Plunder and piracy on the seas of Golarion starts somewhere, and your PCs will be scrubbin' the decks next to the likes of foul-mouthed Rosie Cusswell and the Besmaran cleric Sandara Quinn! Get all the miniatures you need to run "The Wormwood Mutiny", with an entire assortment of aquatic monsters and other piratical beasties—including a parrot!
This set's figures have poses from life and costumes with evocative detail, the characters have character and the colours are rich without being Dick Tracy primaries.
Best of all, the Artist, Callous Jack, was responsive so that any tweeks and even player suggestions were quickly fixed and the PDF updated immediately by Paizo's awesome staff so that by the time the game arrived in your hands you could download an A+ paper mini set and hit the ground running.
It looks like Callous Jack scoured the text of the adventure and obeyed it to a rules lawyer level of detail, but in such a way as to creatively construct a crew with enough life that you chomp at the bit to role play them with their different voices and accents.
The square bases with visual ship's deck texture are easier for my helpers to cut out and the label on the bottom makes the finding easier.
The square base also supplies enough room to glue a penny (or a dime with the money you saved) between the bottom and the "deck" so the danger of sneezing away the crew in a moment is removed.
We might have to rename him Courteous,Considerate, Careful or Creative Jack.
I'm not sure what I can add to the other 5-star reviews for this product, other than to reinforce the key points for me.
Artwork representing Characters / NPCs / Monsters is always very much a matter of personal taste; what appeals to one person may not appeal to others. For me, the artwork for each of these Minis is (as Delthos has said) "outstanding."
There's enough variety between the representations of even the "generic Minis" (such as the "pirates" / "grindylows") that I'm having trouble imaging a combat situation where anyone would have trouble differentiating between combatants.
In fact, the "generics" have such personality and panache they almost deserve names ...
Named NPCs from the AP have plenty of flavor and style as well (but still mirror the visual representations from the AP), and would be easily-recognizable once on the table-top. GMs, they're all here, just waiting to toss-down with your players!
Table-top? As Ravien noted, these Minis are perfect for re-purposing for use in VTT settings. That's how I'm planning to use them, and each Mini looks great at several resolutions.
This product is the standard by which I'll judge future Mini / Token purchases. Well-worth your consideration.
I'm not normally a big paper miniature gamer. That being said I read the first volume of the Skull and Shackles Adventure Path and I quickly realized I wasn't going to be able to field a satisfying pirate crew with my collection of miniatures. So I decided to take the plunge into paper miniatures with this AP. I'm so glad I did.
The artwork is outstanding. All the characters and monsters for the AP are there. There is some slight duplication of the more generic stuff, but there is still variety in those, as there are at least two different versions of each of the generic stuff. There were a few problems with the file, but they were quickly fixed. This is one resource I've been pleasantly surprised with.
I hope to see more in this style and quality. I was so surprised by this one that I decided to take a chance on another AP's paper miniatures. I will reserve comment for that one other than to say it does not stand up to the standards set by this set!
By the way, for those who were giving feedback in other threads, I put in labeled bases and I also made the bases square for easier cutting so let me know if you prefer it that way.
Even though I might not be running this adventure anytime soon, I love how you guys were able to get this set ready so quickly. Between this and the Pawns set, Paizo has really done a great job of supporting this Adventure Path. Love it.
And for the record I was already interested in running this and now I'm even more so. Great job on the figures Jack.
If only I weren't scheduled to play in a Skull & Shackles campaign...
Might have to buy this and put in storage for later anyway.
C' know you want to... ;-)
Varthanna wrote:
I asked this in the wrong place before. Do the wormwood pirate crew match their physical descriptions in the AP?
Yes! Granted there is a lot of artistic freedom beyond someone described as "a fat, pushy bully with a shaved head." But I tried to make sure the details and correct weapons were covered with the whole crew. I also matched the paper mini illustration to any crew illustrations in the book.
It seems like you have all of the named crew except for Jaundice Jape... any reason why he was left out? I just used a "wormwood pirate" for him, but it doesnt quite work since he's a half orc. I'd much rather have him than Mapgie.
plot spoiler:
Magpie wont even be alive long enough to be remembered
It seems like you have all of the named crew except for Jaundice Jape... any reason why he was left out? I just used a "wormwood pirate" for him, but it doesnt quite work since he's a half orc. I'd much rather have him than Mapgie.
** spoiler omitted **
D'oh! Thank you for catching that error. Jaundiced Jape was done, I guess I forgot to put him in the layout. I'll see about fixing that today.
OMG! They listened. Thank you Paizo!
John W. Stout
Kettlebriar Mar 6, 2012, 08:11 PM
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Why do products like this always get released AFTER we've already played the adventures and don't need them anymore. Wouldn't it be good business sense to release the Map Folios, Decks, card stock Mini's at the same time the first adventure ships so we can actually utilize the products as we play the Adventure Path?
These are great! I mean really fantastic! I was already excited about Skull & Shackles, and was making imploring puppy-dog eyes at passers-by to run it for me, and then these came along! After using the first two KM sets like crazy, I really couldn't pass this up. Downloaded 'em immediately. The art style is different than what I've grown accustomed to, but more detailed and definitely not a bad thing. Once I get these bad boys (and girls...and things...) printed out and assembled, I'll be sure to post a review.
Great work. I don't normally go for paper miniatures, but with all the great individuals in the crew I knew I wanted something more than just my normal collection of miniatures. As for the bases, while I prefer round bases on my traditional miniatures, I really appreciate the square bases on these as it takes probably half as long if not more to cut them out and assemble them.
Just one question. I'm having a hard time figuring out what the two larger swarm figs are for. I don't see anything in the adventure that calls for huge swarms of them. The red "fold" lines on them don't make sense to me as putting a cross shaped fold on them isn't going to do anything. What are these two for?
Also while assembling them I found that the fold line on the Captain Harrigan row is not centered properly. It's off by about 1/16 of a inch causing the base tabs to not line up.
Just one question. I'm having a hard time figuring out what the two larger swarm figs are for. I don't see anything in the adventure that calls for huge swarms of them. The red "fold" lines on them don't make sense to me as putting a cross shaped fold on them isn't going to do anything. What are these two for?
The swarms take up a Space of 10 feet, which is why they're the size that they are. But the swarm subtype has this pertinent rule as to why they're displayed in tokens:
Pathfinder Reference Document wrote:
The area occupied by a large swarm is completely shapeable, though the swarm usually remains in contiguous squares.
Here’s the thing. We have an obscene collection of minis. I got to page 22 of Pathfinder 55 on my lunch hour, and the NPCs are just fantastic, leaping off the pages. Then it hit me, my head began swimming as I realized I’d have to pick out about 50 different character figures and try to remember who they represented week to week. I come back in from lunch, visit, and here’s the answer. Thanks for getting these out in time for the beginning of the campaign! Also, super artwork, like this much more than the cartoony style. Three Cheers!
Okay, Captain Harrigan has been fixed and the Swarms have been corrected from Huge to Large. The pdf should be updated in a little bit. Thanks for catching those errors, Delthos!
Courtney! wrote:
Once I get these bad boys (and girls...and things...) printed out and assembled, I'll be sure to post a review.
Thank you! I'm glad you like them and I'd really appreciate a review if you get a chance!
DM Jeff wrote:
Here’s the thing. We have an obscene collection of minis. I got to page 22 of Pathfinder 55 on my lunch hour, and the NPCs are just fantastic, leaping off the pages. Then it hit me, my head began swimming as I realized I’d have to pick out about 50 different character figures and try to remember who they represented week to week. I come back in from lunch, visit, and here’s the answer. Thanks for getting these out in time for the beginning of the campaign! Also, super artwork, like this much more than the cartoony style. Three Cheers!
Yes, CJ. Awesome artwork. I have to admit I was leery of purchasing another set of paper minis as the set I purchased for KM was too cartoony for my tastes as well. So with some trepidation I closed my eyes and pressed the purchase button. I'm glad to say that I was not disappointed.
One thing I would like to see on these product pages is perhaps an example of the artwork within. Some kind of preview so if the art is not to my liking I could then avoid purchasing the product and not have to suffer buyer's remorse when it's too late.
Yes, CJ. Awesome artwork. I have to admit I was leery of purchasing another set of paper minis as the set I purchased for KM was too cartoony for my tastes as well. So with some trepidation I closed my eyes and pressed the purchase button. I'm glad to say that I was not disappointed.
One thing I would like to see on these product pages is perhaps an example of the artwork within. Some kind of preview so if the art is not to my liking I could then avoid purchasing the product and not have to suffer buyer's remorse when it's too late.
Thanks Vanulf, I'm glad to hear you weren't disappointed with the set! I usually do cropped teasers of some of the art but I haven't had a chance to do that yet as I'm feverishly working on the Raiders of the Fever Sea.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Callous Jack, any chance that you might add "Dungrin the Whispering Dwarf" to the set? Dungrin was cut from the module but posted by Richard Pett here on this forum.
Did you ever get the chance to update the PDF with those last changes?
The pdf was updated but I'm not sure if Liz had a chance to upload it on Friday.
Zaister wrote:
Callous Jack, any chance that you might add "Dungrin the Whispering Dwarf" to the set? Dungrin was cut from the module but posted by Richard Pett here on this forum.
Interesting! Well, if enough people request it, I could add him at some point.
How do you know which NPC is which? Especially the "common" pirate ones? Are the names on them? or ?
-- david
Hi david, every character has their name directly underneath them on the pdf. And once they're cut out, I also label the underside of the bases so if anyone forgets who is who, you can just look underneath.
Hi david, every character has their name directly underneath them on the pdf. And once they're cut out, I also label the underside of the bases so if anyone forgets who is who, you can just look underneath.