Pathfinder Paper Minis—Skull & Shackles Adventure Path Part 1: "The Wormwood Mutiny" PDF

4.90/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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This set contains over 100 key NPCs, monsters, and a full pirate crew for "The Wormwood Mutiny," the first part of the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path.

Plunder and piracy on the seas of Golarion starts somewhere, and your PCs will be scrubbin' the decks next to the likes of foul-mouthed Rosie Cusswell and the Besmaran cleric Sandara Quinn! Get all the miniatures you need to run "The Wormwood Mutiny", with an entire assortment of aquatic monsters and other piratical beasties—including a parrot!

This set contains the following miniatures:

  • Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop, male human
  • Ankheg (Large)
  • Aretta Bansion, female human
  • Arron Ivy, ghast
  • Barefoot Samms Toppin, female human
  • Barnabus Harrigan, male human fighter
  • Bilge spider (Tiny)
  • Black-hearted Bezebel, chicken (Tiny)
  • Botfly swarm (2)
  • Brinebrood Queen, female grindylow (Small)
  • Caulky Tarroon, female human commoner
  • Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone, male gnome
  • Crimson "Cog" Cogward, male human
  • Cut-throat Grok, female half-orc fighter
  • Devilfish (Large)
  • Dire rat (Small) (6)
  • Fipps Chumlett, male human
  • Giant crab (3)
  • Giant frog (2)
  • Giant moray eel (Medium)
  • Giffer Tibbs, female gnome
  • Grindylow (Small) (11)
  • Habbly Quarne, male human fighter
  • Jack Scrimshaw, male human
  • Jakes Magpie, male human
  • Kipper, male human rogue
  • Lacedon (2)
  • Maheem, male human
  • Master Scourge, male human
  • Mister Plugg, male human fighter
  • Mosquito swarm (2)
  • Owlbear Hartshorn, male human fighter
  • Patch Patchsalt, female gnome rogue
  • Peppery Longfarthing, female human sorcerer
  • Pluck, parrot (Small)
  • Rahadoumi officer, female human ranger
  • Rahadoumi sailor, human warrior (6)
  • "Ratline" Rattsberger, male halfling
  • Reefclaw (2)
  • Riaris Krine, female human fighter
  • Rosie Cusswell, female halfling
  • Sandara Quinn, female human cleric of Besmara
  • Shark (Large) (6)
  • Ship's whore, female ghoul (3)
  • Shivikah, female human
  • Slippery Syl Lonegan, female human
  • Stirge (Tiny) (8)
  • Tam "Narwhal" Tate, male dwarf
  • The Whale, male advanced grindylow
  • Tilly Brackett, female human
  • Vine choker (Small) (2)
  • Wormwood pirate (14)

Artwork by Callous Jack.

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Our Price: $5.99

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Average product rating:

4.90/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Excellent! Sets the B-Yarrr for future sets


This set's figures have poses from life and costumes with evocative detail, the characters have character and the colours are rich without being Dick Tracy primaries.

Best of all, the Artist, Callous Jack, was responsive so that any tweeks and even player suggestions were quickly fixed and the PDF updated immediately by Paizo's awesome staff so that by the time the game arrived in your hands you could download an A+ paper mini set and hit the ground running.

It looks like Callous Jack scoured the text of the adventure and obeyed it to a rules lawyer level of detail, but in such a way as to creatively construct a crew with enough life that you chomp at the bit to role play them with their different voices and accents.

The square bases with visual ship's deck texture are easier for my helpers to cut out and the label on the bottom makes the finding easier.

The square base also supplies enough room to glue a penny (or a dime with the money you saved) between the bottom and the "deck" so the danger of sneezing away the crew in a moment is removed.

We might have to rename him Courteous,Considerate, Careful or Creative Jack.

An Outstanding Offering


I'm not sure what I can add to the other 5-star reviews for this product, other than to reinforce the key points for me.

Artwork representing Characters / NPCs / Monsters is always very much a matter of personal taste; what appeals to one person may not appeal to others. For me, the artwork for each of these Minis is (as Delthos has said) "outstanding."

There's enough variety between the representations of even the "generic Minis" (such as the "pirates" / "grindylows") that I'm having trouble imaging a combat situation where anyone would have trouble differentiating between combatants.

In fact, the "generics" have such personality and panache they almost deserve names ...

Named NPCs from the AP have plenty of flavor and style as well (but still mirror the visual representations from the AP), and would be easily-recognizable once on the table-top. GMs, they're all here, just waiting to toss-down with your players!

Table-top? As Ravien noted, these Minis are perfect for re-purposing for use in VTT settings. That's how I'm planning to use them, and each Mini looks great at several resolutions.

This product is the standard by which I'll judge future Mini / Token purchases. Well-worth your consideration.

-- Andy Tuttle



Sooo happy that the minitures are out in time for our game. Wasnt actualy expecting it at all...

Wonder if you guys will do a special one with just SHIPS?

Outstanding resource for a large cast of NPCs


I'm not normally a big paper miniature gamer. That being said I read the first volume of the Skull and Shackles Adventure Path and I quickly realized I wasn't going to be able to field a satisfying pirate crew with my collection of miniatures. So I decided to take the plunge into paper miniatures with this AP. I'm so glad I did.

The artwork is outstanding. All the characters and monsters for the AP are there. There is some slight duplication of the more generic stuff, but there is still variety in those, as there are at least two different versions of each of the generic stuff. There were a few problems with the file, but they were quickly fixed. This is one resource I've been pleasantly surprised with.

I hope to see more in this style and quality. I was so surprised by this one that I decided to take a chance on another AP's paper miniatures. I will reserve comment for that one other than to say it does not stand up to the standards set by this set!

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Callous Jack wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:

How do you know which NPC is which? Especially the "common" pirate ones? Are the names on them? or ?

-- david

Hi david, every character has their name directly underneath them on the pdf. And once they're cut out, I also label the underside of the bases so if anyone forgets who is who, you can just look underneath.

I found a few more problems after assembling everything this weekend. You are missing the named base for Jaundiced Jape, Pluck, 4 Grindylows, and 1 Dire Rat. There are two additional Giant Crab named bases though. If you get rid of the huge square on the last page of bases, there should be plenty of room to fit the missing ones!

I made due with what I had by flipping the extra Giant Crab bases and cutting out my own from scraps of cardstock. Unfortunately I had to print my own text on them, but it drives me crazy with my crappy hand printed "font" not matching the nice font you used!

I'd throw in my desire to get the optional Dwarf NPC added as well.

I did not see a Dodo bird are there any plans on including one?


baldwin the merciful wrote:
I did not see a Dodo bird are there any plans on including one?

There will be one in the Bestiary set for this AP.

Liz Courts wrote:
baldwin the merciful wrote:
I did not see a Dodo bird are there any plans on including one?
There will be one in the Bestiary set for this AP.

Thanks any idea when that B-AP will be out?


baldwin the merciful wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
baldwin the merciful wrote:
I did not see a Dodo bird are there any plans on including one?
There will be one in the Bestiary set for this AP.
Thanks any idea when that B-AP will be out?

It's assembled after the other sets in the Adventure Path are completed, so you've got a bit of a wait, I'm afraid!

Sovereign Court

dinketry wrote:
Nice job again, Callous Jack!

Thanks dinketry!

Delthos wrote:

I found a few more problems after assembling everything this weekend. You are missing the named base for Jaundiced Jape, Pluck, 4 Grindylows, and 1 Dire Rat. There are two additional Giant Crab named bases though. If you get rid of the huge square on the last page of bases, there should be plenty of room to fit the missing ones!

Thanks Delthos! I'll look into fixing those.

Oh my! Just noticed this here ... this is the final straw in getting me to purchase EVERYTHING related to the Skull & Shackles AP.

Looks like I'll be making myself a nice hefty purchase this weekend! WOOHOO!

Sovereign Court

Thanks MJinthePitt! I hope you enjoy them!

Isn't the base for the sharks a bit too small? It looks like the base is for a medium creature, but sharks are large size...

Great collection, though, it really helps my players putting a face to a name!

I also have a huge number of mini's, well, every mini in fact, but I have purchased these because they look so good.

Will the following 5 parts be released at the same time as the AP's?

I posted a review.

Thanks for this nice supplement for the AP.

Sovereign Court

Big thanks to Delthos and Ravien for their reviews!

poilbrun wrote:

Isn't the base for the sharks a bit too small? It looks like the base is for a medium creature, but sharks are large size...

Great collection, though, it really helps my players putting a face to a name!

Hey poilbrun, I'm glad you like the set! And yes, you are correct! Those sharks should be Large. I did a medium shark in the last few sets and took these for granted as the same size.

Okay, so I fixed the problem with the bases so Jaundiced Jape, Pluck, the Grindylows and a dire rat were added in place of the Sharks and extra Giant Frogs. The Sharks now have their own Large base on the following page. There's actually an extra Grindylow on the page so if anyone else notices a missing character, let me know. Thanks again for catching these errors, guys.

I'm sure Liz will be around later to let you know when it's updated.

stuart haffenden wrote:

I also have a huge number of mini's, well, every mini in fact, but I have purchased these because they look so good.

Will the following 5 parts be released at the same time as the AP's?

Thanks stuart! As for your question, that is the plan! I am about 75% through the next set which is very big too.

Liz Courts wrote:
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
baldwin the merciful wrote:
I did not see a Dodo bird are there any plans on including one?
There will be one in the Bestiary set for this AP.
Thanks any idea when that B-AP will be out?
It's assembled after the other sets in the Adventure Path are completed, so you've got a bit of a wait, I'm afraid!

Hi Liz. Isn't a bit silly to wait for the Dodo towards the end of the AP? I love to a Dodo!!!!!! I'll be DM'ing this AP in two weeks!!!! Any chance in indluding it the next paper minis and provide stats in the next module?


The PDF has been updated to fix the errors with the shark size as well as the changes Callous Jack mentions two posts up.

Michael, I've thought about it, but unless a dodo appears in an adventure, it's not going to show up in the AP sets. It *will* show up in the collected Bestiary set for Skull & Shackles, but there's a chance that you might see it sooner than that, in a non-AP related set.

Sovereign Court

Liz Courts wrote:
The PDF has been updated to fix the errors with the shark size as well as the changes Callous Jack mentions two posts up.

Thanks Liz!

Callous Jack,

Thanks tons for your work on these Minis!

When I read through The Wormwood Mutiny, I kept thinking "Zomg! How imma' gonna' keep track of all these NPCs if I run this?!"

Whether I run this AP via VTT (as I'm currently considering) or across the table from folks, I'm pleased-as-punch with this product.


-- Andy

Sovereign Court

Hey Andrew Tuttle,
Thanks for the great review, I really appreciate it! I hope they prove to be very useful when you end up running the adventure.

And another thank you to Windspirit for posting a review too. In regards to your question: there are some ships in the Skull & Shackles Player Guide so check it out!

The next set is done and should be posted soon. I think it is the biggest set I have ever done!

Liz Courts wrote:

The PDF has been updated to fix the errors with the shark size as well as the changes Callous Jack mentions two posts up.

Michael, I've thought about it, but unless a dodo appears in an adventure, it's not going to show up in the AP sets. It *will* show up in the collected Bestiary set for Skull & Shackles, but there's a chance that you might see it sooner than that, in a non-AP related set.


Which other, non-Ap related sets are coming out sooner?

Seriously, though, what other sets are on the horison?

Callous Jack, please call me Andy!

Callous Jack wrote:
The next set is done and should be posted soon. I think it is the biggest set I have ever done!

Reading that, you can also call me "excited!"

This here thing over here has shown up early (says "PDF available May 23" but it's also in my downloads ... that's Paizo for you!) but I don't think I'm going to download it until I can see your Paper Minis.

Hurray! I'm excited! Exclamation points all over!

-- Andy


Gigglestick, I don't want to say until it's ready and done, but AP sets are the top priority, and "never filled niches" after that. Todd Westcot, who did the Serpent's Skull sets, is busily scribbling away on said non-AP set. :)

Andy, the next set is now available here.


Is it just me or is the Great Hammerhead Shark upside down?

The Exchange

77 unique images... so 7.8 cents per image (but there are nice duplicate sets so when you print you get sufficient numbers). This is a great deal!

Sovereign Court

Lindsay Markus wrote:
77 unique images... so 7.8 cents per image (but there are nice duplicate sets so when you print you get sufficient numbers). This is a great deal!

Thanks Lindsay, I hope you enjoy them!

Liz Courts wrote:

The PDF has been updated to fix the errors with the shark size as well as the changes Callous Jack mentions two posts up.

Michael, I've thought about it, but unless a dodo appears in an adventure, it's not going to show up in the AP sets. It *will* show up in the collected Bestiary set for Skull & Shackles, but there's a chance that you might see it sooner than that, in a non-AP related set.

Hi Liz..any idea (spoiler) of when (and name) this non-AP set might come out? BTW, did not saw the dodo on the PF Bestiary BOX :(


Michael Martinez-Colon wrote:
Hi Liz..any idea (spoiler) of when (and name) this non-AP set might come out? BTW, did not saw the dodo on the PF Bestiary BOX :(

I'm hoping to have it ready by PaizoCon.

I'm currently preparing the 3rd part of the adventure. Shouldn't the young giant moray eel be medium and not large?


Ravien wrote:
I'm currently preparing the 3rd part of the adventure. Shouldn't the young giant moray eel be medium and not large?

You are correct! I'll pass it along to Callous Jack to fix it for a future update.

Sovereign Court

Hi Ravien, thanks for the heads up.
I will make that change very soon (hopefully tomorrow).

Sovereign Court

Okay, the file was updated and sent in. Hopefully it will be posted up tomorrow! (Sorry for the wait.)


Updated! Sorry it took a few days longer than expected, but the eel's size has been corrected, and Caulky Tarroon's appearance matches the way she appears in "Tempest Rising."

Liz Courts wrote:
Updated! Sorry it took a few days longer than expected, but the eel's size has been corrected, and Caulky Tarroon's appearance matches the way she appears in "Tempest Rising."

I have to say... that's a pretty significant change for Caulky. Definitely not what I was expecting. Its a top notch image though.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Life's been rough for Caulky, it appears...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Makes me want to read Tempest Rising even more!

Sovereign Court

DonalGraeme wrote:
I have to say... that's a pretty significant change for Caulky. Definitely not what I was expecting. Its a top notch image though.

Thanks! I was just as surprised as everyone else by what she ended up really looking like!

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Even I was surprised - art doesn't always come out the way you expect!

I've already started the Wormwood with the previous image, so I guess

Caulky is going to lose her eye on the attack on Man's Promise

WOW! What a transformation of Caulky! The new image is great, but I guess the new Caulky and the old will be two different characters in my campaign.

Inspired by the image I played Caulky as a frightened, insecure girl, that did not really want to be on the ship and esp. didn't like to be close the Harrigan. The cooks mate even sympathized with her after she was so afraid to try the food he was cooking for the captain, 'cause she feared to be poisoned.
Based on that Caulkys actions in Tempest Rising wouldn't make sense.

Sovereign Court

Ravien wrote:

WOW! What a transformation of Caulky! The new image is great, but I guess the new Caulky and the old will be two different characters in my campaign.

** spoiler omitted **

Very cool, I like what you did with old Caulky!

It's a great set, and I love putting faces to names, especially with such a large crew for the players' initial setting. Only one little thing I'd like to point out. In the AP it says that Krine has a peg leg from a catapult shot, and her image in this set shows two good feet.

Otherwise, great work, and I look forward to getting the other sets when my players get a bit further down the storyline.

Sovereign Court

Thanks Enhasa! I'm glad you like the set!

I missed that detail about Krine, I will try to look into that very soon. :)

Hi. I just printed and cut out and made all of the figures. I have some feedback and didn't know where else to put it.

Cabin Girl doesn't have a base.
There is an extra Grindylow base.

There are six shark bases, but only 3 sharks. (Had I known that, I would have printed two pages of sharks, but since I had to get them printed at a store, and didn't know, it's now going to be a pain in the butt to drive the 24 miles to the store again.)

Also the Moray Eel has the large base, but the small figure. (Haven't looked him up in the adventure yet, but am confused over his size.)


Any idea when the last two will be coming out, or will we already have all the minis by the 4th one??

Sovereign Court

Hi Bane Blue,

Thanks for your corrections! I will look into them and try to get a new set as soon as possible.

As for the last sets, I should have the 5th set ready soon, probably in September.

Curious question ... Book One is two weeks away and I'm hitting Kinko's on Monday morning to have these printed out. I want to get the best high quality color done on card stock.

Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I should request?

110# card stock makes for some very sturdy miniatures, though you might need a good pair of scissors or X-acto blade to cut through the paper.. You don't need high-gloss paper (though it makes it super spiffy).

Lilith wrote:
110# card stock makes for some very sturdy miniatures, though you might need a good pair of scissors or X-acto blade to cut through the paper.. You don't need high-gloss paper (though it makes it super spiffy).

Thank you.

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