Vargr Dragonslayer's page
29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Vic Wertz wrote: Vargr Dragonslayer wrote: Do such benefits include free pdf downloads? Would they apply to the new issues, but not the past ones? Correct on both points! I chose module "U2" as my starting volume, but its pdf is not yet among my downloads. Does this mean that I will never get that free pdf, or that I will for some reason get it later on?
Thanks once more!
Vic Wertz wrote: Vargr Dragonslayer wrote: Hi there,
is there a chance I could subscribe to GameMastery now? If so, could I get all the past issues somehow?
Thanks and best regards,
Vargr You can subscribe at any time, and all of the past Modules are still available (though we're nearly out of print copies of D0: Hollow's Last Hope). However, we don't apply subscriber benefits retroactively. Do such benefits include free pdf downloads? Would they apply to the new issues, but not the past ones?
Thanks again, Vic, and regards from Germany.
Hi there,
is there a chance I could subscribe to GameMastery now? If so, could I get all the past issues somehow?
Thanks and best regards,
Anthony Law wrote: My game starts up again in 2 weeks. Will the supplements be done by then? I have a game starting in 3 weeks, I a need that supplement...please Gods of Dungeon Magazine, hearken!
Greetings, everyone, and thanks for the posts.
Fantasy In is a very nice store, I buy lots of stuff there.
As for your offer, Stebehil, thanks a lot, I'll drop you a line.
Haven't received anything yet. I'm in Hannover, Germany.
Greetings, everyone.
I'm half-English, half-Spanish, grew up in Asturias, Spain, studied in Finland, and I'm now working in Hannover, Germany.
And I'm desperately looking for D&D players in this area, by the way. Any takers?
Well met!
I'm desperately looking for D&D players in (or around) Hannover, Germany.
I have a car and wouldn't mind travelling 30-60 minutes if necessary for the game. I could DM or play, don't mind which.

Lisa Stevens wrote: I am working on a plan to get another company to pick up the magazines in London and ship them out to everyone. Basically, I own part of a company in the UK called Cerberus Entertainment (they make the Warmachine and Hordes minis in Europe). My parnter there has agreed to have his guys get in their van and go to London, pick up the mags, and ship them out. I am now trying to find out where the magazines are so I can give him an address to go to. I am also hoping we can get the addresses of the folks who subscribed through TPFG so we can send those out too. While they are there, I will have them pick up all the magazine back issues, so we should be able to send out copies that were lost, never arrived, etc.
I am waiting for a return email from someone at Esdevium who should be able to help me with this. With any luck, he will get back to me today.
Like you, I have given up on TPFG. Hopefully we can get Cerberus the magazines in quick order and get the magazines shipped out. Wish me luck.
Excellent! Thanks for listening to us, loyal customers.
Lisa Stevens wrote: crazy_cat wrote: Still no 150/359 here in Cambridge.
Have TPFG made any sort of 100% concrete commitment yet on when/if they'll actually be sending these out - as this is now becoming absolutely ridiculous.
No 100% concrete commitment yet. I am working on it. They have the magazines. They have my money for shipping them. They WILL ship them out if I have to go over personally and stand over their shoulder and MAKE them ship them out.
Hi Lisa,
as I said in my previous post, I have never received Dungeon 149. I am located in Germany, and live in an apartment, so there's no chance I'll ever get it now, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation. What can Paizo do to ensure we all get what we paid for?

Shadowcross wrote: Lisa Stevens wrote: I have an email in to TPFG to find out why the magazines were shipped out without a name on them. That is just crazy and I need to hear from them how something like this could have happened. I expect TPFG will reship those issues out on their own dime. I will let you know when I have more information. Thanks for the update. It's good to hear something at least, even if it's bad news.
Sadly, I'm afraid "reship those issues out on their own dime" will also mean "on their own TIME" - meaning it will take at least a few weeks again:
1-2 weeks until they get them back
1-2 weeks until they have them sent out again
1-2 weeks until they reach us
So currently, I expect it to take anywhere between 3-6 weeks until I finally get my magazine.
That is, IF - and that's a very big IF - they both get the magazine back and they have the money to send it to me again. Both of which I seriously doubt after the events of the last weeks.
What will Paizo do to ensure that TPFG will actually get the missing magazines to us? Will we have to wait another 2 months - not knowing if the magazine will actually ever arrive at all? Indeed. I am located in Germany and live in an apartment, haven't received Dungeon 149 yet. I am trying to be patient, but I couldn't agree more with the above post.
The only acceptable solution at this point is for Paizo to re-send the magazines directly to those European subscribers who, like me, haven't yet received their issues of Dungeon or Dragon. Anything less would be very, very disappointing.
Cyria wrote: Hello !
I live in Hamburg. I started with D&D more than 20 years ago.
In our group I have to translate everything because two of the players have never learned english.
Most of the time I do this by reading the original text an translate this "on the fly" but at the moment I work on an BIG translation projekt: Temple of elemental evil/Scourge of the Slavelords/Queen of the spiders.
I had to bring them to 3.5 ed. rules so it was only one step more to translate everything.
I will have to translate Slavers too because I have the characters back in time (for the first 3 modules) and then I plan to bring them back and follow with the Istvin-campaign arc, Slavers and Return to the Temple of elemental evil.
Hi Cyria,
would you perhaps be interested in having a new player at your table or starting a new group, however small?
I am located in Stade.
rowmandragon wrote: Vargr,
Where exactly is new spangdahlem? I am currently using the train to travel and it hard to find your location to see if it's within my reach to play. Are you still looking for a group or do you have one already? I am in the Bamberg area and if your gaming area is close by I wish to join it if I am allowed.
Sorry, I am again located way further north. :(
Arpman wrote: I am an american that lives new Spangdahlem. Anyone else nearby? Not even close, regretfully. I am waaaay up north!
Ravenloft back to WOTC huh? Not at all a good development, I think.
I always loved the Ravenloft setting, especially the black box, which is the one my DM had used yeeeears ago. A bit kitsch sometimes, a bit too generic others, but the background and its themes had a certain flair which I have always enjoyed. Not being a great fan of White Wolf, the very high quality of their remake of the Ravenloft setting has been a big, nice surprise for me. The contents are of the highest quality, even though the design, artwork, and maps are very much substandard. In fact, I have liked their stuff so much that I am going to start a Ravenloft campaign next week! Shame that so many people like me will be stuck in a kind of limbo again.
D&Ddevil wrote: I live in Hamburg too
I'm desperetly searching for D&D players... so far I only found one guy but you can't play with only two people... english would be o.k. but german is fine too (I dont mind)
Drop me a line if you want, I'd be happy to join your game.

Black Dougal wrote:
Now that I have a real job and lots of disposable income I can afford to spend more on this stuff, but I am tired on buying crap. So I direct my dollars to stuff I like, such as dungeon issues...
Black Dougal wrote:
So, I am not buying all these complete warrior supplements, nor ghostwalk, nor frostbrun or stormwreck...I am buying Dungeon magazine regularly, why, cause they are giving me my Greyhawk fix.
I simply do not understand the marketing strategy at WOTC. Why are they producing all this nonsense that just gathers dust on dealers shelves. I am not exaggerating. I was at Cangames in May and picked up several FR...
My thoughts exactly. I am so tired of how WoTC are incessantly churning out crap by the truckload, while at the same time neglecting any kind of RPG material I would find useful or appealing myself. For God's sake, they don't even publish adventures anymore, just addenda to the rules system! Why would I want to buy 12 more books just full of rules, rules, and more rules (plus the now usual candies for munchkin powergamers, like new feats and prestige classes). All the "Complete" series, plus the new "meteorology" books are just that: crap for munchkins or rules-obssessed people. No adventures, no setting, no background, no story. In one word: no more roleplaying, just dice ROLLING.
Black Dougal wrote:
Greenwood did that to time in his early Dragon mags. But I think my interest in Relams faded when the novels started coming out and dictating history. No, I liked the original FR setting and I, the DM, would dicate history, not some random hack author.
Another very interesting point. While I love the FR setting, I couldn't agree more with you. I would actually prefer NOT having to deal with endless changes to the setting, and being more or less forced to comply with the "canon" set by a plethora of hack authors. The Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul deities being replaced by Cyric is a very good example of ruining a setting, IMO.
Male, Spanish (my dad being English though), 26, MA in English Philology, currently teaching Spanish and English at a vocational college in Germany. Been playing RPGs since 1993, I started with the old D&D boxed set (black box, fifteenth printing I believe), with which I introduced basically all my friends to the hobby. Played AD&D for quite a long time (homebrew world made by a friend, some Dragonlance and Ravenloft), then had a 7-year hiatus in which I only played other RPGs, like Cyberpunk, Call of Cthulhu, or Vampire. In the last 3-4 years I became sort of nostalgic about D&D, picked up 3E, and then started to get absorbed by the magic of the Forgotten Realms setting, in which I have been DMing a campaign since.
First of all, great thread. I always find it very inspiring, and also strangely beautiful, whenever I hear about those veteran gamers among us who haven't stopped enjoying our beloved hobby even in the face of "real life" demands, particularly so in the case of those who have introduced their own kids to the game, something I find really laudable. As a 27-year old guy whose old gaming group is starting to disintegrate, I hope I will manage to continue the tradition of bearded, middle aged D&D players who DM with their own kids and their friends!
Slade wrote: Vargr Dragonslayer wrote: Stade here, still looking for someone who will play with me in English lol.
I live in Wiesbaden, and also looking for someone to play in english.... Shame that Wiesbaden is so far from where I live (I am located in Stade, which is on the northeast, near Hamburg).
I am still looking for someone who will play in English in my area...no luck so far :(
I have been a Spanish expat for a year now and I am enjoying living here, but it certainly has cons, like the lack of people to play D&D with!

gurps wrote: Hi
can anyone explain the enormous price difference between an american an a european subscription? When I buy a US-RPG I pay about 0.85 to 0.9 Euro per US$, so that a $20 book is Euro 17.80. When I buy a Dungeon, I have to pay between 9 and 11 Euro per Dungeon - and, sorry to say that, they are not worth this much of money.
A subscription is about $40 a year in the US - that would be Euro 35 - but I have to pay $72 for a european version. Let's get serious, when every other book bought from the US is so much cheaper, it SHOULD be possible to do the same to your Magazines. I am quite sure there are enough european distributers willing to help spread the mags here. I'd be one of the first subscribers for the "real" price.
best regards
72$ for an annual subscription, including shipping, is extremely good value for the product you're getting.
These days a single d20 hardcover book (for instance, the Freeport campaign setting from Green Ronin) from those same German retailers you're referring to costs about 26 euros, that is, about 32$. Books like this have about 160 pages usually. Therefore, for the price of your annual Dungeon subscription you'd be limited to buying two volumes like these, for a total page count of about 320 pages. Considering how every single Dungeon issue has 100+ pages, I can hardly see how anyone could accuse Paizo of excessively high prices.
And don't even get me started with quality: I have become really tired of the endless succession of trash WoTC and many other publishers are currently putting out on the market, and the contrast between their anodine, totally generic stuff and the brilliantly written and designed modules Paizo manages to churn out is enormous.
@gurps: and by the way, I am also located in Germany and a regular customer of the Dragonworld online store.
I just replied to your e-mail, Absinth. Still looking...;)
Stade here, still looking for someone who will play with me in English lol.
Absinth wrote: Wow, i never would've expected to meet someone on these boards that is from my region. I'm from Hamburg (Eimsbüttel, near city).
And you want to play using english?
Quite interesting...
Don't you speak german? :)
I grew up near Stade and, as far as i know, there's or has been an RPG club in Buxtehude.
Hi Absinth,
I have just found your post TODAY, lol, two months later.
I have still not found anybody to play with in these parts, would you like to volunteer, perhaps? Heheh
And yes, I can speak *some* German, but not enough to roleplay, I'm afraid, or at least not enough to do so and actually enjoy it.
My email address is enriqueperiam@yahoo.es, drop me a line if you read this and are interested.
I have recently moved to Stade, Lower Saxony and I am looking for any gamers in this area interested to play a D&D campaign in English. I'd love to DM an Oriental Adventures (Rokugan), Forgotten Realms, or Ravenloft game. If somebody actually reads this and wants to play, post here or drop me a line at enriqueperiam@yahoo.es.
Thanks a lot, that's a very welcome addition to the mag for me!
Erik Mona wrote: Does Eric L. Boyd do an appropriate amount of research for his projects?
Do you like Waterdeep?
Are you willing to buy three consecutive issues of Dungeon just for the FR content?
Just wondering.
You bet!
That would be awesome. In fact, the only gripe I have with Dungeon Magazine as it is now is the very apparent lack of any FR-specific materials. I greatly miss Ed Greenwood's articles on Faerunian locales, like Varl said, and considering the lack of published adventures for this campaign setting, I think Dungeon Magazine could be the perfect place to treat us, the FR freaks. We are legion, after all...
That is a very good idea IMHO.
I personally have experienced the same problems since I subscribed to Dungeon Magazine, but after a wait of 2 months I finally got my two issues, plus a free one. If this delivery problems do not happen again in the future, I will renew my subscription right away.