Mind Flayer

Baron Opal's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Some photos of how your structured the inside pages would be helpful. I'm not quite sold on why I would buy this over a journal or sketchbook from Borders, yet.


How much information is / was going to be in the index? Is it going to be Issue / Adventure / Level, or with a sentance on the adventure, or what? I was very disappointed that it wasn't in the current issue of Dungeon. However, upon reading that it would be 16 pages in length, I can understand.

BS in Chemistry (Clarkson U.- Potsdam, NY.)
Doctorate in Pharmacy (Pharm.D., Univeristy of Georgia)
MA in Medieval Metaphysics(Miskatonic Univeristy, Arkham, Mass. No, really!)

Currently practicing in Salem, OR. Had a touch of wanderlust for a while.

kulisap wrote:
Male Half-orc Monk! Male Half-orc Monk! Male Half-orc Monk! :D

Male dwarven wizard! :D Between the two I'll have most of my faveorite character types.

I'm presuming that some of the old adventures won't be in the compendium. As there are a couple that I would love to have, and I haven't gotten my mitts on the CD yet, has there been any interest in publishing those?

Baron Opal

You know, I'm a little surprised that no one has said Scarred Lands yet. It is a great setting, one that is actually quite well suited for this path. I would imagine that Kyuss would be a great minion of Chern, or perhaps it is Chern himself manipulating events in the background.

I would guess that since Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and Eberron are WotC properties, those are naturally the most common settings used. Avandu, Scarred Lands and other third party settings have less exposure and may not be suited for the adventure path series. Or, perhaps, not even for Dungeon adventures.

I find my homebrew more interesting than published campaigns, mustly from the history that it has for me. I'm sure that for Joe Gamer GH or Eberron would have more detail, but I've been running this campaign off and on since 1983, about 10-12 years of total time at a game per week. Eberron really interested me, but my own creation is the closest to my heart.

My homebrew. It was rather interesting on how perfectly the AoW background terrain fit an undeveloped section. A few changes to gods and races, and I'm good to go.

Also, I use Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved handbook, so that made things a little challenging, as there are some spells that don't really translate well. The party magister (wizard) and wood witch (sorceror/warlock mix) nearly got munched by the swarm in WC as they didn't have access to similar spells as burning hands and the like. But, pour enough flaming oil on your magister and you will cook anything that's on him. :)

Some minor spoilers...

Our good friends at Dungeon missed a detail, just where the heck are the three rival adventurers staying in Diamond Lake?

Our first session entailed the party becoming increasingly curious about thier goings-on to the point of tossing their house while the Redfolk, as they have come to be called, were out exploring the Stirgenest Cairn. My party even beat the Redfolk to the cairn, scouted it out a little, and then hid when the rivals came to explore. My party got a hint as to their power when the magician tossed a fireball into the cairn mouth to clean out all of the stirges. One of the characters was talking about ambushing them since they knew roughly how powerful they were and that the big blast spell was cast. Fortunatly, that idea was dropped quickly.

Granted, the party's patron did inform them that the redfolk's wanderings were of interest, and that they should find out all that they can about the Redfolk's goals. But, I've dropped a lot of hints that the Redfolk are chasing shadows, and that there is a gen-u-wine haunted tomb in the hills that the party could beat them to.

Baron Opal

(First post here, nice to meet all of you.)