Occult Archetypes (PFRPG)

4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Amazing New Options for Occult Characters!

Occult Archetypes opens up dimensions undreamed of for your Pathfinder campaign! The new psychic rules and occult oddities found in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures open up a vast new playground for heroes and villains of every kind, bringing along six brand-new character classes in the kineticist, medium, mesmerist, occultist, psychic, and spiritualist, to say nothing of a whole new category of psychic magic. Occult Archetypes brings you almost 20 amazing archetypes, including at least two for every class, like the worldly medium, poisoned earth kineticist, glorious companion, psychic savant, elemental specialist, and reliquarian. In addition, we bring you almost 30 new wild talents for kineticists from deathsight and acidic boost to share adaptation and irradiating infusion, plus a pair of new legendary spirits for mediums, the druid and psychic!

As if an incredible array of options for your character were not enough, for GMs we also provide a simple system for adapting psychic monsters and their powers without resorting to power point systems, plus several appendices detailing some of the unusual rules referenced in these pages, from devilbane gazes to radioactivity!

Whatever flavor of psychic strangeness is your favorite, Occult Archetypes will make your occult campaign Legendary!

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4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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An Endzeitgeist.com review


This massive collection of archetypes clocks in at 40 pages, 1 page front cover, 2 pages of editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page introduction/how to use, 1/2 page empty, 1 page SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 32.5 pages of content - quick an array of crunch, so let's waste no time and dive right in!

We begin with material for the kineticist, namely the focus kineticist. At 1st level, these guys designate an armor and device focus that cost at least 10 gp and need to be purchased from base capital; when not wearing the armor, using utility wild talents is harder and when not wearing or holding the device, infusion blasts or composite blasts are more difficult, in all cases necessitating a concentration check. Damaged foci regenerate when the focus kineticist removes burn and yes, magic items may be designated as focus. The armor focus, as a tradeoff, grants the kineticist an internal buffer +1 at 6th level and every 5 levels thereafter, usable exclusively for utility wild talents. The device focus has a different trick: When the kineticist accepts burn, the device charges visually: For each +1 elemental overload grants, the kineticist receives a property pool of +1, up to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. This property pool is used to add magical weapon properties to the device in question, selecting the properties from a list; tehy cannot be stored in the traditional sense and new uses supersede old ones and affect only kinetic blasts; blades and blasts are not affected. Gather power requires the focus kineticist holding the device focus. The pdf notes that this class very much can act as a super hero/villain class - and this would be correct. It inspired me in a different way: Picture a world/country where kineticism is strictly regulated by the military and focus kineticists are the dominant tradition. Then picture PCs that don't need the oh-so-cavorted foci. Yep, I think I may run this.

The God-touched kineticist begins play with an oracle's curse and, at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the kineticist gains a revelation, with elemental alignment determining the mystery to choose from and spell-based ones are not appropriate. The DC is modified to be 10 + "spell level" +"psychic kineticist's" Constitution modifier, which unfortunately would be two typos in the formula - that ought to be god-touched. Secondly, and more confusingly...spell level? The save DC is all screwed up and probably should be the revelation default, with Con as governing attribute. Still, pretty big hiccup. This archetype, just fyi, does not work for aether and pay for the revelations with the utility wild talent at level 2 and every 4 levels thereafter. The Mystical Kineticist does not receive an infusion at 3rd level, instead gaining a new utility wild talent and at all further levels, he may elect to gain utility wild talents instead of infusions. Okay, so far, so basic tweak-y. More interesting would be the Poisoned Earth Kineticist, who is locked into earth and non-good alignment and gains the irradiating infusion, with 2nd level providing detect radioactivity and 6th level and every 5 levels providing increasing immunity versus radiation. As a capstone, poison immunity and radiation aura makes for a neat endgame trick. That being said, the references of this archetype all point towards page XX still.

The Primal kineticist gets 1 + Cha-mod channel energy instead of 1st level's infusion and treats blasts as good/evil and magic...which is a bit problematic, considering the value usually ascribed to aligned attacks. 3rd level nets either plague carrier or immunity diseases, depending on energy chosen. Negative energy channelers need to take void as 1st level element; additionally, elemental overflow's bonus is doubled in the first attack per round targeting an evil outsider, dragon or undead (for positive kineticists) or good dragons, outsiders or clerics/palas for negative energy channelers. the capstone nets a slew of immunities. The psychic kineticist replaces utility wild talents at 4th level and every 4 levels later with access to psychic spells based on Int, with elemental focus also determining the selection available. The pdf also features an acid blast alternative simple blast talent for earth, the acidic boost composite talent and three infusion wild talents, one being a variant of kinetic fist for manufactured weapons and two more being irradiating infusions. The utility wild talents sport antilife/antiundeath shells, constant corruption resistance, continuous deathwatch, detect radiation...and a level 4 burn 0 dimensional lock. The latter definitely should have burn...it locks several builds....and I'm not starting with the aura. 0 burn enervation similarly could use a bit of burn. As a formatting inconsistency, one talent sports "-" instead of "0" in the burn. Spider climb, sharing adaptations...all in all, the options presented here are pretty spell-duplicate centric.

The medium archetypes sport a druidy- medium with woodland stride instead of séance, trackless step instead of haunt channeler and wild shape. The psychic channeler gains the phrenic pool at 3rd level, but does not add Wis or Cha-mod to determine points and replaces the archmage spirit with the psychic spirit, who may be allowed 1 influence in exchange for a DC/CL-increase, casting any psychic spell of a level you can cast and 1/day, you may do the latter sans influence gain. 3rd level and very 5 thereafter net a phrenic amplification. The worldly medium gets a modified class skill list and channels mundane spirits (i.e. not hierophant, psychic, archmage) - oh, and speaking of new spirits...there is now also a druid spirit, who is basically the druidic tweak of the psychic. The medium archetypes are okay, but don't really elicit excitement from me.

The mesmerist may elect to become a Fiend Hunter with detect evil, favored enemy and Knowledge (planes) instead of Sleight of Hand - basically a nemesis archetype. Glorious Companion mesmerists gain bardic performance instead of consummate liar, glib lie, mental potency, painful stare and rule minds. Not inspired by these. The occultist may elect to become an elemental specialist, gaining school powers of the chosen element at 1st and 8th level and the archetype does have a special evocation implement for the elemental specialism spells. Mental focus is gained at 3rd level and gains 1/2 class level + Int. School specialists are close to this archetype, but instead focus on the school chosen.

The psychic may elect to become a monastic psychic - these guys get diminished spellcasting, but good Ref- and Will-saves and may use phrenic pool points to grant bonuses to Fort-saves, increase movement rate or improve AC. At 3rd and 11th level, evasion etc. are gained...so this one is kinda monk-y, but with a distinct emphasis on the casting. Psychic crafters focus on crafting and destroying objects (+1/2 class level to object damage) and also gains flurry of blows, but may only use it versus constructs, objects and gremlins...which feels a bit weird to me. The psychic savant is locked into the lore discipline and has Int govern his prepared spellcasting, but metamagic may be spontaneously applied to the casting of spells akin to how a sorceror does it. Instead of a spellbook, these guys consign spells to their psychic depths, basically an internalized hard drive/eidetic memory for spells learned and phrenic amplifications allow for the selection of arcanist exploits.

Karmic servant spiritualists serve lipikas aeons and gain knowledge bonuses and when a creature is struck by the servant's melee attack, a link is established on a failed save that makes the victim suffer damage when damaging the servant. Interesting one and tied well to the cool akashic record locale. The phantom lord spiritualist has diminished spellcasting...and does something I am not a fan of: It basically makes the spiritualist more summoner-like. Evolutions. Base forms. The whole shebang. I'm not the biggest fan here, considering that I consider the spiritualist basically to be the more balanced and interesting summoner. The option to change evolutions on the fly at 8th level also sends my bells a-ringing. The next archetype would be the relic hunter, who receives a modified, Int-based mental focus and at 2nd level, resonant powers are included in the deal, with 3rd level providing a nice, surge-like boost to skill/ability-checks based on mental focus expenditure. If that was no inkling enough for you: Bingo, 8th level and every 5 thereafter net investigator talents. The archetype is an interesting tweak of the engine and counts as one of the more interesting hybrids

Beyond that, the pdf provides a massive system to eliminate the kind-of-power-point system and convert that aspect into the SPs. The conversion table for upgrading psychic magic to the new version to determine SP-arrays of e.g. critters is damn cool and useful, but organization-wise, I don't get why it's in the middle of the archetypes, instead of where the system's introduced. The pdf also sports several psychic magic creature entries. This alternate system, while certainly not for every table, is concisely presented and leaves not much to be desired regarding its execution.

For convenient use, devilbane gazes, elemental magic schools (including void, wood, etc.), radiation rules and associated spells employed render the book user-friendly.


Editing and formatting are good, but not as precise on a formal level as I've come to expect from Legendary Games. Layout adheres to a nice, two-column full-color standard with solid artworks supplementing the aesthetics of the book. The pdf comes fully bookmarked for your convenience.

Julian Neale's offerings here leave me somewhat torn. The supplemental tricks to modify the monster entries can prove to be a godsend for any group who dislikes the default presentation of psychic SPs. The archetypes themselves provide generally interesting tweaks of the respective systems and offer a lot of hybrid options for the occult classes...and this is where my issue with this pdf lies. Usually, Julian Neale's offerings take a bit to grow on me, but grow they do. His design style focuses on the tweaking of systems and mechanical combo-tricks and the same can be said here. At the same time, however, the archetypes herein, as loathe to say as I am, mostly failed to really impress me - the focused kineticist, in spite of his name, actually proved to be the most inspiring of these, at least for me. The new options the archetypes herein provide, generally, are not new, but rather blend existing tricks in new combinations...which is not bad, but I was missing, for the most part, options that render the combos more than the sum of their parts - you know, instead of having a medium with druidy elements, where are the synergy options between the two aspects, the tricks that ONLY the archetype can pull off? The archetypes herein let you make hybrid concepts easily, but generally don't have the tricks to elevate this beyond the sum of the concept - in short, the options imho could use more unique selling propositions to complement their conservative design aesthetics and are closer in design paradigm to the ACG than Occult Adventures. This is not a bad book by any means of the word - far from it. I can see this work in many a game and it does provide a lot of nice combo options. But that doesn't really change that I, as a person, did not get much out of this book - it just lacks the je-ne-sais-quoi, the step beyond that pushes this over being a nice supplement to being a great one. That and the minor formal hiccups make me settle on a final verdict of 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for the purpose of this platform.

Endzeitgeist out.


Occult Archetypes is from publisher Legendary Games, a brand that frequently produces great products. Often they are divided into different categories based on Paizo adventure paths they allude to plug into but also in-house settings and entire modes of play under Pathfinder. In this case this is an 'occult plug-in' meaning that its all about Occult Adventures and the options that it presents with new archetypes and other options. There are a little over 20 archetypes in its 40 pages (along with some reprinted rules such as spells from the Technology Guide and Wizard elemental schools).

Being rather young classes, the Occult classes definitely need some room for growth and flavor and this product brings it.

The Kineticist archetypes brings us a radiation-based kineticist that's alignment-locked into non-good. One gives us a kineticist with some psychic spells. But other than that I feel like the archetypes are mostly cosmetic in the sense that they don't change any of the basic dynamics of the class although there are some cool concepts with importing some class features like channel energy and the oracle's curse. That's not to say that they are boring. There's some concepts that are mostly a matter of flavor but are really cool, like the archetype that sources the Kineticist abilities from an item rather than the character itself producing a kind of Green Lantern feel.

Some of the Medium's archetypes are obvious. Get a druidic caster mode and a psychic caster mode with archetypes to support it and also a short archetypes that tweaks a little with a lot of impact.

Mesmerist gets just two but I wasn't terribly interested in them. They give some new flavor to Mesmerist when the class is pretty narrow but I feel represent a flavor already handled by other classes. One even sprinkles a bit of Bard in there which is just blasphemy to me.

I'm a bit biased against the Psychic so this one is pretty subjective but I really am not feeling the archetypes inside. They are most pretty much a psychic only kind of like another class, particularly gaining some items from Wizard and Monk like Wizard Schools, Wizard Elemental Schools, all good saves and evasion. One even gets prepared casting. If you already a fan of the Psychic class these are pretty aggressively interesting changes that expand expectations of how the class operates but I kind of saw the Psychic as a different casting Sorcerer so adopting class features from other classes just transfers the class's boringness to a class other than Sorcerer.

The Spiritualist is another class that feels like a New Coke version of another, in this case the Summoner, and this book doesn't help by presenting an archetypes that makes the spirit even more like an eidolon. But there's also two other archetypes that give something new are imported from the occultist which are more exciting.

There's a revision on how to deal with psychic abilities with monsters to make it more in line with how spell like abilities work in monsters along with revised entries for those abilities from the more recent psychic creatures. I do have a beef with this. Not the fact that they did it or anything but there's a table for that right in the middle of the Psychic's archetypes that takes up a full page instead of it being right after the page that explains it, which is slightly confusing. Also I'm not fond of mixing some GM information in archetype books (player information) unless its a bigger book that covers a broad amount of categories of a topic. Especially since it's about six and a half pages of stuff I may or may not use really.

On a rules and rules language front I didn't notice any problems with Occult Archetypes. There are a few archetypes that are inspirational and open up new concepts and others I feel reeks of gridfilling mechanics onto the new classes. Overall its a worthwhile buy. At it's worst about half of it contains interesting archetypes that bring you closer to new concepts that you may have had trouble with before and at it's best almost all the archetypes give you a new dynamic to it's respective class and you can easily make psy-like abilities work the same way other spells work instead of being something new and weird. Honestly most of the things that I was less than thrilled with is a victim of how expanded Pathfinder is to me. Like the very concept of a fiend hunter mesmerist gives something new to the mesmerist but between almost all the divine classes, Slayer and Ranger I think I've had my fill of the concept and I don't see what the Mesmerist brings to it. But on the other hand the Mesmerist has something new to do that's interesting. Meanwhile there's straight gems like the Poison Earth Kineticist that uses radiation. I want to give this a 4 out of 5 because there's a significant chunk that I don't really care about but I think that if I look at it objectively its a solid product that expands what the occult classes can do without being huge nerfs or being overpowered so I'm bumping it to a 5 out of 5 for what it is.

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sounds like my kind of product! It is expensive though, considering I paid the sae amount for the Occult Adventures PDF. I will try to scrounge the monet, since all the books I have by LG have been worth the money.

I'm hoping someone can give us either a review or at least a quick rundown on the archetypes and such. It does sound good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are six archetypes for kineticists (focus kineticist, god-touched kineticist, mystical kineticist, poisoned earth kineticist, primal kineticist, psychic kineticist), three for mediums (natural channeler, psychic channeler, worldly medium), two for mesmerists (fiend hunter, glorious companion), two for occultists (elemental specialist, school specialist), three for psychics (monastic psychic, psychic crafter, psychic savant), and three for spiritualists (karmic savant, phantom lord, relic hunter).

Also included are over two dozen new kineticist wild talents (Acid Blast (simple blast), Acidic Boost (composite blast); Infusions: Infuse Weapon, Irradiating Infusion, Irradiating Infusion (Greater); Utilities: Antilife Shell, Antiundeath Shell, Corruption Resistance, Deathsight, Detect Radioactivity, Detect Radioactivity (Greater), Dimensional Anchor, Dimensional Lock Aura, Enervation, Gravitic Leaper, Gravitic Pack Horse, Hide from Animals, Hide from Undead, Irradiate, Planar Adaptation, Plane Shift, Radioactivity Adaptation, Remove Radioactivity, Remove Radioactivity (Greater), Share Adaptation, Wall Walker, Water Adaptation, Water Adaptation, Waterdancer (Shared)) and two new medium legendary spirits (druid, psychic).

There is also “The Psychic Magic Creature Special Quality: A Variant Without Psychic Energy Points”, which should sound self-explanatory.

For the reader’s convenience, there is a reprint of the rules for devilbane gazes, the elemental schools of air, earth, fire, metal, void, water, and wood (adjusted for use by the two archetypes that reference these rules (psychic kineticist and element specialist)), the radiation rules and some of the radiation-related spells.

Does that help?

MMhhh... My favorite class is the Mesmerist, and a "fiend hunter" archetype is not what I'm looking for, so only one archetyoe would be left for me... and I already have a lot of kineticist stuff, so I will skip this for now. Thanks!

ericthecleric wrote:

There are six archetypes for kineticists (focus kineticist, god-touched kineticist, mystical kineticist, poisoned earth kineticist, primal kineticist, psychic kineticist), three for mediums (natural channeler, psychic channeler, worldly medium), two for mesmerists (fiend hunter, glorious companion), two for occultists (elemental specialist, school specialist), three for psychics (monastic psychic, psychic crafter, psychic savant), and three for spiritualists (karmic savant, phantom lord, relic hunter).

Also included are over two dozen new kineticist wild talents (Acid Blast (simple blast), Acidic Boost (composite blast); Infusions: Infuse Weapon, Irradiating Infusion, Irradiating Infusion (Greater); Utilities: Antilife Shell, Antiundeath Shell, Corruption Resistance, Deathsight, Detect Radioactivity, Detect Radioactivity (Greater), Dimensional Anchor, Dimensional Lock Aura, Enervation, Gravitic Leaper, Gravitic Pack Horse, Hide from Animals, Hide from Undead, Irradiate, Planar Adaptation, Plane Shift, Radioactivity Adaptation, Remove Radioactivity, Remove Radioactivity (Greater), Share Adaptation, Wall Walker, Water Adaptation, Water Adaptation, Waterdancer (Shared)) and two new medium legendary spirits (druid, psychic).

There is also “The Psychic Magic Creature Special Quality: A Variant Without Psychic Energy Points”, which should sound self-explanatory.

For the reader’s convenience, there is a reprint of the rules for devilbane gazes, the elemental schools of air, earth, fire, metal, void, water, and wood (adjusted for use by the two archetypes that reference these rules (psychic kineticist and element specialist)), the radiation rules and some of the radiation-related spells.

Does that help?

Yes it does. Thank you very much!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

the xiao wrote:
sounds like my kind of product! It is expensive though, considering I paid the sae amount for the Occult Adventures PDF. I will try to scrounge the monet, since all the books I have by LG have been worth the money.

Thanks for the kind words, xiao! We're glad you've enjoyed your past purchases from us.

Nobody will ever match the value of $9.99 for 256 to 320-page PDFs of the core hardbacks (or 560 pages for the Core Rulebook). Paizo can afford to charge a nominal fee (and, for that matter, to GIVE AWAY the same content) for its core rules.

For that matter, PAIZO doesn't match that price-per-page on any other product line. If you take a look at the 32-page Player Companions line, you'll find we're pretty much right in line with what you'll find there.

Jason Nelson wrote:

Nobody will ever match the value of $9.99 for 256 to 320-page PDFs of the core hardbacks

I know that, Paizo's income doen't come from the PDFs. Wishful thinking loudly.

To be frank Jason, all your stuff sounds awesome and if I had the money I would buy everything by LG. The problem is that you have too many products! I have enjoyed what I bought by LG and would love to have all your stuff, but it's just too much. I bought the rest of the oriental line since I became a fan of LG with them, but beyond that I can only sigh and wish for the lottery LOL

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.
the xiao wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Nobody will ever match the value of $9.99 for 256 to 320-page PDFs of the core hardbacks

I know that, Paizo's income doen't come from the PDFs. Wishful thinking loudly.

To be frank Jason, all your stuff sounds awesome and if I had the money I would buy everything by LG. The problem is that you have too many products! I have enjoyed what I bought by LG and would love to have all your stuff, but it's just too much. I bought the rest of the oriental line since I became a fan of LG with them, but beyond that I can only sigh and wish for the lottery LOL

Aw shucks, thanks for the kind words.

Speaking of Asian, you should be excited that we're hard at work right now on Imperial Intrigue, a set of Asian-themed intrigue-based archetypes! With that Way of the Blade we might be about ready to close the door on the Far East AP Plug-Ins line at last. Even if you can't afford to get all our stuff, at least you'll have a couple of new things to look forward to!

Hey Jason - is that cover art recycled/offcuts from Legendary Planet?

Looks a lot like the iconic Auttaine and Iconic Zvarr...

Jason Nelson wrote:

Speaking of Asian, you should be excited that we're hard at work right now on Imperial Intrigue, a set of Asian-themed intrigue-based archetypes! With that Way of the Blade we might be about ready to close the door on the Far East AP Plug-Ins line at last. Even if you can't afford to get all our stuff, at least you'll have a couple of new things to look forward to!

Way of the Blade? Imperial Intrigue? Intrigue me some and then some! Auto-instant purchases from me :) But shame you never made another sequel/expansion to the way of ki. Maybe a web-enhancement just to include how to add ki to the newer classes?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Hey Jason - is that cover art recycled/offcuts from Legendary Planet?

Looks a lot like the iconic Auttaine and Iconic Zvarr...

It is indeed, but it looked like a nice creepy horror-ish piece too, so I thought it worked well for this product. :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

the xiao wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Speaking of Asian, you should be excited that we're hard at work right now on Imperial Intrigue, a set of Asian-themed intrigue-based archetypes! With that Way of the Blade we might be about ready to close the door on the Far East AP Plug-Ins line at last. Even if you can't afford to get all our stuff, at least you'll have a couple of new things to look forward to!
Way of the Blade? Imperial Intrigue? Intrigue me some and then some! Auto-instant purchases from me :) But shame you never made another sequel/expansion to the way of ki. Maybe a web-enhancement just to include how to add ki to the newer classes?

Meditations of the Imperial Mystics was the follow-up product to that, and Way of the Blade will be a similar expansion for the stuff in Way of Ki. If we do a compilation at some point, we would definitely include an update for things like that, and it's still possible we could expand it further. Only so many hours in the day...

Jason Nelson wrote:

Meditations of the Imperial Mystics was the follow-up product to that, and Way of the Blade will be a similar expansion for the stuff in Way of Ki. If we do a compilation at some point, we would definitely include an update for things like that, and it's still possible we could expand it further. Only so many hours in the day...

I already have Meditations and reviewed it LOL what I meant is that it really wasn't a true sequel since the focus was on how to use the existing material. But Way of the Blade sounds like it! I will buy it as soon as it comes out! So, release the krak... book!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ha. Turns out I just got some ideas for a possible Way of Ki II earlier today. Can I find time to write them?

Mayyyyyybe... :)

Jason Nelson wrote:

Ha. Turns out I just got some ideas for a possible Way of Ki II earlier today. Can I find time to write them?

Mayyyyyybe... :)

(I cast share free time with Jason... nothing happens since I also dont habe free time)

I will use mynpray wheel with the hopes of Jason finding the time to write it... common you know you want it too!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

I do want to write it! I just keep having days like today, when on my 5-item to-do list I got to #2 and then careened into a ditch of lots of other productive things... that did not get a stitch of my own writing done.

Back on the horse tomorrow! Giddyup!

hrm. I do like my LG products. I need to check your releases more often also. Jade Regent is probably my next AP so i need to also look up these eastern supports. Why do you folks hate my wallet with the the intensity of the blazing sun? Has it wronged you in a previous live incarnation?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rathendar wrote:
hrm. I do like my LG products. I need to check your releases more often also. Jade Regent is probably my next AP so i need to also look up these eastern supports. Why do you folks hate my wallet with the the intensity of the blazing sun? Has it wronged you in a previous live incarnation?

Dude, we don't hate your wallet, we LOVE your wallet! :)

But seriously, if you're running Jade Regent, these products will make your AP much more awesome, and we have a couple more products coming in the next month or two to complete the series, so keep an eye here and on makeyourgamelegendary.com!

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd say these archetypes just got EHNCREDIBLE!

Due to suggestions from a few people, I have included the 3rd party addendum to my Mastering the Elements kineticist guide, and the first product not written by me to be featured is the kineticist archetypes from Occult Archetypes. They're being reviewed in my style the same as any other content, giving others the chance to get a bit more of a preview before picking up the product as well as my normal style of commentary that people have come to expect from my guides.

Hope this helps anyone interested in this product make their decision, as unlike in my review of the product, the review here will be about the mechanical value of the content in this product, giving more idea how to implement it into games.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Woohoo, very cool Master Jolly!

Viva la kineticists!

Malwing has posted a 5 star review of this book on his website. Click on the link to read it!

ericthecleric wrote:
Malwing has posted a 5 star review of this book on his website. Click on the link to read it!

Oh, beat me to it.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The sequel is coming soon!

I have a copy of this one and I really like the Focus Kineticist, if that's the one that uses an object to channel their blasts through. Great for ideas like Derro zapping you with their vril staves, the Mi-go using their lightning guns, etc.

Part of me still does wish it was possible to make such a character with heavy armor so you could go the Iron Man route, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Eric, it is possible to go the Iron Man route. The character just needs to be proficient with heavy (and medium) armor, and simply designate the chosen armor as the armor focus, using the special ritual to do so. :)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.

BTW, Occult Archetypes 2 is coming soon...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, amazon etc.

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