Pathfinder Battles—Lost Coast: Hill Giant Chief

3.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Our Price: $7.00

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The Lost Coast is the name given to the coastal land of southwestern Varisia stretching from the city of Magnimar to the Fogscar Mountains. It is a wild and desolate country full of lingering fogs, small woodlands of pine and nettles along a rocky coastline of ragged bluffs and crashing waves. Many an adventuring party has travelled to the Lost Coast seeking fame and riches, never to be heard from again...

Lost Coast is the latest 45-figure set release in the award-winning Pathfinder Battles line of miniatures from Paizo and WizKids Games! The Lost Coast features friends and foes from the region of the same name, and is sure to please Pathfinder fans new and veteran alike!

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Average product rating:

3.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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I think this guy is great. The details and paint job are spot on. The only problem is that he looks nothing like any of the other hill giants. If you want a Large hillbilly miniature, this is it. If you want a consistent looking hill giant, this is not. While it is a well done miniature, more than one is not needed.

Ugly and of limited use.


The Hill Giant from Shattered Star was much better.
How many giants wear an overall?


Got this from my fourth booster pack, I wasn't really impressed by picture on this site, but miniature itself is actually pretty nice. Details on it are pretty nice and it seems to be heavier than troll miniature, which I suppose fits giants.

Four of these, really?


Ok, I know this sculpt is faithful to the art, but it is an ugly figure. I believe they went to far into Hicksville for this one. The denim overalls kills the fantasy and the overall look fails in my opinion. Getting one of these was bad enough but to get four in one case was just way too many.

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