Wayfinder Bestiary (PFRPG) PDF

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Created for Pathfinder fans by Pathfinder fans, the Wayfinder Bestiary is our first compilation product, combining the monsters from Wayfinder 1 through 15 in one tome! While some entries and art should be familiar to Wayfinder readers, many entries have been expanded, and some even have new art! Several years in the making, we hope you enjoy this completely FREE download!

Contributing Authors: Gabriel Almer, Becky Barnes, John Bennett, Joshua Blazej, Morgan Boehringer, Dylan Brooks, Russ Brown, Will Cooper, Ryan Costello, Jr., Sarah Counts, Paris Crenshaw, Ryan Crossman, Rich Crotty, Calder CaDavid, Craig Cartin, Chris Crowe, Matt Duval, Denis Faupel, Robert Feather, Benjamin Fields, Nick Floyd, Guy Fox, Crystal Frasier, Jason Garrett, Christoph Gimmler, Amy C. Goodenough, Frank Gori, Wojciech Gruchala, Jesper Haglund, Sam Harris, Nick Herold, Kiel Howell, Scott Janke, Jason Keeley, Joe Kondrak, Cole Kronewitter, Thomas LeBlanc, Jeff Lee, John Leising, John E. Ling, Jr., Rob Little, Christopher “Acre” Lockwood, Dave Mallon, Matthew Medeiros, Joe Medley, Jacob W. Michaels, Nicholas Milasich, Alex Moore, Eric Morton, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Dustin James Nelson, Fraser Nelund, Mark Nordheim, Tom Phillips, Alex Putnam, Danielle Putnam, Ed Ortiz, Jr., Linda Zayas-Palmer, Michael Phillips, Max Rich, Matt Rupprecht, Joseph Scott, Mark Seifter, David Schwartz, Justin Sluder, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Matthew Starch, Jeffrey Swank, Russ Taylor, Margherita Tramontano, Ian Turner, Ben Warren, Christopher Wasko, Brendan Ward, and Mike Welham.

Interior Artists: Becky Barnes, Catherine Batka, Darran Caldemeyer, Paul Chapman, Tyler Clark, Jeremy Corff, Emilie Cormier, Liz Courts, Andrew DeFelice, William Dodds, Peter Fairfax, Lynnette Fetters, Crystal Frasier, Erin Frye, Silvia Gonzalez, Bob Greyvenstein, Michael Jaecks, James M. Keegan, Chris L. Kimball, Jason Kirckof, Adam Koča, Danny Hedager Krog, Alberto Ortiz Leon, Mike Lowe, Dave Mallon, Stephen McAndrews, Audrey Medley, Dionisis Milonas , Jesse Mohn, Alex Moore, Dustin Nelson, Kate Neve, Karla Yanin Salas Orozco, Brian Patterson, Beatrice Pelagatti, dodeqaa Polyhedra, Basil Arnould Price, Cody Ragsdale, Nick Russell, Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Bill Simpson, Ashton Sperry, Matthew Stinson, Carlos Torreblanca, Todd Westcot, and Stephen Wood.

Cover Artist: Michael Jaecks
Foreword: Tim Nightengale, Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief

Wayfinder Bestiary is a 181-page full-color PDF suitable for printing or viewing on your computer. It is released under the Paizo Inc Community Use Policy.

This fanzine uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc, which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This fanzine is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

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5.00/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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How do you not own this yet?


Seriously. This is seven years of Wayfinder magazine bestiary entries collected into one volume. 181 pages of new, original monsters. They range from the CR 1/4 creamfoot fennec (a cute little animal and new familiar option) to the massive CR 30 mawagetebab'dly (try saying that five times fast) which is a kaiju version of a hydra (!!!). There are monsters included here that are perfect for all terrains, various lands in Golarion, and suitable as encounters for various Paizo adventure paths. This is a resource a good GM should not pass up. Best of all, it's produced under the community use rules and therefore--FREE! Why would you not get this?

7 years worth of monsters


And it's now in glorious color!

This is a truly beautiful product made by a wide assortment of wonderful people, both writers and artists, some who were able to break into the RPG market because of Wayfinder giving a spotlight on their creativity and dedication.

Collecting from 15 issues of Wayfinder there is no rhyme or reason here, similar to Paizo's Bestiarys, just a whole f$&*ton of cool monsters to throw at your players and to help you shape adventures. And even better, it's free.

It's actually really good


So today is 6/1/17 and I downloaded this, just to see what the good kids of Wayfinder have done. Because of this Bestiary, I went out and got the other wayfinders that I didn't have.

Went through and read every entry in the last few hours.

Art is on the good scale. Some I don't care for, but that's just an art style choice.

Most of the writing and the monsters are pretty good. Edit here and there, but nothing distracted from my reading.

The layout. (there is a scene from High Fidelity where Jack Black is listening to a demo tape of the band, cringes and says) "It's really freaking good."
I'm sure there was some guidance/permission and help on font choice etc because it's pretty close to likeness rights. It's good. Like really good.

These kids are alright in my book.
Well done.

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Silver Crusade

Awww, poor Troll Augur, they were just wanting to help people.

Silver Crusade

Kajehase wrote:
If they ever stat up Asmodeus, he should definitely have ranks in Perform (string instruments).


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Doomed Derelict, the Sea Wanderer is looking for you!

I like how the energy drain works, makes the ship a hazard and a monster, heck, you could have one pretend to be run ashore and when people go to check the cargo *ZAP*

Silver Crusade

Sin Eater works great for a Sin Dragon (Pride), since you have to be pretty arrogant to take one on in the first place, so they'll always have a supply. I think if I were to use them though I'd mod it to where they'd still get the soul even without an elaborate setup for a sacrifice, most arrogance tends to wane in those situations.

Silver Crusade

Giant Knifewing.... I hate the Vermin Type -_-

It's an Animal/Magical Beast except when it's not, and it doesn't get any skills or feats, except when we spend wordcount to say they do, which is almost always, and takes away from giving the monster other abilities and lore.

Rant on the Vermin type aside I like what the author did with this, and the wing scimitars are a cool idea.

Silver Crusade

Friend bone birb dragon!

I like, gonna call it The Kindness if it's got a lot of ravens already around hehe

Silver Crusade

I also like the scale covered acid spewing doggos that live in rivers. I want one.

Silver Crusade


It's like a Halfling, but evil... er.

Silver Crusade

Duergar Lizard... whose name I can't spell due to the current keyboard I'm using >_<

Just more evidence that the only thing Droskar is halfway competent at is stealing other people's stuff.

Dark Archive


Silver Crusade

Yeah! Those!

Dark Archive

*nods* well I ain't trying to type that again, that o with dots is a total pain

Silver Crusade


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Öööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööh, it's super easy! :p

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
If they ever stat up Asmodeus, he should definitely have ranks in Perform (string instruments).

But not too many ranks. Every time he plays against someone in a fiddling contest he loses.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
If they ever stat up Asmodeus, he should definitely have ranks in Perform (string instruments).
But not too many ranks. Every time he plays against someone in a fiddling contest he loses.

It's Asmodeus, so the whole "contest" thing is likely a setup for a variant on the fiddle game.

Sovereign Court

Will there be a print or POD version ?

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Stereofm wrote:
Will there be a print or POD version ?

I don't really see that happening. This is entirely done under the Community Use Policy, so we cannot profit from this at all. No stopping you from printing up your own quality copy (I know that's what I will be doing, personally)

100% of our focus and efforts need to be spent on Wayfinder copies for PaizoCon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, have any of these creatures since been used in any official Paizo products?

It would be cool to see some of them go full canon.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Some Wayfinder items in the past have become canon, so I don't see why they cannot happen again.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

In the 'Cave Camel' description, it mentions their "dessert cousins". I assume you mean dry terrain rather than sugary food, so the second S is a typo.

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