Lunar Sloth's Murder's Mark of Crows: Bloodrager Babysitter (Inactive)

Game Master Slothsy

Murder's Mark

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Murder's Mark

About a week earlier…

When Venture Captain Sheila Heidmarch calls a team of Pathfinder agents into her office, the mission will be either dangerous, short on details, or dangerous and short on details. Several agents stationed in the Magnimar lodge gave mock salutes as they watched your group of novice Pathfinder get shepherded into her library.

“Agents, initiates, I have a task for you ahead that may seem somewhat,” Sheila Heidmarch pauses for a moment as she collects her thoughts, “trivial. I have gotten word that a rather interesting carnival, the Umbra Carnival, is making a stop in Ilsurian this upcoming month. It is a rather curious carnival. Most notably, it has in its service a gynosphinx—an unusual creature to serve humans in any capacity, much less as a carnival attraction.”

“I would like you to go to Ilsurian, attend this carnival and find out what you know about this gynosphinx. Oh, and while you’re in town, please stop by the local pawn shop, the Locked Box. My second-best tiara, a true family heirloom, somehow managed to end up in its shop window. Believe me, the team responsible for that mishap is on a much less pleasant task than visiting a carnival and enjoying some fried dough.”

Looking over the party, she does give a smile. ”With all the strange agents the Decimvirate sends my way, I’ve never seen an entire flock before. I hope you can work together well - birds of a feather, after all.”

With that, Sheila Heidmarch hands you a pawn shop claim ticket, a set of tickets to the carnival and detailed travel arrangements, including passage with a local caravan heading through Ilsurian and rooms at a local inn.

What you know before you go

What do you already know about Ilsurian?

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: Ilsurian DC 15:
Ilsurian is a trading town in central Varisia, situated on the bank of Lake Syrantula next to the mouth of Skull River.

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: Ilsurian DC 20:
Ilsurian is a trading town in central Varisia, situated on the bank of Lake Syrantula next to the mouth of Skull River. Many of the inhabitants of the town descended from ethnic Chelaxians, and most of them have the strong features, pale skin, and dark hair of that group. Most also harbor prejudice against the native Varisians, and believe the stereotypes that Varisians are thieves and layabouts.

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: Ilsurian DC 25:
The town was named for its founder Ilsur, a Knight of Aroden from the city of Korvosa. With the crumbling of the Chelish Empire, Ilsur wanted a militant-leaning meritocracy to replace noble rule in Korvosa, but had to eventually concede defeat roughly 80 years ago. He marched his troops to the west bank of the Skull River where it empties into Lake Syrantula, and awaited a chance to return and seize Korvosa by military force. He died waiting for the opportunity, and his army gradually transformed into a strong community of independent fishers and foresters.

What have you already heard about the Umbra Carnival?

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: Umbra Carnival DC 5:

“A traveling carnival? Beware my friend! These things are just a front for criminal activity. The games are rigged, the sideshows are farcical and the food is filthy. Sure the women are comely, but their welcome smiles and scant costumes are a distraction for the menfolk to cut your purse. My cousin got lured behind a wagon by a likely wench and got his head cracked open for his trouble. Blasted dancers! Now he’s dumb and broke. Trust me, keep your distance!”

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: The Umbra Carnival DC 10:

“Traveling carnivals are wicked fun! Even if you don’t have much coin, there’s always something to see. Harrowers, savage beasts, all manner of freaks and the dancing ladies—oh my! The smell of perfume, roasting meat and pipeweed makes me delightfully dizzy. There’s usually a good fight to watch, too. My uncle told me about this time he won 10 gold Sails wrestling Khoshut the Backbreaker, an exiled Shoanti warchief. I only wish they came more often.”

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: The Umbra Carnival DC 15:

The Umbra Carnival is one of the many traveling shows that circulate around Varisian towns and cities providing entertainment in exchange for a bit of coin. Some believe these troupes are a front for Sczarni crime families who fleece as many locals as they can before hitting the road ahead of an angry mob. They feature freakshows, games of skill and chance, a menagerie of exotic or dangerous creatures, acrobats, musicians and fortune-tellers. The workers are often all part of an extended family, but there are always a few collected castoffs of society.

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: The Umbra Carnival DC 20:
The Umbra Carnival began over ten years ago. It grew gradually into the size of a small village, with a diverse array of attractions and amusements from all over Avistan. The sincere intent of the carnival is to provide much-needed entertainment at a price communities can afford. One of the center-stage attractions is Jherizhana, a sphinx captured in Thuvia and bought by the carnival.

Knowledge Local or Diplomacy: The Umbra Carnival DC 25:
The former adventurer Almara Delisen founded the Umbra Carnival over a decade ago. She uses her illusion magic as the centerpiece of a traveling show that passes through small towns starved for entertainment and a glimpse of life beyond their borders. With time, other performers, acts, and attractions joined her circus— lost souls and lonely hearts, eager to see the world or leave some part of it behind.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3

Takashi's beak is open wide in a Tengu smile, and his eyes sparkle with excitement as he accepts his portion of the tickets. "A gynosphinx!" He repeats, having no real clue what that is other than something he's never heard of before. "I'm sure we'll work together fine, Captain!"

He asked around after leaving the captain to find out more about the Umbra Carnival and Ilsurian: Diplomacy for Ilsurian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Diplomacy for Umbra Carnival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

"Yes ma'am. We shall reclaim you tiara and bring you a full report on this creature."

Ilsurian: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Umbra Carnival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Murder's Mark

Sheila nods and says "Yes, of course. After all, you already have at least one thing in common with the other agents. That's more than most groups can say. Hopefully you'll be less chaotic as well."

She gives a long glance over a stack of to-be-filed incident reports. "I could really use that. I really could."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tengu Rage 1/9 | HP 17/19 (/23 rage) | AC 20 T 11 FF 19 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +1 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 |

Dekarin sighs as he hears the mission, understanding there probably won't be too much fighting; although, with an infamous Heidmarch mission, one could never know.

"This does sound so....exciting." he says before picking up his ticket and passage documents.
"I do hope there is something out there that will make this exciting."

With that, he turns to leave the Lodge, tagging along with the rest of his feathered brethren.

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

diplomacy, Ilsurian: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4
diplomacy, Umbra Carnival: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16

"Oh no, a missing family heirloom! You poor thing. We will get it right back to you, you know. But tell me; what is a gynosphinx?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

M Halfling | Spells: L1 (8/8) L2 (4/4) | AC 16 T 16 FF 12 | HP 26/26 | F +3 R +6 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc -2 | Stealth +10 | CMD 16

Tengu with an unusual almost white plumage and large claws on the hands nods and makes a clicking noise while listening to the Captain.

"We will do our best... *click-click*... Lady. And, yes... *click-click* this one tengu too had never heard of such a creature. How dangerous is it? "

He constantly glances from side to side... like looking for a spy... or just a mouse.

Murder's Mark

"Ah, dangerous, yes. It's more dangerous than a dretch but less dangerous than a wolf-in-sheep's clothing. I doubt any harm will come to you at the circus. They have a reputation to uphold, after all." Sheila Heidmarch nods and says, "If that is all, best be on your way!"

I'll wait till tomorrow morning for Tchucko to check in. Otherwise, we'll be off! Anyone purchasing any equipment before you head to Ilsurian?

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

"Um, excuse me, but what *is* a gynosphinx. You didn't answer my question, you know."

sounds good. Andoliesa is all set for purchases.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

all set. Not too much money left after character creation.

Murder's Mark

Oh, yes. Yes. It's hard to remember sometimes. A gynosphinx is a strange creature. They have the bodies of lions, wings of a falcon, and the chest and head of a beautiful human women. They tend to speak in riddles are are fiercely intelligent. I would not recommend crossing one, as they have the claws of lion along with spellcasting powers."

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

"Thank you dear. I look forward to meeting this fascinating creature."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3

"And they keep her in a traveling carnival?" Takashi's surprise is plain. "Now I see why the Pathfinders want to know about her!"

Murder's Mark

"Yes, yes. I'm glad to see that you've got it! Now, scurry on. I have more briefings to attend to."

With that, Sheila sends you of her office to make your final preparations and to meet up with the caravan.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tengu Mesmerist 1 | hp 9/9 | AC 16 | CMD 13 | Fort + 0 | Ref +5 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +7

"I've seen a lot of strange things in my days, but I've never seen a winged lion with a human head. Takes all kinds, I guess..."

Tchucko, a garishly dressed tengu with a nervous habit of fidgeting with a "lucky" coin, chuckles to himself. As the party leaves Sheila's office, he turns to his companions:

"Watch yourselves at this carnival, though - the only thing you can trust about carnival folks is that you can't trust them. I should know - I've run my share of cons over the years."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

Andoliesa makes a clicking sound in her mouth, then screeches out in her high pitched, grating voice, "I assume you've mended your ways, flock-brother?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

M Halfling | Spells: L1 (8/8) L2 (4/4) | AC 16 T 16 FF 12 | HP 26/26 | F +3 R +6 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc -2 | Stealth +10 | CMD 16

"Carnival is a good place... *click-click* ...We won't stand out so much in such a place! Come on, brothers and sisters, let's go! May the Holy Shadow of Sacred Wings will cover us on the way and will protect from any harm and evil! *click*"

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

Pazacku tilts his head to the side"Andoliesa, you must know, everyone can be forgiven.". He then pats Tchuko on the back "Even the most troubled sinners can seek redemption and restore their honor."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Halfling | Spells: L1 (8/8) L2 (4/4) | AC 16 T 16 FF 12 | HP 26/26 | F +3 R +6 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc -2 | Stealth +10 | CMD 16

Chack-Qetchack stops and intently ponders, realizing that he missed something important, when he enthusiastically thought about the upcoming new experiences.

"Not for us to forgive and not for us to judge. Pazacku. Andoliesa. This one considers that the judge can only those who are able to see the whole picture. What happened in the past and what will happen in the future. None of the earthly lords and few of the servants of the Higher Lords are capable of it."

Surprisingly, but speaking on such an important theme, all the strange clicking sounds briefly left Chack-Qetchack.

...However, soon all returns to normal and he again begins to resemble the owl on the hunt, constantly changing the angle of the head and the point where he looks.

"Brothers and sisters! Let's go! This one can't wait for carnival... *click-click* This one feels it will be a glorious hunt! *click*"

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

Pazacku nods slowly. Absorbing the other bird's wisdom.

"True, not my place to judge or forgive. I am just a servant of the Empress of Heaven."

The Exchange

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Male Tengu Mesmerist 1 | hp 9/9 | AC 16 | CMD 13 | Fort + 0 | Ref +5 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +7

Tchucko chuckles a little uncomfortably, realizing that his companions are all far more faithful than he has ever claimed to be.

"Don't worry, Andoliesa, I've learned my lesson. I got hurt pretty bad the last time I walked on the wrong side of the law - being a Pathfinder is much less nerve-wracking than always having to watch my back."

Changing the subject a little bit, Tchucko says, "I don't think I've ever traveled with a cleric, two warpriests and a paladin before. I'm more of a mentalist than a spell-slinger or a sell-sword. But I do have some special tricks up my sleeve. I don't know which of you is likely to be in the front lines if a battle breaks out, but I can stare into your eyes and work some of my magic to protect you, if you'd like."

I can implant one character with my "Shadow Splinter" Mesmerist Trick. As long as you're within 110 ft. of me when you get hit by an attack, I can reduce the damage by 6 and create an illusion of another target within range getting hit by the attack instead. If they fail a Will save, they take the damage and think the first creature attacked them instead of you. It only works if there is another eligible target within striking range, though.

It probably makes sense to implant the Trick in a front-line fighter, so whoever is willing to stare into Tchucko's eyes can have it. :-)

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

"Yes, it is for others to judge, but grandmother crow would not have us misbehave, nor tolerate bad behavior in others, you know!"

Andoliesa is your judgy, protective grandma

I'm not sure Andoliesa is the tank, but she is a frontline fighter

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Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tengu HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3

Takashi looked back and forth between the other Tengu, feeling a bit young and inexperienced, but wanting to contribute. "Umm... Desna teaches that... that many paths can lead to good ends, if they turn from darkness," he hesistantly interjected, bobbing his head in what could be a nod or a brief hiding of his eyes in embarrassment.

But any embarrassment he felt was quickly banished by wonder. "You can do that, Tchucko? I've never heard of something like that before! But... I don't think it's good for me... I'm not very good at fighting yet, though I can call on a few of Desna's blessings for us..."

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

not tanky at all yet. but more than happy to take the assist.

Silver Crusade

M Halfling | Spells: L1 (8/8) L2 (4/4) | AC 16 T 16 FF 12 | HP 26/26 | F +3 R +6 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc -2 | Stealth +10 | CMD 16

"Tanagaar teaches us that good can be in the very darkness. Constantly. Waiting for us there not only the horrors... *click*... believe this one, Takashi!"

He quickly turns back to the hypnotist.

"Tchucko, you know, Kelinahat which this one also worships, teaches us that the path of shadows and trickery can be good ... *click-click*... if used wisely and in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Besides, this one too likes such stunts."

Looks like the only possible tank in our team is Decorin (AC 20 HP 19). However I'd constantly go into melee too. And I think that this kind of support just needs less armored 'melee' member of the team (me, Andolesia, Pazacku).

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Rage 1/9 | HP 17/19 (/23 rage) | AC 20 T 11 FF 19 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +1 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 |

Dekarin listens to the other tengus discussing religion before speaking.
He almost seems to scoff at the term 'unnecessary bloodshed', as if such a concept were ridiculous.

"Our Lord in Iron declares that strength in battle is more important than anything."
With this, he slowly draws the almost five-foot long greatsword sheathed between his shoulders.
"I do believe I'll be the one 'in the front lines' when battle breaks out."

"And while I appreciate the offer, Tchucko, I believe one who is not nearly as battle-ready as I should receive your gifts."

I don't have a problem with someone else getting the protection; in fact, someone else is most likely to need it than me!

EDIT: also, Dekarin became a Mendevian Crusader Cleric somewhere along the path of me leveling him up, although he certainly calls himself a 'warpriest'. Just thought I'd clear that up!

The Exchange

Male Tengu Mesmerist 1 | hp 9/9 | AC 16 | CMD 13 | Fort + 0 | Ref +5 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +7

I rolled a d4, and Pazacku is the lucky one.

1d4 ⇒ 2

Tchucko stares deeply in Pazacku's eyes, silently implanting his Mesmerist Trick into the Paladin's psyche. After a few moments, he breaks the gaze and laughs chirpily.

"That should do it. Hopefully we won't need it."

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3

Thinking of battle ahead, Takashi reflexively gripped the hilt of his rapier.

"I hope it we don't have to fight, too," he agreed. "But I'm ready if we have to. My father did train me with swords--he always said it was important to uphold the ways of our ancestors."

Murder's Mark

About a week later, after your travel on the caravan...

The Sczarni caravan Venture Captain Heidmarch had told you about arrives in the town of Ilsurian precisely on schedule. The carnival caravan has newly arrived itself, and a contingent of carnival workers wanders the town, picking up supplies and plastering posters declaring The Umbra Carnival: Wonders, Amusements and Attractions and a long list of events, with everything from the gynosphinx Jherizhana to tests of strength to a live young dragon billed. Townspeople crowd around the posters, gawk at the colorfully-dressed carnival workers and likewise rush around in the excitement.

A small set of shops and stalls, some owned by locals wanting to cash in on the festival atmosphere, have started setting up in the Winding Market next to the carnival grounds. A few savvy souls are already selling foods, potions, and trinkets to the crowd.

“Fried fish! Apples! Nut breads!” A fat woman calls from her stall, a line of people already forming.

“Robella’s potions, notions and curiosities! Impress your friends! Woo your lovers!” A woman with short hair and sharp eyes calls out to you.

“Pretty lady!” One stall owner, a charming man with an elegantly waxed mustache holds an array of colorful silk scarves. He wraps a midnight blue one over Adoliesa's shoulders. “This would set up your lovely plumage beautifully! Look how lovely you look! Only 2 silver!”

In an outer field, the rest of the worker set up a number of tents. Each colorful canvas that goes up adds to the excitement and a group of children soon start wandering the fairground. Soon after a number of adults join in, including an elderly couple who shut their fish market for the evening, a dark-skinned man in full plate who watches the animal cages be unloaded, and the sheriff of the town asking a few questions of a man with ears that fall nearly to his ankle. The circus performers talk among themselves in Varisian and snippets of their conversations are audible.

”Dear, ask that man to please move. He’s right where the dragon cage needs to go.” “I wish these rubes had more to do with their time than watch us work.” “Townies. Why does it have to be townies?”

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

"Yes, I agree. I'll take it, you know." Andoliesa pays the man for the scarf.

She listens intently to the carnival workers Varisian chatter. She murmurs to the party that they are mostly just complaining about small town people.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

Pazacku moves through the crowd and pulls a carnival notice off of a wall. He starts skimming it looking at the times for the sphinx.

Pazacku starts towards the fish cart."These smell delicious. How much for a single order of the fish?

The Exchange

Male Tengu Mesmerist 1 | hp 9/9 | AC 16 | CMD 13 | Fort + 0 | Ref +5 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +7

Tchucko looks greedily towards the barker calling out about potions and curiosities and heads over in her direction.

"Good day, madam." Tchucko smiles and bows low, doffing his hat in the process. "What sort of wondrous curiosities does your shop have to offer, if I may ask?"

Silver Crusade

M Halfling | Spells: L1 (8/8) L2 (4/4) | AC 16 T 16 FF 12 | HP 26/26 | F +3 R +6 W +3 | Init +8 | Perc -2 | Stealth +10 | CMD 16

Meanwhile, Chack-Qetchack catches one of those who glues posters and begins to question him about where and how to find the purpose of this trip:

"Greetings. This one wants to know. When exactly will be the show with the gynosphinx, how to get there and how much it costs?"

Murder's Mark


The fishmonger is a twelve-year-old boy who continues looking out at the carnival, barely paying attention as Pazacku approaches.

"Oh, uh, the fish are a silver a pound for the grilled or a copper a pound raw." He gives Pazacku a quick examination and says, "You're not from around here, are you? Are you an adventurer?"


"I have most anything your heart desires," Mistress Robella smiles at Tchucko and says, "from potions that cure the worst wounds to trinkets that'll curse your enemies. I have exotic wares, so it depends on what you're looking for. Are you seeking true love? Mourning the crow's feet around your eyes? Hoping for the break that'll make you rich?"


The half-elf woman plastering the side of a lean-to with flyers smiles at Chack-Qetchack with a gleam in her eye - the proprietor's gleam at seeing a potential customer. "Jherizhana makes her appearances every thirty minutes from noon until six, though sometimes she sleeps later - those sphinxes are mysterious creatures, you must understand. Few know how they think. Seeing the show is included with your ticket into the carnival - do you already have tickets? There's group rates for if you're traveling with fifteen or more guests and so many other things to see."

Murder's Mark

As Andoliesa purchases the scarf from the peddler, the woman leans over with a conspiratorial whisper, "Aye, it's a good thing you bought that from me, you fine-feathered fowl. These Varisian travelers will sell you cotton and call it silk, and charge twice the price of silk besides. I know I'll be keeping my children indoors tonight. Don't want them being taken as another attraction, you know?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3

Takashi had been nervous the whole journey, though seeing so much land and knowing there wasn't water on the other side for hundreds of miles had been exciting. He was glad for the company of the other Tengu, even though they were all kind of strange to him.

Here, though... this seemed almost familiar. He'd often gone to the markets for his family back home once he was old enough, and this wasn't much different. It was just enough different to get him excited, though, so he flitted back and forth between stalls, taking it all in. He kept a close eye on the rest of his group, though, not wanting to get left behind.

Takashi noticed Chack-Qetchack talking with one of the people putting up posters, and decided to drift over that way. He overheard the last part of what the woman had said.

"Oh, yes! We do already have tickets!" Takashi exclaimed, remembering that the Venture-Captain had handed them out. Then he realized he'd interrupted. "Oh, um... sorry for interrupting, Chack-Qetchack."

The Exchange

Male Tengu Mesmerist 1 | hp 9/9 | AC 16 | CMD 13 | Fort + 0 | Ref +5 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +7

"Crow's feet" lol

"I'm always looking for the break that will make me rich." Tchucko chuckles at the woman. "Why? Do you have something special?"

Tchucko looks around at the woman's wares, trying to spot anything particularly valuable, shiny and small.

Tchucko checks out the items she's selling with Appraise to try and find something valuable. If he sees anything that looks promising he'll bump the table or drop something from his belt to create a distraction and try and pilfer it with his Sleight of Hand skill.

Appraise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Poor tengu - if he ends up stealing anything it'll probably be worthless considering that Appraise roll. :-)

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Rage 1/9 | HP 17/19 (/23 rage) | AC 20 T 11 FF 19 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +1 Will +5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 |

Dekarin doesn't seem to be as caught up in the wonder of the carnival as much as the other tengus are, instead staying closer to the back of the 'flock' and keeping a close hand on both his coin purse and other valuables.

Walking over to the posters Pazacku is looking at, he laughs heartily.
"Tests of strength? A live young dragon?"

"Perhaps I might enjoy this carnival after all."

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

Pazacku tilts his head to get a better view of the young boy.

"I am on a journey if that's what you mean."He peers over the fish carefully examining the catch."I'll take a pound of the grilled please."

He looks over towards Dekarin"Yes, there are plenty of interesting attractions here. I do hope we have time to see more of them."

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

Andoliesa looks at the peddler woman appraisingly. "Travellers are not always bad folk, but it is always good to keep your flick safe, you know." She screeches out in her high-pitched squawk.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Murder's Mark

Those speaking with the woman

"The Umbra Carnival is a grand event! You won't regret your time spent with us - wonders from across the Inner Sea and beyond. Have you heard of the legendary Arcadia? It's a continent oceans away. One of our performers sings songs she learned from an Ulfen man who says he has family in the parts." The woman looks at the darkening sky and says, "But I must be off! If you need me, ask for Mistress Almara Delisen, proprietor."

With that she takes her small can of paste and stack of flyers the next street over, covering a property's boundary wall with advertisements.


The woman blinks at Andoliesa and says, "Yes. You're right," before turning away coldly.


The boy hands over a pound of the grilled herring and mutters, "I wanted to see a real adventurer. Nothing exciting ever happens in Ilsurian. This carnival is dumb."


The woman gives a large, toothy grin and says, "Lucky rabbit's foot. If you stew it, you'll find yourself beset by opportunities. Thirty gold. A steep price but it'll pay for itself in no time."

As Tchucko looks at the table, he spies a small gold statue of a raven. Mistress Robella turns to another potential customer, giving Tchucko the time to sneakily grab it. However, as he examines it later, it's clear that it's made of pewter painted to look gold and is relatively worthless.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

Pazacku takes the fish from the boy and walks back toward the flock.

"Are you guys want to check on the sphinx and see if she had made an appearance yet?"

He then grabs a piece of herring from the bag and begins to eat.

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

"What did I say?" Andoliesa asks to no one in particular. She rejoins the flock. "Yes, let us see this wondrous sphinx."

Murder's Mark

The fairground is still being set up as the flock wanders in. The grand exhibit and the sphinx's banner is being erected as they come by. A sign says Appearances Every Half Hour. One of the carnival workers gives a nod to Pazacku as he watches and calls out to the woman helping him assemble the tent.

"We've got company. Let's wait until later to move the cage."

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3

"Oh, are we too early?" Takashi asked no one in particular. He was glad enough to be back in the 'flock', though part of him still wanted to wander about. No doubt there would be opportunity later.

"Maybe... if they're not ready, we should go look for that pawn shop we heard about?" He diffidently suggests after taking in the spectacle of the carnival being set up.

Silver Crusade

Female NG Tengu Warpriest/2 - HP 15/15 AC 18/T:14/FF:14 - Perception: +7, Low-Light Vision - Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +6 - CMB: +1, CMD 15 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +4

"They are deciding not to move a cage because we are here. Perhaps we should do as Takashi suggests, but one of us would hide nearby and see what this cage is."

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Male Tengu Mesmerist 1 | hp 9/9 | AC 16 | CMD 13 | Fort + 0 | Ref +5 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perception +7

Tchucko wanders back to the "flock", surreptitiously examining his new treasure as he walks back. He

"Good ear, Andliesa. You all head down to the pawn shop - I'll try and get a peek at the cage and then I'll catch up to you."

Tchucko wanders off a short distance, attempting to look inconspicuous, all while keeping an eye on the carnival workers.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Silver Crusade

Male LG Tengu Paladin(Shining Knight) of Shizuru 6 | HP 46/46| AC 20; T 12; FF 18; CMD 22(24 if wielding Katana) | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +1, SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Smite Evil 2/2; Lay on Hands 5/5; Razor Sharp 9/9; Aura: Courage 10ft | Spells: See Character Sheet | Active conditions:

"Good idea, lets go find this pawn shop."

Murder's Mark

"Gates open tomorrow morning. Come back then," the woman says in thickly accented Common. The scarf around her waist jingles with hidden bells as she moves.

If you're going to hide to see what happens with the cage:
After the crowd disperses, the works carry a large but empty cage into the middle of the tent. Inside the cage is a number of pillows. The woman jumps on one of them and sighs in Varisian, "Let's make it look like something sleeps in here, right?" before winking at the man.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3

"Oh... I guess that's what Tchucko is doing?"

To the woman, Takashi says, "Oh, sorry. I guess we're just too excited!" He caws a short laugh as he turns to leave, looking back to make sure the rest of the group is following.

He soon realizes, however, that he has no clue where to go.

"Ummm... where was the pawn shop?"

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