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Exiled Prince wrote:
BUT remember who set it up so Syiad's wife gets run over.

I'm not sure he set it up...in fact I think Jacob probably saved Sayid's life, but didn't save his wife's.

Sovereign Court

Whimsy Chris wrote:
Exiled Prince wrote:
BUT remember who set it up so Syiad's wife gets run over.
I'm not sure he set it up...in fact I think Jacob probably saved Sayid's life, but didn't save his wife's.

Also, he saved John Locke's life, I think. The way Locke woke up when Jacob touched him after his fall, it seems like he was dead or dying beforehand...

Scarab Sages

So....new (and final) season. I'll be honest, I enjoyed it, but I have some concerns:

It seems they are going to be focusing on at least two alternate universes - one (2007) with the remaining survivors still on the island battling Man in Black/False Locke/Smoke Monster, and the other (2004) with the plane never having crashed and the island under water. Cool, but my concern is that with only 18 episodes, they won't have a lot of time to really focus on both worlds. However, I'd think the writers wouldn't have done it if they didn't think they could cover enough.

My thoughts on 2004 world: Plane never crashed, but still, key passengers are making connections with each other. Desmond - on the plane, then not on the plane. WTF? Someone at worked theorized that this world seems to have been Buddhist-like influenced by the other - noting that Hurley, who was basically nice to everyone in previous seasons, is rewarded in the new timeline by feeling he is the luckiest man on earth. I noted with interest that Sun may be going through with her original plans to ditch Jin. Also, does anyone think that conman Sawyer is going to target Hurley?

My thoughts on 2007 world: A dying Juliet seems to know about the other world. That Japanese guy was driving me crazy for about 10 minutes, until I realized where I'd seen him before (in the Last Samurai with Tom Cruise). The Temple looked to be Mayan in origin. Is the island actually a prison for Man in Black/False Locke/Smoke Monster, and what is the home he wants to return to. Sayid was healed in the Temple (maybe even brought back to life?). They did the same to Ben in 1977 after Sayid shot him, and look how well that turned out.
What is the ash they spread to block the Smoke Monster?

Last thought: Does anyone think that the survivors are going to get a chance to choose between which world they want to live in?

All in all, I'm looking forward to the rest of this season. Can't wait to see where they take us.

wow. The show pulled me back into its universe immediately. I havent watched any of the old episodes during the break and I had really forgotten most of the stories except the Locke/Ben and Sawyer/Juliet ones.

Loved this episode!

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

@Aberzombie; spoilered:


They are alternate universes. Look at it this way: they did flashbacks for the first few seasons, flash forwards for a season or 2, and now they're doing "sideways flashes" to show how things could have been if the island had been destroyed by the h-bomb when the Juliet detonated it down the Swan station shaft.

In the alt-universe, everything is subtly different. Hurley thinks he's the luckiest guy on earth (he probably played the lotto with random numbers instead of the island numbers). Desmond is on the plane flying to the states; he was never marooned on the island because it wasn't there when he made his around-the-world sailing trip (and Jack's deja vu was brought about when the two met while working out at the stadium). There are a few other subtle differences too, but the point is that all the Losties in the alt-universe are continueing to make connections with each other as they had done in the past and as they had done in the Lost-universe.

I think they set the stage for a climatic Locke/False Locke confrontation later this season. The reason I say that is that I think Locke is going to reappear on the island; False Locke went out of his was to comment on how pathetic and pitiful a story Locke was. My thought is that Locke really is in some way special to the island. Afterall, Jacob visited all the principles at some point in their lives prior to the island (in Hurley's situation, giving him the push to board the plan and giving him the guitar case the message for his followers inside).

I don't have a good feel for exactly who False Locke is (he made it clear that he is a "who") other than he's the Smoke monster and the source of all the dead folks from peoples' pasts that have been seen on the island (outside Hurley's recent encounters and whatever talent Miles possesses). I think the power of Jacob (or perhaps the rules between them) kept False Locke away from the temple because the Others didn't start prepping defenses until they found out Jacob was dead. That led them to the "he's coming" revelation. They also fired off signal flares to call the remaining Others to the temple. Sayid is likely possessed in some way with Jacob's spirit.

Another thing I'm not sure about yet is Richard Alpert. Based on the "chains" comment, he was either a slave or prisoner aboard the Black Rock. Whether his seeming immortality is a reward or a punishment for something he did in the past, I'm not sure. Perhaps he was just deemed special by the island. It seems clear that he and False Locke have a history. Maybe he's stood between False Locke and Jacob in the past.

There's more, but I'm running low on time unfortunately.


Scarab Sages

Actually, I'm wondering....

Regarding the alternate universe.....Did Desmond ever actually go on that sailing trip? Think about it - Widmore was probably still on the island when it sank (he hadn't been exiled yet), so Penny may never have been born.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber


Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. I would think Penny was still born. The bomb detonated in 1977, so she'd be at least 27 by 2004. They can certainly say she wasn't born, but it seems to me that she's older than that (mid-30's by the time she's introduced into the show).

You're definitely right about Widmore though. He probably sank with the island, unless he just happened to be somewhere else at the time. If so, it's entirely possible that the subtle changes have made it such that Desmond is/was working for Widmore's company.

Theorizing about Lost is fun.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I must say, Great opening for the Season, Lost has not gotten me that excited for awhile!

Go see this.

CunningMongoose wrote:

Go see this.

OMG I want that map!!

Scarab Sages

CunningMongoose wrote:

Go see this.

Oh holy crap! I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I watched that. It would hvae hurt when it came out my nose.

My theory:

I get a sense that the two timelines are going to go two different directions are far as the ending. Group A (our original group) will end tragically and Group B (the group that landed in LA) will end happily. Group A, however, will have sacrificed their lives for the sake of a kind of universal salvation. Somehow, their actions will lead the universe (and its many dimensions) from imploding or some such.

Of course, what they come up with will probably be even kookier.

Locke has always been my most hated character, I have gone on many long rants about how stupid and self-centered he is. Not-Locke, however gives me a real reason to dislike him. He is more twisted and evil than Ben and that's saying a lot. He is a much better role for Terry O'quinn.

Sad that Juliet is gone, the growth that the relationship represented in Sawyer was a good change. Now I suppose we'll go back to bitter hates the world Sawyer. Which is ok, I always liked Sawyer, whether he was brooding conman or charismatic leader.

And... CHARLIE! Of course it was heroin addicted Bad-Charlie, but still good to see him.

Gonna be a good season, I hope. Glad we're finally getting answers.

Yeah, it rocked. There was definitive movement on the story last season, but the first episode of this season already started to connect the dots.

I have dragged my wife through every season so far, and this time she finally looked at me and said, "Okay.. this is getting good. They're really moving and the show has won me over."

The surprise cameo from Boone didn't hurt. She was mad when Boone got killed.

Little details! In the pilot or first couple episodes Greg Grunberg (aka "Matt Parkman") had a walk on part as 815's pilot or co-pilot. He got smashed by the Smoke monster almost immediately. If you listened closely, Grunberg was doing the pilot voice over on the parallel universe Oceanic 815 scenes.

The dynamic between Jacob and "Smoke Monster Man" was fascinating. I finally remembered a scene between Locke and Walt from the 1st Season. Locke is trying to teach Walt how to play backgammon, and he holds up two game pieces and says, "Backgammon is a game between the White Player and the Black Player" and I think that was an early metaphor for the entire show.

I want that map too! This is going to be a great final season.

Aberzombie wrote:

So....new (and final) season. I'll be honest, I enjoyed it, but I have some concerns:

** spoiler omitted **

All in all, I'm looking forward to the rest of this season. Can't wait to see where they take us.

My personal belief is that Sayid is gone, Jacob has taken over his healed body...

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

So....new (and final) season. I'll be honest, I enjoyed it, but I have some concerns:

** spoiler omitted **

All in all, I'm looking forward to the rest of this season. Can't wait to see where they take us.

** spoiler omitted **

I was thinking along those lines as well.

Watcher wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Question; was that the same actor the actually played Boone? He looked similar, but not quite right. Could be that he has gained some weight I guess...

I also was sad that none of the 'Tailies' were on at all. I was hoping to see Mr. Eko.

Wolfthulhu wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Answer: yes, it was Ian Somerhalder

Liberty's Edge

I just started season 4...must not...read...this...thread...

Does Sawyer have a deathwish? He doesnt have anything to live for (in his mind anyway). With all the rigamarole of timelines, surely hes going to figure out that death isnt the end in this story.

Scarab Sages

Man, they keep saying this is the season for answers, but it seems they're raising just as many questions:

Who is the little kid that appeared to the Locke-ness Monster?

When Locke-ness showed Sawyer the cave, he pointed out the names of each of the Oceanic 6 (plus Locke himself) except for 2 - Kate and Aaron. Why not them?

Why does Jacob need to be replaced? Did he foresee his own death? I got the impression that he's been there for a long time. So why now?

Why does Jacob feel that the island needs to be protected?

Will Sun and Jin ever get back together? If Claire is "claimed by Locke-ness, and she has Jin, does that mean he and Sun will end up on opposite sides? Or, will their love prove to be the key to everything?

Otherwise, cool episode, and I'm really enjoying this season so far. Some other notes:

I loved the scenes in the alternate world with Locke. I actually enjoyed seeing him seemingly come to terms with his condition. I also loved all the interactions between himself, Hugo, Rose, etc.

I thought the idea of Ben teaching highschool was creepy.

I was saddened by the idea that Sawyer seems to be siding with Locke-ness. Although I can't help but wonder of Sawyer is pulling one big con on the Big Bad.

Stooges on the hi fi and Dharma version of JD! Good god was there a lot to think about this ep.

Man, the Locke episodes seem to always have WAY more happening in them than the Kate episodes.

Scarab Sages

I was discussing the latest episode with some of my co-workers, and I came up with this theory:

We have Smoke Monster in the Lostverse, somehow trapped in Locke form and looking to escape the island.

Then in the Sideverse, we have Locke becoming a substitute teacher at a highschool where Ben Linus is teaching. Now, we all know that, back in '77 Ben was fatally injured and Richard took him into the Temple to be healed, warning that he would henceforth be changed. I think part of that change is that, with the island gone, he's one batshit crazy dude.

So, my theory - Smoke Monster engineered the Sideverse as part of his master plan for escape. So, what if Smoke Monster escapes the island, to be shunted into Sideverse Locke's body right as Sideverse Ben goes crazy and kills Sideverse Locke? Talk about irony.

Scarab Sages


I don't know, seeing Ben in the flash-sideways was quite surprising. He was on the island when the bomb went off, and we know the island sank under the ocean from this season's premiere. So how is it he didn't die?

For a season that's supposed to be answering questions, they sure are raising a lot...

Scarab Sages

And see, there's my problem. I thought for sure that he was still on the island when the bomb went off, but my co-workers think he was evacuated with the other non-essential personnel.

Of course, it could be that the island didn't sink right away, but that it started having earthquakes and the got people off before it could go under. I know it's a stretch, but it could work.

I like Not-Locke so much better than Locke-in-the-Box. Sawyer nailed it pretty good when he was telling Not-Locke how he knew he wasn't who he seemed. 'He was always scared, even when he was pretending not to be.' It's realy a tribute to Terry O'quinn's acting talent that I feel so differently about what is basically the same character.

Sawyer siding with him fits right in with what I expected of him after Juliet died, back to bitter hates the world Sawyer. I hope he shakes it off before things get wrapped up.

agarrett wrote:
For a season that's supposed to be answering questions, they sure are raising a lot...

They are like the guy who drives off when you try to get into the car. "I promise I won't do it this time."

Gah! Jacob works in mysterious ways. I am really tired of the Christian analogies. :) I hope not-Locke wins.

Nah. I like Not-Locke, but not so much that I hope he wins. He's every bit as twisted an manipulative as Locke-in-the-box was, he just happens to be better at it. Yes, I know Jacob is manipulating two, I guess it comes down to a question of motive. Something we don't really have for either of them.

Scarab Sages

Meh! I hope Hurley wins.

Scarab Sages

Holy Crap!

Man, Sayyid went from morally ambiguous to stone-cold evil in like 3.2 seconds. Kind of sad to see him kill Dogen and Lennon - I liked those guys.

Claire - no doubt about it, she's bat shit crazy. Was it just me, or did anyone else feel like yelling "Put the f~%+ing lotion in the basket!" during the scenes with her in the pit. Still, maybe she won't try to kill Kate, since Kate was honest with her and promised she was trying to reunite her with Aaron.

So - we've got Sawyer, Sayyid, and Claire all definitely on the side of Smoke Locke. Perhaps Kate as well? She's with the group, but Smoke
Locke seemed genuinely surprised to see her.

On the other side, I'd say we seem to have Hurley, Jack, Ilyana, Sun, Frank, and Richard.

Undecided - Ben, Miles, Jin. I'm betting Miles might go with Smoke Locke, if only out of some misguided loyalty to Sawyer. Jin, I'm thinking, is currently a prisoner of Smoke Locke ad will become infected the way Claire and Sayyid were. Ben, well, judging from the previews for next episode, he may not have long to live.

Man, was that a dark show?!?

I still think Sawyer's pulling a fast one on Smokey. Though him not even being in this episode shakes that faith...

One thing about last weeks was I loved AND hated Jack acting like a spoiled child and smashing the mirrors. Because of course thats what he does. He just IS that jackass.

Something last night triggered the memory of that 'magic door' Ben showed Locke back in Season mumblemumble, that had his dad tied to a chair with a gunny sack over his head. Is that going to be tied back into continuity? I cant remember the timeline for that, did Ben have the others kidnap Lockedad and bring him to the island on the sub? I dont know.

Yes. Claire is awesome as crazy! Still hoping she has to kill Kate to prove her loyalty to Smokey and get Aaron back.

Frank still gets the best lines of the night...except for the 'egg speech' from Leamy. That was AWESOME!

Scarab Sages

One thing I just recently picked up on:

Before the season started, a promotional picture was released with a take off of Da Vinci's Last Supper.

This Lost Supper shows the main cast in the same set up, with Smoke Locke in the center.

Two things that stand out.

There's one more person in the Lost Supper than the Last Supper, but that could be taken care of if they do kill off Ben, as the next week episode preview hinted at.

Second, the person in the Judas position is Kate. They even have her in a similar physical position, and wearing green just as Judas was. makes me wonder: which side would she betray, and why?

Liberty's Edge

I really liked the episode. I was a bit shocked at how quickly Sayid went dark, although that is said to be the darkness that has 'claimed' him ... whatever exactly that is.

I was pretty sad to see Dogen go though. I thought he was one of the most interesting new character this season - I'm actually a little shocked they killed him off so soon.

Scarab Sages

Dude! Spoiler button! Just in case someone comes in who hasn't seen it. Otherwise, it'll be like listening to my wife when I'm driving, and no one wants that.....

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I really dig Sayid, and was also kinda shocked that he went so dark this episode. I was kinda thinking that he was going to be the light to Not-Locke's dark, but this episode kinda shook that.

One thing I did notice while watching the episode (which I will probably rewatch tonight) is that when Sayid busted in on Dogen at the beginning and asked him why he tortured him, Dogen only replied that there is a good and an evil and he was seeing where Sayid's balance was. He only said that he was on the wrong side, never saying it Sayid was evil or good. The conversation and set up makes folks assume evil, and with some of Sayid's actions in the episode later, that is somewhat reinforced.

Now think about this. The smoke monster used to hang out at the temple, Ben got 'judged' there after all, granted in a different section than the core. Also, Dogen has always seemed kinda shifty to me. I've tried to note his reactions and expressions when Jacob is mentioned. I'm kinda rambling here, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sayid is *not* evil and aligned with the Man in Black, and Dogen is in fact leading an anti-Jacob group.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Oh! and....

explosive runes

Sorry. Had to do it.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Adam Daigle wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Okay, nevermind. I'm wrong.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Dude! Spoiler button! Just in case someone comes in who hasn't seen it. Otherwise, it'll be like listening to my wife when I'm driving, and no one wants that.....

But isn't the very definition of a spoiler to reveal, or spoil, something ahead of time ... like in the case of a TV show before an episode airs? Once an episode airs, talking about details of that episode aren't spoilers anymore.

If we are talking about Star Wars, are you still going to put that Darth Vader is really Lukes dad in spoiler tags? If you are in a thread about sports and you are talking about a game that already aired, are you going to put details such as the score in spoiler tags?

Honestly, we're all (well, mostly) adults here - hopefully people that for some reason missed a given episode will know enough to avoid threads TALKING about the show.

Honestly, and I mean no disrespect at all, but I think we might be taking the spoiler thing a bit to the extreme ...

Marc Radle 81 wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Dude! Spoiler button! Just in case someone comes in who hasn't seen it. Otherwise, it'll be like listening to my wife when I'm driving, and no one wants that.....
I don't want to and you can't make me so there.

I went ahead and shortened that up a bit for ya.

Seriously, ever hear of DVR? A lot of people use 'em these days. And knowing that things are spoilered means you can still come in and talk about last weeks episode if you haven't watched this weeks.

Talking about Season one? Yeah, no need for spoilers. Talking about a show that was just on, now that's common courtesy bro.

Scarab Sages

Marc Radle 81 wrote:
Honestly, we're all (well, mostly) adults here - hopefully people that for some reason missed a given episode will know enough to avoid threads TALKING about the show.

And sadly, it's that "mostly" that bugs me. You get some people that will walk into a thread like this and freak out that we're not putting things in spoilers.

Marc Radle 81 wrote:
Honestly, and I mean no disrespect at all, but I think we might be taking the spoiler thing a bit to the extreme ...

We probably are, but I just hate seeing folks b!!!% about things like that.

Plus, IMHO, it's just polite to do.

Scarab Sages

Well, that was an interesting, Ben-centric episode:

The Sideverse stuff was kinda cool, especially the way it sort of paralleled what Ben had been saying to Illana about letting her down. So that was a nice bit of redemption.

After seeing that short interaction between Ben and Smoke Locke, it seems clearer to me that both Jacob and Smoke Locke are looking for replacements. Whereas Jacob wants his candidate to choose freely, I'm thinking that Smoke Locke will try and trick his candidate into accepting.

The stuff with Jack, Hurley, and Richard was very interesting as well. Richard's seeming temporary loss of faith, and having it possibly restored by Jack, makes me think that Jack has become the front runner to replace Jacob. Of course, that could be what the writers want folks to think. I'm looking forward, more and more, to the Richard-centric episode - can't wait to see his background and how he came in on the Black Rock (in chains, apparently).

All in all, this season has yet to disappoint.

Jack is the new Duke Nukem. Dude has balls of steel.

I was pretty sure Ben wouldn't get dead, as the preview was edited to make us think that, but I certainly didn't see his possible redemption coming. But as much as I dislike Ben, I'm overjoyed that Not-Locke has been denied someone he was recruiting. Let's just hope it sticks.

I really like how it keeps tying characters back together in different ways in the sideverse. Seeing Alex again was cool, but I wish we had seen Danielle too.

Did it actually say that Richard came in in the Black Rock? I mean that was the impression I was getting, but I missed it if it was spelled out.

Liberty's Edge

I agree, another cool episode.

I thought that ...

(hey look, I'm even using the spoiler tag!)

showing Richard going to the Black Rock ship and looking almost saddly at the chains tied in nicely with Locke/Smoke Monster's earlier comment to Richard "It's nice to see you out of those chains"

Really makes you think Richard was either a slave or criminal of some kind back in the 1700's when the Black Rock first came to the island.

Man this season is way different. I'm really enjoying it though, can't wait to see the conclusion.

Personally, I wouldn't go into a "LOST" thread if I hadn't watched the most current episode, so lack of spoiler tags are nothing to me. Yes, I use a DVR as well.

We were rooting for a Jack-splosion even if it did kill Richard...

Jack has faith? Are we sure someone did not kill him and now he is possessed by someone else?

Scarab Sages

After last night's episode, I'm just wondering two things...

What bat shit crazy woman(?) was the mother of the Smoke Monster?

Just how many people can Sawyer double cross in one episode?

Sovereign Court

Sawyer definitely has sneak attack (he's a rogue awright)... but his bluff check is so damn high he doesn't need to ever worry about combat... :P

Woo, Richard's backstory. Very cool.

...and no flash-sideways. Yay!!!

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