DracoDruid |

This is the second part of my review of the pathfinder rules version 2. Since I cannot playtest all those classes alone, I will stick to comments about text issues and general critics. As always, I hope this will help the Jason and the other guys to improve this game.
General Notes:
Skill points: I too think, that 2 + INT skill points is just a bit disappointing. So give all those classes one or two points in addition. And besides: Don’t be afraid of using odd skill points per level! Fighter and Paladin might be good candidates for 3 + INT per level.
Weapon Proficiencies: I strongly recommend the use of weapon groups other the classical simple/martial/exotic definition. This just makes more sense and gives characters more flare and distinct abilities. It’s also more fair to learn a group of similar weapons through the use of one feat than just one single weapon. You already did something similar with the fighter’s weapon training. Just stick to it.
Spellslot Progression: I always wondered why spell slots are capped at 4 (or 6) for all full casters. There is an easy mathematic used to calculate the slots, so why not stick to that until the end? For those who didn’t noticed: its 1223334444… for all slots (+2 for the sorcerer). So instead of capping them at 4 just pull them through to the end. So after 4 times 4 slots, 5 times 5 slots, 6 times 6 slots, etc. However there would be one issue: Sticking to that, the 8th slot would stop at the third time of 3 slots and the 9th level spell slot would be at its first time of 3 slots.
But than again, why not stick to this system for epic levels? That way a wizard or cleric would get his 4th 8th level spell slot at level 21, and his 4th 9th level spell slot at level 23.
Cantrips and Orisons: It’s said before but I just have to say it again. This was one of the BEST improvements you have done so far!
Only one comment: I would like to see those spell slots get improved through high ability scores like every other spell level.
Nature/Divine/Arcane Bond: I would like to see a feat that grants the one Bond that wasn’t chosen when possible.
While I like the new approach in handling the rage, I have to ask myself if counting rage points might get too time-consuming.
Besides that, I just have to point out, that you forgot (or not) to include all the other “not-rage” abilities of the barbarian into the class descriptions.
Only one thing: Why on earth gets the druid the scimitar as weapon prof?
Each and every of the other weapon is made with only a very small amount of iron/steel. So why the scimitar!? (I could ask WotC the same, I know).
Armor Training: There are two things about Armor Training. First, I would strongly recommend that max. DEX of the armor worn is improved as well. Actually this would make even more sense then the armor check penalty.
Second, I would suggest to make AT similar to Weapon Training and let the player choose between light, medium and heavy armor, each granting one additional specialty (like DR for heavy armor).
Weapon Training: As with AT I have two things to admit here. First, improve the bonus to +1 attack, +2 damage, since this would be like weapon focus and specialization.
Second, I would suggest EITHER choosing a new group OR improving another one. In addition I would design a fighter bonus feat that allows improving one or maybe two groups for one “level”.
Combat Maneuvers: The fighter should be the only class which can use more than one combat maneuver each round: 2 at level 6, 3 at level 11, 4 at level 16.
Or maybe an ability to turn a certain combat maneuver feat into a “normal” fighter feat, thus allowing to use it all the time (might be overpowered).
Armor and Weapon Mastery: Those two are a bit lame. As said everywhere before DR 5/- at level 19 is just not that helpful and weapon mastery affecting only one weapon and only really benefiting on critical hits is just… you know.
But I can’t come up with something better.
Hit dice: It’s just a typo right? If not, d10 is a must.
Skill points: Paladins really need one or two additional skill points.
Alignment: Since all abilities refer only to good or evil I wonder if the Paladin class could be opened up to all good alignments.
Detect Evil: I think making this a supernatural ability rather than a spell-like one is better. If it’s too much at first level, consider improving it at a later one. Maybe even step by until reaching extraordinary status.
Smite Evil/Aura of XXX: While I really like the approach, I would also like to see the same mechanic as with rage here. Giving the Paladin Faith Points and let him choose special auras and smiting abilities like the barbarian choosing rage powers.
Spells: Two things: First, let the Paladin cast spells via CHA and second, let her cast her spells spontaneous! The Paladin doesn’t get that much spells and to have them be prepared in ahead just makes them even less appealing. Don’t start with “spells known” like sorcerers though. Just let them cast their spells from all their spell list.
Remove Desease: Since it’s a spell, remove this ability and replace it for a better Smite/Aura mechanic.
Holy Champion: That’s something I really like too. I was thinking about a similar thing myself. But I went the road to Ascension (with wings and the like). But since the sorcerer already got that, it would be too similar I guess.
Special Mount: It’s still a Pokemount…
Not done yet, but some suggestions:
Hit dice: d8 or d10.
Skill points: 4, 5, or 6 per level
Track: Since Track is now a part of survival, give the ranger fast track at first level and allow ONLY Rangers to track at DC21+ (like rogues and trapfinding!)
Favored XXX: Let rangers AT LEAST choose between Favored Enemy or Favored Terrain, if not giving them both.
Combat: I you have to keep it, make em archers above two-weapon fighters. I know it's there since (A)D&D but, IT JUST DON'T FIT!
Spells: Like my suggestion about Paladins let them cast their spells spontaneously.
Hit dice: A d8 is just too much. The rogue already got this devastating sneak attack. Giving her a better hit die is just one step too much towards combat.
Sneak Attack: While I am fighting a loosing battle here, I always felt that the new (3rd Edition) Sneak attack destroyed the rogue. In the old days the rogue (or thief) was build around her special thief skills. The backstabbing was only a smaller specialty since it worked only if catching the target completely(!) unaware of an attack. With 3.0 this was turned upside down. The new rogue is all about sneak attacking now, with sneak attack working in combat most of the time and ridiculously increasing bonus damage. But since I will never see this happen, I will have to live with it (at least for Pathfinder).
Except this I suggest to make Fast Stealth, Ledge Walker, Quick disable, Resiliency, Rogue (aka Fast) Crawl and Stand Up and Skill Mastery general feats (except Resiliency that would be a fighter bonus feat).
To compensate this, I would eliminate Combat Trick, Finesse Rogue and Weapon Training and make “Feat” a (not-improved) Rogue Talent.
Skill points: Since sorcerers don’t need to study so intense as wizards, giving them more skill points and some additional class skills (like diplomacy!) would be the right way.
Proficiencies: While I am not sure if sorcerers should be able to cast in light armor (why not?) I would give them Light Armor Proficiency nonetheless.
Spells: While I don’t know yet if I like the bloodline abilities there is still one thing that just HAS to be changed: Give sorcerers there higher spell levels like every other full caster!
It’s just not worth to make the distinction. And if it starts with magic items and whether a sorcerer or a wizard made the wand of fireballs it’s just going over the edge.
Aligning to my concerns about spell progression I would give the sorcerer the same progression as the cleric/wizard, BUT just add 2 slots for each spell level. So 1223334444… would be 3445556666... This would reduce the power bump with the faster gain of higher spell levels. I would do the same with the spells known but only add 1 to the progression (2334445555…)
There is only one thing right now that really has to be reworked, and that would be the schools specialist bonuses. Conjurers getting an AC bonus? Necromancers still without Rebuke Undead? And on the top (not a specialist bonus but worse): Each and every universalist fighting with a floating weapon as their first school power? This one’s just stupid. Give them more spells, better metamagic or what ever. But come up with something better than a floating melee weapon! They are wizards, not ranged melee basher, damn it.
(Sorry but this one’s just as pesky as the elves unnatural beauty. But since that one has gone the way of the dodo I am still hopeful)

Doug Bragg 172 |

Cantrips and Orisons: It’s said before but I just have to say it again. This was one of the BEST improvements you have done so far!
Only one comment: I would like to see those spell slots get improved through high ability scores like every.
I'd be in favor of that change. Although, does it really matter how many cantrips a wizard can cast or does cast? Is prestidigitation ever going to really break the game if I cast that, detect magic, stick, and light?
I'd prefer allowing cantrips to be cast spontaneously. Will a level 20 wizard really forget how to cast light or detect magic or any of the other cantrips?
(I'm skipping the other classes... I disagree with the proposed changes to rogues; being a melee combatant, the extra hitpoints are helpful and the sneak attack, imho, doesn't "destroy" the rogue).
There is only one thing right now that really has to be reworked, and that would be the schools specialist bonuses. Conjurers getting an AC bonus? Necromancers still without Rebuke Undead? And on the top (not a specialist bonus but worse): Each and every universalist fighting with a floating weapon as their first school power? This one’s just stupid. Give them more spells, better metamagic or what ever. But come up with something better than a floating melee weapon! They are wizards, not ranged melee basher, damn it.
(Sorry but this one’s just as pesky as the elves unnatural beauty. But since that one has gone the way of the dodo I am still hopeful)
I think 3.5 had the specialists right - make the prohibited schools prohibited, but give the specialist an extra spell per level per day. I would gladly take that over the specialist powers noted above.
As for the spell like abilities for the different types of wizards... I would prefer a more flexible system of allowing the player to choose the spell like ability (if it's just going to be you get a 1st level spell you can cast x times/day). Players getting more choices = good, in my opinion. Alternatively, make the powers bonuses to spell casting and not extra spells per day.
And yes, I definitely agree that the universalist power of waving a sword around in the air feels a lot more like being a fighter than a wizard. Particularly when clerics are throwing acid blobs and fire bolts for free.