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Since base classes should be one word:
If you had to add a rope whipper as a base class, what would you call it?
Any idea what the capstone ability might be?
First of all... I would never build a rope whipper as a base class, since that concept is WAY too narrow to support a whole base class.
Second of all... I would never build a rope whipper as a base class because the class itself has no real world/literary/mythological analogue like "wizard" or "witch" or "paladin" or "mesmerist."

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A couple of regeneration (monster ability) questions:
- when it is applied? In Pathfinder I apply it at the start of the creature turn, but don't recall seeing a specific rule.
- more important, how long will it stop working when suppressed?
To make clear what I am asking I thing an example will help:
At initiative count 20 the troll is damaged by acid. I thick off his regeneration ability.
At initiative count 5 the troll get to act. He is still alive as he hasn't got fallen under his constitution value in negative hit point.
As his regeneration is ticked off he don't regenerate any hit point, but his regeneration resume functioning normally.It is the right way to go?
The words "Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, cause a creature's regeneration to stop functioning on the round following the attack." are a bit unclear. One of my players had the doubt it was meant to say that the regeneration, in the above example, was blocked from initiative 20 to just before initiative 20 of the next turn.
Perfectly reasonable but a bit messier to keep track of.As far as I can see I don't think it will penalize the players, as at worst it will require the application of one more attack to stop the regeneration (the creature will die if the regeneration is stopped and it is at -con in hit point, so what matter is to bring it there and apply the acid/fire/ecc. damage, not suppressing the regeneration ability constantly).
Regeneration and fast healing should apply at the start of the creature's turn.
When you stop a creature's regeneration stops... it stops for the DURATION of the round following the round in which it stops. There's a certain time delay, in other words. The wording is perfectly clear once you note that application of fire or acid or whatever doesn't IMMEDIATELY turn the regeneration off when it happens. This is a case where, I think, if you played 3.5, the rules are HARDER to grasp than if you came to Pathfinder fresh. Ability damage is another one like htis.
For Example:
If Merisiel burns a troll at initiative count 26, then the troll still actually regenerates damage done on its initiative count of 10. Valeros can then damage it again at initiative count 5.
The next round, when it comes to the troll's turn, it does NOT regenerate. And if Merisiel or Valeros burn it again in that round, it won't regenerate the next round either.
Basically... a creature with regeneration always gets 1 round of regeneration, since that first round is "free."

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Okay, you have stated that the shadowdancer's hide in plain sight ability can be used in melee. This has lead to the following questions amongst my group:
1. Since hide in plain sight requires stealth, does the shadowdancer have to move to activate it? Is this activation a move action, a 5' adjustment, or a free action?
2. You cannot hide in your own shadow, but can you hide in the shadow of your melee opponent?
1) If the shadowdancer's within 10 feet of dim light... she gets to make her Stealth check automatically. It's the normal action it takes to roll a Stealth check—aka, none.
2) If you're tracking shadow placement on the grid, then yes. Most games don't go into this level of detail. All she needs is to be within 10 feet of dim light.

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James, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Charisma being the ability stat attached to Will saves. Charisma represents the strength of personality, and it seems to me that a strong personality would be harder to dominate and control than a weaker one.
I want to houserule that Charisma is attached to to Will saves instead of Wisdom. But my question is this: The game was written with Wisdom attached to Will saves so just how unbalancing do you think it would be to make this change?
Also, if you're willing, I'd love to hear how you would defend Wisdom being attached to Will saves, just for my own understanding. Many thanks, as always.
I actually argued for Charisma to attach to Will saves back in the 3.0 playtest era... but it didn't stick, obviously.
I would defend Wisdom being attached to Will Saves by arguing that Wisdom represents your faith and willpower. It's your stubbornness, to a certain extent. in fact...
I would say Strength and Intelligence are akin—Strength is your ability to physically power through objects, and Intelligence is your ability to mentally power through objects.
Dexterity and Charisma are akin—Dex is your ability to physically react and dance around foes, whereas Charisma is your mental ability to react and dance around foes.
Thus, Constitution and Wisdom are akin—Con being your body's ability to resist harm, and Wis being your mind's ability to resist harm.
So... if you think of Will saves as your ability to make your mind withstand attacks and hold fast... Wisdom's the best modifier. If you want it to be Charisma, then I'd say it is instead your mind's ability to "dodge" incoming mental attacks, which is a little weirder sounding to me.
In any case... All sorts of weird things happen if you link Charisma to will saves. I don't think that any of them would become game breaking, although suddenly Paladins will have REALLY good Will saves rather than just good ones... It's worth playtesting for an adventure or a campaign though!

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Is space and time the main reason useful langauges for the ap are not in the players guide?
Would you understand a game master regretting not telling his players what langauges would be useful?
Nope. We never really thought of putting "useful languages" in a Player's Guide, that's all. It's a good idea. But it also starts pushing the spoiler button MAYBE a bit too much... not sure.
I would.

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You have often said that aspiring adventure designers should read lots and lots of adventures and study the ideas, techniques, and tricks the writers use.
If someone has limited time or resources, can you recommend some modules, APs, or even specific chapters of APs that stand out as good examples, or having noteworthy qualities? Sort of, "If you can't read everything, then make sure you do check these out" sort of list?
The best thing to do would be to read the most recent examples of whatever company you were trying to work for. And look at the reviews; something that gets bad reviews would probably contain advice (unintentionally) of what NOT to do, while something with good reviews would be generally all around a good thing to study.
If you ask ME... I'd suggest looking at "Feast of Ravenmoor" and "The Harrowing" for modules, and at the Jade Regent AP for adventure paths. And that answer will change as time marches forward.

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Why is your name in quotation marks in the title of this thread?
It's actually in asterisks, which is how the internet "fakes" things like boldface or italics to draw attention to a word or set of words in a sentence where you can't apply styles to fonts.
The thread title would be something like this if we allowed formatting like that in our thread titles:
Ask James Jacobs all your questions here!

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I actually argued for Charisma to attach to Will saves back in the 3.0 playtest era... but it didn't stick, obviously.
Ooh, that's awesome!
I like the idea of allowing a feat or archetype or something to mix things up and allow someone to base their Reflex saves on Intelligence (anticipating and avoiding the brunt of a blast, for instance, through calculated action), their Will save on Charisma (force of personality overwhelming feeble attempts to assault your overly-developed sense of self / ego) or even their Fortitude save on Strength (not as intuitive as the other two, but one could rationalize it as 'bulling' through something through sheer physical power).
Back in the 3.0 beginnings, when 'Spell Power' was busting spell DCs through the roof, one of my GMs toyed with giving everyone a half-strength bonus to saves based on the secondary attributes listed above, so someone with a 16 Dex and a 14 Int would have an extra +1 (+2 Int mod, halved to +1) to his Reflex save over someone with a 16 Dex and a 13 Int (+1 Int mod, halved to +0).
Then WotC revised Spell Power and made it a non-issue, so we ditched it.
Theropod Cultist wrote:Aside from Golarion, what is your favorite published campaign setting?Greyhawk.
From Greyhawk, what's your favorite nation and who's your favorite god or goddess?
Sunndi and the Yeomanry seemed to have tons of adventure potential, given their locations and surroundings.

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From Greyhawk, what's your favorite nation and who's your favorite god or goddess?
Sunndi and the Yeomanry seemed to have tons of adventure potential, given their locations and surroundings.
Favorite Nation: Hmmm... kinda tough, this one. I like Istvin a lot, and also Iuz and Perrenland and the Scarlet Brotherhood... but I think what it comes back to in the end is Greyhawk and its environs being my favorite. Although I'm pretty proud of the late additions of Sasserine and Cauldron, too!
Favorite Deity: This one is super easy—Wee Jas.

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I've been resisting temptation but...
Is Xanchara covered in Lost Kingdoms?
Is Xanchara mentioned in any way in Lost Kingdoms?
Unlikely, since I had to go to the Wiki to remind myself what Xanxhara was. Whether or not it got included depends on if the author went above and beyond my outline requirements, and whether or not the developer (Patrick, in this case) doesn't cut it or adds stuff in about it.
So... right now, I can't really say.

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Is there a patron deity of the arts other than Shelyn? Or is she pretty much the only god that all the painters and drama-kids might pray to before a big show?
Shelyn's the primary one, but many other deities are into art. There's some demigods as well (spread betwene demon lords and empyreal lords and others) who are art fans, and certain specific kinds of arts appeal to specific deities of all sorts.... but the main generic artist deity is indeed Shelyn.

Alch |

I'm really looking forward to the Advanced Races Guide, as it is the perfect tool for creating balanced races for my own campaign setting (which uses the pathfinder rules).
Another important element of a campaign setting are the weapons available to the players. As I don't really like/agree with a lot of the weapon and weapon special rule combinations in the rulebooks, I have - so far unsuccessfully - tried to decode the balancing rules behind the stat allocation, in order to make my own weapons.
So I was wondering if you will publish, in some way or other, the rules by which the weapon stats are balanced. That way it would be possible to make custom weapons in the same way as one can make custom races with the upcoming Advanced Races Guide.
Note that I'm not necessarily talking about making new special rules, I just want to recombine them to new weapons with different damage types, damage dice, feat requirements, etc.

Kajehase |

Forbiddenlightbulb wrote:Is there a patron deity of the arts other than Shelyn? Or is she pretty much the only god that all the painters and drama-kids might pray to before a big show?Shelyn's the primary one, but many other deities are into art. There's some demigods as well (spread betwene demon lords and empyreal lords and others) who are art fans, and certain specific kinds of arts appeal to specific deities of all sorts.... but the main generic artist deity is indeed Shelyn.
At the risk of putting myself forward in a manner most shameless: I wrote an article about Milani for Wayfinder #3 where I suggested she'd be one to look kindly on the more avant-garde kind of artists (since they can be seen as 'rebels' against the established art order) - any value in that reasoning?

Hayato Ken |

C.J. Stott wrote:Okay, you have stated that the shadowdancer's hide in plain sight ability can be used in melee. This has lead to the following questions amongst my group:
1. Since hide in plain sight requires stealth, does the shadowdancer have to move to activate it? Is this activation a move action, a 5' adjustment, or a free action?
2. You cannot hide in your own shadow, but can you hide in the shadow of your melee opponent?1) If the shadowdancer's within 10 feet of dim light... she gets to make her Stealth check automatically. It's the normal action it takes to roll a Stealth check—aka, none.
2) If you're tracking shadow placement on the grid, then yes. Most games don't go into this level of detail. All she needs is to be within 10 feet of dim light.
Did i get this wrong or did you just state that you don´t need an action to roll a stealth check? SO shadowdancers don´t need to move to make a stealth check?

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So I was wondering if you will publish, in some way or other, the rules by which the weapon stats are balanced. That way it would be possible to make custom weapons in the same way as one can make custom races with the upcoming Advanced Races Guide.
Note that I'm not necessarily talking about making new special rules, I just want to recombine them to new weapons with different damage types, damage dice, feat requirements, etc.
Perhaps some day. There's rules for building monsters and spells and magic items and now races. Why not rules for building weapons?

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At the risk of putting myself forward in a manner most shameless: I wrote an article about Milani for Wayfinder #3 where I suggested she'd be one to look kindly on the more avant-garde kind of artists (since they can be seen as 'rebels' against the established art order) - any value in that reasoning?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:Did i get this wrong or did you just state that you don´t need an action to roll a stealth check? SO shadowdancers don´t need to move to make a stealth check?C.J. Stott wrote:Okay, you have stated that the shadowdancer's hide in plain sight ability can be used in melee. This has lead to the following questions amongst my group:
1. Since hide in plain sight requires stealth, does the shadowdancer have to move to activate it? Is this activation a move action, a 5' adjustment, or a free action?
2. You cannot hide in your own shadow, but can you hide in the shadow of your melee opponent?1) If the shadowdancer's within 10 feet of dim light... she gets to make her Stealth check automatically. It's the normal action it takes to roll a Stealth check—aka, none.
2) If you're tracking shadow placement on the grid, then yes. Most games don't go into this level of detail. All she needs is to be within 10 feet of dim light.
If a shadowdancer is within 10 feet of dim light, that's precisely what "hide in plain sight" lets them do. Note that doesn't mean they can make as many Stealth checks as they want all at once and then just take the best one.
She DOES have to make the check as part of movement, but the act of rolling the check itself does not cost an action.
She can't just stand still and roll the check, though; she has to do SOME movement (which could just be a 5 foot step... so it doesn't have to be a move action's worth of movement).

Hayato Ken |

Ok thanks. That´s pretty much how i understood it before.
It´s nice from you to take the time and answer most/all of the questions here.
I have some more :)
-Did you have any doing in the creation of the Cheliax book?
-Why doesn´t hellcat pounce allow a second SA?
-Can you perhaps explain the hellcat stealth feat? Does it only work in normal and bright light or can you use stealth in dim light and darkness with this too if observed? Could i say it´s like you gain concealment in normal and bright light, but only for the purpose of stealth (no miss chance etc)? Does this feat allow me to sneak around without concealment and cover in normal and bright light? How would this interact with darkvision in dim light and darkness?
As you seemingly happen to know Ashton Sperry, do you know which programs he is using for the miniatures?

Golden-Esque |

Dear James Jacobs,
I got really excited today when I saw that Paizo announced that a Prestige Class options book was being printed in August (even if its not settings neutral, I'll take it!).
Is it wrong of me to pat myself on the back for all of the heck I've raised on the forums in regards to the lack of these options existing?

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1-Did you have any doing in the creation of the Cheliax book?
2-Why doesn´t hellcat pounce allow a second SA?
3-Can you perhaps explain the hellcat stealth feat? Does it only work in normal and bright light or can you use stealth in dim light and darkness with this too if observed? Could i say it´s like you gain concealment in normal and bright light, but only for the purpose of stealth (no miss chance etc)? Does this feat allow me to sneak around without concealment and cover in normal and bright light? How would this interact with darkvision in dim light and darkness?
4-As you seemingly happen to know Ashton Sperry, do you know which programs he is using for the miniatures?
1) Not a lot. I was focused pretty heavily on Council of Thieves at that time.
2) A "second SA?" I'm not sure what you're asking here... to me, "SA" is a "Special Attack." And pounce doesn't do that. It just lets you make a full attack on a charge.
3) Ummm... Stealth feat? Are you asking about its "Invisible in Light" ability? The ability seems to be pretty straightforward to me... there are 4 light conditions.
In bright light it's invisible.
In normal light you have a 20% miss chance to hit it.
In dim light, it's normal.
In darkness, the MOST it can become concealed is only partial concealment, whereas most creatures gain full concealment.
4) I don't know him THAT well... but most artists seem to use Photoshop these days.

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Dear James Jacobs,
I got really excited today when I saw that Paizo announced that a Prestige Class options book was being printed in August (even if its not settings neutral, I'll take it!).
Is it wrong of me to pat myself on the back for all of the heck I've raised on the forums in regards to the lack of these options existing?
Part of the reason we're doing a prestige class book is because folks have been asking for one.
Another part is that I've wanted to do one for many years. Both because I really like prestige classes for my characters, and because as an adventure writer, I want more prestige class options for my NPCs and monsters.
And yet another part is that designing prestige classes is actually a really easy job, making a book of 30 prestige classes a VERY easy book to assign, edit, and develop, compared to something more complex like "Dragon Empires Gazetteer" or "Lost Kingdoms" or any book with lots of continuity to micromanage. And since this is the Gen Con release for the line, making it an easy to build book is pretty smart.

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James Jacobs wrote:I actually argued for Charisma to attach to Will saves back in the 3.0 playtest era... but it didn't stick, obviously.Ooh, that's awesome!
I like the idea of allowing a feat or archetype or something to mix things up and allow someone to base their Reflex saves on Intelligence (anticipating and avoiding the brunt of a blast, for instance, through calculated action), their Will save on Charisma (force of personality overwhelming feeble attempts to assault your overly-developed sense of self / ego) or even their Fortitude save on Strength (not as intuitive as the other two, but one could rationalize it as 'bulling' through something through sheer physical power).
It wouldn't become all to easy to make one stat wonders?
Charisma has generally better and more interesting skill linked to it.Intelligence .... the core of a star would seem a cold place if compared to the forum if that was done.
Strength would be the less troublesome, but again it will enhance the usefulness of a powerful characteristic.
In 3.5 I had a bard with the feat that let her use charisma for his will saves. Her St were impressive.
Favorite Deity: This one is super easy—Wee Jas.
Yes, it has grow on me too. Initially I didn't liked her, no love for characters following evil deities, but in time it has become one of my favourites, especially as the LN(E) alignment work well in a lot of games.
For a non adventurer my favourite is Sotillion the goddess of easy living."Dogma
Sotillion promotes all the joys of comfort: warm weather, good food and drink, pleasant company, good conversation, and relaxing quiet. Stress and hard work should be avoided when possible. One's comforts should be protected and defended with zeal, as a life without comfort is worth little."
Wonderful. :D

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As you seemingly happen to know Ashton Sperry, do you know which programs he is using for the miniatures?
Mang, EVERYBODY knows me. I'm infamous. :P
It's Photoshop CS 4, and I also use a lower-end Wacom tablet. I had a Bamboo, but my puppy destroyed it.

Hayato Ken |

2) A "second SA?" I'm not sure what you're asking here... to me, "SA" is a "Special Attack." And pounce doesn't do that. It just lets you make a full attack on a charge.
3) Ummm... Stealth feat? Are you asking about its "Invisible in Light" ability? The ability seems to be pretty straightforward to me... there are 4 light conditions.
In bright light it's invisible.
In normal light you have a 20% miss chance to hit it.
In dim light, it's normal.
In darkness, the MOST it can become concealed is only partial concealment, whereas most creatures gain full concealment.4) I don't know him THAT well... but most artists seem to use Photoshop these days.
2. SA i mean Sneak Attack. Seems i have to adjust my vocabulary. Well there is a big ocean between us, that might explain it and im no native speaker. Hellcat pounce gives you a second attack at highest BAB if you hit the first in surprise round only. The target is not considered flat-footed, but you need 2d6 sneak attack as a prereq.
There are many feats that give you surprise round stuff only. While i really like the idea of this feat, it seems a little bit weak, because it has 2 factors to trigger. Adding sneak attack damage there would make it worth much more.
3. Yes that´s what im asking about. This feat is hard to grasp for many people and opinions differ a lot. So you say its kind of reversing the normal light conditions? I wouldn´t have guessed that from its text.
This way its working just like a real hellcat?
I really want to understand that.
-In bright light it´s invisible (+20/40 bonus on stealth, total concealment), stealth while observed, all this with clothes, etc. Heavy impact on normal roleplay hehe.
-normal light works like dim light normally, but can hide while observed.
-dim light (here the real questions start) is now like normal light? no concealment etc? Can it still hide while observed, if there is concealment?
-darkness then gives 20% concealment again?
I´m really surprised, that has a lot of impact.
How does this work with equipment like armor, etc? Or is it just counted for the "creature", changing the status including all equipment?
Can it then use a disguise to negate the effects? Like using makeup concealing the odd nature?
4. Thanks anyway, i just found his Deviantart site where he wrote he´s using Photoshop. I kind of thought all are using Inkscape now, like the OOTS guy. Ireally love that comic and paperminis too, because it gives me a great way to create all the stuff in our own looks.

Hayato Ken |

Hayato Ken wrote:As you seemingly happen to know Ashton Sperry, do you know which programs he is using for the miniatures?Mang, EVERYBODY knows me. I'm infamous. :P
It's Photoshop CS 4, and I also use a lower-end Wacom tablet. I had a Bamboo, but my puppy destroyed it.
Hey you ninja´d me! Thanks for replay!
Of course you are infamous now haha.It´s the karma of those who wake through the night.
Thank you for the information. Using a tablet makes a lot of sense and explains a lot i was breaking my head about. I was painting on paper and trying to scan it, but wasn´t so good.

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Hayato Ken wrote:As you seemingly happen to know Ashton Sperry, do you know which programs he is using for the miniatures?Mang, EVERYBODY knows me. I'm infamous. :P
It's Photoshop CS 4, and I also use a lower-end Wacom tablet. I had a Bamboo, but my puppy destroyed it.
Mwa HA! I guessed right!
Now... where's the drawing of Shensen? :P

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2. SA i mean Sneak Attack. Seems i have to adjust my vocabulary. Well there is a big ocean between us, that might explain it and im no native speaker. Hellcat pounce gives you a second attack at highest BAB if you hit the first in surprise round only. The target is not considered flat-footed, but you need 2d6 sneak attack as a prereq.
There are many feats that give you surprise round stuff only. While i really like the idea of this feat, it seems a little bit weak, because it has 2 factors to trigger. Adding sneak attack damage there would make it worth much more.
Not really a vocabulary adjustment... just avoid using acronyms. I'm relatively good at deciphering acronyms for things like LOL and OMG and WTFBBQFTWROFFLECOPTER, but once it comes to rules discussions, it's always good to be precise and that means avoiding the use of acronyms.
And I was assuming you were talking about an actual hellcat's pounce ability, not a feat or class ability. In any case... while it doesn't ensure that your foe will be flanked... if you go first before them in ANY round (including a surprise round) that doesn't matter. A foe remains flat-footed to you until they get their first action in combat. And if you successfully surprise a foe... they don't get their first action until the first full round of combat, meaning whatever you do to them in that case in the surprise round they ARE flat footed... not as a result of the feat, but as a result of them being surprised. SO... Hellcat Pounce doesn't NEED to do that extra bit about auto-flat footing a foe, since if you're using it right and all that, the foe's flat footed anyway.
3. Yes that´s what im asking about. This feat is hard to grasp for many people and opinions differ a lot. So you say its kind of reversing the normal light conditions? I wouldn´t have guessed that from its text.
This way its working just like a real hellcat?
I really want to understand that.
-In bright light it´s invisible (+20/40 bonus on stealth, total concealment), stealth while observed, all this with clothes, etc. Heavy impact on normal roleplay hehe.
-normal light works like dim light normally, but can hide while observed.
-dim light (here the real questions start) is now like normal light? no concealment etc? Can it still hide while observed, if there is concealment?
-darkness then gives 20% concealment again?I´m really surprised, that has a lot of impact.
How does this work with equipment like armor, etc? Or is it just counted for the "creature", changing the status including all equipment?Can it then use a disguise to negate the effects? Like using makeup concealing the odd nature?
Again, I assumed you were talking about actual hellcats. Where are these feats/class powers/etc. you're referencing coming from? My familiarity with non core player option books like Ultimate Combat and APG is FAR from 100%... Often, though, when we use a monster's name in a feat, that monster's name is there ONLY to be flavorful and almost NEVER implies actual powers granted by the monster.

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I actually argued for Charisma to attach to Will saves back in the 3.0 playtest era... but it didn't stick, obviously.
It didn't quite go away, it was reincarnated as one of several "swap this attribute instead of the standard attribute for this saving throw" brand of feats.

Hayato Ken |

Ok, sorry for the misunderstandings.
I´m giving you links to the feat entries in PFSRD.
I fully understand what hellcat pounce does, when and how it works. The feat states that the target is not flat-footed against the second attack, so no sneak attack. I just think its pretty weak somehow, because you specialize in surprise rounds and should then be able to do some more. Only my opinion though.
What i kindly ask of you is to explain how you see the hellcat stealth feat. How it works and when, how it interacts with dim light and darkness and darkvision etc.
Both feats are from Cheliax: Empire of Devils
Normally we discuss the rules in german using english words often, since we use a lot of english books. We then just take the initials to refer to a lot of stuff, which makes perfect sense for us. It is probably group dynamics, but i used SA for sneak attack pretty often around here too :). In the end you are right, its always better to avoid misunderstandings by using clear language.

Liz Courts Contributor |

N'wah wrote:Hayato Ken wrote:As you seemingly happen to know Ashton Sperry, do you know which programs he is using for the miniatures?Mang, EVERYBODY knows me. I'm infamous. :P
It's Photoshop CS 4, and I also use a lower-end Wacom tablet. I had a Bamboo, but my puppy destroyed it.
Mwa HA! I guessed right!
Now... where's the drawing of Shensen? :P
He owes me some minis first. >.>

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What i kindly ask of you is to explain how you see the hellcat stealth feat. How it works and when, how it interacts with dim light and darkness and darkvision etc.
Both feats are from Cheliax: Empire of Devils
Normally we discuss the rules in german using english words often, since we use a lot of english books. We then just take the initials to refer to a lot of stuff, which makes perfect sense for us. It is probably group dynamics, but i used SA for sneak attack pretty often around here too :). In the end you are right, its always better to avoid misunderstandings by using clear language.
Ah... well, Hellcat stealth just lets you make stealth checks when folks are looking right at you. Normally, even if you have a great hiding spot, you can't make a stealth check when someone's whatching you. You typically have to distract them with a Bluff check or otherwise move into full cover to break line of sight before you can make a Stealth check. This feat lets you avoid that extra step and just try to Stealth... with a big penalty... while someone's looking at you.

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In Wales, we have a beer called SA, which is often interpreted as Skull Attack (in part because the brewery is Brains, but also because it is drunk by some people as a session beer when they want to get as wonky as possible).
Skull Attack sounds like a cool attack, which creature should have it?
Intellect devourers.

Golden-Esque |

Golden-Esque wrote:Dear James Jacobs,
I got really excited today when I saw that Paizo announced that a Prestige Class options book was being printed in August (even if its not settings neutral, I'll take it!).
Is it wrong of me to pat myself on the back for all of the heck I've raised on the forums in regards to the lack of these options existing?
Part of the reason we're doing a prestige class book is because folks have been asking for one.
Another part is that I've wanted to do one for many years. Both because I really like prestige classes for my characters, and because as an adventure writer, I want more prestige class options for my NPCs and monsters.
And yet another part is that designing prestige classes is actually a really easy job, making a book of 30 prestige classes a VERY easy book to assign, edit, and develop, compared to something more complex like "Dragon Empires Gazetteer" or "Lost Kingdoms" or any book with lots of continuity to micromanage. And since this is the Gen Con release for the line, making it an easy to build book is pretty smart.
Would this be the final, definitive book on the subject, or could more Paths of Prestige be stirred up if the first one sells well? What would you want to call subsequent books, given that you've said that you're not a huge fan of using numbers in RPG book titles?

Hayato Ken |

Hayato Ken wrote:Ah... well, Hellcat stealth just lets you make stealth checks when folks are looking right at you. Normally, even if you have a great hiding spot, you can't make a stealth check when someone's whatching you. You typically have to distract them with a Bluff check or otherwise move into full cover to break line of sight before you can make a Stealth check. This feat lets you avoid that extra step and just try to Stealth... with a big penalty... while someone's looking at you.What i kindly ask of you is to explain how you see the hellcat stealth feat. How it works and when, how it interacts with dim light and darkness and darkvision etc.
Both feats are from Cheliax: Empire of Devils
Normally we discuss the rules in german using english words often, since we use a lot of english books. We then just take the initials to refer to a lot of stuff, which makes perfect sense for us. It is probably group dynamics, but i used SA for sneak attack pretty often around here too :). In the end you are right, its always better to avoid misunderstandings by using clear language.
Not so spectacular like it first sounded :) but still great for rogues and ninjas. I sense somehow you don´t want to get deeper into that discussion though. If you do, could you tell me if this feat allows you to use stealth without cover or concealment for a "longer" time? So you can sneak around in the open?
Thanks a lot anyways.

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Would this be the final, definitive book on the subject, or could more Paths of Prestige be stirred up if the first one sells well? What would you want to call subsequent books, given that you've said that you're not a huge fan of using numbers in RPG book titles?
The book is only 64 pages long. That means only 30 prestige classes. There is No Way a book this short will say everything we've got to say about Inner Sea region prestige classes... or the rest of Golarion for that matter.
We'll be doing more prestige classes in the future. Whether or not we do another book that's only about prestige classes, though... only time can tell. But if we do... we'd probably drill down more specific than just "these classes can be found in the Inner Sea region."

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Not so spectacular like it first sounded :) but still great for rogues and ninjas. I sense somehow you don´t want to get deeper into that discussion though. If you do, could you tell me if this feat allows you to use stealth without cover or concealment for a "longer" time? So you can sneak around in the open?
Thanks a lot anyways.
I don't really... because Stealth is a weird kind of tangle on the boards here. A lot of folks seem to think Stealth is broken or doesn't work or whatever... I've NEVER had a problem with it in any game I've played in or run, and I'm not all that interested in getting caught up in a giant Stealth argument.
In any event, this would allow you to use stealth for a longer time and sneak around in the open... but it wouldn't reduce the number of Stealth checks you'd have to make (one per round) or impact who might notice you (everyone in line of sight, essentially).

Hayato Ken |

That´s why i said if you want to ...
I know this discussion very well and its a bit tiring.
As a mainly rogue and ninja player i am of course interested in stealth and use it often. I don´t think it broken, but it seems we played it a little different than many people here do.
Your answer tells me what i wanted to know, so thanks again.
I do find it a little contradictionary, especially the part that i can use stealth in the open while observed, but then everyone in line of sight can see me, but thats ok.