Zark |

I'm usually not a big fan of PrC, but this is one looks really looks Really interesting. I will get the PDGF for sure.
Any class that will be good if you are a bard?
My bards are more buffers and strikers (striker as melee or archer) than spell casters. I usually prefer to play melee bards, since archer bards are very feat intense.
That said I wouldn't mind a bard that would focus more on buffs and spells, but that kind of bard wound need more spells know and more spells per day and the ability to add other spells than bard spells to the list.

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Wasnt this pdf suppose to be out on the 16th? Its why I didn't buy it at gencon, i was going to just wait til i went home and bought the pdf! >.<
Delays in shipping subscription orders led to pushing back the PDF release date until the 23rd. (IE, tomorrow).

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I meant as. I didn't realize the typo right away until it was too late to edit it. My cat decided she wanted to petted as I was typing. At least she didn't hit the keys and force me to re-type everything.
Yeah I know, I am just a smart-ass :)

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I don't despair, but I do love your style when it comes to wording things. Of course I do play a sorceress who is a quarter succubus and plays with fire (literally and figuratively) so I may be biased.
I wish there was good prestige class in here for her, but I'll settle with my witch getting a good one.

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Still have that new shiny feeling all over the Champion of Irori. Still planning and plotting off that one. :)
One odd thing I liked: There seemed to be an unusually high number of characters wearing hoods in this book. This is not a complaint. I've missed that actualliy. None of the iconics wears a hood. Technically. And it's such an fantasy fashion standard that it's been a bit missed when it comes to PC-appropriate artwork lately. Not here. This book has a LOT of art that wouild serve well as PC representations. And a lot of them have hoods.
Now we just need to get some with liripipes. Also, skullcaps.

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Ok I had the name slightly wrong it is Demoniac. I think it works pretty well with a Sorc, as long as you don't mind being evil.
I would recommend choosing me... er I mean Nocticula if you go that route.

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Not to break up this lovely conversation of worship but when do the pdf's get released on the day that they come out?
Likely whenever Paizo peeps get into the officer this morning. Say in about 9-11 hours, unless someone is hanging around the office and put them up at midnight their time.

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Sadly. I cannot take that one. The GM I play under gets rather nasty if you go evil or act evil. I'm lucky she lets me play my character as a quarter succubus. I'll keep that one in mind though I have an opposite of the same character for when I want to really play up the succubus on her and just go flat out evil when I GM.

Kajehase |

Since you were being a smart-ass about someone else's type earlier, I guess that makes you fair game, Dark_Mistress. ;)
Likely whenever Paizo peeps get into the officer this morning. Say in about 9-11 hours, unless someone is hanging around the office and put them up at midnight their time.
What else would they do in the officer? Also, what kind of officer? And how would they get into him/her?

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Thinking more about the class and a angelic counterpart. I put it in spoiler tags below.
Damned (Ex)
When a demoniac is killed, his soul is instantly claimed by the Abyss. In time, the demoniac’s soul is transformed into a demon appropriate to the greatest sins the demoniac gloried in while he lived. Any character attempting to resurrect a slain demoniac must succeed at a caster level check equal to 10 + the demoniac’s level or the spell fails. That character cannot attempt to resurrect the demoniac again until the following day, though other characters can attempt to do so if they please.
Change to
Saved (Ex)
When a angeliac is killed, his soul is instantly claimed by Haven. In time, the angeliac’s soul is transformed into a angel appropriate to the greatest virtues the angeliac gloried in while he lived. Any character attempting to resurrect a slain angeliac must succeed at a caster level check equal to 10 + the angeliac’s level or the spell fails. That character cannot attempt to resurrect the angeliac again until the following day, though other characters can attempt to do so if they please.
Demonic Mark (Ex)
A demoniac bears the sign of his chosen demon lord as a tattoo-like brand somewhere on his body. Once per day, a demoniac can call upon the profane power of this mark to power a spell as he casts it. Doing so causes the spell to gain the chaotic and evil descriptors, and causes the spell not be expended as it is cast, allowing the demoniac to cast the spell again at a later point in the day.
change to
Angelic Mark (Ex)
A angeliac bears the sign of his chosen archangel as a tattoo-like brand somewhere on his body. Once per day, a angeliac can call upon the holy power of this mark to power a spell as he casts it. Doing so causes the spell to gain the lawful and good descriptors, and causes the spell not be expended as it is cast, allowing the angeliac to cast the spell again at a later point in the day.
You get the idea. Just change demoniac to angeliac on most of them and they work fine.
Demonic Boon
As a demoniac gains levels, he gains Boons from his demonic patron as his body and soul become increasingly infused with demonic energies. The nature of the Boons granted varies, depending upon the demoniac’s chosen demon lord. Each demon lord grants three Boons, each more powerful than the last. At 3rd level, the demoniac gains the first boon.
At 6th level, he gains the second boon, and at 9th level, he gains the third and final boon. Consult the Demonic Obedience feat and the various demon lord descriptions for details on demonic Boons. When a demonic boon grants a spell-like ability, his caster level for the spell-like ability equals his total character level. This ability allows a demoniac to access these Boons earlier than normal; it does not grant additional uses of the Boons once the character reaches the necessary Hit Dice to earn the Boons normally.
Make up some archangels and use the demon lord boons as equals.
Demonic Form becomes Angelic Form and just change a couple of spots where it says DR vs good to vs evil etc and it works.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Since you were being a smart-ass about someone else's type earlier, I guess that makes you fair game, Dark_Mistress. ;)
Dark_Mistress wrote:Likely whenever Paizo peeps get into the officer this morning. Say in about 9-11 hours, unless someone is hanging around the office and put them up at midnight their time.What else would they do in the officer? Also, what kind of officer? And how would they get into him/her?
How do they get into a officer? Well when a enlisted person and a officer love each other very much...

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@Dark_Mistress I am going to use that and see what I can put together I think I can pull it off fairly well. I will use the ideas you presented and craft my angels and maybe a couple of deity avatars. I have a succubus (CG) who is the avatar of the goddess of love and a shovel wielding human (Male and N if I recall the character) that is the avatar of the goddess of time and fate.
I have yet to create the others. Fiona, the succubus, was a whim of mine to mess with people's minds. She actually made my fire and love deity very popular as everyone seems to love being able to pull power from a goddess with a succubus as her friend and avatar.

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Cool. For CG I would name it a Azataiac and leave the chaotic parts in on the demoniac and just change the evil to good and then make a few other changes like those i suggested. i honestly think that PrC is very easy to switch to any other alignment and makes a good PrC for a Sorc.
If you want start a new thread about creating one and I will toss in any idea's I have.

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So I made the thread: Celestial version of the Demoniac Prestige Class. Now discussion of this alteration can proceed to that spot.
Congrats DM you pushed me into making my first thread ever on the forums.

Gammelbraxen |
A bit spoilery but, couldn't resist ...
Arclord of Nex (First to build an armor powered by it wins)
Blackfire Adept (Because red fire is stupid, and black is more like, deep, you know?)
Magaambyan Arcanist (I've ... got ... nothing. The Solo is weak with me)
Razmiran Priest (With burrow speed, so you can hide from the guy who took over the country)
Riftwarden (makes sure silly youths don't wear their trousers to low)
Tattooed Mystic (Pre-requisite: Getting drunk at the docks and waking up with a tat!)
Veiled Illusionist (If you don't want the baddies to see how you do the magic trick)
Winter Witch (New familiar: Snowman Minigolem)
Champion of Irori (Being a fanboy of self-perfection makes you a ..?)
Dawnflower Dissident (for garden-hating gnomes. They strike at dawn!)
Green Faith Acolyte (Too much magic creates a greenhouse effect! No, a bad one! Stop it!)
Hellknight Signifer (Goading you for the good cause (ie Hell))
Prophet of Kalistrade (It's better than Gatorade! Really, it is!)
Storm Kindler (Alchemists with really cool matches)
Umbral Court Agent (You can run, but you can't hide (from jury duty))
Aldori Swordlord (Pre-requisite: Leadership (cohort and followers all intelligent swords))
Brother of the Seal (shapeshifting ranger of the north)
Golden Legionnaire ("Relax, you're golden ...")
Knight of Ozem (Who uses ozone offensively for win)
Lantern Bearer (a PRC for the dudes who carry our torches into the dungeons?)
Mammoth Rider (BRAAAAH! -The white trash of the northlands, riding into town.)
Pit Fighter ('cause the pit nemace is spreading. Check your backyard today!)
Shieldmarshal (For police officers with the biggest badge in town!)
Skyseeker (For dwarves who got really lost)
Aspis Agent (merchant/rogue/fighter if need be. Corruptilicious!)
Bellflower Tiller (I don't know what this is but IT SOUNDS AWESOME! Who wouldn't want to till some bellflowers?)
Daggermark Poisoner (Hmm? An assassin by another name? Extra ?)
Gray Gardener (So old he had to get a prestige class to get out of bed.)
Noble Scion (a SNEAKY noble scion? smirky? 2nd in line I suppose)
Sleepless Detective ("I'm on the case! ... I'm ALWAYS on the case!", reaches for coffee)
A bit weak, but I dedicate it to SOLO!

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Magaambyan Arcanist has the coolest eyes. Creepy cool.
Shieldmarshal's art is awesome too. It's like a Pathfinder character with a Team Fortress 2 character's face. And it works.
Still rolling the Champion of Irori over in my head, thinking of the possibilities. I really love the Shield The Weak ability. It just seems like something heroic monks ought to be able to do, and is excellent for bodyguardin' type monks.

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Demonist? I don't think I've seen that one.
I do wish that there were a few PrC's that were spontaneous caster friendly. I've discovered I adore playing those and especially the sorcerer with some of the bloodlines. I just need some really tasty ones to make me really happy for my sorceress.
Tattooed Mystic and (especially) the Veiled Illusionist.
The Veiled Illusionist gets to add a new spell known every level. How much more friendly can you get? :-)

Kajehase |

finally notices where the chain on the Umbral Court Agent's earring is going
double-checks to be sure
You think that's bad? Can you imagine how the chick in the Golden Legionnaire picture must feel after a big dinner?

Kryzbyn |

Got a quick question here.
I don;t play in Golarion for my PF games, but I'm interested in ideas falvor wise for PrCs. I'd like to get this book.
My question is, do I need to own the other campaign setting books to use this one? Are there items or mechanics in them that aren't detailed in the book itself, that I need the others for?
I own the CRB, GM guide, bestiary 1-3, APG, UC, UM, ARG and UE, pretty much all of the core books that are non-Golarion.
Am I ok to buy this book?

Patrick Renie |

Just got my copy - really cool until I realized my book only contained prestige listings up to the Shieldmarshall. The last seven prestige classes, Skyseeker thru Winter Witch, weren't included in my copy. Got a message off to customer service for resolution - hope to hear something soon :(
That's no good at all! Customer Service will be able to help you as soon as possible on Monday. In the meantime, thanks for holding tight!