Pathfinder Module LB2: Treasure of Chimera Cove (OGL)

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Pathfinder Module LB2: Treasure of Chimera Cove (OGL)
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A Last Baron wilderness adventure for 7th-level characters.

An ancient map points to a legendary treasure hidden in the mythical Chimera Cove, a long-forgotten pirate port. A host of deadly traps and lingering guardians awaits the plunderers, but an even greater evil has its sight set upon powerful relic. The path to riches is fraught with peril, but the reward far outweighs the risk.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-119-0

Pathfinder Modules are 32-page, high-quality, full-color, OGL-compatible adventures for use with the world's most popular fantasy RPG. This Pathfinder Module includes four pre-made characters so players can jump right into the action, and full-color maps to enhance play.

Written by Anson Caralya

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LB2: Treasure of Chimera Cove


I am the DM that ran Chimera Cove for Kirth and Company. The tie-in from Tower of the Last Baron was very easy to use and set the piece fairly well. I found for my particular group using the Beta rules that I had to upgrade the monsters a bit, but otherwise the module ran fairly easy. There is a longer review under Pathfinder Modules on the Messageboards. Overall I liked the module and it required very little preparation. I do agree with Kirth, don't try this without a Cleric and an optimized party. Also don't separate at any time or you will DIE horribly. Huzzah for Mr. Caralya. Well done.

Never Made it to the End!


Far from being a typical pirate's treaure adventure, this one has a very unique "treasure" and a bevy of interesting challenges along the way. I'm unable to give a full review, as most of our characters died less than halfway through: make no mistake, this one will kill parties that are not optimized for deadly combat, or who are foolish enough to split their forces at any time. Despite the gory finale, we all enjoyed it thoroughly.

Don't let the "LB" designation fool you; this adventure can easily be run on its own, in almost any campaign world.

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Note to everyone: you NEED a cleric on this adventure! A monk is not a viable substitute! Silverhair neatly ended my monk playtest yesterday, using this fiendish module... but a good time was had by all.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, I want to second this. We had a BLAST! It was a 3/4 TPK, but that was due to our shortcomings, not any flaw in the module.

I have to agree with Kirth, make sure you have a cleric in the group, your life could depend on it...


Silverhair, houstonderek, Chinadoll, Kirth, sorry to hear the outcome for your characters, but it sounds like you had a good time as players. If I could ask a favor, would you mind writing a review of the adventure? (Go to Pathfinder / Pathfinder Modules / LB2.) To be clear, the request is to write a review, not to sugarcoat anything -- feel free to be critical. It's just that I take a morale penalty each time I see that my adventure is the only published one without a single review...

No problem. I'll get right on that.


silverhair2008 wrote:
No problem. I'll get right on that.

Excellent! Thanks!

It's up. Go check it out and let me know what you think. If that's not what you were thinking of I can change it up some.

Silverhair, I'm not able to find your review -- wierd forum delay, no doubt. I've gone ahead and posted a player's-perspective review.

Kirth, it's under Pathfinder Modules, titled "Just finished ToCC with a 3/4 TPK".

Now that's wierd. I can't find your review. The Post Monster is having a high old time today, I guess.

Liberty's Edge


edti: haven't read it, but ouch to the TPK :P we have the mania of separating in smaller groups :S even wit my cleric i think we could be pawned :P

silverhair2008 wrote:
Kirth, it's under Pathfinder Modules, titled "Just finished ToCC with a 3/4 TPK".

That's why we missed each other then: yours was posted as a messageboard thread, mine as a product review. See this page.


Kirth and Silverhair, thanks to both of you for posting your reviews! Those morale penalties are dissipating...

Mr. Caralya, I am sorry that I misunderstood you earlier. I thought you meant to post on the Messageboards under Pathfinder Modules, so that is what I did. Then Kirth explained that it was to be on the page with the module itself. So you now have a review in both places. The one on the message boards is under "Just finished Treasure of Chimera Cove with a 3/4 TPK". If you read that let me know what you think. Also, let me know when you do another module I would like to see it and maybe play in it next time.

Just my 2 cp.


silverhair2008 wrote:
Mr. Caralya, I am sorry that I misunderstood you earlier. I thought you meant to post on the Messageboards under Pathfinder Modules, so that is what I did. Then Kirth explained that it was to be on the page with the module itself. So you now have a review in both places. The one on the message boards is under "Just finished Treasure of Chimera Cove with a 3/4 TPK". If you read that let me know what you think.

Thanks for the extensive write-up, always a blast to hear about people's experiences with my adventures. I'll play it safe and spoilerguard my comments.

silverhair2008 wrote:
The encounter with the Hand of the Deep was a little bit awkward. I had a hard time figuring out how it knew where the PC’s and NPC’s were on board if it couldn’t see them.

The Hand of the Deep doesn't know where the PCs and NPCs are in the boat, it's just reaching up around the boat in hopes of grabbing something tasty. Mechanically, the targets of its attacks all have cover since the boat is at least partially in the way.

silverhair2008 wrote:
Such as how does Poltur get to area 5 when the entire tunnel is collapsed. It might have been easier to understand if he entered the southwest tunnel leading to area 11. If that was the case and the party had followed him there could have been a way to avoid the entire rest of the module by following the tunnel leading from the Northeast of area 11 to area 5.

I think you've misread the orientation of the map of The Dragon -- the PCs are coming from the right-hand side, as would be Poltur, as The Lion is north of The Dragon. The blocked section of the tunnel is to the south of area 5, so there's no obstruction for Poltur or the PCs reach it.

silverhair2008 wrote:
Also, let me know when you do another module I would like to see it and maybe play in it next time.

I don't currently have anything in the Paizo queue, but hopefully I'll get something sooner or later. You can always check out J2: Guardians of Dragonfall or my old work in Dungeon, including my personal favorite, The Quicksilver Hourglass, featuring a +97 grapple bonus monster.

I am glad you liked the write-up. You are correct, I did misread the map. That's all I'll say about that in the open.

As to your other adventures, I just happen to have "Guardians of Dragonfall". Perhaps I can convince the rest of my group to play that one and maybe I can play while someone else runs it. That would be good. I had better not read it until I find out though.

As I said I thoroughly enjoyed Chimera Cove just sorry we didn't get to finish it. I would appreciate it if you could keep me posted of any new adventures you do. My email is silverhair2008 at hotmail dot com. Thanks again.

Just my 2 cp.

EDIT: What issue is The Quicksilver Hourglass in? Possibly the other issues you have adventures in if you please?


silverhair2008 wrote:

As I said I thoroughly enjoyed Chimera Cove just sorry we didn't get to finish it. I would appreciate it if you could keep me posted of any new adventures you do. My email is silverhair2008 at hotmail dot com. Thanks again.

Excellent! Will do!

silverhair2008 wrote:
What issue is The Quicksilver Hourglass in? Possibly the other issues you have adventures in if you please?

Here's Quicksilver Hourglass and here's Requiem of the Shadow Serpent. Took me a minute to find 'em. Little known fact: every issue of Dungeon containing an Anson Caralya adventure has a T. Rex on the cover.

Liberty's Edge

Anson Caralya wrote:
Little known fact: every issue of Dungeon containing an Anson Caralya adventure has a T. Rex on the cover.

Isn't that like the James Jacobs seal of approval or something? :)

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Without being too-spoilerfic - I liked this adventure, it has a lot of flavor and history to it. Makes me want to run the pair of adventures after being unwhelmed by the first in the series.

However...I expected the superweapon to be a lot more super. I had trouble imagining the statblock presented being a menace to a dedicated naval effort to destroy it. I'll definitely be upgrading it 3-4 CR when I run it, to close off the direct fight option.


houstonderek wrote:
Anson Caralya wrote:
Little known fact: every issue of Dungeon containing an Anson Caralya adventure has a T. Rex on the cover.

Isn't that like the James Jacobs seal of approval or something? :)

Funny you should say that -- I think James pointed it out to me a month or so before Requiem's cover was visible to the world.


Russ Taylor wrote:
I expected the superweapon to be a lot more super. I had trouble imagining the statblock presented being a menace to a dedicated naval effort to destroy it. I'll definitely be upgrading it 3-4 CR when I run it, to close off the direct fight option.

How about this?

Zombie (variant) advanced dragon turtle
NE Gargantuan undead (aquatic)
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Listen +0, Spot +0
AC 33, touch 5, flat-footed 33
(-1 Dex, -4 size, +28 natural)
hp 211 (32d12 plus 3)
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +18
DR 15/adamantine; Immune undead traits
Spd 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee bite +25 (6d6+13) and 2 claws +20 (3d8+6)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
During Combat The Terraken attacks anything it can reach.
Morale The Terraken automatically obeys the orders of its pilot. The ooze mephits currently at the helm have no qualms about fighting until the Terraken is destroyed, or abandoning it if they feel threatened.
Str 37, Dex 8, Con –, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk +16; Grp +41
Feats Toughness

Naturally, you might wonder why I have something like that lying around, and what that bit about "mephits currently at the helm" refers to...

In my original manuscript, the Terraken was more of a war machine. It was actually hollow, with a 15 x 15 or so space within it. Sitting in the "Captain's chair" gave the sitter complete telepathic control over the Terraken's actions. So, when the PCs arrive, two ooze mephits are inside at the helm. The PCs need to break into the thing and wrest control from the mephits, as fighting it straight-up is a very bad idea at this CR. Here are some supporting bits if you choose to go this way:

Oubliette text:
Creatures: The beast in the water is the Terraken. It resembles a gigantic dragon turtle with grey, sickly skin and an adamantine beak. A steel hatch, two feet square, is visible on its carapace, five feet above its tail.
The power of the Terraken’s necromantic animation allows a pilot within its shell full control over the beast. A pair of ooze mephits is currently trading stints in the driver’s seat. The Terraken is only limited to single actions (as a typical zombie) when it is undirected.

hp 19; MM 183
During Combat When confronted by attackers within the Terraken, one mephit maintains control over the Terraken as long as targets remain outside. Otherwise, they each use their breath weapon, then attempt to summon another mephit and use their stinking cloud and acid arrow spell-like abilities, before using their breath weapon again.
Morale The mephits abandon the Terraken if reduced below 10 hp, jumping in the water to take advantage of their fast healing quality. If the hatch isn’t locked behind them, they’ll return as soon as they are recovered to full hp to try to regain control.

Development: With the geyser’s spray and the Terraken’s poor Spot check, it is relatively easy for the PCs to descend onto its carapace unseen. However, the Terraken (and the mephits) immediately become aware of any creature physically standing on the beast. The carapace is uneven and wet, and the Terraken’s movements are unpredictable, requiring a DC 15 Balance check to remain upright each round, with failure by 10 or more throwing the PC into the water. Standing on the back half of the carapace exposes a PC to claw attacks from one side of the beast, but only targets on the front half of the carapace are vulnerable to bite attacks. After three rounds with attackers on the carapace, the mephits put the Terraken through a roll as a full-round action, and anyone attempting to cling to the carapace must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be left in the water.
An opponent in the water is subject to all of the Terraken’s attacks.
Hatch: hardness 10, hp 30, Break DC 28, Open Lock DC 30.
The interior of the Terraken is bare and unlit, an empty shell. There is one simple chair bolted to the floor near the nose, facing forward. Any intelligent being seated in the chair automatically assumes control of the Terraken, including its senses (no check required).
The Terraken itself might be the only means available to the PCs to damage it, but whoever stays at the helm is in for a rough ride if they choose this route. If the Terraken’s claws are used against it, anyone inside must make a Reflex save with a DC equal to the damage dealt. Failure means the occupant takes bludgeoning damage equal to one-quarter of the damage dealt to the Terraken as they are tossed around the interior.
If no one controls the Terraken, it takes a single action reach round, attacking any creature within reach or moving forward. Unless it is constrained within the oubliette, it eventually digs its way through the rubble of the Lower Canal, climbs to the High Port, and swims out to Chimera Cove, although all of this may take days to accomplish.

XP award: Defeating the Terraken by gaining access to its interior and seizing control from the ooze mephits is an EL 10 encounter, while fighting it to the death from outside is an EL 14 encounter.

Feel free to ignore or use as you see fit; just thought I'd share since your thinking aligned with my initial take.

Thanks for the upgrade. That is what I was asking about in item #4. I will think about using it the next time I run the adventure.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Hey, thanks a bunch for sharing that :)

I don't know if anyone will ever read this but... I just ordered LB1 and D4 from my local gaming store (plug plug). We (the store and I)hope they'll be in Friday. My goal is to collect the Elberwick Shire (Falcon's Hollow) modules and material. So, I'm wondering if I should buy LB2. Yoda8yourhead? Do you have any wisdom in this regard? You've always been so helpful in the past! I CAN'T WAIT TILL THE BOOKS GET HERE!!!!!!! May PFRPG exceed all sales expectations. (AND BLOW WIZARDS OF THE COAST OUT OF THE WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):(

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How well would this adventure port into Skull & Shackles?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
How well would this adventure port into Skull & Shackles?

Oooh .. there's a tempting thought! Can't answer your question yet though, I haven't read it ...

How do the prices work for these modules? It says $2.00 for the "Add Print Edition". So, what do I get for $2.00?
And as for using these modules in other campaign settings, I am currently running "Hollows Last Hope" with a new group and have set it in the Dalelands in the Forgotten Realms setting. It takes a bit of mucking about but isn't too difficult. The hardest part has been incorporating into my own personal background campaign. But, so far it is working really well.
I'm looking at doing a bit more of my own campaign after "Holoows" and then going into Tower of the Last Baron, also in the Dalelands, then into Treasure of Chimera Cove which might lead them towards the Pirate Isles....

Webstore Gninja Minion

earache666 wrote:
How do the prices work for these modules? It says $2.00 for the "Add Print Edition". So, what do I get for $2.00?

You get the entire printed 32 page module for $2. Our 3.5/OGL modules are priced at this discount to clear them out of the warehouse for newer and shinier modules.

Thank you very much.

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