GameMastery Invisible Character Pack

3.00/5 (based on 11 ratings)

List Price: $9.99

Our Price: $7.49

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Each character is a silhouette design in thin clear acrylic (25mm/1-inch scale). These are perfect for showing when your character is invisible on the map—no more reminders of "My character is still invisible!" With ten different characters represented there is sure to be one to use as a proxy for your character during the game.

    Set of 10 different character/class types:
  • Halfling
  • Gnome
  • Dwarf
  • Demon-kin
  • Dragon-kin
  • Rogue (Human-sized)
  • Ranger (Human-sized)
  • Fighter (Human-sized)
  • Cleric (Human-sized)
  • Wizard (Human-sized)

Assembly required.

We recommend Craftics #33 Thick Acrylic Cement for assembling our multi-part acrylics.

Product Availability

Available now

Ships from our warehouse in 3 to 5 business days.

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3.00/5 (based on 11 ratings)

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About a decade ago, under its GameMastery line of game aids, Paizo came out with the Invisible Character Pack. The premise is that it'd be ideal for GMs and players to be able to tell at a glance if a character or monster were under the effects of an invisibility spell. I'd always just placed a transparent dice case over the associated mini, but a different solution is presented here. Frankly, it's a bit bizarre. The Invisible Character Pack consists of a small baggy containing very thin, transparent, completely flat plastic tokens intended to represent most fantasy archetypes: there's a couple of halfling/gnome rogues with daggers, an archer, a wizard with a spellbook, a fighter with sword and shield, a dwarf warrior with a hammer, a cleric holding a holy symbol aloft, and so forth. Two enemies are also included, which the packaging describes as a "Demon-kin" and a "Dragon-kin." Because the tokens are flat, standing them up requires using some sort of adhesive to attach them to the included thin plastic bases. Acrylic cement is recommended, though for ease of storage and assembly/disassembly, I just use Blu-tak.

I've tried these out a few times in games when someone has turned invisible. They create a bit of a delay while the player tries to pick one that most closely represents their PC, but then they work okay afterwards. I'm not convinced they're really worth the trouble, however. I'll probably keep using them occasionally just because I have them, but I can't really recommend them.

Wish I had read the reviews first!!


After assymbly they came apart very easily. Great idea just need to re-design with different base and give a better surface area to glue.

Not worth the money


* Many of the figures don't fit the bases properly.
* Needing to be glued isn't an issue. The small surface area in combination with actually needing to move these around the battlefield makes them fall apart frequently, despite glue.
* Fragile and thus prone to breakage.

The problems above, except being fragile, would be solved by using clip bases like the Bestiary Box set.

Very fragile


Mine came shipped in a very well packed box and i still found 2 broken minis. They are kinda niffty but i cannot recommend them.

Invisible characters have invisible quality


Some I'd these don't fit in the base. They also break easily and you will have to glue them to the base .

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Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Wow... Already on Backorder?

Dragnmoon wrote:
Wow... Already on Backorder?

That's what I said.

Wolf Munroe wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Wow... Already on Backorder?
That's what I said.

Yeah! When will it be back in stock?

Liberty's Edge

Almost all of the items shown are already on backorder. So either they only had a few of each or it was a hot seller. I'd order a set, but I will have to wait.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I missed these when they were at Litko....I will definately be getting a set now.

Paizo Employee CEO

Wow! We bought quite a few of these. For them to already be on backorder means that we have sold quite a few! I'll get Jeff to put a reorder in on Monday. Thanks for everyone for taking a chance on a new product!


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Mine are underway and I SO hope they land before Saturday - we've a weekender coming up and they'll be very cool!

I'll be sure to say what I think of them once they land.

Sovereign Court

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Wow! We bought quite a few of these. For them to already be on backorder means that we have sold quite a few! I'll get Jeff to put a reorder in on Monday. Thanks for everyone for taking a chance on a new product!


I stumbled on to these guys and asked for a custom made set of tiles that included all of the affects/conditions that can be imposed on characters for Pathfinder. Similiar to their 4E set but SPECIFICALLY for Pathfinder. I also suggested they zip over here and get a setup with Paizo. Hopefully they approached you guys with a Pathfinder set, based off my custom order. I was very glad to see some of their products advertised here. They have some awesome stuff available.

Do I get a cut? O.K. I kid, I kid. Hope it works out well for BOTH parties. I can not wait for my custom set of Pathfinder tiles to arrive

I don't think these were on Special Order when I ordered them.

My order now says special order though.

What does that mean?

Wolf Munroe wrote:

I don't think these were on Special Order when I ordered them.

My order now says special order though.

What does that mean?

Yeah, I ran into this too. And they weren't on Special Order when I ordered them either. For me, at least, it means another 12 to 49 days for my order to be shipped.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

It means they're on a short bus to the warehouse?

I'm sorry, Lord. I know I'm going to hell for that one.

Geistlinger wrote:
Wolf Munroe wrote:

I don't think these were on Special Order when I ordered them.

My order now says special order though.

What does that mean?

Yeah, I ran into this too. And they weren't on Special Order when I ordered them either. For me, at least, it means another 12 to 49 days for my order to be shipped.

12 to . . . 49 days?

Heh. OK.

Paizo Employee CEO

Wolf Munroe wrote:
Geistlinger wrote:
Wolf Munroe wrote:

I don't think these were on Special Order when I ordered them.

My order now says special order though.

What does that mean?

Yeah, I ran into this too. And they weren't on Special Order when I ordered them either. For me, at least, it means another 12 to 49 days for my order to be shipped.

12 to . . . 49 days?

Heh. OK.

Litko is a new company for us to work with, so we don't have a very good idea on how fast they will turn around orders that we place with them. Thus the weird estimation of number of days. I know that Jeff has placed a couple of large orders a week or so ago, so technically they could arrive any day now. But, again, having little experience with Litko, we don't really know. Once we have a few orders in and fulfilled with them, we will be able to narrow down the delivery date estimate.


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Wolf Munroe wrote:

I don't think these were on Special Order when I ordered them.

My order now says special order though.

What does that mean?

Special order means that we only order stock for an item periodically (usually directly from the manufacturer), rather than through our regular hobby distributor or having stock on hand.

The extra time it takes us to special order an item is reflected in the shipping estimate for that item, so mostly it serves as a way to make people aware than there is a significantly longer than normal turnaround time for that product.

We did have a glitch in our system for the last few days were these items were showing as in-stock rather than special order. If that is a problem, please contact customer service.

Edit: Ninja'ed by Lisa.

Liberty's Edge

It generally can take them two weeks to get it out. Or at least when I have ordered direct from them before.

That of course is for custom stuff they do so could be a shorter time frame. Plus it is almost like a mom and pop operation from my understanding. Not quite but close to that. Very friendly people.

If he did do it a couple of weeks ago it will be showing up probably next week some time unless they had a gluten of orders (since they did show up on Pazio site and perhaps some went direct). I believe they are a make on order company. Which basically means they do not have "stock" so to speak like most companies. If they do it is light. I could be wrong but it would explain the two week wait on orders before it ships type of thing.


Sovereign Court

It took me three weeks to get my invisible characters and torch bearer tokens. Both of which are awesome. You will need to glue them together preferably with plexi-glue. It took approximately 4 weeks to receive my custom order of Pathfinder Effects tokens. Fatigued/Shaken/Frightened/Dazzled/Dazed/Bleed/Stable/Hasted/Slowed and A LOT MORE tiles. In all I custom ordered 13 types of tiles that are double sided representing 26 total Pathfinder in game Effects and Conditions. Those are fantastic as well. You may have to wait but I like everything I have gotten so far.

Now if we can get a black silhouette we can have shadows.

Liberty's Edge

I cannot find a link to do a product review, so I will post here instead.

I give it 1 out of 5 stars. I am pretty disappointed with this product and feel like I threw away $10.00. I am actually surprised that Paizo would sell it at all.

Each figure consists of a round base and a cut out of the character. A tab on the bottom of the character fits into a hole in the base to connect the two. A dab of glue is supposed to secure the two pieces together.

Unfortunately, the plastic they used is just too thin. The tab at the bottom of the character is too short for the base. This makes for a poor connection between the two pieces. The thin plastic also causes the character to be prone to breaking.

By comparison, the GameMastery Figure Flight Stands are great. I bought them in the same order as the GameMastery Invisible Character Pack. The plastic used on the Flight Stands is twice as thick. It would make all the difference if they could use the same plastic for the Invisible Character Pack. It could easily turn a 1 star product into a 4 or 5 star product.

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