Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-03: Death On The Ice

4.30/5 (based on 8 ratings)
Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-03: Death On The Ice

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5-9.

A message delivered by an unlikely courier sends the PCs to the Crown of the World. After making a dangerous trek across the icy passes and bays of Golarion's northernmost continent, the PCs must come to the aid of a Pathfinder Society expedition whose archaeological excavations have uncovered far more than they expected to find. Can the PCs unravel the mysteries that lie beneath the gelid glaciers of the Crown of the World in time to save their fellow Pathfinders from a frigid fate?

Written by Scott Young.

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

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Worth every minute, fun had by all !


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Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Pathfinder Society Scenario 10–03: Death on the Ice uses the following maps:

Scenario maps:
Pathfinder Map–Pack: Frozen Sites and Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Winter Forest, as well as a custom map. There's also an unmapped encounter that takes place on open water.

To quote TOZ, "Huzzah!"

Dark Archive

If the party are not chased by giant undead penguins I am going to be disappointed. Very, very disappointed.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Lead Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
If the party are not chased by giant undead penguins I am going to be disappointed. Very, very disappointed.

Brace yourself for disappointment. Applying the giant simple template to undead penguins would make for an unfun encounter, so I made the executive decision to have only normal-sized undead penguins.

Animal distribution retort:
Also, the Crown of the World is the arctic. While Golarion's not bound to arctic vs. antarctic species delineation, there's part of me that winces a bit at penguins in the arctic circle.

No no, we have more than enough other awesome stuff coming up.

Dark Archive

So no Mountains of Madness? le sigh

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, I wouldn't say that...

Having now run this scenario 7 times, with at least 2 more scheduled, I have a question. There are two routes to complete this scenario. In one of them, there is a treasure given, which has a substantial value (commiserate with the level 5-9 scenario), but for the other option, there is absolutely no treasure that I can see. Is this intended? I simply put the same treasure in both options to solve the discrepancy, but am wondering whether this lack of treasure in Option Two is intentional, or if there was a mistake in the drafting and the treasure for Option Two was forgotten.

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