Fumarole wrote: blazestudios23, you're probably better off looking to the community for the content you want than waiting for Paizo to produce it. Many (most? all?) Paizo APs have threads on this forum where community members freely share content that they've created, including maps scaled for miniatures. Take a look around, you might like what you find. Thanks Fumarole, I will do this.
I keep getting these all or nothing responses. Basically you can't print all the maps because some are just too big, so then you can't print any of them. How does this make sense? There is a third choice you know? Print some. In the aforementioned Starfinder Dead Suns part 1, there are three maps, all would fit on one side of the normal sized flip-map, why can't these be printed on the same paper used for Map Folios? Mass produced these three maps would run somewhere around less than $5 in printing costs. A map that's too big to fit on a table would need to be broken up into perts, and if those parts are more than a certain size it's just not feasible to print it. I understand that, I was a graphic design for 10 years and know quite a bit about printing, costs and the whole production process. I've also run my own business, I get those things. But I see people all over the place asking for maps, or at least print ready PDFs so they can print them themselves. Those are people just waiting to throw money at Paizo, but Paizo has some strange idea that it's impossible to print any maps for APs, or even sell files to people so they can print the maps themselves. There's numerous people on the Interactive PDF products that say they would buy them print ready PDFs if they were available, or asking how to turn them into printable PDFs after purchasing them. The only cost in this product is have artist make maps at proper scale and then having someone create a PDF, this is purely digital and would be a great money earner as it takes up not warehouse space. As far as the boxed set goes (maybe just a package would be better), you are already spending upwards of $150 for an AP, pawns and map folio. I understand why they are broken up, as for many people it's easier to digest at $20 a spend once a month. But there's already package deals on the site for some AP which include maps, all AP books and Pawns for $70. Look in the clearance section under Pathfinder 1. Now a good way to do it would be wait six months to a year after the AP has come out and then sell them as a package for say $100. Anyone that's already playing the AP won't wait. And those that are waiting looking for a deal are going to buy the APs from a third party vendor at a greatly reduced price, not on this site, this way the money goes straight to Paizo not some discount outfit. It's definitely worth testing anyway and seeing how sales go. As far as similar products, they are already offering too many in my opinion, I can't get through the APs as fast as they put them out I have never even played a Modules even though I own many, because I have so many APs to do that it will be years before I finish that APs. But I would buy any map that appears in an AP. I'm not even sure why this brought up, I'm not asking for new kinds of content just better supported content.
As an Application Developer, Software Engineer and Entrepreneur this site is about 8 years out of date. It is buggy, I've run into several bugs and quite slow at times. Sales metrics show that the more clicks it takes to complete a sale the more sales you lose. The longer it takes for a page to load the more sales you lose. The more confusing the UI the more sales you lose. I'm saying this because I want Paizo to succeed. It's a fact of business that companies have to stay competitive to succeed. Paizo has great writers, very interesting adventures, and very creative games. But if they fail to appeal to new audiences or make it difficult for new audiences to come on board their sales will eventually start to decline, that's why companies are constantly reinventing themselves. It increased the companies relevance, makes users happy and increases their sales. This isn't about hyperbole it's about allowing Paizo to make more money, so they can invest that money into making even more awesome products. When you give creative people large budgets you get incredible things, and that's what I want to see.
I really don't get why it's made so hard to get either a printed version of the AP maps for sale or print ready PDFs for sale. I could get all these maps printed even the huge dungeons, you just have to do them in several different poster sections. And then you can play the sections on your table one at a time. It would be very easy to include JPGs of the maps as well for online players. Currently this type of product really has no use. And you have hundreds of requests asking for some way to get ahold of your maps, willing to give you money for them.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
It only makes sense that someone that doesn't have time to make up their own adventures would also want to save time by not drawing out every dungeon. I wold actually prefer if they would just print all the maps on poster paper, and not just have maps of the towns in the map packs, but 1" scale maps of all dungeons, I'd happily pay $30-$50 for it. They could even make a box with all 6 APs, maps, Pawns, face cards and equipment cards. I bet it would sell, it would be like the old D&D boxes. And I would prefer just buying a complete set, because I don't plan on running just one part of an AP once I start it, but one or two of the parts of older APs are sold out and selling for over $100 each, making it very hard to run these adventures. What's even more annoying to me is that they make maps themed off the APs that are not usable in the APs. When I first got into Starfinder I bought all the maps thinking they correlated with the parts of the adventure about that subject, but the Catina, Ghost Ship and Astriod in Dead Suns do not match up to the Maps with the same names. So I have maps sitting here that have never been opened, and will never be, since I'm not planning on making up adventures just to use them in. I've started printing my own maps as Architectural docs which turns out to be pretty cheap. Color 3' X 4' for $12, laminated for $17, black and white for $7. Ultimately they are making products for the customer, so they should do what most benefits the customer, which in turn will benefit Paizo through sales. What helps me the most are maps I can actually use for dungeons, I don't actually need them to be fancy, poster paper is fine, but having to draw them all out takes considerable time, having to print them myself takes less time, but still takes up some of my time. So I would happily pay to save that time, so I could play more and fiddle around less.
Vic Wertz wrote: We like having all-new maps in Adventure Path products, but we do regularly use Flip-Mats in our Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society scenarios. I really do like the quality and effort Paizo puts into their flip-mats. I'm just making a suggestion here, to help improve customer experience with and the profitability of flip-mats. I really like what was done with Crypt of the Everflame and Rise of The Runelords. Both products had maps that where of areas in the adventures, but these maps were released as stand-alone products. Allowing the maps to appeal to both the purchasers of the modules/APs and people looking for maps to use in their own home-brew campaigns. This is ideal as the maps can be sold to two different types of consumers. Both maps were reprinted as part of the Flip-Mat Classics line, which means they must be selling well in their own right to warrant a reprint. Yet I see reviews by people on Amazon recommending them to anyone running their respective campaigns. If maps are tightly coupled to adventures in the way they are named then home brewers will be less likely to buy the maps. So the naming helps set them on their own. For example I doubt anyone not running the Fall of Plaguestone will buy the maps associated with that adventure, because they don't really know what they are by the name alone. But if two of the tombs from The Mummy's Mask where made into a map called Mummy's Tomb, it would appeal to both consumer segments. Producing generic flip-mats that also went along with adventures was done around ten years ago, and I would really love to see this again, I'm sure there are other consumers who would happily buy flip-mats that go along with the adventures they are running, but are not interested in buying Flip-mats of dungeons that do not appear in APs. For reference: Crypt of the Everflame:
Flip-Mat Dungeon:
Rise of the Runelords:
Flip-Mat Townsquare"
Rysky wrote: You can’t really put a whole AP dungeon on a flip mat. I'm not asking for all AP dungeons to be on flip-mats, I'm just asking that the flip-mats actually be usable in the APs, and that a few of the dungeons/places be in the AP. Really generic things like forests are useful, but dungeons are not useful to me in any way if they are not in the adventures I'm running. So I'm trying to tell them how they could make more money. Just make one of the dungeons in an AP be this exact map, pretty simple really. They even tend to make things in the same theme as APs but then user a different version that doesn't appear in the AP. What's the point of that? May as well put it in the AP. Like the Ghost Ship in Starfinder or Tech Dungeon. If the Ghost Ship map was used in the actual Dead Suns AP, there would be far more sales of the map.
Vic Wertz wrote: We like having all-new maps in Adventure Path products, but we do regularly use Flip-Mats in our Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society scenarios. Thanks for the reply. I could really, REALLY use these in my APs, so I don't have to draw out massive dungeons in my limited time. I really like the AP, but this disconnect is just odd to me, there's no point in me buying these flip mats, even though they look awesome, because I have no use for them. But every flip mat that goes with an AP or even a module I've bought, like Emerald Spire and the related maps. I don't think I'm alone in this, and it would increase your sales of flip mats, which is good for us all. Additionally if you had configurations of flip tiles in APs to match some of the maps, Flip Tile sales would increase greatly too.
When Paizo finally moves over to a digital subscription model (which is the future of this industry), and doesn't rely on current sales, they will be happily updating their APs to whatever version of Pathfinder is current, as like Netflix, more content means more subscribers. Digital subsections are great for allowing companies to have reliable income and help the consumers get much more varied content, as it pays to create niche content rather than content for everyone, as the more niches you get the more subscribers you get. Niche content is always better than content that tries to appeal to everyone.
Meh, I'm going to repeat myself here, as this doesn't sound exciting at all: "So after trying to use the Dungeon tiles to build a Castle, Castle and Tower tiles are 100% needed and should be next, I wasn't able to build the round towers in the castle map I was trying to create. These are the next likely places for characters to go after what you have here. "You should also have instructions in your APs on how to use these tiles to create the dungeon I feel like there's a huge disconnect between the APs and maps. People that buy APs want maps that match. Not maps that aren't really usable in the APs at all. If I'm running an AP, I'm looking for anything that makes my life as a DM easier."
So after trying to use the Dungeon tiles to build a Castle, Castle and Tower tiles are 100% needed and should be next, I wasn't able to build the round towers in the castle map I was trying to create. These are the next likely places for characters to go after what you have here. You should also have instructions in your APs on how to use these tiles to create the dungeon I feel like there's a huge disconnect between the APs and maps. People that buy APs want maps that match. Not maps that aren't really usable in the APs at all. If I'm running an AP, I'm looking for anything that makes my life as a DM easier.
Xenocrat wrote: This won't be updated, he completely wrote off all Paizo products after they had the audacity to allow the PF2 Champion class to shoehorn the Paladin into a subclass and allow other alignments in. That's too bad. I personally have yet to even play Pathfinder 2, but I'm really enjoying Starfinder, and have quite a few APs from P1 to catch up on, and I play D&D 5e, so don't plan on playing Pathfinder 2 any time soon. I can understand some frustration with class and even game designs seem off. There's things that never made sense to me that were inherited from D&D and never fixed. Like intimidation being Charisma based, while most intimidating characters would be muscle bound brutes with low Charisma, powerful mages with low Charisma or despotic warlords with low Charisma, intimidation is what you do when you are terrible at charming people, meaning you have bad charisma. Charisma seems to be used in two completely different and often times contradictory ways, one is degree of likableness, the other is power of personality. You could have a powerful personality and yet be completely unlikable, like a crazy person that lives on the street, somehow you would have an extremely high persuasion ability, making absolutely no sense. But then I have to remember its just a game and you can talk to your DM about house rules.
I bought the hardback for $100. So it seems the prices are coming down. $100 is reasonable to me as to buy six new AP books would cost me ~$120. They really need to do all the early APs as anniversary editions. I know many people want them and they would sell well. Second Darkness would be awesome with a full Pathfinder conversion and so would the one after it set in an Arabian Nights setting.
I would love to see an update to the doc which also includes the best crystals and fusions. I did Lushunta with a build that lets me get toughness instead of a scholar. Chose Gladiator background. I’m the captain on t he ship and intimidate actually comes I handy as the captain, so that works out very well. I’m choosing the close combat feat at level 3. I think I’m going to just get mostly Photon revelations, but not sure what to get on level 4. Also it seams like the feat and the revelation that give damage reduction cancel each other out, so you have to choose one.
I'm actually very surprised these are not used more in adventure paths. You could use the same dungeon with totally different content in two different APs even. It wouldn't bother me one bit. I much prefer maps to hand drawn dungeons. I would really like it if they offered map maps of the actual dungeons in the modules. I don't even need them to be thick and fancy like the flip mats, just good enough to put pawns on. They could be poster paper. |