Detail Oversight

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Some minor spoilers...

Our good friends at Dungeon missed a detail, just where the heck are the three rival adventurers staying in Diamond Lake?

Our first session entailed the party becoming increasingly curious about thier goings-on to the point of tossing their house while the Redfolk, as they have come to be called, were out exploring the Stirgenest Cairn. My party even beat the Redfolk to the cairn, scouted it out a little, and then hid when the rivals came to explore. My party got a hint as to their power when the magician tossed a fireball into the cairn mouth to clean out all of the stirges. One of the characters was talking about ambushing them since they knew roughly how powerful they were and that the big blast spell was cast. Fortunatly, that idea was dropped quickly.

Granted, the party's patron did inform them that the redfolk's wanderings were of interest, and that they should find out all that they can about the Redfolk's goals. But, I've dropped a lot of hints that the Redfolk are chasing shadows, and that there is a gen-u-wine haunted tomb in the hills that the party could beat them to.

Baron Opal

(First post here, nice to meet all of you.)

Hi and welcome (I am quite new here myself so it feels strange welcoming someone),

I guess that they would stay at Able Carter's Coach Company. That seems to be the closest thing next to an inn. The other places offering accomodations are far too dodgy for someone as self important as Khellek. ;-)


Paizo Employee Creative Director

I wouldn't call this a missed detail as much as an ommitted detail. We can only put X amount of info into an adventure, so sometimes, notes as to where certain NPCs live or where the monsters go to the bathroom or sleep at night are left out.

Which is another way of saying that the three adventurers sleep wherever the DM wants them to. ;-)

And: Welcome to the boards! :-)

James Jacobs wrote:
so sometimes, notes as to where certain NPCs live or where the monsters go to the bathroom

Ah, are you not familar with the Hackmaster re-imagining of the classic module G1, assault on the steading of the hill giant chief? Down amoungst the faeces in the giant's privy are several spellbook pages containing the wish spell.

Now I have one player who routinely insists on examing such things no matter the beastie or parasite I throw in. Even a gate at the bottom of the Kings privy in Suzail that goes to undermountain has not cured him.

Black Dougal wrote:

Ah, are you not familar with the Hackmaster re-imagining of the classic module G1, assault on the steading of the hill giant chief? Down amoungst the faeces in the giant's privy are several spellbook pages containing the wish spell.

I guess if I spelunked downshaft into a mountain of giant leavings and dug out a scat-marinated book containing the wish spell, I'd probably just wish for amnesia and a fresh set of arms.

And Baron Opal, greetings.

I see that Khellek frequents the Dragonchess Parlor, while Kirra hounds the Dog-Bar. But my question is, where is Auric's #1 "hang out" spot whenever the other 2 are gaming?

LeapingShark wrote:

I see that Khellek frequents the Dragonchess Parlor, while Kirra hounds the Dog-Bar. But my question is, where is Auric's #1 "hang out" spot whenever the other 2 are gaming?

He hangs out in front of the mirror, admiring his awesome pecs and quads, not to mention his fabulous hairdo.

Scarab Sages

Vigwyn wrote:
He hangs out in front of the mirror, admiring his awesome pecs and quads, not to mention his fabulous hairdo.

Auric (winking and pointing at his image in the mirror): "You, baby, have the power!"

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Auric spends most of his free time in the opium den of the Emporium, on the upper level next to the Veiled Corridor. He can usually be found in the company of Mr. Shag Solomon.


Shadow Lodge

I've actually had Auric frequent the Spinning Giant (as I wondered the same thing).

The sweet thing about this is the other garrison folk don't take poor Auric too seriously and have been sarcastic in talking with him. Of course poor Auric doesn't realize they're sarcastic just yet, so he's playing along with them. "Why yes I am a very mighty warrior..."

I've justified this to myself in that Dobrun has talked his men into talking it up with Auric, hoping he will leak info about the group.

Edit: I didn't see Mona's post first before I replied - I could have sworn it was something about needing interns...:)

I didn't take Auric as the type to frequent the opium den? I pictured him as being fairly shallow and maybe even hyper?

I saw that, Mona. :-)

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