Big Jake |

I've been reading the posts by the DMs that are in the early stages of the adventure path, so I thought I'd add this thread. I had to read through "Flood Season" several times before I found each of the wands of control water, so now I'm sharing.
Here's the starting positions of each of the wands of control water:
1 - K24 In Skaven's possessions
2 - K25 Behind the false back of the top shelf of the eastern bookcase
3 - K32 In the treasure of the harpoon spider
4-6 - K36 In Triel's possessions
7 - K41 In the bottom of the water filled pit trap
8 - K56 In Gutterrt's possessions

Big Jake |

Hey, no problem. Not only were the wands difficult to find in the magazine, they also proved ellusive to the two groups that I've run through the adventure.
Neither one of them got all eight. It's a good thing (for the city) that they don't really need all eight to control the flooding.
The first group that went in didn't kill Skaven or the Harpoon Spider, so they missed three (including the one from the bookcase). The second group didn't fight against Tarkilar (he fled while the party rested), so they didn't get that one. Both groups "found" the one in the trap. By falling in the trap, of course.

Brian Barrington |

Thanks for the list as well. My second group will be tackling the Kopru ruins this weekend. I was just reading up on Skaven again and noticed that he will fall back to the Harpoon spiders lair if the alert is sounded. That encounter has TPK written all over it if both he and the spider work together. Sounds like fun to me! :)

Kai Grass |

My group found all eight of them. One player almost died when he fell into the pit trap and started drowning. It was only 5 rounds after he disappeared from sight that one player actually thought about using one of the wands recovered before ...
PS: And yes, Skaven+harpoon spider = deadly encounter. BTW, did anyone notice that Skaven is described as bald but the picture shows him with long black hair?