Races from Khoras

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm trying to do races from the world of Khoras, a systemless setting without stats. ( http://www.khoras.net )

Here's the first, tell me what you think about !

The baenites are a desert race ( http://www.khoras.net/Khoras/Races/Greater%20Races/Baenites/Baenites.htm )

Baenites (11 RP)
Standard Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Baenites gain +2 Con, +2 Int, and -2 Cha.
Type: Baenites are outsiders with the native subtype.
Size: Baenites are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Baenites have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Baenites begin play speaking Baenese. Baenites with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Northern, Southern, Dwarven, Pugnar, or Saurian.

Defense Racial Traits
Energy Resistance: Baenites have fire resistance 5.
Bond to the Land: Baenites have a +2 dodge bonus to AC when in a desert.
Desert Runner: Baenites receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.

Magical Racial Traits
Lightbringer: Baenites are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spells or effects they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities). If a Baenites has an Intelligence of 10 or higher, she gains the following spell-like ability:
At Will — light

Movement Racial Traits
Terrain Stride: Baenites can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while within sand and wasteland terrain. Magically altered terrain affects them normally.

Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: Baenites can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

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