GM Tiger |
Rex used his cloak to become invisible for 10 minutes prior to heading for the portal. Would it still be active?
I would say yes it's still active if he activated it prior to crossing that sea of creatures (i.e. he used it to stealthily sprint across). I would think that it's not realistic to take the whole 10 minutes to pick your way across all those monsters! You'd probably want to get from point A to point B ASAP! :)
Rextangalin Werzerial |
We should probably pause for the grab to be retconned.
Some good news/bad news news for Merisel.
The good news is that Grab/Improved grab are no longer automatic. The monster has to make an Athletics vs Fort DC.
The bad new is that post-remaster higher level creatures with Grab are brutal. They can critically succeed on the Athletics check which would make you restrained.
Merely Merisiel |
Ah fiddlesticks
Yep the only way to break a grapple is with an opposed grapple check in 2e I was bringing my 1e thinking with the acrobatics to wriggle free
As haste gives me a strike or stride options for my first action breaking the grapple is not my first option if I want to keep the extra action
Rextangalin Werzerial |
You can use acrobatics to escape: Escape Action
GM Tiger |
The bad news is that White's Athletics mod is 24. Merisiel's Fort DC is 25 which means only a Natural 1 will save her...
White is a Gogiteth. Based on the scaling, it called for replacing the weaker version with the regular version... and these critters are nasty...
GM Tiger |
Chronicles have been emailed. Thanks so much for being part of my first formal evaluation!
Rextangalin Werzerial |
Phew we did indeed make it
Do I need to rethink some things with my character /make some purchases or was it just low end of tier character always feels like a level 1
It was party composition IMO. Both PCs on the front-lines were rogues at the bottom of the level range. Having a barbarian, fighter or champion up front would have helped immensely. The ranged PCs were higher level meaning the front-lines had to deal with more that they could handle due to the scaling.