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I assume that effects when we can purchase the PDF?
I was so looking foreword to next Wednesday ;(
The PDF release date isn't tied to how long it takes to ship to subscribers—it's tied to the retail release date. We did push the retail release date for July's products to July 31, though, to ensure that more retailers have it in stock on the date.

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Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:edit: Since I've got you here, sort-of, the feat Versatile Spontaneity (pg. 9), mentions being able to prepare a spell in your list from either scrolls or spellbooks. Does that mean, for instance, that a Sorcerer could carry a spellbook with them to prepare a spell from that? Or does that mean the Sorcerer would have to convince a Wizard or Magus to let them read from their (i.e. the Wizard or Magus') spellbook?Correct, if a sorcerer stumbled upon a spellbook, she could use this feat to prepare a spell from that, assuming she meets the prerequisites.
The "you may opt to prepare one spell you don't know in place of a daily spell slot 1 level higher than the prepared spell's level." part mean that you can prepare only 1 spell this way when you prepare your spells, or you can swap multiple spontaneous spell for the same number of prepared spells?

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Patrick Renie wrote:The "you may opt to prepare one spell you don't know in place of a daily spell slot 1 level higher than the prepared spell's level." part mean that you can prepare only 1 spell this way when you prepare your spells, or you can swap multiple spontaneous spell for the same number of prepared spells?Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:edit: Since I've got you here, sort-of, the feat Versatile Spontaneity (pg. 9), mentions being able to prepare a spell in your list from either scrolls or spellbooks. Does that mean, for instance, that a Sorcerer could carry a spellbook with them to prepare a spell from that? Or does that mean the Sorcerer would have to convince a Wizard or Magus to let them read from their (i.e. the Wizard or Magus') spellbook?Correct, if a sorcerer stumbled upon a spellbook, she could use this feat to prepare a spell from that, assuming she meets the prerequisites.
Just one spell, period, from what I'm reading.

Patrick Renie Developer |
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Diego Rossi wrote:Just one spell, period, from what I'm reading.Patrick Renie wrote:The "you may opt to prepare one spell you don't know in place of a daily spell slot 1 level higher than the prepared spell's level." part mean that you can prepare only 1 spell this way when you prepare your spells, or you can swap multiple spontaneous spell for the same number of prepared spells?Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:edit: Since I've got you here, sort-of, the feat Versatile Spontaneity (pg. 9), mentions being able to prepare a spell in your list from either scrolls or spellbooks. Does that mean, for instance, that a Sorcerer could carry a spellbook with them to prepare a spell from that? Or does that mean the Sorcerer would have to convince a Wizard or Magus to let them read from their (i.e. the Wizard or Magus') spellbook?Correct, if a sorcerer stumbled upon a spellbook, she could use this feat to prepare a spell from that, assuming she meets the prerequisites.
Correct, just one spell per day when you regain spell slots. So on Wednesday, you could do this with magic missile from your buddy's spellbook, while on Thursday, you could do this with burning hands from a scroll (or whatever). But you can't prepare more than one spell per day with this feat.

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Loaded question is loaded....
You don't have to buy this for PFS. It will not become part of the Core Assumption. You might want to buy it, either for the toys, or for the background information and description about the Pathfinder Society. Really, it's probably a better reference for somebody who doesn't know much about it already. At 32 pages, it's a great thing to hand to players who are just now learning the Pathfinder Society.
I'm not going to touch the passive-aggressive power creep complaint, however; there are ample other threads where that is debated into the ground and on through to the far side of the Earth.

JCServant |

BPorter, I agree with much, if not all, of your review. I was hoping for something with more depth and fluff, and I really enjoyed what was there. The artwork was a miss for me, as well. Some of it was definitely below what I've come to expect from Paizo. But, like most books, I can see players dismissing 2/3rds of the crunch tehre as being completely underpowered (and just too fluffy) and seeing the same 1/4 or 1/3rd of the crunch used over and over again as it's quite a stand out, such as that 2nd level page spell you mention in the review.
I'm glad I got it only because I'm a full time GM with LOTS of new PFS players. It will be great to point the fluff pages to them to get them up and running from the lore stand point. But it is a really tough recommend, especially at the price point.

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rknop wrote:It will not become part of the Core Assumption.Actually, I'm pretty sure Mike has said that it will.
Nope, they actually said that they decided to not make it Core Assumption specifically so that people wouldn't have to buy it for PFS. If memory serves, I think they're also removing the PFS Field Guide from the Core Assumption, so that the "cost of entry" to PFS becomes just the CRB. I could be mistaken on that last part, but the new Guide comes out soon and all will be answered. :)

bugleyman |

Nope, they actually said that they decided to not make it Core Assumption specifically so that people wouldn't have to buy it for PFS. If memory serves, I think they're also removing the PFS Field Guide from the Core Assumption, so that the "cost of entry" to PFS becomes just the CRB. I could be mistaken on that last part, but the new Guide comes out soon and all will be answered. :)
Not sure if that's a change or I was just mistaken, but either way, it's welcome news. Thanks.

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Hoping for a little advice here, as I'm narrowing down what books to buy later today on a currently very tight budget. Can any of you let me know if the following character concepts might find anything useful in this book, whether it be vanities, weapons, spells, feats, or so on? Traits are a lesser priority since most of my active characters cannot use the "free rebuild during level 1" rules; they're level 2 and above. Nonetheless, traits might be cool too.
- A Lore Warden that uses reach weapons (especially polearms) combined with a few levels of Martial Artist and Cleric. Likes to be a mobile, heavy-hitting, tactically flexible character with some good combat maneuvers and has a minor interest in magic, esp. divine magic. Align CG and follows Milani, if this matters.
- An Elf Bard focusing on archery, scouting, a variety of skills, versatile spell use (picks up a little bit of everything as level-ups permit), performances, buffing allies, and general 'face' skills. Works as a traveling motivational speaker when not working for the Society. Align CG, follows Desna.
- A Sorcerer (Celestial) that focuses on summoning (willing to summon anything that isn't Evil), blasting, some terrain control, a little buffing, defense, and face skills. Isn't very good at Knowledge checks but would like to be; just doesn't have enough skill points left over to cover everything. Has dreams of owning a fancy home, or founding their own nation (unlikely within PFS, but they can dream!), or becoming prominent within their religion. Align NG, follows Sarenrae.
You don't have to post full details that would get you in trouble with Paizo moderators, just extremely basic info ("Yes, polearm fighters will really like Feat X, it lets them achieve Benefit Y" or "Your summoning Sorc will like the new Celestial Fluffybunny Archon option they added to Summon Monster V, it's made of Rainbows and Justice", etc.) would suffice in helping me decide which books I need to buy or wait on in regard to my current budget.
Thanks for any info you can offer!

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I suspect you won't find crunch that you think you really need for any of those characters. The background about the society and characters in it could potentially be informative for all of them, but I don't know if you'd find that "useful" or not. Given what you've written about your characters, I suspect you value that kind of thing more than some others do.
If you don't have Champions of Purity, there's a nifty feat ("Summon Good Monser") and monster table on the inside back cover that your sorcerer might like.

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Oh, I do hold backstory items in some good esteem. Bought an AP book almost solely for its content on Milani, for example. Right now though I'm primarily focusing on crunch/actual play mechanics because most of these characters' stories are already pretty well detailed.
I do indeed have Champions of Purity, and it is quite good for the purposes you're mentioning. Thank you!
That said, I am solely focusing on whether Pathfinder Player Companion: Pathfinder Society Primer would be relevant to my needs since that's the book this thread is for.

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Sorry to double post, but the time window in which I could edit or delete my old posts has since passed. Someone has kindly provided me not-full-text summaries of several items they think might be relevant, so I no longer need help with this question (and if Paizo staff wishes to remove this post plus my two above to reduce clutter for your product thread, please feel free!).

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I'm sorry if this has been addressed already somewhere, but in reading pg 8, it states "Those who complete Confirmation successfully receive
their wayfinders and become full-fledged Pathfinders,". Does this mean that all PFS characters that have a PFS number, already begin playing with a basic Wayfinder and don't need to spend 250gp on it?

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That's primarily a flavor element. There are currently no rules in Pathfinder Society Organized Play who receive free equipment except when granted by a class ability (like a gunslinger's free gun at first level). In a home campaign, a GM could certainly provide a free wayfinder to a Pathfinder character, but in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, the discount on the purchase of one is the concession to get them into as many PC hands as possible.

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Another question about Wayfinders. In the Vanities section, the cost of a couple of the alternate Wayfinders struck me as odd. The Discerning Wayfinder that replaces Light with Detect Magic costs 5 Prestige while the Inherited Wayfinder that retains Light and also gains an additional 0 level spell of choice is 3 Prestige. Does this make sense to anyone else?

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Another question about Wayfinders. In the Vanities section, the cost of a couple of the alternate Wayfinders struck me as odd. The Discerning Wayfinder that replaces Light with Detect Magic costs 5 Prestige while the Inherited Wayfinder that retains Light and also gains an additional 0 level spell of choice is 3 Prestige. Does this make sense to anyone else?
Inherited does nothing on its own. It would allow you to choose Discerning and now your Wayfinder provides Light as well as Detect Magic.