In this pack you will find the Skinsaw Man, Iesha Foxglove, Justice Ironbriar, the Scarecrow, Xanesha, skinsaw cultists, ghouls, carrionstorms, goblin ghouls, Sandpoint Watchmen, faceless stalkers, a ghoul bat, and even a diseased rat!
This set contains the following miniatures:
Carrionstorm (5) (Large)
Diseased rat
Faceless stalker (3)
Ghoul (6)
Ghoul bat (Large)
Goblin ghoul (4)
Grayst Sevilla, insane asylum resident
Iesha Foxglove, revenant
Judge Ironbriar
Rat swarm (2)
Rogors Craesby, ghoul
Sandpoint town watch (4)
Sheriff Belor Hemlock
Skinsaw Man
Skinsaw cultist (4)
The Scarecrow
Xanesha, lamia matriarch (Large)
Make sure you grab the Pathfinder Paper Minis Instructions here!
Artwork by Callous Jack
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... for a GM short on time, talent, or money for minis. These are easy to print, assemble, and transport. Pack up all your bad-guys in a ziploc sandwich bag, and you're ready to go anywhere.
I prefer the paizo-paper-mini fold-n-glue pawn construction method to the tents or triangles from other vendors. To me, they seem to have a more even footing on the grid with the 3D minis.
Grouping these be AP installment is also great to know that you are covered. My only wish is that they release more and faster...
Oops, somehow I missed the product info was already there...
It's all good, sir. Consider minis lists to be standard operating procedure from here on out; the masses have spoken. :)
For the curious, I've taken several of CJ's awesome minis and duplicated them for ease of reprinting. "Skinsaw Murders" calls for TONS of the Skinsaw cultists (well, thirteen of them), so they get their own page. The large minis are chilling out on a few pages, since Large minis take up a lot of space. And the single minis all live on their own page, since most folks won't need more than one Ironbriar or Aldern.
I've been considering doing commentaries like the one above for all the minis sets coming out from here on; I'd love my co-conspirators to chime in as well with thoughts on character design and monster selection, even if it's only something like, "I chose to do X because Y is boring." Let me know if you like the idea. :)
My players love these; I just started running a Rise of the Runelords game, and I'm really hoping that you produce the rest of the sets, and that they'll come out before my group gets to each module.
I already bought this one and Burnt Offerings, as well as the Ogres monster set for use in #3.
My group and I love these mini's! So please, please continue the line! You can be certain that this DM will be picking them up as they become available. Our group is almost finished Burnt Offerings so the timing for this set is perfect. I cant wait to see some giant paper mini's!
My players love these; I just started running a Rise of the Runelords game, and I'm really hoping that you produce the rest of the sets, and that they'll come out before my group gets to each module.
I already bought this one and Burnt Offerings, as well as the Ogres monster set for use in #3.
Any idea when we might expect the set for Hook Mountain Massacre? These are really cool, and I hope that I can have a chance to use the next set before my players are done with that adventure ;-)
Any idea when we might expect the set for Hook Mountain Massacre? These are really cool, and I hope that I can have a chance to use the next set before my players are done with that adventure ;-)
Crossing my fingers as well. In the meantime, have you checked out the Ogre set?
Just a little comment, I just downloaded and printed this out. Page 4 is missing the 6 little circles for the bases for the cultists. Doesn't worry me as I use a craft cutter for my circles, but something you might want to fix up.
Just a little comment, I just downloaded and printed this out. Page 4 is missing the 6 little circles for the bases for the cultists. Doesn't worry me as I use a craft cutter for my circles, but something you might want to fix up.
Noted! Thanks for letting us know! I've sent a message to the artist. :D
Aldern Foxglove (human) and Iesha Foxglove (human) added? This would be for the encounter in the Foxglove Manor when the faceless stalkers are disguised as the Foxgloves.