Greyhawk Regional Feats

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I asked about this at GENCON [this is a generalization of the conversation I had with the folks of Paizo at GENCON] - as per an agreement between them and WotC, they are waiting for both issues with these feats to be sold-out before they release a PDF.

Algolei wrote:


Whatever. All I want is something I can print up so I can carry a few pieces of extra paper with me to my games instead of two entire magazines.

(Egad! I'm a minotaur!!)

So what if you're a minotaur?

Sold out! That could take...never!

Anleena Nelix wrote:
So what if you're a minotaur?

Nothing. I just forgot. It scared me. Like seeing my mother's face in my mirror.

So has any heard anything about when the feats are coming out oh and does anyone play LG around Saint John, New Brunswick?

Necron 99 wrote:
So has any heard anything about when the feats are coming out oh and does anyone play LG around Saint John, New Brunswick?

See thorindale's post above.

That was in September.

Necron 99 wrote:
That was in September.

But it still holds true.

I still don't know when they will be sold out I mean how many copies are left.

I just checked the ordering page (, and found that Dragon #320 is already "unavailable", and the PDF costs $4.95 (although that would most likely be for the whole magazine). #315 or $319 could sell out at any time.

OTOH, I went back to 1995(, and found that issues #213, #214, #215, and #217 are still available. You could conceivably be waiting until 2014 and still not have them sold out.

TGHI, I just placed an order. This gets me the magazines, and does the rest of the interested parties a favor by taking another copy off the inventory so the PDF can be released sooner. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing how many ore left in those stacks...

Norman R. Thallheimer
Keep your powder dry

Norman Thallheimer wrote:
I just placed an order. This gets me the magazines, and does the rest of the interested parties a favor by taking another copy off the inventory so the PDF can be released sooner.

I did the same sometime back.

Amaril wrote:


Ok...I know some of you have been wanting a PDF of these feats, and that's totally understandable, but let's keep this in perspective.

#1: It's 2 issues right? I can understand if it's like 6 months worth of issues, but only 2 issues? I carry a lot of books to the game session I run (and alternate my shoulders every other game session so I don't wind up with one strong shoulder and one weak one) and usually can fit in 2 more.

#2: Like I said before...I understand those who would like a PDF due to running from a laptop. I've had 2 laptop DMs in my years, and there have been times they needed to make handouts.

#3: If all else fails...type. If I'm a player and get handed a paper that has the feat, and what it does in front of me (with a reference to the issue it came from) then that's pretty much official for me.

...sure these only apply to us non-LG players...but are options to consider for those of us who run Greyhawk campaigns for a group of people on a somewhat regular basis.

...there's my 2 gold, keep the change...

Mr IndustrialPants wrote:
#1: It's 2 issues right? I can understand if it's like 6 months worth of issues, but only 2 issues? I carry a lot of books to the game session I run (and alternate my shoulders every other game session so I don't wind up with one strong shoulder and one weak one) and usually can fit in 2 more.

I honestly can't, I'm already leaving things behind.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Dragon 319 is now available as a PDF.

So many people that focus on the wrong issue, this has nothing to do with customer support but everything with marketing.
And personally I find it an outrage that gamers that have been buying products for high prices (the D&D core costs enough let alone all the extra books) never get a break.
Gaming company's really don't seem to care about there clients that much or this PDF would have been downloadable for free.
I'll tell you why, WotC want more people to play D&D to make more money on the books and merchandise so they come up with a good idea... Living Greyhawk, gamers getting together and
playing adventures that influence the games to come.
This is good and much fun to play, now the problem...
To play you need:
Core books (about 80,-)
dice and pen and stuff (5,-)
and now the bad thing, you have a region (good), linked to real world locations (very good), specific feats for specific regions (very very good! gives rise to very unique characters), now these feats are only in 2 issues of dungeon magazine and we HAVE to buy it, or wait till the magazine is sold out and then pay for the pdf!.
I already payed for the core books and I think its unfair that someone els that just has more money then me can play a cooler/more integrated character just by spending some money.
this I call an outrage, coming up with cool rules and then forcing your loyal customers to spend even more money to be able to enjoy the game.
So yeah I'm poor in real life, sometimes life isn't easy but I think that should not be a factor in a fantasy world where I just wanna cast some spells and forget about this world for a while.

the beginning of players handbook clearly specifies that D&D is played for FUN, but it becomes clear that all the producers want is money, they should be happy that we buy there product at all and not just download an illegal PDF with is free, saves you money, saves you time, saves some trees from becoming paper, and that whole thing about them not making enough money to make cool extra books if we don't buy there products is crap.
it's a ROLE PLAYING GAME it's not that hard to come up with those extra classes and feats yourself, WotC doesn'd HAVE to publish 3 books a month, and above all those books don't NEED to cost that much.

All I can say is: think about your customers, we like the products but we don't like being treated like a walking visa card with our only purpose to give you money.


I'm sorry. Obviously WotC and Paizo have been doing things wrong all this time. Instead of running a business, they should be the ones paying to give you cool stuff for free. Because obviously we live in a communist economy where no one should have to pay for things they want, especially if they're cool.

Wow, paying $85 to get three hardbound books, weighing in at an average of 300 full-color, professionally illustrated, pages per book. Gee, that seems like too much money I guess. I mean, you could be using that $85 to buy 1/8th of a playstation 2. Then you'd just have to save up a little more to buy some games to play on it. Ah, but why buy a PS2 - obviously Sony is evil and only exists to get your money! Of course, you can just go out and STEAL a PS2, that'd be the right idea, right? Show those bastards what what?


That attitude really ticks me off (and anyone else who actually works for a living, more than likely). Obviously, you don't know much about the cost to produce a hardcover book, or basic economics for that matter. I'll admit, I'm perplexed as to why WotC takes so long to approve things (such as the FREE distribution of WotC's intellectual property, or the Age of Worms hardcover). However - do you HAVE to buy Dragon #315 and #319 to run a fun game? No. Is Paizo's $5 price tag on the pdfs it sells too much for 100 pages worth of content? No! Should you get a job and stop whining about things which you obviously don't understand? YES!


The Exchange

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:


I'm sorry. Obviously WotC and Paizo have been doing things wrong all this time. Instead of running a business, they should be the ones paying to give you cool stuff for free. Because obviously we live in a communist economy where no one should have to pay for things they want, especially if they're cool.

Wow, paying $85 to get three hardbound books, weighing in at an average of 300 full-color, professionally illustrated, pages per book. Gee, that seems like too much money I guess. I mean, you could be using that $85 to buy 1/8th of a playstation 2. Then you'd just have to save up a little more to buy some games to play on it. Ah, but why buy a PS2 - obviously Sony is evil and only exists to get your money! Of course, you can just go out and STEAL a PS2, that'd be the right idea, right? Show those bastards what what?


That attitude really ticks me off (and anyone else who actually works for a living, more than likely). Obviously, you don't know much about the cost to produce a hardcover book, or basic economics for that matter. I'll admit, I'm perplexed as to why WotC takes so long to approve things (such as the FREE distribution of WotC's intellectual property, or the Age of Worms hardcover). However - do you HAVE to buy Dragon #315 and #319 to run a fun game? No. Is Paizo's $5 price tag on the pdfs it sells too much for 100 pages worth of content? No! Should you get a job and stop whining about things which you obviously don't understand? YES!


I agree totally (although my wallet is no longer speaking to me over this) and would like to add one thing......I challenge Ymir to find any worthwhile hobby that comes close to being as cheap per hour to do. Golf, no way. Movies, not even close. Clubbing, what are you crazy! I broke down how much it cost for all the equipment needed to game and divided it by the amount of hours I game a year (at around 4 hrs a week) and it came out to be like ONE DOLLAR AND SOME CHANGE per hour! For less than the cost of a cup of coffee you too can help a gamer.....anywho...Quit b++$~in' and either play a basic, core only game or pony up, punk. I bet you have some other hobbies that cost more, like smoking, a couple of beers a week, a few extra snacks at work, or something similar. If you like D&D and you want quality content, you need to support the people trying to bring the best D&D experience possible to the masses. If want to go steal PDFs and all that, do it, but don't ever think that your self-serving, self-righteous justification that "I am poor but I deserve it so I'll just steal it!" is anything other than a crime and act of an evil mindset. Change it from a PDF to a book at the bookstore being stolen and then change that into stealing $5 off of someone's table and I don't see much of a difference. Stealing is stealing. People who steal stuff, whether electronically or physically, drive the prices of items up for all consumers.


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

$85 for some gaming stuff? Ha! Let's look at the big picture....

$175/mo. for electricity.
$950/mo. rent.
$190/mo. car payment.
$140/mo. gas.
$175/mo. insurance.

...yeah, $85 for gaming stuff is NOTHING. And you only have to pay it ONCE. This example is just for myself. I'm sure many of the people on these boards have it much worse than I do (I rent my home and only own one car). If you're complaining about spending a few dollars on some PDFs to do something you're interested in, one of the following must be true:

1) You do not have a job. Even minimum wage can scrounge up $10 for something you really want. If you live at home with no bills and no income, go mow a lawn. Hell, you can mow mine. Instant $10.
2) You are an INCREDIBLE cheapskate. I have no sympathy.

I rest my case.

If you like the product, why do you *not* want to pay someone for it? So they can put food on the table for their family? Is the effort put forth into creating high-quality, professional books, magazines and cards not worth some of your pocket money? Last time I checked, both Wizards and Paizo make it a habit of releasing free product for you to use in your game - or not use. In the aforementioned example of the $85 of core books, most of which is available for free via the SRD, you could also, I dunno, look on or other used book sites, or go to a used book store and see if is available for used or nearly-new. To whit - you can get the three core rulebook set, in a nifty boxed set that retailed for $90 when it first came out, for $35 at Amazon. You might pay $10 in shipping.

The cost of one video game.

To sum up: Kwitchyerb%+@%in.

For those whining about carrying stuff around--photocopies are pretty cheap, and I'm sure that even with funky background colors you can tweak the copier to make a readable copy. Or scan the damn thing.

Honestly, neither Paizo nor WotC has that huge of a profit-margin that you need to expect freebies all the time.


Fake Healer wrote:
I agree totally (although my wallet is no longer speaking to me over this)...

Holy crap, that's the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you, sir, for the chuckle.

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:

Honestly, neither Paizo nor WotC has that huge of a profit-margin that you need to expect freebies all the time.

Truer words were never spoken... Gaming (even D&D) is so fringe a market as to almost be nonexistant. And quality products take man hours to make. And with so many companies trying to be competative it is little wonder that adventures aren't being contracted out to India. This is me speaking as someone who has a decent job (in the print industry), a house, a car, a cable connection, but for some reason cannot afford his own health insurance.

Hope I die before I get old... Talkin' bout my generation,

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