Complete Character Folio (PFRPG)

4.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)
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Backorder Single $7.95 $7.16

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This character folio features 12 pages that cover your Pathfinder RPG character in depth and in detail, with all the basics—Abilities, Saves, Attacks, and Defenses—including Hero Points from the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide. Also featured...

  • a full page for Skills
  • a background page, including room for titles, family, and contacts
  • Feats, Class, and Racial Features, and Traits
  • Possessions—gear slots, plus space for containers and conveyances
  • well-organized Spellcasting pages that help track magic use
  • Mini-Character sheets for Cohorts, Followers, Mounts, Familiar, Eidolon, or augmented summoned creatures you call upon regularly
  • an Advancement page to log your progress as you level, or plan ahead
  • extra pages for note-keeping
  • plus two pockets to hold maps, watch lists, treasure lists, and other notes.

Product Availability



Ships from our warehouse in 3 to 5 business days.



This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Does anyone know when it is expected to come out to either to this site or to game stores?

Grand Lodge has it listed "in the next week or two" posted on 9/25

It is being sent out to stores this week and you can see a video review of the product right here!!!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The cover being a folder with pockets is honestly very clever and cool.

Dark Archive

I'm just guessing this is just enough for one character.

You know, this looks really snazzy, but I get the feeling that the second I committed a character to this, they would die. Heck, every time one of us customizes or paints a mini, its a sure sign either the character is going to die or the campaign is going to end . . . ;)

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Heck, every time one of us customizes or paints a mini, its a sure sign either the character is going to die or the campaign is going to end . . . ;)

LOL, I've known people who didn't paint their minis for entire campaigns (a year plus, play time) for that reason, just primered like some kind of mono-chromatic hero. xD

Silver Crusade

How big/detailed/numerous are the mini character sheets for followers and such?

Because that could be incredibly useful for a couple of our campaigns.

LMPjr007 wrote:
It is being sent out to stores this week and you can see a video review of the product right here!!!

It is good to put a face to a name. Nice review, LMPjr.

Grand Lodge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
You know, this looks really snazzy, but I get the feeling that the second I committed a character to this, they would die. Heck, every time one of us customizes or paints a mini, its a sure sign either the character is going to die or the campaign is going to end . . . ;)

Ha the rate I'm going through characters in this Kingmaker Campaign I'd be broke every paycheck!

My only hope is a PDF version.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

A PDF would be much apreciated!

Silver Crusade

Zaister wrote:
A PDF would be much apreciated!

An interactive pdf would be really appreciated

Silver Crusade

LMPjr007 wrote:
It is being sent out to stores this week and you can see a video review of the product right here!!!

Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for posting. I've got a maroon binder right now that stores all my Society/campaign stuff. This might be a tempting purchase for the next campaign I join. Tempted to even design my own book jacket to go around it.

Liberty's Edge

I agree with the request/hope for a pdf version of this.


graywulfe wrote:

I agree with the request/hope for a pdf version of this.


pdf +1

Most of players print the character sheets, do not photocopy them from the book.
Furthermore some of us live in countries were paizo products need months to arrive. Please give us the pdf now :-)

So how does it stack against the other character sheets that are out there? I mean if we're shelling out even eight dollars are we paying for more than a pretty binder?

So for your consideration and mine (to put my mind at rest on the matter)

Check out:
Happy Camper's Specialized Character Sheets
Neceros' Character Sheet
Treyu's Character Sheet

I've been looking for a good character sheet for sometime and been gazing into the realm of the free fan made ones. If there is a good reason to bring out the wallet on this I'd really like to be sure.

Dark Archive

If a PDF became available that would be great.

If an interactive PDF of this was available for sale, I'd purchase this in a jiffy (assuming of course, a review or some samples were released showcasing the product). There's simply too many characters I have to justify purchasing one folio for each one. I have one big binder for all of my characters, with tabs to sort each of them. If I can double-sided print these to replace all of them, I'd love this product! Especially helpful for the games we have cohorts, animal companions, eidolons and the such to manage.

Silver Crusade

I don't want to jump to conclusions here but it seems there may be some demand for a pdf version.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

does this have the most wonderful 'permission to reprint for personal use' tag as well?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Dhampir984 wrote:
does this have the most wonderful 'permission to reprint for personal use' tag as well?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:

Really? So it's an awesome 12 page record that can only be used once? :(

You have our promise here that we won't come after you for copying it for personal use.

We decided we wouldn't offer it as a PDF because there are a lot of really good electronic character sheets already available, often for free, or nearly so. There's also Hero Lab. Lots of these sheets get very specific and are super-customizable in ways we couldn't be as a printed product. They are also 20, 30, or even 90 pages - you pick and choose which ones you need. And they work fine.

Our goal was to provide a detailed sheet that would cover as much as possible without being too big. Something you could take right off the shelf and start filling out, that would be all in one packet on quality high-weight paper - and we really wanted it to have pockets. In essence, an actual folio, as opposed to a character sheet (though we think its a great character sheet, too).

Thanks everyone, for all the interest and for all your comments!

We'll try to answer your questions here, or by email if you like.

Gamer Ingenuity

Dhampir984 wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Really? So it's an awesome 12 page record that can only be used once? :(

Dark Archive

I'd really love to see a bundle pack, as I see myself using a lot of these.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gamer Ingenuity wrote:
You have our promise here that we won't come after you for copying it for personal use.

It's good to know you guys are cool with it.

My concern comes from when I take it someplace to get my copies. They do get touchy when you bring in stuff like this and it doesn't have that tag on it.

Grand Lodge

Picked it up at my FLGS and when I showed it to one of my fellow players he went and bought one also. Of course that game is no longer now but I'm waiting to use it on the next campaign! Great product. One thought though. Instead of making lots of copies could it be possible to make the sheets dry/wet erasable? We could still make changes and not get the warn through effect.

Silver Crusade

Just got mine.

Opened it.

Ordering more.

Dark Archive

Entropi wrote:
I'd really love to see a bundle pack, as I see myself using a lot of these.

I agree. A bundle pack would be great.

Does anyone know of somebody selling this in the UK yet? My periodic web searches are proving fruitless.

Our UK distributor just received their order at their freight forwarder.
If you have trouble getting it soon, please contact us directly at


Troubled_child wrote:
Does anyone know of somebody selling this in the UK yet? My periodic web searches are proving fruitless.

Who is the UK distributor?

In the UK, we are currently carried by Esdevium.

Gamer Ingenuity

Troubled_child wrote:
Who is the UK distributor?

Thank You.

They supply the shop right near my place so thats awesome.

Dark Archive

I also think a pdf would be a great idea. Printing out some of these is much more desirable and affordable than paying 7.95 per character.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

If you were looking for this over the past few days, it was unavailable due to a technical glitch on our part. It's fixed now!

Seriously... I would pay double for a good, clean pdf version of this that I could print out at home. Don't get me wrong, I understand the idea behind wanting people to buy it on paper and make that extra few cents, but the logic is flawed. Most people will just erase and re-use, or scan it in themselves or make copies of each page and so on.

So why not sell the PDF and get in on that reusability factor and make some money that way?

Dark Archive

Will there be any of these for sale at Paizocon?

Chris Ballard wrote:
Will there be any of these for sale at Paizocon?

Yes. We will be selling them for the manufacturer in our sales room at the show.

Sorry for having a case of the high horse here... but 8 bucks per character (since the company decided not to make a PDF)... and I don't get to see what it looks like ahead of time? I love the gamers in my troupe, but I'm not paying 8 bucks a pop for them to have one record, that they can only use once, with no PDF for them to print out to use if a character dies, because the company had flawed logic on why they didn't make it reusable.

I can't help but imagine that this would be an easier sale if you Put "Sample" text over some of the pages to let people look at, or came into the present age with a PDF version of it. There's plenty of folio's out there, but I like GI's Melee Manager and that is something we use every game.

If you're all at GenCon, I'll grab at least one to finally see what all the hype's about. But not till then.

The foremost reason for not making our folio available as a PDF was that we saw its value as a physical product, with pockets, being the main reason anyone would want it.

That having been said, after seeing the many requests and reasoned arguments for it in electronic form, we've decided not only to make it available that way - after PaizoCon - but we're working on additional content that you can slip into the pockets, if you have one :)

If you're going to be at PaizoCon, you can take a look at our folio there, otherwise, give us a few days to work up a "Sample" sheet, so you can see what everyone's talking about.

Our additional content will include some advanced sheets for attacks and spellcasting.

Thanks for the comments on the Melee Manager - we're likely going to include it with some of our future electronic releases.

And there's much more coming soon.

Gamer Ingenuity

ZDPhoenix wrote:

Sorry for having a case of the high horse here... but 8 bucks per character (since the company decided not to make a PDF)... and I don't get to see what it looks like ahead of time? I love the gamers in my troupe, but I'm not paying 8 bucks a pop for them to have one record, that they can only use once, with no PDF for them to print out to use if a character dies, because the company had flawed logic on why they didn't make it reusable.

I can't help but imagine that this would be an easier sale if you Put "Sample" text over some of the pages to let people look at, or came into the present age with a PDF version of it. There's plenty of folio's out there, but I like GI's Melee Manager and that is something we use every game.

If you're all at GenCon, I'll grab at least one to finally see what all the hype's about. But not till then.

Gamer Ingenuity wrote:

The foremost reason for not making our folio available as a PDF was that we saw its value as a physical product, with pockets, being the main reason anyone would want it.

That having been said, after seeing the many requests and reasoned arguments for it in electronic form, we've decided not only to make it available that way - after PaizoCon - but we're working on additional content that you can slip into the pockets, if you have one :)

If you're going to be at PaizoCon, you can take a look at our folio there, otherwise, give us a few days to work up a "Sample" sheet, so you can see what everyone's talking about.

Our additional content will include some advanced sheets for attacks and spellcasting.

Thanks for the comments on the Melee Manager - we're likely going to include it with some of our future electronic releases.

And there's much more coming soon.

Gamer Ingenuity

Welp, a year later to the day and I bumped into this.

Sorry for the threadomancy; but I take it that this never saw anything pop up?

Was it canned, since Paizo's making one?

Anything new in the pipeline coming?

I'll Necro your Necro. My group is very interested in this but want to have a better idea of the layout.

LMPjr007 wrote:
It is being sent out to stores this week and you can see a video review of the product right here!!!

Would you please consider doing a follow up review that actually shows the various parts to the portfolio? Even a brief glimpse would demonstrate the usefulness of this version compared to all the other ones out there.

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