Overload appreciation thread

Age of Worms Adventure Path

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Erik Mona wrote:



O my O My! Wooooooo. We reached 595 posts and got the overload on Friday! Erik, you Dungeon Editor Hero! Much thanks for all the work. This will help me bunches! Keep on with the great work!

And you did it! As promised!


The overview was as good as I expected, will be quite useful, thanks!

The statblocks I havent' really looked through, the area info is also quite useful.

Brava! :) Seriously, superb stuff, guys. The stat-blocks alone made me happy-skippy (I really get tired of stat-blocking), and I loved the little Greyhawk references at the end (I wish I wasn't such a late-comer to Greyhawk, but soon I fear I shall bite the bullet and find said PDF files...)

I love it, especially since I DM in the FR. Now if you could add a d&d miniatures friendly list of substitution for monsters, it would be greatly appreciated :)

GreenGrunt wrote:
While the adventure overviews are nice, they were completely unnecessary as we'll be getting those in each Dungeon issue.

Hmmmm. Actually, I completely disagree. As a DM, I think that they are completely necessary so that I can see what's ahead for the party, and plan accordingly.

Planning accordingly means seeing if each adventure has stuff I'd do differently, i.e. NOT using Smenk in TFoE so that I can prolong his existence as a nasty villain. It also allows me to work in some non-AoW stuff interstially in the gaps, so as to keep the flavor of my own Eberron campaign where I'm using AoW as a drop-in (I'm actually running two different parties, same group of players, in two different sections of Khorvaire).

Of course, your mileage may vary, but for me as the "director" of the improv "movie" my "actors" are in, I'd like to know the rough summary of the story from stem to stern just so that I don't trip up over my own feet. That doesn't mean that the story is set, and the players don't have free will, but knowing the rough direction of the adventure path is critical and completely necessary, I would say.

And I just did!

The Madwabbit wrote:
GreenGrunt wrote:
While the adventure overviews are nice, they were completely unnecessary as we'll be getting those in each Dungeon issue.

Hmmmm. Actually, I completely disagree. As a DM, I think that they are completely necessary so that I can see what's ahead for the party, and plan accordingly.

Planning accordingly means seeing if each adventure has stuff I'd do differently, i.e. NOT using Smenk in TFoE so that I can prolong his existence as a nasty villain. It also allows me to work in some non-AoW stuff interstially in the gaps, so as to keep the flavor of my own Eberron campaign where I'm using AoW as a drop-in (I'm actually running two different parties, same group of players, in two different sections of Khorvaire).

Of course, your mileage may vary, but for me as the "director" of the improv "movie" my "actors" are in, I'd like to know the rough summary of the story from stem to stern just so that I don't trip up over my own feet. That doesn't mean that the story is set, and the players don't have free will, but knowing the rough direction of the adventure path is critical and completely necessary, I would say.

And I just did!

Valid points, however, by the time my PCs reach 3FOE it'll be around the time we'll be getting Dungeon #128, still plenty of time to keep the improvisational elements of the campaign going. And remember, these overviews aren't set in stone either, Erik (or was it James?) had said that the overviews may change as the issues come forth from month to month. However, if your group is meeting regularly on a weekly basis or even a twice a week basis, I can see why the adventure overviews are essential.

GreenGrunt wrote:
Valid points, however, by the time my PCs reach 3FOE it'll be around the time we'll be getting Dungeon #128, still plenty of time to keep the improvisational elements of the campaign going. And remember, these overviews aren't set in stone either, Erik (or was it James?) had said that the overviews may change as the issues come forth from month to month. However, if your group is meeting regularly on a weekly basis or even a twice a week basis, I can see why the adventure overviews are essential.

Yup, we're meeting roughly twice a month, although this group takes an AWFUL long time to get through anything. They're fun to play with, but not extremely efficient when it comes to time management.

And your point about the overviews themselves changing is well noted. For me, I just wanted some sense of what Erik et le crew have planned, and I already see some bits I need to change here and there.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

GreenGrunt wrote:
Valid points, however, by the time my PCs reach 3FOE it'll be around the time we'll be getting Dungeon #128, still plenty of time to keep the improvisational elements of the campaign going. And remember, these overviews aren't set in stone either, Erik (or was it James?) had said that the overviews may change as the issues come forth from month to month. However, if your group is meeting regularly on a weekly basis or even a twice a week basis, I can see why the adventure overviews are essential.

The overviews may indeed change here and there, but for the most part the overarcing story won't change at all. We sent all our authors an expanded version of the outline (expanded in that there were design/editorial notes that didn't really impact the adventures), but give them a great deal of freedom to design their adventures.

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