I've Got a Bone to Pick With You!

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Unleashed (PFRPG)

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New Pathfinder Campaign Setting now available!

The sea (and earth) have given up their dead in the latest Pathfinder Campaign Setting volume!

Not dead, but certainly not alive, the undead are caught in that twilight realm between these two states of being, and in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Unleashed, we learn about some of the most notorious creatures to arise from their crypts and unquiet graves. From the shores of Lake Encarthan to the desert wastes of Osirion, Undead Unleashed provides information on several of the living-impaired, such as Arantaros the Ravener, Erum-Hel (whom not even Iomedae could defeat completely), Prince Kasiya (known to Pathfinder Tales fans), Rudrakavala the Devourer who wanders Vudra's Narhari Desert, Walkena the Child-God of Mzali, and the Wight Mother of Isger! Not only do you get know the power that these fearsome creatures hold, you'll also get a view of their lairs and the dangers they hold! Haunts like Drowned Defenders, new diseases like scarlet leprosy, artifacts capable of touching the dead planet of Eox, and the Mark of the Devoted feat round out these foes, who are ready and waiting to be added to your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

Check out the rest of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting releases here, but don't miss the essential Inner Sea World Guide, your introduction to the world of Golarion!

More Blog.

Hmm... I see references to the barrier wall, Varisia, Isger, the Darklands, Osirion, Lake Encarthan, Vudra, the Mwangi Expanse...

Huh. I see no mention of the kingdom of Geb. That was the first place I thought of when I heard about this book. That's odd.

Well, at least there's Eox.

Is the title another Army of Darkness One-liner
From Evil Ash

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