Psionic Bestiary: Psionic Dragons (PFRPG) PDF

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Dragons are perhaps one of the most iconic monsters to be found in any bestiary, so the Psionic Bestiary would not be complete without its own set of psionic dragons!

Included in this release of the Psionic Bestiary are six different dragons. Five are themed after different aspects of psionics, such as the cypher who deals with clairsentience and the cryptic class, while the imagos is based on metacreativity and the aegis class. The six, the ksarite dragon, is a more bestial creature with limited intellect but formidable abilities.

Each dragon is presented with Young, Adult, and Ancient stat blocks, as well as rules for progressing to any of the different dragon age categories.

This release references material found in Ultimate Psionics.

Written by Jade Ripley, with artwork by J.D. Dianderas.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available!

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Thanks, Liz!

Now on to putting it all together!

Are Gem Dragons in any of Dreamscarred Press products?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

GoblinSully wrote:

Are Gem Dragons in any of Dreamscarred Press products?

Gem dragons were never declared as open content, so we can't use them, just as mind flayers, gith, and the thri-kreen are off limits. We'd have to come up with a drastically different interpretation to not violate the Open Gaming License.

Yep. WotC put a strict lockdown on monsters iconic to their game as well as anything they'll never use Gem Dragons.

Jeremy Smith wrote:

Gem dragons were never declared as open content, so we can't use them, just as... the thri-kreen are off limits.

It's a shame, too. I couldn't care less about the others but Thri-Kreen (and the variants) are really interesting.

I may need to get this book though. I have a no-magic game (Psionics and Alchemy only, plus tech stuff from Thunderscape and a smidge of Path of War) and was considering having dragons at some point.

Sundakan wrote:
Jeremy Smith wrote:

Gem dragons were never declared as open content, so we can't use them, just as... the thri-kreen are off limits.

It's a shame, too. I couldn't care less about the others but THri-Kreen (and the variants) are really interesting.

I may need to get this book though. I have a no-magic (Psionics and Alchemy only, plus tech stuff from Thunderscape and a smidge of Path of War) and was considering having dragons at some point.

I'll offer that the dragons herein are pretty flavorful. Each is thematically unique. There's a certain mapping of the psionic classes to the dragons, so there's sort of an aegis dragon and a cryptic dragon and so on. It makes each of them very unique. It's not just "dragon that has different energy type breath weapon" or something.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No less than I'd expect from DSP. =)

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Sundakan wrote:
Jeremy Smith wrote:

Gem dragons were never declared as open content, so we can't use them, just as... the thri-kreen are off limits.

It's a shame, too. I couldn't care less about the others but Thri-Kreen (and the variants) are really interesting.

I may need to get this book though. I have a no-magic game (Psionics and Alchemy only, plus tech stuff from Thunderscape and a smidge of Path of War) and was considering having dragons at some point.

Something to consider - all these dragons are in the full Psionic Bestiary - which is currently on sale for GM's Day... so you'd get ALL the Bestiary for only a couple dollars more than just the Dragons.

Just the dragons - 4.99
Psionic Bestiary - 7.49

Oooh, neat! I've been using the SRD but that list is kinda small. I need that.

Thanks for the heads up!

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