Pathfinder Terrain: Ruined Undercrypt of Kelmarane PDF

5.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Our Price: $16.99

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Something foul lurks in the crypt below the ruined church of Sarenrae in the ghost town of Kelmarane—something so foul that the savage humanoids that now claim the town as their lair avoid the church entirely. What is the link between the strange, otherworldly influence in this sinister crypt and the town's troubled past, and can your characters survive to the end to find out?

WorldWorksGames in partnership with Paizo Publishing is proud to bring you our first release in the official Pathfinder Terrain series. The Ruined Undercrypt of Kelmarane serves as the climactic dungeon of the adventure "Howl of the Carrion King," the first installment in the Pathfinder Adventure Path Legacy of Fire! Bring your next game to life in a way that will simply astound your players!

This fully modular, 3-D terrain set is designed around a “place-as-you-play” framework to keep your players guessing as they pass through each area. It’s as easy as print, build and play! You’re not limited by specific build sizes or layouts, either; combine elements or print extra corridors to create massive undercrypt environments. And for those pressed for time, we’ve also included WorldWorksGames' exclusive 2.5-D build system, allowing you to use 2-D floor tiles combined with 3-D doors and props! All of this backed by our expertly crafted 300dpi custom textures and easy-to-follow instructions make this a must-have package for any Pathfinder Adventure Path fan.

    The Ruined Undercrypt of Kelmarane includes all of the following:
  • 102 pages of walls, floors, templates, and props (both 3-D and 2.5-D versions)
  • Richly illustrated 45-page instruction manual
  • Upper crypt Circular Antechamber with stairs, well and moveable gong
  • Upper crypt Main Crypt chamber with burial niches, raised dais platform and ceramic cask
  • Upper crypt Reliquary with hidden treasures
  • Lower crypt Antechamber with fully functional sliding portcullis! (Also includes flat nonfunctional version)
  • Lower crypt halls: 4 ancient modular hall sections with burial niches, archways and mist FX
  • Lower crypt Funerary Chamber: Large removable door, 6 removable columns (for easy play), ornate throne, raised two-step dais, angled chamber walls with entry arch
  • Mounting templates for all rooms and corridors
  • Includes 2-D tilesets for all 4 rooms and 5 halls!
  • Simplified 2.5-D version of cask
  • Includes freestanding 2.5-D doors, portcullis and archways!

So what are you waiting for? Take your next Pathfinder adventure to the next level and astound, delight, and inspire your players today!

File Size = 59.8 MB

Want a better idea of what it's like to build this terrain? Download the building instructions for the Ruined Undercrypt of Kelmarane (37 MB zipped PDF) now!

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5.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Simply Gorgeous


There are other fold-up cardstock terrain companies, but none of them come close to the level of quality that World Works produces time after time. *The* best company at what they do!

The product gives a variety of options on how to use the product for less experienced builders or those with a tighter budget. And it can't be said enough: the textures & pallet are amazingly beautiful and atmospheric.

Loving it


My building blog is at:
My Undercrypt Build Blog

I needed to extend the length of Thunderspire Labyrinth, so used this to make up a set of crypts under the Horned Hold. I ended up making the rooms full 3D, but doing the corridors as 2D.

I've built a ton of WWG fantasy terrain, this set hands-down has the best instructions, and was incredibly well thought out from a construction viewpoint.

It took me about 10 hours to do everything, and that included time spent yelling at Sportscenter and being distracted by anything shiny happening in the room while I built...


I haven't had a chance to put this together quite yet, due to a shortage of ink. However, I have looked at it and the instructions in depth. I would definitely like to see more Pathfinder Terrain by Worldworks.



This is a great product due to its tie-in to the pathfinder adventure path. I have several products from World Works Games. I have to admit I have never attempted to assemble any of them.

I got this product over the weekend, printed it out and today I put together the first room. I assume the motivation to build this one compared to the others I have bought must be because it is already tailored to an adventure I am going to run. Taking out the step where I have to plan what I am going to build got me excited to construct this one.

This prodcut is not for someone that does not have he time or does not want to spend the time it takes to build these. It can be time consuming.

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Liberty's Edge

Any plans on doing one of these for Pathfinder Adventure path #25: The Bastards of Erebus (Council of Thieves 1 of 6)? Just curious...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Wolf Munroe wrote:
Any news on a release date for the second one? I hope sales of the first one are doing well. I was under the original impression that one of these might possibly be done for a dungeon in each of the Legacy of Fire issues. Since Legacy of Fire is coming to a close, is that possibility still on the table?

I haven't heard a new date yet.

I gather that the current plan is no longer to produce one set for each volume, but instead to focus on especially useful and potentially recurring locations from current and previous APs, like perhaps the gambling hall from Second Darkness or the monastery from Legacy of Fire.

Well, that news is a little disappointing, but I am glad to hear that they are not just going away.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Wolf Munroe wrote:
Any news on a release date for the second one? I hope sales of the first one are doing well. I was under the original impression that one of these might possibly be done for a dungeon in each of the Legacy of Fire issues. Since Legacy of Fire is coming to a close, is that possibility still on the table?

I haven't heard a new date yet.

I gather that the current plan is no longer to produce one set for each volume, but instead to focus on especially useful and potentially recurring locations from current and previous APs, like perhaps the gambling hall from Second Darkness or the monastery from Legacy of Fire.

This is actually makes good business sense.

Liberty's Edge

Dryder wrote:
Denny Unger wrote:
Wolf Munroe wrote:
I bought this. I haven't built it yet (because I'm inherently lazy) but I'm eager for the next one to come out because I want to support this concept with my wallet. Is there an estimate on when the second one will be released?

Thank you for the support Wolf Munroe! Your purchase is truly a vote of confidence in the concept and we hope to continue producing further map conversions in this format (if the support remains). I suggest lots of caffeine, good tunes or a movie in the background to get your "build-mojo" going ;)

Our second release is on the tail end of production but we hit a bit of a scheduling snag this past couple weeks. Its all generally positive, productive chaos though but with fairly limited resources/manpower, little snags tend to throw us off. Many hats are worn ;)

Not much longer.

Here's a roundup of previously posted teasers from the next release:


For which AP or PF-Module are those? Stone Garden? Those teasers look awesome! I already bought Kelmarane and am very happy with that product!

edited: NEVER MIND! I know it! Stupid me... :)

You're doing beter than I am. I am still in the dark!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

There's an update from Denny here.

Liberty's Edge

All well and good but what do "GOTSS" and "SOH" stand for? I have a difficult time figuring out acronyms!

Edit: Nevermind I saw the first one spelled out! What about the second?

Dark Archive

They're for Garden of the Stone Speakers (second set for Pathfinder Terrain, tied to PF #20 and PF #24) and Streets of Himmelveil (which would be the first product to show the new TerrainLinX system).

Liberty's Edge

golem101 wrote:
They're for Garden of the Stone Speakers (second set for Pathfinder Terrain, tied to PF #20 and PF #24) and Streets of Himmelveil (which would be the first product to show the new TerrainLinX system).

Awesome thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for being such an pain in the butt for asking all these dumb questions!

Dark Archive

No problemo. :-)

I'm a WorldWorks fan as much as I'm a Paizo devotee, and quite often I have a hard time with acronyms too (and english is not my primary language to boot).

BTW, Streets of Himmelveil should be the first in a TerrainLinX promoting triple-release (which will include canals and sewers) for a city with a steampunk-ish atmosphere (kinda like Zobeck from Kobold Quarterly and other Open Design products).

I've been blogging my build of this set at WorldWorks Forums. Here's the final result, used in play last night (custom adventure, not the published one). Everyone pretty much agreed that leaving the corridors 2D was a good move from an "ability to move minis" standpoint.

This is a great set! I can't figure out how to embed a pictures (the IMG tag seems to be disabled for some reason).

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7

Dark Archive

Very nice build.

I see some elements from Chunky Dungeons and Cathedrae Noctis, which seem to fit perfectly.

loydb wrote:

I've been blogging my build of this set at WorldWorks Forums. Here's the final result, used in play last night (custom adventure, not the published one). Everyone pretty much agreed that leaving the corridors 2D was a good move from an "ability to move minis" standpoint.

This is a great set! I can't figure out how to embed a pictures (the IMG tag seems to be disabled for some reason).

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7

congrats, very good build. After 4-5 days I am finished with my undercrypt set too. The only question I have is if the extensive gluing work pays off for only some hours of (surely great) fun or if the concept of specialized 3d models for use in only one single adventure is too overdone.

I don't think they're necessarily one-use. Printing out a new floor design would let you do some repurposing. I won't use them again for a few games, but I can easily see them re-appearing (especially the round room) with some new dress...

Scarab Sages

I finished putting this together on Tuesday and used it last night.

Some pics...
The upper level
The hallways
The final fight

Some thoughts...
-Superglue (superglue gel) is better than the stick glue for getting it put together right.
-bending the walls hard before gluing is essential to getting it to stand straight.
- the props really make the pieces look good
- I'm totally geeked to get the next set so long as it comes out soon and their terrainlinx looks very good. My wife's main complaint is "how are you going to store these." so take apart pieces is a great selling point. And they look good too.
- My kids really enjoyed this for the climax to pacifying Kelmarane

Scarab Sages

Any mention of release dates for the next PA terrain?

Masika wrote:
Any mention of release dates for the next PA terrain?

Not that I have heard. But they are going with a new design over at WorldWorks which looks really awesome.

World works games

Scarab Sages


Now only to get the time to make it.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

eirip wrote:
Masika wrote:
Any mention of release dates for the next PA terrain?

Not that I have heard. But they are going with a new design over at WorldWorks which looks really awesome.

World works games

Wow, that TerrainLinx stuff is incredible. The YouTube video makes me want it right now! If only they sold pre-printed and cut tiles on the thick stock they use in the demo. I'd totally get that. Also, they should make more Pathfinder tiles using the new system.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

yoda8myhead wrote:
Also, they should make more Pathfinder tiles using the new system.

We're told that the main reason that they haven't made any new Pathfinder content lately is that they were specifically planning to make them using the new system...

yoda8myhead wrote:
eirip wrote:
Masika wrote:
Any mention of release dates for the next PA terrain?

Not that I have heard. But they are going with a new design over at WorldWorks which looks really awesome.

World works games

Wow, that TerrainLinx stuff is incredible. The YouTube video makes me want it right now! If only they sold pre-printed and cut tiles on the thick stock they use in the demo. I'd totally get that. Also, they should make more Pathfinder tiles using the new system.

If you have some spare money (ca. $ 200-300,-) left you could use a paper cutter machine. This allows for perfect auto cutting the worldworks (and other paper model companies) models in no time. The only thing you have to do is folding and gluing. AFAIK worldworks has GSD files for their models, so they are supporting paper cutters. =sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1259109753&sr=1-2

Enpeze wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
eirip wrote:
Masika wrote:
Any mention of release dates for the next PA terrain?

Not that I have heard. But they are going with a new design over at WorldWorks which looks really awesome.

World works games

Wow, that TerrainLinx stuff is incredible. The YouTube video makes me want it right now! If only they sold pre-printed and cut tiles on the thick stock they use in the demo. I'd totally get that. Also, they should make more Pathfinder tiles using the new system.

If you have some spare money (ca. $ 200-300,-) left you could use a paper cutter machine. This allows for perfect auto cutting the worldworks (and other paper model companies) models in no time. The only thing you have to do is folding and gluing. AFAIK worldworks has GSD files for their models, so they are supporting paper cutters. =sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1259109753&sr=1-2

Yes, that would speed up things quite a bit.

yoda8myhead wrote:
eirip wrote:
Masika wrote:
Any mention of release dates for the next PA terrain?

Not that I have heard. But they are going with a new design over at WorldWorks which looks really awesome.

World works games

Wow, that TerrainLinx stuff is incredible. The YouTube video makes me want it right now! If only they sold pre-printed and cut tiles on the thick stock they use in the demo. I'd totally get that. Also, they should make more Pathfinder tiles using the new system.

I have built two of their models already and I am about to build the one for The Legacy of Fire, which I am going to run next. There is nothing like playing Pathfinder using 3-D terrain.

Liberty's Edge

Anything new for PFRPG?

Dark Archive

Kevida wrote:
Anything new for PFRPG?

Looks like the long-awaited "Garden of the Stone Speakers" set has been released. Can't wait for it to show up in the Paizo store.

Looks like it should be awesome for the current Serpent Skull AP too, as the vine-chocked ruins are a perfect fit for Saventh-Yhi.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

golem101 wrote:
Looks like the long-awaited "Garden of the Stone Speakers" set has been released. Can't wait for it to show up in the Paizo store.

You can find it here!

This look really awesome, how come there aren't more of these available?

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