Age of Worms Adventure Path playtest: Tyralandi Scrimm

Campaign Journals

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I think Tyralandi's avatar is hawt in a goth way, but my Lidda avatar's full picture shows off her undies. And piercings.

Guru: not posting as his wife at this time.

Liberty's Edge


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Dammit Shiny! Your post made me think there was something here!

Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dammit Shiny! Your post made me think there was something here!

Gurub, you do know you can 'ghost' the cursor over the highlight dooflichie and see the initial line or so of text of a new post ?

(And yes, I know that you couldn't see this post that way, but you could've seen Meester Shiny's post that way...)

The Exchange


Just want you know we're thinking about you.

Say "Hi" to Mr. Jacobs if you happen to see him.

Grand Lodge

Does the advent of 4e mean that the Aow as written will convert or will it continue as is? It won't ...*gasp*... end will it?

Should it convert, what is the likelihood of getting some notes on said conversion (after the releases and all of that happy-goodness)?

just curious


3e. 4e. I just want more AoW action :) I don't want Pathfinder to slow down by any means - but it's too bad you guys don't get to actually play more often.

We all still continue our support James. Work ON! I suppose we really can't complain with all the good Pathfinder goodness thus far....

But we do miss Tyralandi's wonderfully skewed view of life and entitlement.

... across the lands in dark tenements of sinister city-wards, in woodland circles of eldritch stone, on obsidian altars in tropical hills above rugged coasts ... rises the same dread chant "return to us Miss Scrimm, and lead us into a brave & haughty new world of ready violence and haunting violin melodies" ...

Hymn to T.S.

Give us this day all that the Green Lady prophesied for you.
The power and the glory 'til thy kingdom is won.

Give us this day all that you showed us,
The power and the glory 'til Alhaster is won.
Give us all the story Jacobs has yet to tell us,
The faith and the glory 'til Kyuss falls.

And Gar said that in our time,
All that's good will fall from grace.
Even Abelard would turn his face,
In our time.

And Frothlethimble told us that in our days,
Different words said in different ways,
Have other meaning from he who says,
In our time.

And Demon Boy said that in our time,
We would reap from Tyralandi's legacy,
We would learn from what Scrimm had seen,
In our time.

And Tyralandi told us that in our days,
We would know what was high on high,
We would follow and not defy,
In our time.

Faithless in faith.
We must behold the things we seek.

Allow me just to say, can any other post on this entire forum boast having TWO odes on it?

See this and realize James, you have created a major iconic (if you hadn't realized that yet..) in the personage of Tyralandi Scrimm.
We may remember Abelard because he died (and the party is named for him) or Vyth because he was totally inept but managed to look cool/heroic doing it, or perhaps the Gnome (Frothlethimble, sp?) for being a psycho.

We will remember Tyralandi because she is what makes it all interesting (and that shes the narrator) and gives it perspective. Your writing is incredible, engaging and has us frothing at the mouth for more.

Okay...lets see if the shameless flattery approach worked in getting the next posting up. ^_^ I still mean it though.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dammit Shiny! Your post made me think there was something here!

Gurub, you do know you can 'ghost' the cursor over the highlight dooflichie and see the initial line or so of text of a new post ?

(And yes, I know that you couldn't see this post that way, but you could've seen Meester Shiny's post that way...)

Guru or Gurubaba for short please. Gurub sounds like a larval insect. In response to your post, you're assuming that I didn't just have a giddy semi-hysterical reaction and hop right into the post. Which is exactly what I did.

Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dammit Shiny! Your post made me think there was something here!

Gurub, you do know you can 'ghost' the cursor over the highlight dooflichie and see the initial line or so of text of a new post ?

(And yes, I know that you couldn't see this post that way, but you could've seen Meester Shiny's post that way...)

Guru or Gurubaba for short please. Gurub sounds like a larval insect. In response to your post, you're assuming that I didn't just have a giddy semi-hysterical reaction and hop right into the post. Which is exactly what I did.

^_^ Point taken, 'twas meant in jest Guru.

Arr. Haharr, yar.

Yo ho ho!

I.....guess that can be considered a bump. Not to rush you James...but we have not forgotten.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yasha0006 wrote:

Yo ho ho!

I.....guess that can be considered a bump. Not to rush you James...but we have not forgotten.

Either have I. We haven't played the campaign for a couple of months now, actually; things have been insanely busy here, with no real time for after-work RPG fun. So I'm still only one post behind on this journal.

Its okay James, as long as you guys aren't slacking off its okay.

Now if the first two issue of Pathfinder weren't as good as they are, who am I kidding, they're SO AWESOME!!! (to steal a comment from Brent)...then those would be fighting words!

Off topic for this thread I suppose, but wth, the vision that you all have created thus far for Golarion is incredible, in my opinion.
I've been die-hard Greyhawk since 1st edition (though I can only just barely claim the 1st ed part). I've played FR and Eberron...but they never have felt right. And now that you guys don't have Dungeon or Dragon anymore...I fear that Greyhawk is not going to make it. Bear in mind that doesn't predicate my decision though.

I am planning on switching my campaigns to Golarion. Not because I think Greyhawk is possibly sinking, but because I like it so much. I have very high hopes for the rest of the continent. So keep up the good work. And the next time you take a vacation..try to relax.

You guys are destroying my happy mental image of happy game designers who get to live the dream and play their cool stuff all the time.

Schedules, deadlines, God! You're mixing reality with our fantasy!

Seriously you guys, don't forget to kick back and roll some dice.


Bump, bumppe, dump-dump, BUMP, BUMP!

Though you've heard it a lot already James, I'm sure you don't mind my mentioning it again. Excellent journal!!!

It really does go a long way to demonstrate how much quality PC characterization, build, and RP are just as important a contribution to a good game of D&D as the DM's efforts are!

But that's not to discount Eric's work by any means! I've been reading this Journal since the first page, and your work putting together excellent sessions as well as making interisting additions, twists and turns to the plot have undoubtedly contributed to making this what it is today.

I could say more, but I think I've said enough.

Thank you all, and keep up the good work!


Liberty's Edge

"We have met the enemy, sir, and they are ours."
- Admiral Oliver Hazard Perry, 1813

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Coming up on the long weekend, do you expect to catch up before you all play again?

Liberty's Edge


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Although I'll be working on Pathfinder most of the weekend, it's been TOO LONG. I vow that, as a Thanksgiving treat to Tyralandi fans, to post her latest journal entry by Friday. I'd promise by Thursday... but I suspect I'll be too loagy from eating bacon-wrapped turkey to do anything like actually type.

Grand Lodge

Mmmmm.... Bacon-wrapped turkey...

Um, I mean, yeah! More Tyralandi!

That's all right, James. We can always claim that the death goddess proclaimed a holy day, to be celebrated with the sacrifice of poultry and porcine goods, and that Tyralandi is busy for the day . . .

James Jacobs wrote:
Although I'll be working on Pathfinder most of the weekend, it's been TOO LONG. I vow that, as a Thanksgiving treat to Tyralandi fans, to post her latest journal entry by Friday. I'd promise by Thursday... but I suspect I'll be too loagy from eating bacon-wrapped turkey to do anything like actually type.

*bump* (well more a respectful *ahem*, actually)

You promised us another account of Tyralandi's deeds, Sir Jacobs, and here in the UK the promised Friday is now fled. Even in the westernmost outposts of the distant kingdom that is known as The United States, in the isles about and beyond fair Hawaii, I imagine that Friday's sun must be sunk low in the sky by now, if indeed the moon has not yet already soared into the starry vaults of night's realm...

Unless the fairday goose (or turkey even) has laid both you and Tyralandi low with some fell Kyuss-spawned malaise?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
You promised us another account of Tyralandi's deeds, Sir Jacobs, and here in the UK the promised Friday is now fled. Even in the westernmost outposts of the distant kingdom that is known as The United States, in the isles about and beyond fair Hawaii, I imagine that Friday's sun must be sunk low in the sky by now, if indeed the moon has not yet already soared into the starry vaults of night's realm...

Well... here on the Pacific Coast of the USA... I've still got 2.5 hours left of Friday! HA! Which means, I suppose, I'd better get cracking...

It's not a HUGE update, alas... but it'll be done soon!

EDIT: I lied. I forgot that Mike's new character joined us for this session, and I don't remember what his character's name was. SO... until I see Mike next and have a chance to talk to him... or unless he posts his character's name to this thread to remind me... I'm kinda stuck. Poop.

Good thing when I promised a post by Friday, I didn't nail that down to a specific date, yeah? :)

Liberty's Edge

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
You promised us another account of Tyralandi's deeds, Sir Jacobs, and here in the UK the promised Friday is now fled. Even in the westernmost outposts of the distant kingdom that is known as The United States, in the isles about and beyond fair Hawaii, I imagine that Friday's sun must be sunk low in the sky by now, if indeed the moon has not yet already soared into the starry vaults of night's realm...

OoooOooo... Poetic...

By the way, Mike's characters seem to die a lot.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We really must play again some time soon.

Basically, the campaign is on hiatus until I finish writing the Gazetteer, which isn't exactly happening with rip-roaring speed.

That said, I have a strong ken to wrap up this campaign at the end of The Champion's Belt and start something new with Golarion. Given how much additional development comes out of a campaign, it seems like a waste of time to be servicing Wizards of the Coast's trademarks in this way.

I have an idea for another campaign I am dying to start, and it may be getting near the time to put this baby to bed.

That said, what I have planned for the last session of The Champion's Belt is absolutely incredible, and I predict it will knock the socks off of everyone who has been following this journal.

We just need to figure out a time to get together and end this mofo.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

We really must play again some time soon.

Basically, the campaign is on hiatus until I finish writing the Gazetteer, which isn't exactly happening with rip-roaring speed.

That said, I have a strong ken to wrap up this campaign at the end of The Champion's Belt and start something new with Golarion. Given how much additional development comes out of a campaign, it seems like a waste of time to be servicing Wizards of the Coast's trademarks in this way.

I have an idea for another campaign I am dying to start, and it may be getting near the time to put this baby to bed.

That said, what I have planned for the last session of The Champion's Belt is absolutely incredible, and I predict it will knock the socks off of everyone who has been following this journal.

We just need to figure out a time to get together and end this mofo.

I've said it many times before, but I feel like saying it again.

This journal is like a huge marketing blitz! I discovered these boards because of this journal. I personal became interested in the idea of an Adventure Path because of this journal. I know people who got back into D&D because of this journal. These people spent money at Paizo because of this journal.

Some one in your Golarion campaign should be required to keep a journal like this because it drums up amazing interest by breathing life into the setting.

So as much as I hate to see this end...I sincerly hope a new one starts.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

That someone will likely be named Doctor James Jacobs, and he knows it. :)

Erik Mona wrote:
That someone will likely be named Doctor James Jacobs, and he knows it. :)

Any thoughts of podcasting it? Might be easier than writing it all down then copying onto the boards.

... then again, I know my usual gaming sessions wouldn't be suitable for such an effort, lol


More Tyralandi!

Mog wrote:


More Tyralandi!

Please, please, please, please, puhleaze! (to quote a certain rabbit)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I will indeed be keeping a journal of Erik's "starting sometime soon" Golarion campaign. It'll probably be the journal of a certain female elf rogue who has a thing for daggers...

Hopefully this week'll be the "Tyralandi gets caught up" week for this one, though.

Although I had hoped against hope that this journal would follow the entire adventure path, I saw the proverbial writing on the wall (written in blood magically transmuted by a certain enchanted goblet...) when Dragon was discontinued.

Although I'll miss Tirlandi, anything else James writes will be closely followed and sure to be adored (just make sure to provide a link here).

In any case, I have a small side request, in the interum, or simply when you have some more time (and find out the name of the "new guy/gal" in the party).

If you could be so kind as to post the first line stats (Name/Gender/Race/Class(es)& Level/Short description?) of each of the party members, it would be most appreciated.

Although I could generally guess this info for the "core" party memebers, I'm curious about the specifics. Also, there wasn't a lot of interaction with the new party members who have recently joined, so this only adds to my curiosity/confusion.

If you're feeling REALLY ambitious, you might even post the requested information for ALL party members, past and present!

Thanks and best regards,

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

I will indeed be keeping a journal of Erik's "starting sometime soon" Golarion campaign. It'll probably be the journal of a certain female elf rogue who has a thing for daggers...

Hopefully this week'll be the "Tyralandi gets caught up" week for this one, though.

Int 8, Wis 13 sounds like a challenging narrative to write in first person. Part of Tyralandi's charm is her greed and ambition, but I like her doesn't suffer fools gladly superior attitude the most. It'll be different, that's for sure.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

logic_poet wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I will indeed be keeping a journal of Erik's "starting sometime soon" Golarion campaign. It'll probably be the journal of a certain female elf rogue who has a thing for daggers...

Hopefully this week'll be the "Tyralandi gets caught up" week for this one, though.

Int 8, Wis 13 sounds like a challenging narrative to write in first person. Part of Tyralandi's charm is her greed and ambition, but I like her doesn't suffer fools gladly superior attitude the most. It'll be different, that's for sure.

My version of Merisiel will probably retain the low intelligence, but her stats are guaranteed to be different than the pre-gen version. Not sure WHAT they'll be yet, of course... but her low Int/high Wis combo is very intriguing.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

My version of Merisiel will probably retain the low intelligence, but her stats are guaranteed to be different than the pre-gen version. Not sure WHAT they'll be yet, of course... but her low Int/high Wis combo is very intriguing.

I agree. The reverse is just someone with poor impulse control; easy enoguh to play as a rogue.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Hopefully this week'll be the "Tyralandi gets caught up" week for this one, though.

At least throw us a bone - what new character did Mike take on?!?

Erik Mona wrote:

We really must play again some time soon.

Basically, the campaign is on hiatus until I finish writing the Gazetteer, which isn't exactly happening with rip-roaring speed.

That said, I have a strong ken to wrap up this campaign at the end of The Champion's Belt and start something new with Golarion. Given how much additional development comes out of a campaign, it seems like a waste of time to be servicing Wizards of the Coast's trademarks in this way.

I have an idea for another campaign I am dying to start, and it may be getting near the time to put this baby to bed.

That said, what I have planned for the last session of The Champion's Belt is absolutely incredible, and I predict it will knock the socks off of everyone who has been following this journal.

We just need to figure out a time to get together and end this mofo.

Well....crap. So much for my favorite journal.

::: whimper :::
the end is nigh, and still we wait impatiently

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I think I saw the (ahem, lack of) writing on the wall months ago. ;)
Tyralandi was fun to read about, but I'm sure the new character will be as well. Make sure we all know when you guys start your new campaign and James starts his new journal.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rhothaerill wrote:

I think I saw the (ahem, lack of) writing on the wall months ago. ;)

Tyralandi was fun to read about, but I'm sure the new character will be as well. Make sure we all know when you guys start your new campaign and James starts his new journal.

Sure, but you can't just leave us hanging...I hope this gets wrapped up so I can sleep at night.

DitheringFool wrote:
Rhothaerill wrote:

I think I saw the (ahem, lack of) writing on the wall months ago. ;)

Tyralandi was fun to read about, but I'm sure the new character will be as well. Make sure we all know when you guys start your new campaign and James starts his new journal.
Sure, but you can't just leave us hanging...I hope this gets wrapped up so I can sleep at night.

If anyone wants to know the short-short version...just go read the end of Allen Stewarts 'Killer GM runs Age of Worms'...the party didn't succeed.

I would kinda like a closing commentary for this journal too though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

There WILL be more posts to this journal. And I'll do my damnedest to make sure that whatever ends up being the last post closes things up nice.

Thanks for getting back to us James. We know you're all busy...

We die hard Scrimmists may be impatient, but we do appreciate your efforts James - Tyralandi will be ready when she's ready - 's part of her charm. ;-)

I will say this to you Dr. Jacobs. Tyralandi shall not end here, even when the journal reaches its final conclusion.

I fully intend to reincarnate her into Golarion as well as I can manage as an NPC. Long Live Tyralandi Scrimm!

Liberty's Edge


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