Maintain the flow of combat with the Pathfinder Combat Pad initiative tracker! Usable with Pathfinder or any other roleplaying game, this board includes magnets that stick right to it. List the names of heroes and foes on the magnets using a wet or dry erase marker, then place them in initiative order. Easily track when a character delays their turn or starts dying by sliding the magnets. Take the uncertainty out of battle with the Pathfinder Combat Pad!
1 double-sided magnetic wet and dry erase board, with areas to write in initiative numbers, track durations, and keep notes!
2 sheets of magnets, including:
34 red enemy magnets
18 blue player character magnets
14 green nonplayer character magnets
4 gray hazard magnets
8 arrows in different colors for tracking turns and durations
The notes section is way smaller than before, but i really like the layout.
The rounds being at the top is great idea and i also like that the magnets are now on the right side.
I imagine that a 2e combat pad faces some additional design challenges: at high-level play, the bottom half of a Pathfinder Combat Pad (initiatives from 0 to 15) will be unused. And there will need to be more space at the top for initiatives in excess of 45...
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I mentioned it in the Conditions Card thread, but this as an app that interfaced with a conditions card app (or a big combo app) would be delightful :D
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason Lillis wrote:
I mentioned it in the Conditions Card thread, but this as an app that interfaced with a conditions card app (or a big combo app) would be delightful :D
Combat Manager works excellently for first edition. I use it for the playtest with only a bit of loss of compatibility.
My only nitpick is that it comes with 18 PC magnets but only 4 condition trackers. It seems like it would be more useful to have, say, 8 PCs and 14 conditions. Since having multiple PCs with multiple conditions is something that often happens, but it's quite rare to have a Pathfinder table with more than 7 PCs.
I didn't realize how much I needed this in my life until I saw it used at PFS. Do you all tend to keep the pad behind the screen, or do you keep it in players' view?
I didn't realize how much I needed this in my life until I saw it used at PFS. Do you all tend to keep the pad behind the screen, or do you keep it in players' view?
I keep it open on the table, but sometimes i wait before adding enemy magnets until they act.
It helps people to prepare their actions before they act and you don't have to remind them that it's their turn.
I didn't realize how much I needed this in my life until I saw it used at PFS. Do you all tend to keep the pad behind the screen, or do you keep it in players' view?
I keep it open on the table, but sometimes i wait before adding enemy magnets until they act.
It helps people to prepare their actions before they act and you don't have to remind them that it's their turn.
That makes sense! It sounds like a great way to keep everyone engaged, even when it isn't their turn.
I'd like to pick up this pad but there seems to be a few oversights. Looking at the picture, is there no round tracker? I see there's a duration tracker, but what good does that do without being able to tell what duration is being tracked. 4 condition magnets seems a bit short. I assume there isn't a way to purchase additional condition magnets?