How Can You Challenge a Perfect, Immortal Machine?New Netrunner Data Pack available!The future isn't all it's cracked up to be with the latest expansion for the Netrunner LCG! The divide between the powerful megacorps and independent runners have never been more drastic than with Netrunner: Fear and Loathing Data Pack! This expansion for the two-player Netrunner LCG introduces the GRNDL division, whose lust for profit far outweighs any potential side effects to the environment, or to people. New operations not-quite-legal and definitely-not-legal are available for the Corp player to gather credits and complete projects, but the fearless Runner that wants to expose these organizations for what they really are has a whole host of new tricks. Cards that force the Corp to spend precious credits the way the Runner wants to, investigative reporters that heap bad publicity on the Corp—all a part of the game in the Spin Cycle series! Check out the rest of the Netrunner data packs and sets available here, as well as all of the other games from Fantasy Flight Fantasy Flight Games!
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