Any good choices / ideas for planar binding an evil outsider with 24 HD?


The Blackfire Adept allows you to call an additional 2 HD whenever you call a specific type of evil outsider. Pairing this with the Caller's Feather headgear and the Augment Calling feat, each of which add another 2 HD to the calling limit, and you can call up to +6 HD with calling spells.

For clarification, this means that the limits for each level of a certain calling spell is as follows:

  • Lesser: 12 HD
  • Regular: 18 HD
  • Greater: 24 HD

With those limits in mind, I have to wonder what you can exactly do with those new limits. The first outsiders that come to my mind with 24 HD is the Iavathos Qlippoth and the Daemon Harbinger Zelishkar, but they're mostly offensive in nature. I know I can call multiple lesser outsiders within that HD limit, but what can I do with them? Are there any evil outsiders that can synergize well with each other outside of a combat scenario?

Liberty's Edge

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The Apostate devil would be a good choice as a planar binding at 18 HD for out of combat abilities. It has some very useful social skills with a 28 charisma and huge diplomacy/bluff. It has a host of mind control spell like abilities as well as a wisdom drain on its claws (which have 100 ft reach, sort of) 1D6 wisdom drain twice a round is a scary thought to most creatures. Plus, they claim to be gods and are supposed to be very very old.

The big issue you will run into binding things 6 hit dice over the normal limit is that they are often quite a bit stronger than you. That apostate devil if summoned at level 11 is a major threat if it breaks out. 46 AC and 27 SR means you will have a tough time hitting him if things go poorly. That to say he does not just talk to you for 5 minutes and increase the dC of his effects by 50 (that means you lose)

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As a fellow binder I must advice on precaution. Bring a meatshield, appropriate sacrifices, scroll of teleport and another of plane shift, a mask, a greater nondetection spell on you and your stuff, and of course your own circle against alignment to stand in somebody you don't likes house.

AstraDaemon 17hd- still my favorite. Put one on a timeless plane then plane shift him some feed. Give him enough and he can move/kill literally anything
Contract Devil 13hd- here for the contracts. Unfortunate number of HD though
Heresy Devil 13hd- same as contract devil but can offer true names
Succubus 8hd- here for the profane gift. As others have suggested before me, flesh to stone
Balor Demon 20hd- not only a solid beatstick with all the extras. He can give your entire team vorpal on all your slashing weapons
Cerebei 8hd- fabulous mook dogs. Their ability to dimension lock on hit is extremely useful
Nightmare 6hd- easy to bind. Such a good early mount
Vavakia Demon 18hd- beast with SLA to back it up
Cacodaemon 3hd- good for filling in extra hd space. Free soul gems?

Good aligned creatures up to 22hd an option?
Solar Angel 22hd
Gate Archon 17hd- gate as a SLA

Douglas Muir(aka DM DM) has excellent guides regarding the planar binding spells though you might have to shift the creatures up a list

Also nice phrasing;"Good Idea"

@Falcar I was just looking at the devil list! I agree, the Apostate Devil could be very useful, but is also very dangerous. I was also taking a look at the Nemesis Devil; worse AC, but better immunities, and can grant some very useful SLAs with its Devil Mark ability. A Nemesis Devil with the Void Domain would be particularly useful.

@Dastis I should have put quotation marks around "good". But yeah, it's a shame that the binding HD bonus doesn't apply to neutral outsiders as well, because Pleroma Aeons would be amazing. Blackfire Adepts are strictly non-good, but solar angels are particularly great.

Liberty's Edge

If you can get the nemesis or apostate devil to work with you, you will be a serious force to be recommend with. But if it disagrees with serving you, run fast and hide well

The Contract devil, asmontioned above, is a good one. They are the type to not resist, they want you to make deals because the Devil gets a soul.

When dealing with the higher level Devils and yo are still low, make sure you treat them well and give praise as needed. Many have a crazy high bluff and sense motive so they will lie and know your lies. Offer souls (trap the soul, create soul gem, etc), give money of unique things, offer info they may not know but understand the devil may not be interested in the secret cook book of Paul the Kobold.

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