Community Use Package: Starfinder Iconic Characters

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This package contains images 7 Starfinder iconic characters, illustrated by Remko Troost, for use under the Community Use Policy.

The package consists both PNG and JPG versions of each of the following characters:

  • Envoy - Navasi
  • Mechanic - Quig
  • Mystic - Keskodai
  • Operative - Iseph
  • Solarian - Altronus
  • Soldier - Obozaya
  • Technomancer - Raia

Last updated: December 12, 2017

Product Availability

an unknown time frame.

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
Now available!

If i download this, i get the PATHFINDER Iconics, but not the Starfinder Iconics images... :-o

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