This is a compilation of 31 maps from the entire Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, with special PDF-only interactive features: buttons that allow you to hide map tags and/or grids, or engage a player-friendly view, hiding secret doors and even obscuring secret rooms! These are the exact same maps that appear throughout the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, presented at the exact same scale.
These interactive features are fully supported in current versions of Adobe Reader, but they may not work reliably with other PDF viewers. (In particular, Apple's PDF renderer does not currently support these interactive features, so they won't work with Apple's Preview app or iOS devices, including iPads and iPhones.) If your reader does not support the interactive features, you'll usually be able to see the maps, but the buttons won't hide anything. Adobe Reader is a free download from
Note that the Interactive Maps for each individual volume of the Adventure Path are already included with the PDF edition of the corresponding book, so if you already have the full set of Wrath of the Righteous PDFs, you do not need this collection.
Interactive maps do not support image extraction in Adobe Reader. The non-interactive versions of the maps can be found in the PDF editions of the individual Adventure Path volumes and may be extracted from those files. See the Interactive Map FAQ for more information.
Cartography by Robert Lazzaretti
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I do not understand why these are not vectorized. I paid $15 for maps that blur when zoomed in on. These maps are small by default and blur a lot when zooming to fit a TV screen for gaming. If I am missing something please let me know and I will remove this review. On a side note, I love the adventure path these go with.
I primarily bought this map pack to keep track of the stores and different specifics for the area my group will be playing in. However, these PDF's are not quite what I expected. The only interactivity is the ability to turn off grid lines and hide blocks. I was hoping for an interactive map that would hyperlink shops or have their names on a pop up. The resolution wasn't completely there either. I had already bought physical maps for the players. Not quite what I expected, especially for the price.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Doubtful. They're the same maps as in the AP just with a couple of options to toggle grid lines and GM info on/off. As the AP maps are rarely (if ever) high enough resolution to print, these will be the same.
If you already have PDFs of the AP, these are the exact same interactive maps as are included in the zip download, just collected into one product instead of split among 6. If you already own all 6 PDFs for the AP, there is no reason to purchase this.
Interactive maps do not support image extraction in Adobe Reader. For the tools you're talking about, I would instead recommend using the non-interactive versions of the maps, which can be found in the PDF editions of the individual Adventure Path volumes.
I really don't get why it's made so hard to get either a printed version of the AP maps for sale or print ready PDFs for sale.
I could get all these maps printed even the huge dungeons, you just have to do them in several different poster sections. And then you can play the sections on your table one at a time.
It would be very easy to include JPGs of the maps as well for online players.
Currently this type of product really has no use. And you have hundreds of requests asking for some way to get ahold of your maps, willing to give you money for them.