Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen (OGL)

Print Edition Unavailable

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Protect your important notes and die rolls from prying player eyes with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen! This beautiful 4-panel screen features stunning artwork from Wayne Reynolds on the player's side, and a huge number of charts and tables on the GM side to speed up play and reduce time spent leafing through rulebooks in search of an obscure modifier or result. From skill check Difficulty Classes to two-weapon fighting modifiers, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen gives you the tools you need to keep the game fast and fun. Constructed of ultra-high-grade hardcover book stock, this durable screen is perfect for travel, convention play, or repeated regular use.

Tables and Charts Included
Acrobatics DCs and Modifiers
Bluff Modifiers
Climb DCs and Modifiers
Diplomacy DCs and Modifiers
Disable Device DCs
Fly DCs and Wind Effects on Flight
Heal DCs
Knowledge DCs
Perception DCs and Modifiers
Ride DCs
Spellcraft DCs
Survival DCs and Tracking Modifiers
Swim DCs
Attack Roll Modifiers
Armor Class Modifiers
Combat Maneuvers
Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties
Concentration Check DCs
Common Conditions
Armor and Weapon Hardness and Hit Points
Substance Hardness and Hit Points
Common Object Hardness and Hit Points
Experience Point Awards
Treasure Values per Encounter

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen measures 8.5" x 11" when folded and 34" x 11" in when unfolded.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-216-6

Alternate cover art versions of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen are also available:

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen (OGL)

Product Availability

Print Edition:



Fulfilled immediately.

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Mostly Excellent Presentation of Key Information


I've had the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen for years, long before I actually started playing Pathfinder regularly. The purpose of a screen, of course, is so the GM can hide their notes from pesky players, assemble miniatures of diabolical villains without being seen, roll dice ominously, and, most importantly, remind themselves of key rules so the game doesn't have to stop so everyone can flip open their 500+ page rulebooks. This four-panel screen is certainly a durable product, as it's survived (quite literally) more than a hundred sessions and still looks brand new. It's made of quite sturdy stuff, unlike many other screens I've seen, and won't easily tip over.

The exterior side facing the PCs is a line-up of the most iconic images of the Pathfinder Iconics: the embodiment of each character class. I once found the art style a bit over-the-top and cartoony, but I've really warmed to it now and quite like it. I can't say what it's like to stare at the characters for hours, but there's so many little details on each character that the eye shouldn't get bored quickly! (Note there are two alternate screens available with different characters, but I don't own either of those). I've found it quite handy to use paperclips to hold pics of NPCs the party is talking too, monsters they're fighting, etc.

The interior side facing the DM is, of course, what matters!

Two full panels are depicted to summaries of various skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Fly, Heal, Knowledge, Perception, Ride, Spellcraft, Survival, and Swim. Not every skill is represented, and one could argue that some of the missing skills (like Stealth, Intimidate, and Use Magic Device are used more often than some of the skills that are represented like Swim). Still, the skills that are included are broken down into very handy, easy-to-read lists of activities, modifiers, and DCs. It's a very attractive, smart presentation.

The third panel is devoted to combat, and the top half of the panel has five sections: Attack roll modifiers, armor class modifiers, combat maneuvers, two-weapon fighting penalties, and concentration checks. With the possible exception of two-weapon fighting penalties (which a player should have figured out well ahead of time), all of these things are extremely important things to have available for easy reference. The bottom half of the panel is a summary of the effects of common conditions, which is again quite handy--it's annoying to have to stop and look up what the effects of being stunned or nauseated are every time it happens.

The fourth panel is a bunch of miscellaneous stuff, and it's here that I think there was room for improvement. The left half of the panel is all devoted to listing the hardness and hit points of weapons, armor, common objects, and various materials. I don't mind this much, because even though this information is needed rarely, when it's needed it's usually important (like whether a sundered weapon is going to break). Still, I wouldn't have devoted so much space to it considering how much other stuff in the game is probably more important. The right half of the panel lists experience point awards by CR and treasure values per encounter. To my mind, this is the least essential information to be on the screen, as most groups handle this either between sessions or at least after a session, when an extra minute to flip open a book is no big deal. Because most monster entries already list XP and treasure, this is the only part of the screen that I never use.

So on the whole, that's 3 to 3 1/2 panels of a 4 panel GM screen that are extremely useful! My biggest problem is actually remembering what's on the screen, as often I look something up in a book only to realize later that it was on the screen the whole time. Anyway, while a screen like this is not strictly essential, it's about as close as it gets. A session will run faster and smoother if the GM has one of these, and it's worth the money.

Functional and well-built, but utilitarian


* Very sturdy.
* Good selection of DM info.
* Fair price.

* I'd prefer a landscape screen. Pretty please?
* The art is a collage of recycled iconic portraits, which probably helped keep costs down, but I would have preferred something a bit more inspiring. After all, the players are going to be staring at this thing quite a bit...


Another Great Product...


This four panel Gamemasters screen for the Pathfinder role playing game features extra durable hardcover stock pages, a great piece of art on the player's side, and four pages of quick reference charts on the GM's side.

Page One, "Skills", includes charts for acrobatic maneuvers, bluffing, wind effects on flight, Climbing, Diplomacy, Disabling Devices, and flying.

Page Two, "Skills", has references for healing, knowledge, perception, riding, spellcraft, survival, and swimming.

Page Three, "Combat", contains attack roll modifiers, armor class modifiers, combat maneuvers, two-weapon fighting, concentration checks, and a great list of conditions that affect combat.

Page Four, "Miscellaneous", shows armor and weapon hardness, other item hardness, and common item hardness as well as charts for XP awards, and for treasure values per encounter.

Having these charts at your fingertips saves a lot of time leafing through the various books for a quick ruling. The four panel construction gives GM's room for both a notepad and their maps. The heavy card stock covers means its very durable and suitable for frequent use. If you're a GM for a Pathfinder game, and you don't have this screen, my suggestion is that it be the next item on your "To Purchase" list. Highly recommended.



Don't know what to say that the other reviews haven't already said. This GM screen was built to last, and the boatload of information each of the panels contains is the perfect reference for any GM.

I actually don't mind the fourth panel. I just figured it was common for party members to think "I should try and break his sword instead of just stabbing him." :)

Great Value


I was very impressed with the quality of this screen. For the money, I really expected just a thin card stock screen. What I got was a very, heavy wall.

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Wicht wrote:
The old 3.0 and 3.5 rules were open, meaning others could copy them and use them in their own books. This is the major factor that allows Paizo to do what they are doing with their rules. PFRPG is also OGL, meaning it is published under the OGL and that other publishers can use the rules in their own books.

I have to admit, as a relative newcomer to Pathfinder this confuses me too. If Pathfinder is OGL and OGL is not D&D 3.5, then what is the different between products labeled (OGL) and those labeled (PFRPG)? <scratched head in puzzlement>


Student of the Way wrote:
Wicht wrote:
The old 3.0 and 3.5 rules were open, meaning others could copy them and use them in their own books. This is the major factor that allows Paizo to do what they are doing with their rules. PFRPG is also OGL, meaning it is published under the OGL and that other publishers can use the rules in their own books.
I have to admit, as a relative newcomer to Pathfinder this confuses me too. If Pathfinder is OGL and OGL is not D&D 3.5, then what is the different between products labeled (OGL) and those labeled (PFRPG)? <scratched head in puzzlement>

Items labeled OGL in the store use the base rules as presented in The SRDwhich is based on D&D 3.5 (these may or may not be modified based on the companies products.

Pathfinder used these rules and modified them (most here will tell you for the better) to form the Pathfinder RPG.

All of the rules and adventures can be used with the groups playing in the other group, there may be a small amount of slight conversion needed though.

Scarab Sages

Gene wrote:


"" wrote:
...hardcover book stock...
This sold it for me.

Agreed, Gene! I've gotten a few GM screens over the years, and I usually just take the info and try to find a more withstanding surface to put on heavier materials. Lighter cardstock falls over to easy and can tear. The fact that they opted for "hardcover book stock" is the reason why this is the first GM screen I'll be in the store to buy the day it is released!

Grand Lodge

personally I rather see the other side of the screen ... I mean thats where the "value" will be .. otherwise its just a pretty piece of cardboard which I pretty much could mix up myself.

But looking forward to getting my hands on it since I just started investing in Pathfinder (beta rule, CoreRule and Chronicles)

Will be ordering 3 of these for myself from Amazon.

No original picture for the screen?

Liberty's Edge

So now that November is almost here, any word on a street date?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
So now that November is almost here, any word on a street date?

Keep in mind that it's always subject to change until it's actually in our warehouse, but probably mid-November for our warehouse and late November for retail release.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I don't mean to be floging the (sic) dead horse, but it is now Nov. 9 and the site says Nov. release when? please RPGgods when?!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Last I saw on the subscriptions page it was listed as mid November. So likely another week or two.

Cool that it is cardboard and all but with the size of it, I would liked nice original art from mr Reynolds (or other talented people you employ) instead of a patchwork of characters we already saw in all the APs.

This being said, It's great it exists

I too would like to know the release date of the this one.

i ordered it along with the bestiary some time ago(when it was due to release at the same time). now its nov the 13th.... so any news ?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Niels wrote:

I too would like to know the release date of the this one.

i ordered it along with the bestiary some time ago(when it was due to release at the same time). now its nov the 13th.... so any news ?

We don't know yet. Apparently the ship containing the GM Screen and the second printing of the Core Rulebook encountered a major storm; several shipping containers were lost at sea, and others took on water. The containers that our products were in apparently weathered the storm safely, but the ship and its contents are now being held for examination by insurers. As yet, we've been unable to determine whether this examination is on the order of days or weeks. Hopefully, we'll know more soon. On the plus side, since it's already in the country, it shouldn't take long to reach our warehouse once it's cleared.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This is as close to a hard date as you are going to find.

Release Dates

they can't show actually days because they simple can't know. It depends on many factors from the printers, to shipping etc. So all they can do is give us ballpark dates on when it should arrive. Since they have not said more that means it should still be on for mid november. Which means any day now, say with in the next 10 days.

I don't work for paizo only trying to help.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ug ninjed by Vic.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:

Apparently the ship containing the GM Screen and the second printing of the Core Rulebook encountered a major storm; several shipping containers were lost at sea, and others took on water. The containers that our products were in apparently weathered the storm safely, but the ship and its contents are now being held for examination by insurers. As yet, we've been unable to determine whether this examination is on the order of days or weeks. Hopefully, we'll know more soon. On the plus side, since it's already in the country, it shouldn't take long to reach our warehouse once it's cleared.

Good news! It has cleared, and assuming the truck doesn't explode on the way to our warehouse, we should be able to begin sending it out next week.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Vic Wertz wrote:
assuming the truck doesn't explode on the way to our warehouse,

Don't jinx it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Apparently the ship containing the GM Screen and the second printing of the Core Rulebook encountered a major storm; several shipping containers were lost at sea, and others took on water. The containers that our products were in apparently weathered the storm safely, but the ship and its contents are now being held for examination by insurers. As yet, we've been unable to determine whether this examination is on the order of days or weeks. Hopefully, we'll know more soon. On the plus side, since it's already in the country, it shouldn't take long to reach our warehouse once it's cleared.

Good news! It has cleared, and assuming the truck doesn't explode on the way to our warehouse, we should be able to begin sending it out next week.

Well guess it is a good thing you don't use cement trucks to haul the books in then.

Liberty's Edge

Just following up on this ... I know it's only Monday, but I was courious if you guys know yet when the screen will be shipping?


Dark Archive

Why does it appear that it is not using my default shipping preference of "standard shipping"? It looks like it is using priority for some reason which drastically increases the cost.

Scarab Sages

Vic Wertz wrote:
Good news! It has cleared, and assuming the truck doesn't explode on the way to our warehouse, we should be able to begin sending it out next week.

Are we there yet?

Dark Archive

Am I reading correct that this is being offered as a PDF? Is there any way to print it out? I have investigated printing Game Screens and ran into problems: 1) Most print shops don't have the capability 2) At the one's that do, it is prohibitively expensive ($70 - $125). Is there a solution being offered? Otherwise I am not sure why I'd need a PDF of this.

talmerian wrote:
Am I reading correct that this is being offered as a PDF? Is there any way to print it out? I have investigated printing Game Screens and ran into problems: 1) Most print shops don't have the capability 2) At the one's that do, it is prohibitively expensive ($70 - $125). Is there a solution being offered? Otherwise I am not sure why I'd need a PDF of this.

Print off the non-graphic side on normal 8 or 10# paper and use it as a player reference.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
talmerian wrote:
Am I reading correct that this is being offered as a PDF? Is there any way to print it out? I have investigated printing Game Screens and ran into problems: 1) Most print shops don't have the capability 2) At the one's that do, it is prohibitively expensive ($70 - $125). Is there a solution being offered? Otherwise I am not sure why I'd need a PDF of this.

Print it at home and slide the pages into a 4-panel customizable screen such as one of the Hammerdog "Worlds Greatest Screen"

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

DragonBelow wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Good news! It has cleared, and assuming the truck doesn't explode on the way to our warehouse, we should be able to begin sending it out next week.
Are we there yet?

The screen has arrived; the rest of this month's stuff is looking like it will be delivered tomorrow. So we still hope to get everything going out this week.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Draeke Raefel wrote:
Why does it appear that it is not using my default shipping preference of "standard shipping"? It looks like it is using priority for some reason which drastically increases the cost.

Standard shipping is available for parcels under a pound regardless of content, but parcels over a pound need to contain at least 50% bound printed matter (such as books or magazines) to use Standard shipping. The screen itself weighs a pound, and it does not count as bound printed matter, so it cannot ship Standard by itself. In your case, Priority is the only viable option.

Strange but true: If you add at least a pound of books or magazines to ship with your screen, it will once again be eligible for Standard shipping, and your shipping cost will actually go *down* compared to the screen alone. But even then, you must be careful, as if the total package weight (including box and packing) exceed 4 pounds internationally or 15 pounds domestically, then it's once again no longer eligible for Standard shipping.

Aren't mailing regulations wonderful?

Vic Wertz wrote:

The screen has arrived; the rest of this month's stuff is looking like it will be delivered tomorrow. So we still hope to get everything going out this week.

Someone queue up Hey Ya! by Outkast.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

The PDF is pretty sweet, but I really am looking forward to getting the physical copy.


Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Just looked at the PDF and all I can say is wow! I can't think of a single thing for a quick reference that is not on the screen. You thought of some things I hadn't even considered (hence why you guys are the experts :-)! Can't wait to use it! Thanks Paizo! Once again you prove how much you guys ROCK! :-)

Scarab Sages

Don't get me wrong, I love the iconics.

I think the screen deserved original landscape art, it's a missed opportunity.

The GM charts are awesome and I think this will be an screen I actually get to use).

Liberty's Edge

Wait ... the PDF is already available? I thought it was not going to be available until Dec.

Maybe the chart side could be shown on the product page here so we can all see what we are getting?


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Marc Radle 81 wrote:

Wait ... the PDF is already available? I thought it was not going to be available until Dec.

Maybe the chart side could be shown on the product page here so we can all see what we are getting?


Pathfinder RPG subscribers get access to the PDF when their print copy ships, but it's not available for individual sale until the retail release date: December 9.

And if we gave you a decent image of the chart side, frankly, there would be little reason for people to purchase the PDF (which, by the way, will be priced at $4.99). However, I will add a list of the charts to the product description in a few minutes...

Liberty's Edge

On the list of tables, I don't see the "actions in combat" that was on page 183 of the Pathfinder core book. Unless you called it something else. I know that would be really handy.

I just got my hardcopy today. And I have to say this is the most impressive screen I have ever seen. I think over the years I have owned maybe 9 or 10 screens and this is the best one by far. Very durable and the four full sized panels are great.

Even if the content of the screen were not good (which it is) I would recommend this screen for any game as a base to print and tape your own content on the inside.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
On the list of tables, I don't see the "actions in combat" that was on page 183 of the Pathfinder core book. Unless you called it something else. I know that would be really handy.

Handy, yes... but it's also a full page, and would thus have to bump out several other tables.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
On the list of tables, I don't see the "actions in combat" that was on page 183 of the Pathfinder core book. Unless you called it something else. I know that would be really handy.
Handy, yes... but it's also a full page, and would thus have to bump out several other tables.

That was accually the main table I was looking for on the screen. Now I am not sure if its worth picking up. :( How can you leave out the table that tells you what kind of action something is? To me that is the one table you need to help combat flow fast.

Just made this quick handout with all the pertinent action info on it.

Dark Archive

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
That was accually the main table I was looking for on the screen. Now I am not sure if its worth picking up. :( How can you leave out the table that tells you what kind of action something is? To me that is the one table you need to help combat flow fast.

I'm actually glad they chose to focus on the tables they put in the screen. For me (and I know I don't speak for everyone but still) skill DCs are much more handy to have on the screen than action types.

See, in any given game session my players and I roll a hell of a lot of skill checks and that means flipping through the rulebook a lot. Personally I'm glad I can just look at the skill check DCs on the screen and then have my rulebook open on one page (action types) throughout the session.

We also use many different actions in a game, but since that table's contained within a single page, I can just look at that page.

That's just my opinion, though. You mileage may vary. :)

Liberty's Edge

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Just made this quick handout with all the pertinent action info on it.

Thanks Twin Agate Dragons. I downloaded that. But I noticed what may be a small error withit. You say a 5 foot step is "no action" but I thought it is a move action?

EDIT: nevermind. Its not listed as a move action. I thought it was move action because if you take a 5 foot step you can't do any other movement that round.

Liberty's Edge

I'm really excited to get this!

Quick question on shipping though ...

I went to order the screen but the cheapest shipping method is almost $10? That seems pretty high considering the screen itself has to weigh next to nothing and is only $15.00.

I'm not complaining - Paizo makes AMAZING stuff and I plan to get this screen. It just looks like I might need to reconsider how I get it ...


Grand Lodge

Marc Radle 81 wrote:

I'm really excited to get this!

Quick question on shipping though ...

I went to order the screen but the cheapest shipping method is almost $10? That seems pretty high considering the screen itself has to weigh next to nothing and is only $15.00.

I'm not complaining - Paizo makes AMAZING stuff and I plan to get this screen. It just looks like I might need to reconsider how I get it ...


It's because it's not a bound book and weighs 1 lbs or more. If you have at least 1 lbs of bound material added and it stays under certain weight limit it can be reduced in shipping price.

Marc Radle 81 wrote:
I went to order the screen but the cheapest shipping method is almost $10? That seems pretty high considering the screen itself has to weigh next to nothing and is only $15.00.

Maybe if it was printed on cheap flimsy cardboard it would weigh next to nothing, but it is printed on durable hardcover stock.

Personally I do agree with you on the shipping charges though, which is why I was ordered my three copies through amazon. At $10.11 each, plus free shipping, you can't lose.

For those of you that haven't had the chance to download my Actions In Combat sheet, it is noe being hosted at the Pathfinder Database. The previous link no longer works as the file has been moved to a different directory.

Dark Archive

Personally, I have the actions in combat section fairly memorized after playing 3E for about 9 to 10 years now. I am very glad they didn't waste space on the screen for it. (not to say its a waste for newer players)

The one thing i wish was on this screen, that I've only seen on 1 screen once is light table. I saw it on the Forgotten Realms screen years ago (back in 3.0). This is something that comes up fairly often in dungeon crawls and that many players "forget" that their human can't see sh...t in a cave without those lanterns and torches they never seem to remember to buy.

Well, anyway its a small grip in comparison because this looks great and I can't wait for mine to come in. Thanks again guys for the great work.

The burning question in my mind is "When does my order ship?" Particularly since someone has indicated here that they have already gotten theirs on the 19th and mine has no indication that it's shipped (or even when it will ship).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
blu4lyf wrote:
The burning question in my mind is "When does my order ship?" Particularly since someone has indicated here that they have already gotten theirs on the 19th and mine has no indication that it's shipped (or even when it will ship).

Mine just shipped today, So I would imagine yours will go out in the next day or two I would think.

I got mine in the beginning of last week.

The screen is very solid, sturdy.

On the negative side, i regret that there is not more information on the screen.
It could be written in smaller size, to condense more stuff.

I would have liked also a little booklet of some sort coming with it, like some other RPGs offer sometimes, such as a digest of some rules, NPC stats and so on.
But Paizo never said they would do anything like that so i don't really complain.

All in all the screen is still good. Although pretty expensive, considering the shipping.

Dark Archive

Excellent screen - very durable, but definitely could have had more fold-outs like the Hackmaster screen ;-).

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I'm not sure I ever saw an answer to this question - is the DM's screen oriented vertically (like most DM screens) or horizontally?

Scarab Sages

It's 4 portrait panels attached at the side.
I got mine last Friday.
It's frickin' rad!
Big thick stock.
I'll post some pics later on. (If anyone wants to see them.)

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