Oldies but Goodies!Check out dice-themed gifts for your gamer friends!Let your geek flag fly with our selection of dice-themed gifts available on Paizo's webstore! First up is a true goodie—Chocolate Dice! Available as a set of seven deliciously dice-shaped polyhedrons, these milk chocolate treats are a great way to treat your game master, your players, or yourself! Next, we have an assortment of d20 Soap on a Rope! A hefty 2 1/2 inches across, this soap is made without animal products, will leave you squeaky clean, and is guaranteed* to give you a bonus on your next Charisma-based check! d20 Suckers, Magnets, and Dice Shower Curtains are just the tip of the iceberg for our gamer gifts on Paizo.com. Check out all of our toys, t-shirts, gifts, and of course dice on Paizo.com!
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