Pathfinder Paper Minis—Kingmaker Adventure Path Part 1: "Stolen Land" PDF

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The smell of fresh foliage mingles with the metallic tang of blood as you stare down the slavering beast. The forest clearing hums with the sounds of a thousand insects, waiting to feed on the loser. The wild is no place for the weak!

The Kingmaker Adventure Path takes heroes from the comfort of Brevoy into to the deadly Stolen Lands, where they match wits and steel against wild beasts, bloodthirsty bandits, and mad fey. Keep track of that madness and confusion with this super-sized set of custom, printable paper miniatures from Pathfinder Adventure Path #31: Stolen Land (Kingmaker 1 of 6).

This set contains the following miniatures:

  • Akiros Ismort, male human ex-paladin/barbarian
  • Auchs, male human fighter
  • Ayeles Megesen, male human bandit
  • "Beaky", owlbear (Large)
  • Brush thylacine
  • Chew spiders, spider swarm (Large) plus 8 tokens
  • Chief Sootscale, male kobold rogue (Small)
  • Cragger Kench, male human bandit
  • Davik Nettles
  • Dingletooth, male mite (Small)
  • Dirty Jeb Megesen, male human bandit
  • Dovan from Nisroch, male human rogue
  • Falgrim Sneeg, male human bandit
  • Fat Norry, male human bandit
  • Garuum, male boggard
  • Giant centipede (3)
  • Giant frog (2)
  • Giant trapdoor spider
  • Giant whiptail centipede (Huge)
  • Grabbles & Tickleback, male mite on giant tick mount
  • Guardian of the Elk, grizzly bear (Large)
  • Happs Bydon, male human ranger
  • Horse (6) (Large)
  • Jex the Snitch, male human bandit
  • Kressle, female human ranger
  • Mikmek, male kobold (Small)
  • Mite (6) (Small)
  • Nakpik, male kobold (Small)
  • Nugrah the Decrepit, male old human druid
  • Perlavish, male pseudodragon (Tiny)
  • Quoggy, female mite (Small)
  • Red-Hands Jill, female human bandit
  • Sootscale kobold (5) (Small)
  • The Stag Lord, male human ranger/rogue
  • Tartuk, male kobold sorcerer (Small)
  • Tatzlwyrm (2)
  • Tickbiter, Tartuk's raven familiar
  • Topper Red, male human bandit
  • Tuskgutter, boar
  • Tyg-Titter-Tut, female grig (Tiny)
  • Ubagub, male slurk
  • Uurch, male mite (Small)
  • Zombies, female human (6)
  • Zombies, male human (6)

Artwork by Crystal Frasier.

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4.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Really awesome mini set!


This is my first purchase of a paper mini set and I can sum it up in one word: Fantastic! Crystal's artwork is excellent and if you're on a budget like me these are just what the GM ordered. I really hope that each subsequent Kingmaker set gets the paper mini treatment. I'd definitely buy them!

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Crystal Frasier wrote:
I can't really start any new paper mini projects, but my old black and white versions are still somewhere on the boards for your use, plus I know we're getting a kick-ass professional artist to tackle complete Crimson Throne sets starting soon.


Looking forward to more paper minis!

I love this guys, real metal or plastic minis are nice, but what's even nicer is knowing you have all the minis you need for a whole module ready to go with great artwork. Well done!


Updated to include everything you need for the first part of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, "Stolen Land"!

Sovereign Court

Ha! I love those mites on the cover!


Callous Jack wrote:
Ha! I love those mites on the cover!

The mites are wicked cool, but I really have a lot of love for the Huge mini in the set.

Grand Lodge

Liz Courts wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Ha! I love those mites on the cover!
The mites are wicked cool, but I really have a lot of love for the Huge mini in the set.

I *LOVE* the update! Great work everyone.

Yes, the Huge mini of the set is awesome. =)

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

This is so cool. Thanks a bunch!

Excellent update! Glad to see it :)

Imagine my surprise when I checked my email and see a notice that the Stolen Land paper minis have been updated. Then I realized I get the update for free since I already bought the product. THEN I download the set again and see amazing updates including colored bases, names, and all the missing encounters in awesome detail and style. My group is just getting to the juicy parts if Kingmaker so this is just in time.

I love these product and their commitment to their fan base!


Grand Lodge

I am in the middle of running this!



I can't wait to see the next sets updated and released, my little heart is going pitter patter!


Redbranch wrote:

Imagine my surprise when I checked my email and see a notice that the Stolen Land paper minis have been updated. Then I realized I get the update for free since I already bought the product. THEN I download the set again and see amazing updates including colored bases, names, and all the missing encounters in awesome detail and style. My group is just getting to the juicy parts if Kingmaker so this is just in time.

I love these product and their commitment to their fan base!


I couldn't have said it better.

Even though we have already gone through The Stolen Lands, I can see a use for a lot of them in further adventures. I love the new artwork and all the added minis are fantastic.

I should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm really pleased to find some horse minis in with this set now :)

If Callous Jack feels like including some camels in the next Legacy of Fire update/new release, I would not mind either. I like the one in the Katapeshi Caravan set, but I more would be nice. ;)


Volaran wrote:

I should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm really pleased to find some horse minis in with this set now :)

If Callous Jack feels like including some camels in the next Legacy of Fire update/new release, I would not mind either. I like the one in the Katapeshi Caravan set, but I more would be nice. ;)

Callous Jack is not the artist for the Legacy of Fire Set (nor for Kingmaker), but I'll poke Ashton and see about getting some camels. :D

Heh, well I feel silly. I'm going to blame that on some time spent cutting out minis from the Runelords sets today. I would not oppose some Ashton-drawn camels at all. :)

Grand Lodge

Callous Jack wrote:
Ha! I love those mites on the cover!

Kudos to you Callous Jack. Our mutual man in Kingston keeps me posted on your work. I am a fan.

Totally awesome...

All of you keep pushing the boundaries of what can be done with paper minis and adventure tie-ins...

Totally awesome....


dinketry wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Ha! I love those mites on the cover!
Kudos to you Callous Jack. Our mutual man in Kingston keeps me posted on your work. I am a fan.

Callous Jack didn't draw this set: Crystal Frasier did. Jack did draw the awesome Rise of the Runelords sets and the Orcs of Golarion set that was just released. :D

I'm not sure if this was brought up, but there is a typo on the Stolen Land paper minis. Fat Norry is listed as Bandit 1 rather than Bandit 7 (assuming that bandits are numbered left to right).

Grand Lodge

Scipion del Ferro wrote:
Crystal Frasier wrote:
Scipion del Ferro wrote:
There better be an owlbear in there!
Well, not in THIS collection. But there are four more Kingmaker sets to come.

Aww, kinda sad considering how owlbear-riffic this AP is.

Which reminds me I need to find a good owlbear mini.

Overall this is awesome, but I'd also like to have seen minis for the NPCs introduced that aren't part of 'encounters' (like Oleg and Svetlana for example) so that I'd have them too.

I'm running an online Kingmaker game and these minis are absolutely terrific -- thanks Crystal! -- but there is one minor problem: Chief Sootscale and his kobolds (except for Tartuk) should be black-scaled, not generic kobold reddish.

Is there any chance of tweaking their color?

Grand Lodge

Hey sorry to raise this thread, but I just purchased this set the other day and my copy seems to be missing the 4 minis from the Hirelings pdf. I read through both product discussions but I must have missed if they were removed from the set. Any help would be appreciated since I have players interested in hiring the NPCs.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I ordered both the first and second module PDFs just so that I could get access to the interactive map documents, like those that appear in my Paizo adventure path subscription orders. I wanted to print them for our game today, but lo and behold, NO MAPS! I also own the PDF of the map folio, but that doesn't have the combat maps in it either.

What gives?

I tried copying them right out of the adventure path PDF and into Photoshop, but they are much too low rez to be usable, and the square grid isn't even square on some of them!

Ravingdork, this is the paper minis product for the 1st book in the Kingmaker adventure path. As far as I know, there are no interactive maps for Kingmaker because that was something Paizo started a few APs down the line.

There is the map folio but I think what you want are the encounter locations maps, correct? If so, you can extract those images direct from the adventure pdfs. The extracted images will not have any tags, if I recall correctly. That being said, there are numerous encounter locations without ANY maps so those require you to come up with one.

I have been using maps from Heroic Maps for such locations, especially building city maps from scratch. The cities of Varnhold and Fort Drelev are not...particularly fun, I guess, for a lack of a better word.


Unfortunately, some of the maps for the locations are not as useful initially when you extract the images. I used the Sharpen tool on Photoshop for some of the maps but others were not so easily fixed. There are one or two fan-made maps of the locations in the first book, I believe, that should suffice. If I recall correctly, the artwork style for those ones were based on art objects and terrain from Dundjinni and then later modified . Those maps do have grids on them.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks, I didn't realize I was in the wrong area. I'll repost elsewhere.

Help! I attempted to have these paper miniatures professionally printed on card stock today and was refused due to "copyright issues." Can anyone clarify if this is actually an issue.

Years ago I had Skull & Shackles paper miniatures printed professionally without an issue.

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