Comics in Dungeon

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Does anyone out there like the current comics is the dungeon? The one at the back makes me think that when it goes to the printer it misses 20 panels inbetween each panel.

The one at the front is boring and unfunny.

The middle strip is pretty good when it's there, I at least chuckle at it.

With the high quality of Webcomics that are D&D related that are out there, I'm wondering why they print the comics at all. Are the artists friends of the staff?

Am I the only one out there that thinks the comics are horrible?

A lot of people really love their comics and turn to them first when the mag. arrives. I try to hold off and simply read then in the cover-to-cover flow of the magazine.

Personally, I'd rather have two more pages of adventure content and a pair of side-bars, but don't expect to ever see the comics go away. I haven't been too invested with a comic since What's New?.


The portent is only occasionally amusing. I could live without it, but It's not something I consider to be worth whining about.

I already miss Mt. Zogon. Was one of the more amusing short strips out there.

I started an entire thread about how I used to hate downer, but now I kind of like it.

So yes, there are plenty of people out here who actually enjoy the comics.

Downer requires a bit of patience to understand the plot, but once you do the nuances can be quite good.

Portent I'm not a fan of. I can't really comment more than that.

I miss Mt. Zogan and Zogonia...

Has the Paizo staff ever seen Goblins? The artist could come up with some fantastic 4-panels, I'm sure. (er... no pun intended)

I find The Portant hit and miss.

I have never been a fan of Downer, and since I love Kyle's spot art, I WANT to like Downer, but really, I wish another strip would take its place (sorry, Kyle).

I like Mt. Zogon a lot, and hope to see it back soon.

Any chance of getting Order of the Stick in Dungeon or a D&D adventure strip (maybe something like Downer without the attempts at humor and something that flowed a bit more like a classic comic book style strip)?

Liberty's Edge

- The Portent isn't funny.
- Downer is officailly kick-ass
- Mt. Zogon is hilarious
- What happened to Full-Frontal Nerdity?

Also, if they were to ever resurrect Polyhedron, Swerve (Kyle Hunter's pre-Downer stand-alone comic) would be a perfect fit.

I would also rather have more pages for content then any cartoons in Dungeon although I would like Dragon to bring back fan submissions as far as cartoons go since I have had one of my cartoons published in a Dragon Annual years ago.

Liberty's Edge

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Downer requires a bit of patience to understand the plot, but once you do the nuances can be quite good.

Portent I'm not a fan of. I can't really comment more than that.

I miss Mt. Zogan and Zogonia...

Has the Paizo staff ever seen Goblins? The artist could come up with some fantastic 4-panels, I'm sure. (er... no pun intended)

Alright, I'm still getting through Goblins. UTTERLY HILARIOUS!!!

Saurstalk wrote:
Alright, I'm still getting through Goblins. UTTERLY HILARIOUS!!!

Don't miss the extras, especially "Tempts Fate!"

More Lord of the Rings DVD humor. Just can't get enough.

The comics in general are rather "wasted space" to me - "Downer" at least is interesting to look at, but the rest is.... oh well, can't have it all.
And then again, I certainly do not read "Dungeon" for its comic content =)

I love Mt. Zogon (Zogonia is great too, but I prefer that wacky druid).
Downer is interesting...great art, confusing story.
I wouldn't be sorry to see Portent go. It is occasionally funny, usually not.

The comics are one of the things I will greatly miss.

Guess I started a moot issue...

Will the Downer story continue when Dungeon is gone? I really enjoy it most of the time. Im not clear whats wrong with Tony, his website has been down and I can't put anything together.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Krypter wrote:
The comics are one of the things I will greatly miss.

Agreed. There doesn't seem to be any place for them in any of the new products, and that's one of the things I've been mourning. It's not just the comics themselves, but the feeling of community behind them... (Ah, somone else has had this happen too, and ALSO finds it funny!) Not really a good description of the feeling when I read them, but it's hard to put into words, so I'm hoping people get what I mean.

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