D, any edition. Star Wars, Deadlands, Blood Bowl, Fading Suns, MtG, and D&D Miniatures I dabble in when time permits. I once had five active games going at once as DM before I imploded. Now I'm running two Greyhawk games in the Sacramento area, one in the Domain of Greyhawk and the other in the Lands of Shar. When I'm not gaming, I'm obsessing about football or geocaching.

The tech jobs allows for plenty of "Time-Wasting" as I call it. It's easy to check the Paizo.com boards when you're wolfing down lunch when you're on a PC all day. I do a lot of processing work and while the task bar works its way to 100%, the internet is my friend.

I'm male, 38 years old, electrical engineer (PhD). Been
playing since 1979. Took a hiatus from gaming while in
grad school (missed 2nd ed. completely!) - got interested
again when 3rd edition came out.

Male, Spanish (my dad being English though), 26, MA in English Philology, currently teaching Spanish and English at a vocational college in Germany. Been playing RPGs since 1993, I started with the old D&D boxed set (black box, fifteenth printing I believe), with which I introduced basically all my friends to the hobby. Played AD&D for quite a long time (homebrew world made by a friend, some Dragonlance and Ravenloft), then had a 7-year hiatus in which I only played other RPGs, like Cyberpunk, Call of Cthulhu, or Vampire. In the last 3-4 years I became sort of nostalgic about D&D, picked up 3E, and then started to get absorbed by the magic of the Forgotten Realms setting, in which I have been DMing a campaign since.

Dark Archive

30yo, Unix sysadmin for half a dozen years, just finishing off an MBA, played since the red box (85ish probably), D&D's always been my main game but I've dabbled in plenty of others -- most notably CoC, WFRP, some of the "harder" SF games, and a little VtM -- but it's pretty much only been D&D for the last 5 or 6 years.

On the whole high tech, white-collar type jobs and gaming...

I play D&D to escape. I work hard, therefore I want to play hard. I want to forget about stupid people who think they know how to use a computer, think that by saying "Make it so" they can conjure up a fully functioning multi million dollar website in a week, repeatedly delete their email inboxes, or any number of insane deadlines or stupid things. I want to let my mind go from "for x:=1 to 1000 do this silly routine because the boss wants this silly report" to "How will I inspire my players this evening? How will I make them sit on the edge of the sofa, eagerly listening to every word that I say, and planning a tactical strike on the enemy force that they've just learned about?"

It's about redirecting your energies in a more fun and creative way, about breaking your mind out from its routine. That's why I play. (It's also the same reason I'm in the SCA - http://www.sca.org for those that aren't in the know.)

So, why does everyone else play??

Neomorte wrote:
I want nothing more than to pack my work bag with dice and RPG books for a trip to the office to write and playtest games.

:-D I don't take my game books out of my car between sessions because I like to brainstorm on my lunch breaks.

14-year old male in central Minnesota. Been playing since about 2001, so for about four years or so. I have gotten all my friends into it, and now it is our standard acticity. i am also in the SCA, known as Enion Dubh Ghall or Rockhaven, Northsheild.

Bloodhawke wrote:
I am also in the SCA, known as Enion Dubh Ghall or Rockhaven, Northsheild.

Rani Ignia il Nomade, of Corvaria, Summits, An Tir.

I'm originally from Montreal, Canada now (sometimes struggling)living in Japan (Right wing politics and crazy working hours) teaching English to Japanese actresses and corporate bosses. I'm recently married and 32 today. I started playing D and D when I was 11 and have tried other systems, most notable White Wolf's Storyteller System, but I always return to my original gaming love. I started DMing and just took to it and I always thought I could do better than 'the other guy'. I consume fantasy culture (comics, movies, TV) voraciously when I'm not reading the 'serious' stuff from literary cannon (Proust, Dante, Chaucer et al.). I don't play right now, just read and plan campaigns in my head. Honestly, I keep wondering when is the day I leave all this (reading fantasy, writing) behind me but also worrying that if I do, I will know that some greater part of me will have died.

I am 25, male and live in Seattle. I used to started playing 3 years ago just to keep a friend company, and I had so much fun that I just kept playing. I moved away from my friends so now I dm a group of new players. I moved to Seattle to go to school but I used to sell tools at Sears in LA. Which is the oppisite of a tekkie job....

I think most of the people here have such tekkie jobs in because we are on an internet message board. Most people that don't have a computer on their desk dont have the time or inclination to chat on the paizo website.

Lilith wrote:

On the whole high tech, white-collar type jobs and gaming...

I play D&D to escape.
So, why does everyone else play??

Primarily to socialize with my friends, with whom I would hang out even if we didn't play D&D. I do enjoy the creative outlet as well, since I don't have the skill or patience to "write." It's not really an escape when all you do is DM.

I enjoy the intellectual aspects of it, as I am a persistent "knob turner" when it comes to systems, rules, set ups, etc. and 3.5 's "knob turning" ability is right up my alley.

To escape, I play golf, sometimes by myself. If the course is backed up, I read Dungeon or Dragon or fantasy novels while waiting to hit my next shot. Yes, I get weird looks sometimes, but I do not care.

Never considered the SCA--I got dressed up in a medieval costume once for a theme wedding and it itched a lot...and I couldn't find my sword at the end the reception....

I never used to start playing. I just started....

Hey everyone, great to read a little about you all. I picked up a copy of Dungeon just about six months ago wanting to get some hard facts about the Greyhawk setting. No turning back now, the guys and gals here at Paizo have got me hooked with the fantastic material they put out each month.

I am 29, gaming in the "Quiet Corner" of Connecticut, I work as a Table Games Supervisor at one of the local casinos. I currently DM a game set in Greyhawk and am about to start a second campain as a player in a fellow DMs homebrew setting.

I got into D&D in 1983 when my parents noticed I loved fantasy stories (Bless you mom and dad and that little red box). Played for a few years then moved on to computer games in H.S. College found me back into D&D with a great group of players and when I left school I immediatly looked for a gaming group in my new town. Was a player from '97 to 2003 then took the DMs seat briefly to run the group through a version of the Dungeon Siege game redone to fit 2ed. (what a blast) Last year saw me slogging through Dragon Mountain with only one other player (yes it was a nightmare before you ask). Got my hands on Necromancer Games Rappan Athuk-The Dungeon of Graves and just had to run it in Greyhawk as my version of the endless dungeon (a tribute to Castle Greyhawk!).

I have to agree with some of the previous comments posted, the folks who chat here are all extremly bright (especially the younger ones whom I have seen posting) and seem to love the endless complexity that can be D&D. Yet at the same time we all can see how simple it is to simply pick up a character sheet and show a new player "OK, you are a fighter, dressed in plate mail. See this big sword? That orc over there said something bad about your momma, show him how you feel!"

13, Babysiter. I started at 1st grade, but me and my Dad didnt take it to seriusly. In 5th grade I started to want to play again, so I spent so much time making a cool adventure. My Dad and brother made 4th lvl characters and we played! It took 3 sessions but it was fun. Then I introduced it to the school, everyone wanted in and we would play at lunch/recess with everyone huddled around. Once the principal game to check it out, so we hid our minis and dice and pretended to be talkin about girls. A bit after that some kids thought it was geeky (some thought it possesd you) so we stopped and started playing at home. Now I run AoTW, my base world, and one about demons I posted somewhere else. Nothing has really happened bad, exept now one player is quiting because he got to cool and a girlfriend:( It might change some things but other then that we always have a good time. My Mom and Dad and I are trying to write an adventure soon, wish me luck!

Good Luck Onrie! So many people who are your age today think that videogames are the coolest thing. They don't realise how narrow a path most videogames make you walk. In D&D, if you want to jump on a ship and head across the world, the only thing stopping you is how much gold you have in your purse!

I agree on what Rothandalantearic said... Good for you Onrie! I also started at school, in third grade on a 'do anything' day. I had brought a chess board and was having fun with that until something caught my ear in the back of the classroom. There, a few kids brought their character sheets, a few dice and a module: The Tomb of Horrors. It drew me in like a moth to a flame. Being one of the rare adventure modules at the time with a booklet of pictures, it opened a doorway to another world for me and I've been living there ever since.

When I started, all I had was an adventure module (B1 In search of the Unknown (wich I STILL have today!!)), a d4, a d10 and the ideas that were errupting out of my mind. I winged it from the start, I made up most of the rules, anything to keep the story going.

Onrie, I envy you. You have something now that I didn't have when I started... Help on all your questions! All these people here are knowledgable people who will be more than happy to help you out with anything you don't fully understand about ANY rule of the game. They (we) are an infinite ressource for you. Good luck on your game!

Hi! I'm Blubbernaught and I'm an alcoh... Oh, wait. Wrong brain.

I'm 30 years old and have been playing for two thirds of my life. A little piece of math that seems sort of depressing now that I think about it.

I mostly play, though I have DMed a few times. I have a bad habit of running out of gumption after a few months though, too many campaigns have just fallen by the wayside due to me losing my drive to be creative. I'm trying to get past that, I'm working on a rather elaborate campaign setting to throw some friends through. We'll see what comes of that.

On the job front, I'm a cubicle monkey. I've done everything from Telemarketing to Mortgage Collections. My favorite was the ISP tech support job. At the moment I'm working for a fairly successful home shopping jewelry place. Considering working through to become a certified gemologist, might open up some new job options.

Scarab Sages

I'm 37 and currently a Senior Information Developer (a fancy way of saying Technical Writer/Editor/Layout Designer/Whatever-the Client-Needs-Done-Person) working for a company that contracts to the Oil and Gas industry. I say "currently" because before this I worked PC tech support for field technicians (Tier 2 and 3 for those who know or care). Before that I was manager of a game store (my dream job actually - if only it paid better...). Before that I ran magazine stands for Bookstop (the company B&N bought and stole the concept from).

I started playing just after AD&D was listed in the Games Magazine Top 100 Games in the late 70s (1978 or so - I can't remember now). I played some 2nd edition in High School as I liked the direction the game was heading (if somewhat disparaged by the declining quality), but switched to Fantasy Hero mostly in college and used the AD&D material as reference documents. 3.0 changed that and I have started moving back into D&D. I am starting a homebrew world and currently running pick-up games to try out players for a new group (not everyone in my regular group wants to switch systems).

Hi, I'm a 20 y/o male from central Arkansas. I am currently on active duty for the AR national guard in Iraq and I run the internet and phone systems on base. Back home I'm going to college for computer tech (another tally for the "geeks" theory!).

I started playing when 3E first came out. I had a friend bring it school when I lived in Missouri and we just fell into it. After I moved to Arkansas, I brought my stuff with me and waited about a year and a half before I found people who wanted to play. I was reading through some old Dungeons magazines in class (it was physics) and caught the eye of some guys that would later turn out to be my best friends. Been playing ever since. We've all taken turns DMing and whenever someone comes up with a quest we just do it

Scarab Sages

I'm Gavgoyle. I'm a 33 year old curator (of archaeological collections) in Texas. I'm not a native Texan, I'm originally from Illinois. I'm a husband and father of a 3 year old daughter and have a little boy on the way (just got the ultrasound yesterday, yay!). I interned at the Grand Canyon for a semester and would love to be back in Arizona.

I started playing in 1980 with the red box and was immmediately hooked. I started DMing about two years later (not well, but that's how you learn and we were all still in grade school, so it wasn't as though anyone cared). I took a couple years off when I was in grad school, but felt the vacancy in my life. I have played and/or ran games in many systems, a couple of my favorites... Deadlands (props to the other Deadlands fans here), Call of Cthulhu, Star Frontiers, Gamma World, Top Secret, Tabloid! (tri-dexterous paparatzi photographer), TMNT, GURPs Steampunk, and TimeLords (where you can play yourself as a character, that was pretty darn rollicing! I ended up becoming a Dragonrider on Pern (which got ret-conned out by another player), saving Thomas Wayne from Joe Chill only to later have he and his wife killed by Nazis who wanted to use the caves beneath stately Wayne manor, joining a later continuity Nazi-hunting Batman and Slade Wilson to liberate a concentration camp, and finally ended up with a nasty nanite-infestation in a Stargate-esque Egyptian battleworld).

I'm currently lifting a campaing off with some nice folks here in Texas, and have been made a co-owner of a play by messageboard site Shadowrealms.hyperboards.com where I'm running a 2ed ToEE game and a 3.5 Raiders of the Black Ice campaign. I game for the same reason that a writer writes...it's part of who I am.

Gavgoyle wrote:
. . . and TimeLords (where you can play yourself as a character, that was pretty darn rollicing! I ended up becoming a Dragonrider on Pern (which got ret-conned out by another player), saving Thomas Wayne from Joe Chill only to later have he and his wife killed by Nazis who wanted to use the caves beneath stately Wayne manor, joining a later continuity Nazi-hunting Batman and Slade Wilson to liberate a concentration camp, and finally ended up with a nasty nanite-infestation in a Stargate-esque Egyptian battleworld).


I need to check out Timelords.

I'm 17 (will be 18 this month), a high school senior, and (hopefully) a future aspiring novelist. This screen name is the name of the fantasy world I have been designing since 7th grade, before I ever knew about D&D. I live in southern Indiana, just about 30 minutes away from Louisville, KY.

I first came to know of D&D through Dragonlance. I happened to get Chronicles as a christmas present one year, and only later found out that it was D&D, which I had only vaguely heard of before. Then, a friend of mine had some D&D-based computer games that I found interesting, so I decided to find out what the core system was like, and played my first session on my birthday in the 10th grade with the 3.0 books (only to have to spend another $90 later to switch to 3.5....)

I've got a consistent group of four of my friends. We've tried to get other people interested, but none of them seem to be able to grasp the game for some reason.

hellacious huni wrote:
Yeah, I love the metallic heart. The player could be all, "I'm comin' Elizabeth!"

Hunni, you ROCK.


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