die_kluge |

Weird. Posted this, but it's not showing up. anyway...
Enjoy this free PDF.
It's a condensed 10 page version of the 96-page Artificer's Handbook. It's 100% open game content.
I see lots of folks on here complaining about the existing magic item creation system in core. It's basically why we wrote that book - because I hate it, too.
I welcome any feedback.

The Bibliophile |

Downloaded for me just fine. Just skimming it I see some things I like and some I'm ambivalent about but I'm also biased in that I don't tend to like magic item creation to be a major mechanical part of the game. I tend to think there should be about 4 item creation feats total, lol.
I always end up sitting down to make an item, start on the math, get so bored that I ballpark everything and say 'good enough' so I can move on with plot.
I'll read it more carefully later though.

Rhishisikk |

Anyone else notice that with the lowered spell slots, you actually have to cast spells above the level of the item you're making by this system?
Disclaimer: I APPROVE of this, it means that only after you've truly mastered a spell can you put it into a 'high-slot' item.
Also, it's fairly easy (compared to some things I've done as GM) to divide the slots by (or into) the item's HP, so that I have a measure of how badly damaged the MAGIC of the item has become. It begs the question of whether the maker wants to put MORE slots into the item, so that it can retain its magic even if the item is damaged.
Mind you, I'm going to see what Paizo has come up with for magic item creation before even trying to implement this, but overall it's a better system than the ones I've come up with.

die_kluge |

Oh sure, now you post this, after I go through the trouble of actually buying the pdf. Doh.
Sorry. If it's any conciliation, I don't make any money off those PDFs. In fact, I never even got paid for that book at all. Oh well.
Look at it this way - you've got all piecemeal armor, component listings, the full instability rules, the socketed and gestalt set rules, the potion flavor chart, the item background history generator, and all the appendices. Plus, with this PDF - a pocket guide, if you will. :)
I did end up fixing a few things, so the short version clears up a few problem areas - namely "items granting permanent effects", the ammunition rules, and a few other minor things.

doctor_d |
CrackedOzy wrote:Oh sure, now you post this, after I go through the trouble of actually buying the pdf. Doh.Sorry. If it's any conciliation, I don't make any money off those PDFs. In fact, I never even got paid for that book at all. Oh well.
Look at it this way - you've got all piecemeal armor, component listings, the full instability rules, the socketed and gestalt set rules, the potion flavor chart, the item background history generator, and all the appendices. Plus, with this PDF - a pocket guide, if you will. :)
I did end up fixing a few things, so the short version clears up a few problem areas - namely "items granting permanent effects", the ammunition rules, and a few other minor things.
I bought the PDF a few days ago as well, but I think the abridged version will be easier to print out bring to my group.

CastleMike |

I like it but use something just a little different. In addition to limiting Minor items to level 3 and below spells I limit the crafting to gp range limitations.
Create Minor Item Item Creation 3rd level spellcaster,
Create Single Use
Ability to create items with up to 3rd level effects (with a market price of 8,000 gp or less).
Create Moderate is limited to items wth a market price of 24,000 gp or less.
Create Major item is limited to items with a market price of 200,000 gp.
Most artifacts are accidents that cannot usually be duplicated again in the laboratory. It takes numerous repeated steps and divinations (Legend Lores, Communes and Contact Other Plane) to generally identify what was done differently. It can get awfully expensive and time consuming in game doing repeated crafting and the main reason artifacts don't come with formulas. Perhaps the God of Magic, Knowledge or Creation grants the crafter of the knowledge of what he did differently when it is very difficult to duplicate but might be useful in a few centuries.
Little things like an affinity or synergy due to a celestial event connected with the school of the spell or spells (Maybe a falling star during the crafting of an item using star dust or meteorite metal or during the Spring Equinoix or at Sunset or Moonrise for a Full Moon. An accidental step the crafter was unaware of and would be pretty hard for most crafters to duplicate again in the campaign.
Artifacts should have a world effect in game. Permanent loss either a spellcasting level or a loss in an applicable ability score plus a bennie in game from the God of Creation or Magic things like Action Points in a non action point game or one of the various luck feats. Give the PC a corresponding beneficial card effect from the Deck of Many Things.
Multiple effects use the DMG additional costs for items with more than a single basic function (things like Elven Cloaks of Resistance or Elven Boots of Striding and Leaping)along with using the body slot cost affinity modifiers.
The major thing I do differently with one shot crafting is spell components be it an expensive component or experience cost doesn't increase the crafting time (Spells like Wish don't take an extra 25 days for 29 days total they only take 4 based on 3,825 gp market for a level 9 scroll in addition to paying the 5,000 experience point cost).
The market price for scrolls and other one shots remains the same if the item has an expensive spell component.