Dr. Pepper ... Hot or Cold?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

In Issue 117, under "Prison Mail" you mention that the editorial staff drinks Diet Dr. Pepper in preference to coffee. This reminds me of an old discovery I made over ten years ago.

At that time I worked for a company that had just moved to Key West Florida and had finally settled into a former restaurant. While removing the stuff left over from the former restaurant, I discovered a metal thermometer base (with a working thermometer of course) that had a Dr. Pepper graphic and logo with the slogan, “Dr. Pepper … Hot or Cold.” I was intrigued by the thought of whether this meant that you should drink Dr. Pepper on either hot days or cold days, or whether it was implying that you could actually warm up the beverage and drink it “hot.” I found out that some people actually did heat up the beverage and did in fact drink it warm. I’m not sure you can do that today, and I’ve never tried it myself, but I always thought that was a fascinating bit of trivia.

Great Cthulhu will eat them first. Dr. Pepper is an extra-dimensional excretion of the Elder Gods, and to drink it warm is a sign of devotion. That's why it tastes so foul.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

curlif wrote:
Great Cthulhu will eat them first. Dr. Pepper is an extra-dimensional excretion of the Elder Gods, and to drink it warm is a sign of devotion. That's why it tastes so foul.

Ia Cthulhu! Dr. Pepper fhtagn! (runs off to get another diet Dr. Pepper)

AIEEE! The vending machine is out of its sweet, sweet nectar! NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo...

My son heats it in the microwave (real stuff, not Diet).... says it has medicinal value for cold or sore tooth or soemthing (maybe hangover?). I've never tried it, even at room temp.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've only ever heard of heating Root Beer...

James Jacobs wrote:
curlif wrote:
Great Cthulhu will eat them first. Dr. Pepper is an extra-dimensional excretion of the Elder Gods, and to drink it warm is a sign of devotion. That's why it tastes so foul.

Ia Cthulhu! Dr. Pepper fhtagn! (runs off to get another diet Dr. Pepper)

AIEEE! The vending machine is out of its sweet, sweet nectar! NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo...

ROFL Ya'll crack me up every time u break out into that Cthulhu-speak!

I tend to drink alot of warm pop--hmmm... and warm beer... *shrugs* I hardly notice LOL. I don't heat it up tho, just take it how it is,--whether that be room temperature or out of the fridge.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

The difference between a Managing Editor (James Jacobs) and an Editor-in-Chief (me) is that the latter knows that there's still about 6 cans in the machine when the "empty" light goes on, and also knows where the key to the machine is kept.

I have three Diet Dr. Pepper cans on my desk and five in my trash can.

Sort of scary, if it wasn't so delicious.

--Erik Mona
Dragon & Dungeon

Forget Dr. Pepper. Go to Wal-Mart and get some 'Dr. Thunder'. Generic Dr. Pepper is an abomination worthy of a Sanity check.

Dr Pepper - please - rank amatures all!
Where is the two liter of Mountain Dew? Where is the Jolt. And for truly graphic stains on a character sheet - where is the Faygo Red Pop?

It doesn't matter if they are hot or cold just drink them!!! Oh and pass the ham and pineapple pizza, please.

I tell you gamers this millenia <shakes head, and submerges beneath the lake>,

Dr. Pepper (real Dr. Pepper; none of this "diet" stuff for me) is the single most perfect beverage in the history of beverages. But it's definitely better cold; I've had it warm, because I've left it in the car on a hot day (even had a couple of cans explode in my brand-new car the other day). It's not bad hot. Not good, but not bad. Drink it cold (or at least room-temperature) if at all possible -- you're not missing anything by not heating it up.

Mountain Dew is horrible. It's one of the most vile caffienated substances on the planet. If I need to wake myself up that badly, I'll risk a heart attack and pop a Xenedrine instead -- at least I won't have to resort to drinking a "soda" with brominated vegetable oil in it (read the can, kids).

It's also a little-known fact that in a recent blind taste test, Mountain Dew was soundly beaten by its main competitor in terms of flavor -- Lemon Fresh Pine-Sol.

Sorry, but there just ain't enough caffine in Pine-Sol for me to make it a drink - though I notice my breath weapon is a lot nicer smelling after drinking some.


Boys, boys, boys...(walks away while much chest thumping ensues) Gotta agree with the ham and pineapple pizza(+italian sausage) but everybody knows PEPSI rules. It has enough caffeine to keep us going through the Canadian winters.

Sovereign Court

people! peolple! get a life all of you! everbody knows that any drink tastes better when its chilled. pull a 24 hour straight campaign sleepover and tell me that pepsi isnt gonna tie you over.

Frog God Games

Dr Pepper is the sweet nectar of the gods (Elder or otherwise). Mountain Dew is radioactive waste that makes my pee turn neon, and frankly that scares me.

Cold...cold...and cold! (Hey, even radioactive waste tastes better cold.)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Faygo Red Pop or Rock n' Rye... GGG must be from the Midwest or the Detroit area (as I am!)

Hot Dr.P... Wasn't that one of the new poisons in the BoVD? And I've heard Mt. Dew is distilled essence of migo poo... but it's damned addictive and I can't get enough of it. But even with that failing I can say I know where my towel is!

The Dad (played by Christopher Walkin) in Blast from the Past drinks hot Dr. Pepper. I agree with what the detectives said about that in the movie. What a sicko!

First of all, all diet sodas are vile. This is what I've decided in the 10 months since I went on my diet and switched from 4-6 liters a day of caloried cola to the diet varieties. On the other hand, I've lost 115 pounds in the switch, so diet dr. pepper, diet stewarts root beer and other sodas with strong flavors that drown out the vileness inherent in diet sodas are always appreciated. I'd really love to get my hands on some diet Mr. Pibb though, and they don't market it in new england, which completely sucks.


Mmmmm.... Mr. Pibb

* drools all over the thread *

Oops. Sorry.

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