The Year of the Ruby Phoenix Has Begun!

Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-01: The Frostfur Captives (PFRPG) PDF

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GenCon 2011 Pathfinder Society scenarios are here!

GenCon is over, and as we wearily make our way back to the Paizo HQ, we're still a-buzz with how awesome GenCon was! Our Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign has moved into its fourth year, and we have four new scenarios ready to play!

"The Frostfur Captives" heads to the cold lands of Irrisen, on an escort job for a group of goblin prisoners. Not only must the Pathfinder protect them from the hazards of traveling through this dangerous region, you have to protect the goblins from themselves!

The ancient city of Absalom is the setting for the next scenario, "Sewer Dragons of Absalom". Meddlesome creatures beneath the cobbled streets of the City at the Center of the World are threatening a vital Pathfinder Society operation, and you and your fellow Pathfinders are sent into the muck to stop them.

Finding valuable artifacts is a Pathfinder's bread and butter, but diplomacy has failed with a wealthy noble from Druma. Eccentric, the noble has challenged the Pathfinders to retrieve the item from his manor—if you can! Will you be able to survive "The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet"?

Heading back to the island where Absalom is located, the centaur tribes of the Isle of Kortos remain a mystery. It is up to you to parley with their greatest hero on behalf of the Decemvirate, but it will prove more difficult that expected. These centaurs want to see what the Society is made of, and you'll have to prove yourself before they are willing to listen in "The Kortos Envoy"!

Check all of the scenarios and Pathfinder Modules for play in Pathfinder Society right here!

More Blog.

"Has Begin"?

It may be high time to appease the Deity of typographical errors. You know, at "The Altar to the Old Golds"

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Seriously, though, now that I'm "between" RPG campaigns, it's good to know that Paizo keeps putting out adventures that I'd like to order someday just to READ. There are several on my personal wish list.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Lol, I was gonna say something too... hehe

As to the adventures, all four are great, but hats off for the first one "Frostfur Captives". Can't wait to actually run this one. It sounds HILARIOUS!!!

The Frostfur Captives is the part of this blog entry that grabbed my attention! When I spoke of adventures that I'd like to order someday just to read, that's the one I had in mind.

(Also, I've got to read You Only Die Twice. It reminds of The Silver Key, only this premise sounds way cooler.

I've also got to read Winter Witch.

And some Pathfinder Companion volumes. And some Planet Stories books.

And this Jade Regent AP sounds intriguing.


Dang it! I miss the days when Paizo books were on the TOP of my "to read" list!)


Aaron Bitman wrote:

"Has Begin"?

It may be high time to appease the Deity of typographical errors. You know, at "The Altar to the Old Golds"

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

D'oh! >.<


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